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Wait, so the edgedancer ability lasts for two cycles, right? And after one cycle, Adavantos says that it has worn off? But at the beginning of last cycle, he didn't know whether or not his teammate had done it? So the ability was used two cycles ago, but Adavantos was not informed about it.


So...the eliminators communicate poorly, I guess? So I'd guess that for some eliminators, this is their first game as an eliminator.


I don't have a good estimate on who those players would be. Anyone else want to offer up any options?

Well I think that you mean an elsecaller, not an edgedancer.


Also, the elsecaller could be an innocent in contact with Ada. The only problem then is why would they tell Ada. Or, Ada could be in contact with one of the scholars who rescanned Maill at Ada's request.


Wilson, Kas, I love how interesting the write-ups are getting.

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Kipper and Creccio were both incnocent. Since I'm such a nice guy too, I'll throw in the bonus that Mail is no longer transformed as of this cycle was actually a Diagrammist and an Assassin

To be clear: I don't trust this. At all. It seems far more likely to me that Adavantos is just trying to cast suspicion on Mail, who was in fact good. Not necessarily true, but even so. Be careful, everyone.

Will be back later to post more of my thoughts.

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I like how apparently I'm the devil when I've debatably been more helpful to the village than all of the players who I've killed off with my cooking combined :o


Just saying, Agrigar in the write up was right. Diagrammist or not, I still consider myself a Son of Honor and as such have stayed true to my word.


I felt bad for lying about Mail last cycle, but there was a chance a Scholar would scan him and reveal that he was (Transformed) to a Son of Honor and I really didn't want to deal with that conversation


That being said, feel free to doubt that the information I've shared so far is not really all true. When this game's all over and you realize the doubt was all for naught I just hope ya'll don't mind if I help myself to a tall glass of I-told-you-so :D


EDIT: Also, for added proof, Elkanah can confirm that Mail was indeed an Assassin as they role claimed to one another in a PM. Feel free to share that with the class :] as such, I also know his role. But will keep that to myself unless he wants me to out him.

Edited by Adavantos
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Dropping in to say that I'll be unexpectedly away for the next few days, in all likelihood. I may have wifi for brief periods of time, but likely not long enough to actually post. Sorry, and see you all in a few days.

EDIT: I think I'll also place a vote on Polking again, since as I stated previously he hasn't posted a single time. I'll retract if anyone has spoken with him in a PM or seen an action of his (assuming I get on again, which is unlikely, unfortunately).

Edited by Elbereth
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Okay, it's a bit late, sew I'm not going to be able to put all of my thoughts down tonight. For starters, I scanned Haelbarde as: Ghostblood Assassin.


As for the tied lynch last Cycle, honestly, it makes me even more suspicious of Tony Shark. A tie between 2 Diagrammists would suit them just fine. I'll just list my suspicions now in order from most suspicious to least suspicious.


1. Tony Shark(kind of a part of Hellscythe's lynch, but kinda not. Was called out by Hellscythe. Has been very inactive since then. He explained his inactivity a bit, but it has been a long time since he's posted. He has been online, even as recently as about 10 hours ago.)

2. Ripple(involved in Alv's lynch, gut read as Diagrammist. Looking back through her posts, I get the feeling she's evil. I'll try to explain more later.)

3. Feligon(is suspicious to me. He was voted on by Ada once, but that was when Stink was up for the lynch. I think that Ada was trying to tie the lynch there, because Ada and Feligon were in contact with him, and could learn valuable info from him if he was kept alive. Also, somewhat of a bad gut feeling towards him.)

4. Elbereth(lots of posts. Too many for me to do detailed analysis right now, but looking back through her posts, I could very easily see her being a Diagrammist)

5. polking(inactive. Hasn't posted, but hasn't been taken out by Ada. I'm not really suspicious of him though. I think Ada is leaving an obvious inactive alive so we'll waste our time, and lynch.)

6. Aonar(fairly inactive. Not much reason to suspect him. Not much reason to trust him either.)

7. Twei(Orlok voiced suspicion of her(her is correct, right?), and she has been very quiet.)

8. Seonid(Hmmm, tough to read. I'm leaning towards good, but I'm keeping a healthy dose of paranoia about him.)
9. Burnt(you just had to list me at the top of your list didn't you?  :P I'm kidding. As much as it pains me to say, my gut feeling for you is village. Which means she's probably evil. :ph34r:)

10. Panda(inactive.)

11. Elkanah(hmmmmmmmmmmm. A bit of a complicated situation here. I may explain later, but maybe not. It has to do with his role.)

12. Kynedath(Actually consistently active. His tone and posts sound good to me. I'm still not convinced he's good, but I'm leaning fairly far towards that.)

13. Clanky(Protected Venture. Other than that, I haven't looked over his posts recently, but I don't remember anything strange except his vote on Alvron.)

14. Venture(inactiveish? Was Diagrammist attacked on Cycle 1. I'd say most likely good.)

15. Bort(if he's a Cook, and if he's the one who attacked both Mailliw and Adavantos, I'd say he's most likely village. It might have been Starri who attacked both Mail and Ada. I think it was Bort though. I also don't think our GM's would allow the Diagrammists to have 2 Cooks and an Elsecaller. That's overpowered no matter how you look at it. Maybe if they only started with like, 4 players or something, but I don't think that's the case, which leads me to believe Bort is good. I'm hesitant to rely strictly on role stuff for players alignment, but in this case, it really does seem to point to him being village.)

16. Lopen(Wow. What a great guy. That's all I have to say. I wouldn't mind if someone else did some analysis on this dude though.)

17. Adavantos(Whoops, he's supposed to be at the top. I could just not list him, but I want everyone to be aware of player numbers.)


Now, something I've been thinking about. Since this game is very, evenly distributed, I'm wondering if that applies to how many Diagrammists are on each faction. For example, it's possible that their is 3 on each side. We know that Ada is a Diagrammist, and I do believe Mail was as well, which makes 2 on the SoH side. With the direction of the majority of the Diagrammist, plus Ada's Cook, kills, I'm beginning to wonder about something. I may go into more detail on this tomorrow. It's just a theory, but I'm thinking it may be the case. As you will see later, my suspicions line up with my theory. It shouldn't be too hard to figure out what I'm talking about, but I want you guys to think about this. I do believe the Diagrammists started out with 6 players, like Ada said in one of the early Cycles. Since we know of 2(probably), I'd say we have 4 more to go. So adding Ada to that number, I think we're at 12:5 right now. I would be fine with lynching Ada now. He's given us all the info we need I think. It might be nice to get Stink's alignment, but I don't think it's necessary.


Something to point out that should be discussed. The lack of a Diagrammmist kill these last 2 Cycles. I'm not sure what to make of it yet.


@Ada, did you poison Phatt? 

@Bort, did you poison Phatt?


I just want the information to be out there.


Anyone else have any suspicions? I think we have a good amount of info to work with, and if we discuss and really focus, we can do this.


Edit: retracted vote(yay! I remembered!)

Edited by TheMightyLopen
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I was the one that attacked Phatt. As promised I am removing the inactives systematically. My hope was that it would cause the others to wake up and get involved more, but it seems like that list is just increasing.\


EDIT #1 Also, it seems you missed PK, Lopen.


EDIT #2 Also, since I'm still alive, a vote: Lopen. Everything you're saying just makes too much sense, which is terrible for my team's health, and I really don't like you voting for my team mate.


EDIT #3 Later retracted vote on Lopen.

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I think that I agree with Elbereth voting for Polking. I have already stated my reasons for mistrusting inactives and he does stand out as I don't think he has actually posted this entire game. If I am wrong, then I would love to know.


I'd like to know about Zas for now.

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EDIT #1 Also, it seems you missed PK, Lopen.

Gosh, Adavantos, I'm a scholar, not a person. Scholars and people are different. Which leaves me confused as to why lopen had his own name on the list. It probably has to do with logistics or something.

But speaking of scholars, I'm going to target a previously unscanned player this cycle, and leave lopen to scan the current player. That way we don't get in each other's way. You good with that, lopen?

And as for votes, I suppose Tony Stark is as good a candidate as any.

Edit: never mind, that would cause a tie. Polking.

Edited by Paranoid King
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On mobile, sorry. Tags don't show up. When I get a chance to grab a desktop, I'll see it.


I got you. "notafacationgame" "elimination" "whatareyoudoing?" "diagrammistsarenotyourfriends"



EDIT: That last one is a lie. I am a Diagrammist, but I am also a friend. For that reason I will retract from Lopen in favor of polking. Might as well help the majority along, since no one else wants to follow my lead :[


EDIT #2: You know, I just realized, I think Lopen lasts so long in these games because he's named after such a lovable character. I call unfair advantage!


EDIT #4: Retracted from Polking  ^_^

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..... Can I remind people that in order to win at all, all diagramists need to die.

How long do we plan on letting Adavantos live? If I'm going to vote for someone, I would rather not have a diagramist actively trying to confuse me in the process....


I would say... three more cycles should be enough. I think that's fair, since I just revealed three alignments :D

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I can't say I'm really clear on what's gone down the last couple cycles, (Apparently Adavantos is an outed Digrammist? Providing information out of the goodness of his heart? That feels wrong. Unless a not insignificant amount of the active players are evil, that seems strategically unsound, and generally foolish. However, if most of the active players are evil, then that says very bad things about our chances of winning this game...) but I've skimmed through most of it, and have a couple little comments on current events.


Primarily, my concerns are on voting for inactives. Generally, the point behind it is to encourage someone to activity, ferreting out lurkers who might be contributing to the evil team whilst keeping a low profile in the thread. Regardless of whether or not Adavantos' earlier refusal to attack Polking was a red herring or not, a lynch on Polking tells us literally nothing. According to his profile, he hasn't even been on the Shard for the last five cycles. If he's a Diagammist, all that tells us is that Adavantos is one (something I think we already know) and that one of their members hasn't contributed to anything they've done for the last ten days. While this would be somewhat comforting news, it's also utterly unimportant. Assuming that Polking remains inactive, he is no threat to anything, and the lack of information gained would be a wasted lynch.


As such, I'm just a little suspicious of people who have voted Polking right now; I didn't trust PK earlier, and I still don't now, despite the Scholar reveal, and while Kynedath and Elbereth have generally come off as being good they're both players I've never played with before, and I don't really have a good read on them yet. Elbereth in particular I'm unsure of.


The lynch on Tony I do not have the same problem with; while he hasn't been terribly active, and we won't learn much from his eventual scan, he has been around, and potentially contributing to the Diagrammists.


However, I would maintain that lynching someone who has been active enough to at least tell us something would be infinitely preferable to killing someone purely inactive. I'm initially tempted to throw a vote on Elbereth or Kynedath; they both voted on Polking, and Elbereth is someone I haven't really been able to get a decent read on. (Additionally, Kynedath's call for Zas to be revealed by Adavantos feels strange; PK apparently scanned him as a Ghostblood Cook, same as he claimed in-thread. As such, if Adavantos' intel matches, we've wasted a quasi-scan, and if it differs, then we've basically done the same thing just with additional confusion, as we can't really trust either of them.) However, I am also interested to hear Lopen's reasoning for being suspicious of Ripple; from my skimming, I didn't get much of a feel either way, but she has done some questionable things, and has been active enough we might learn something.


(Another, unrelated point: Does anyone really trust anything Adavantos is saying? I mean, honestly. Information given freely by an enemy, no matter their claimed intentions, should never be trusted. Why are we keeping him around?)

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9. Burnt(you just had to list me at the top of your list didn't you? :P I'm kidding. As much as it pains me to say, my gut feeling for you is village. Which means she's probably evil. :ph34r:)

Heh :P


16. Lopen(Wow. What a great guy. That's all I have to say. I wouldn't mind if someone else did some analysis on this dude though.)

Alright then.

Lopen is an extremely untrustworthy dude. Chances are that if he isn't a diagramist then someone he is In close contact with probably is :P

Nah don't worry I’m joking.

Lopen: Does player analysis from time to time, also discusses roles and their uses sometimes (gives recommended instructions). Seems to favor the faction game (I frown at you). Usually gives reasonable reasons for his votes. Keeps saying Burnt must be evil when she is totally not :P. Is useful when it comes to discussion and his reasoning generally makes sense. My gut feeling is that he is on the village side.


Something to point out that should be discussed. The lack of a Diagramist kill these last 2 Cycles. I'm not sure what to make of it yet.

Well, personally, I think the diagramist team is inactive, with Adavantos being the only active one. This would mean he is the only one putting in orders, but as he is a cook and can only put in one action he does his cook kill and just hopes that one day a team mate will turn up to put in the diagramist kill. Or he’s the last one left...


(Another, unrelated point: Does anyone really trust anything Adavantos is saying? I mean, honestly. Information given freely by an enemy, no matter their claimed intentions, should never be trusted. Why are we keeping him around?)

I agree with you there. Adavantos is only going to get us confused, even if he is truthful, we know he might not be so I have been taking his info with a few grains of salt. I'm filing it away for future use, but not labelling it as confirmed fact. I also don't know why we are keeping him around.

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Well, personally, I think the diagramist team is inactive, with Adavantos being the only active one. This would mean he is the only one putting in orders, but as he is a cook and can only put in one action he does his cook kill and just hopes that one day a team mate will turn up to put in the diagramist kill. Or he’s the last one left...


Emphasis mine. Plot twist. The last of my team died right before I revealed. Been misleading you guys this entire time, seeing how far I could get killing you all off myself while getting you to tear apart at each other... Hahahah if only.

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He's around so far only because I was bleary-eyed and waking up at the end of last cycle, read his post about ingratitude, and allowed my feeling of guilt to trump my common sense. Which is much easier to do when I'm just waking up. I regret it rather strongly at the moment, and feel more than a little bit over-credulous.


I'd be behind a lynch on Adavantos, but there isn't any support, so I thought I'd throw my vote somewhere where it might sway things. Because I'd rather Tony get lynched than polking. At the moment, I'm tuning adavantos out.


Burnt, Aonar, you folks up to ridding ourselves of the Diagrammist cook?

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He's around so far only because I was bleary-eyed and waking up at the end of last cycle, read his post about ingratitude, and allowed my feeling of guilt to trump my common sense. Which is much easier to do when I'm just waking up. I regret it rather strongly at the moment, and feel more than a little bit over-credulous.


I'd be behind a lynch on Adavantos, but there isn't any support, so I thought I'd throw my vote somewhere where it might sway things. Because I'd rather Tony get lynched than polking. At the moment, I'm tuning adavantos out.


Burnt, Aonar, you folks up to ridding ourselves of the Diagrammist cook?

You bet I would.


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