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Civil. War.



64 members have voted

  1. 1. Who are you rooting for?

    • Team Cap
    • Team Iron Man
    • Undecided
    • Whoever wins
    • Spidey!
    • Whichever side has a Hulk.

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  • 3 months later...

And it's a good one!

I'm glad that the trailer somewhat addresses the issue of the Vision being on Team Iron Man. Previously, I was thinking: of course that team is going to win, how are you going to counter act the Vision/Adam Warlock hybrid we have in the cinematic universe?

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Vision has one of the Infinity Stones, the Mind Stone if I'm not mistaken, but Scarlet Witch is pretty damnation powerful. Now that it appears she's learned to use her powers more efficiently, she is definitely one of the heavy hitters on the Avengers. Also, did anyone else scream when Spiderman made his entrance?   

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Guys, I really need help. I like this trailer, but I can't understand it fully, because they talk a lot off-screen. Like a lot, and the voices that talk are similar. And I am really, really bad at recognising voices, so I have ansolutely no idea, which sentence is said by who in this trailer (unless I see it). I need a transctiprion/description of this trailer that states clearly (in writing) who's saying what. Do you maybe know where I can find such a thing? So far google didn't help. Or maybe there is a kind soul here that could write it down for me? I'd be super grateful. 

Edited by Pestis the Spider
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Spoderman is heeeaaaahhhh!!!

Lol, I'm excited, and he sounds like he's got the right attitude and character down. I think this should be a good incarnation of Spidey, even though it's two too many already (I'm somewhat in the minority in preferring Andrew Garfield overall though).

EDIT: Pestis the Spider, if no one else does it first, I can do that, but it'll be tomorrow afternoon at the earliest.


Edited by Jondesu
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Disney released a high-res picture of the big Spider-Man shot from the trailer:




I assume that what we saw in the trailer wasn't 100% finished, so they wanted us to have a still that was to give us a better idea of what the movie will look like. I could tell from the trailer that the eyes were mechanical, but a lot of people couldn't. This image actually lets you see how they work like a camera shutter.


I think the design is really interesting, in that I think that the most obvious inspiration is the original Steve Ditko design. The spider insignia uses the modern leg configuration, where four bend upwards and four bend down (in the original design, they all bent down), but it's compact in a way that suggests Ditko, to me. IT's actually somewhat smaller than Ditko usually drew it.


I've seen a lot of people say that this is the Alex Ross version, but Alex Ross based his on John Romita Sr's, and that one was very close to the Ditko original. The difference is that Romita started to splay out the spider legs on the insignia to make it look more dramatic. That began the evolution to the modern design. Romita and Ross' legs are more fluid and curvy, while the Civil War insignia is actually geometric (which I've never seen in any design).

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That was a *perfect* introduction for Spidey.

"Hi everyone!"

Fourth wall break much? :P excellent.

How did Iron Man find him???

So....I'm wondering how the movie will introduce black panther, Spidey, and ant-man as avengers. I'm basically expecting the plot to hit the ground running because so much awesomeness and characters to pack into 2ish hours.

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Looks to me like Black Panther is after Bucky (did The Winter Soldier kill someone in Wakanda maybe), while I'm sure Falcon recruited Ant-Man and it looks like Tony recruited Spider-Man in secret. Black Panther is in the fight, but not an Avenger I suspect, while Spider-Man is probably not considered an Avenger yet either, but maybe kind of a junior recruit. Black Panther may not end up being an Avenger at all, since he has a country to run.


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So... I have to say, I'm going to be very interested in seeing how sides break down on this forum once the fim comes out. Can we get a "Team Cap" and "Team Tony" poll running?


Beasides that... Spidey! I... am kind of annoyed, actually. I've been trying to avoid spoilers, but every website I use has had that image plastered all over their front pages.  Would have been nice to see that unspoiled... <_<


But hey, Spidey. I... like him? I guess? I mean, he hasn't exactly done much other than exist, so it's not like I have much to judge by! His eyes are a little strange looking to me, but overall, neat costume. I wonder if that's the first time we'll see him in costume in film? It feel's like it was setup as a big reveal kind of thing... but that might be just because it's a reveal for the trailer. 

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I'm undecided, so call me TeamSpidey for now. :-P  I suspect he'll switch sides like he did in the comics, but they could go a totally different way with all of that.


Do we need a new topic for a poll, or can the original poster create it in this same topic?



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I'm with Tony - "With great power..." etc. Also, ganging up on an old man in a tin suit, that's just mean, and don't give me that Cap and Bucky are 100 years old bull-hockey. Tony's have been hard years, not sleeping for 60+ of them.


I suppose it depends on how they play the registration thing. They could present it as an evil plot from the start, this showing that Tony's wrong, and just doesn't know it yet, but that would be shallow and not worthy of most of the MCU movies to date.


Interesting that this is coming in a similar time frame to Bat-man versus Superman colon Dawn of Justice. Once again, Hollywood managed to make two movies using the same themes at the same time. Once again, there is every indication that Marvel are going to do it better than DC.

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I support the Brotherhood, of course. No, not the Brotherhood of Mutants! The Brotherhood of Nod!

... You don't know what that is either? *sigh*


All kidding aside, in retrospect I will support Iron Man, for now I support Cap. Why will I support Iron Man in retrospect? Because I read the comics, that's why. Rest assured, without going into spoilers that can be easily found on the Marvel wiki, there's a lot more than just the Superhuman Registration Act going on. I don't know how the movie will handle that though.

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You know, I put the Hulk option in as a joke but in wondering where he is. Can the movie totally ignore his existence or will we get clues? Will he turn up in Act 3 and change everything the same way Act 3 of Winter Soldier was an insane twist?

I assume if he was around he'd agree with Iron Man, but Hulk isn't exactly containable by laws. The only thing we've seen take him down so far is Vanessa.

I kinda want to see a Hulk/Spidey fight now.


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