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Getting to know you games. Specifically, "let's all say our names and an adjective that starts with the same letter!!!!!!!" Do you know how many adjectives start with E? I am neither excited nor energetic. I've tried 'enigmatic' but nobody knew what that meant. I'm not exactly eccentric, and I'm definitely not extraverted. I'm left panicking in a circle of Happy Hannahs and Kind Kaylas as I desperately search for a vaguely applicable adjective that people will know the definition of.

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3 minutes ago, Mistrunner said:

Getting to know you games. Specifically, "let's all say our names and an adjective that starts with the same letter!!!!!!!" Do you know how many adjectives start with E? I am neither excited nor energetic. I've tried 'enigmatic' but nobody knew what that meant. I'm not exactly eccentric, and I'm definitely not extraverted. I'm left panicking in a circle of Happy Hannahs and Kind Kaylas as I desperately search for a vaguely applicable adjective that people will know the definition of.

Ugh. I'm sorry. Those types of games are mind numbingly boring to begin with, and having it be confined in such a way has to make them worse. 

Your pet peeve reminded me of the moment in high school I completely lost faith in the U.S. educational system. Because who doesn't understand the word enigmatic? 

We had one of the many "take turns reading the material out loud" sessions that you do in high school, when one of the guys reading kept get frustrated and burst out that he couldn't do it and hated reading. 

I looked at him, and was trying to be kind and supportive and told him "Try not to be so pessimistic." 

To which he responded, "Stop using such big words." 

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5 hours ago, Mistrunner said:

Getting to know you games. Specifically, "let's all say our names and an adjective that starts with the same letter!!!!!!!" Do you know how many adjectives start with E? I am neither excited nor energetic. I've tried 'enigmatic' but nobody knew what that meant. I'm not exactly eccentric, and I'm definitely not extraverted. I'm left panicking in a circle of Happy Hannahs and Kind Kaylas as I desperately search for a vaguely applicable adjective that people will know the definition of.






There are some funny ones that can be used I guess, but I join you in hate of this kind of games. 

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6 hours ago, Mestiv said:






There are some funny ones that can be used I guess, but I join you in hate of this kind of games. 

My upvotes haven't reset or you'd have one. 

@Mistrunner don't forget to add "evil" to the list too. 

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Emails containing images that are wider than my email viewing window, so I am forced to scroll left and right to read each line of text. Why?? Stop using such ginormous header images!

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On 6/30/2017 at 3:26 AM, Mistrunner said:

Getting to know you games. Specifically, "let's all say our names and an adjective that starts with the same letter!!!!!!!" Do you know how many adjectives start with E? I am neither excited nor energetic. I've tried 'enigmatic' but nobody knew what that meant. I'm not exactly eccentric, and I'm definitely not extraverted. I'm left panicking in a circle of Happy Hannahs and Kind Kaylas as I desperately search for a vaguely applicable adjective that people will know the definition of.

That sounds painful. But not knowing what enigmatic means? Insane.

To be fair, it is important to get to know people. It's just, there are much better, actually enjoyable ways of doing it.

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3 hours ago, A Budgie said:

That sounds painful. But not knowing what enigmatic means? Insane.

To be fair, it is important to get to know people. It's just, there are much better, actually enjoyable ways of doing it.

Yeah, like favorite ice cream for example 

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When people assume that the guitar sextet or ensemble in general can practice with people playing much louder instruments nearby with perfect ease. 

I have had this happen multiple times, once when my trumpeter friend and pianist friend invited me to practice in the same room a little while back, and today when the sextet had to perform in a hallway.

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On 07/07/2017 at 1:22 AM, A Budgie said:

When people assume that the guitar sextet or ensemble in general can practice with people playing much louder instruments nearby with perfect ease. 

I have had this happen multiple times, once when my trumpeter friend and pianist friend invited me to practice in the same room a little while back, and today when the sextet had to perform in a hallway.

I misread that I thought you said you were sexting in the hallway...

Edited by Darkness Ascendant
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People that leave cupboards open make me want to light things on fire. The fact that it's an irrational anger is neither here nor there. 


Also, my whole life before making this post I thought it was "cuboard" not "cupboard". I've always said it like cub-berd. I don't know how I feel about this. 

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So, I saw a post on a conservative facebook page 'liked' by one of my friends, and saw some problems with the facts; especially in the comments section. 
This was with respect to the Omar Khadr case.

I discussed how the situation was, and is, complicated. That the Canadian government was not giving Omar Khadr $10 million, but rather were settling a lawsuit. 
I discussed the facts of the Khadr case; that his family took him to Afghanistan when he was a child, and how when he was captured in a firefight years later (2002) he was 15 years old - a child soldier. 
After that I discussed his illegal treatment by the Americans in Guantanamo bay (justified or not, he was a Canadian citizen held without trial and tortured - which is all highly illegal). I mentioned how two liberal governments failed to do anything about it (chretien and martin respectively) and how the harper government sat on it for years before acting at all.

I then discussed how there were concerns about his families involvement in terrorist organizations, how he was trained and could possibly still have ties to terrorism, but appears to be trying to build a normal, Canadian life.

I then gave a plea to the many commentators to be objective, and to fight against tribalism and fake news - that we as conservatives need to be honest, open minded, skeptical and sincere if we want to win people over.

I say we as conservatives because I am one in Canada. I voted conservative in the last two elections, and am a member of the CPC (mostly because I wanted to make sure Leitch didn't win this past leadership race, and I really liked Michael Chong - names that are meaningless unless you follow canadian politics). I will likely vote conservative in 2019, unless things in he political environment seriously change in the next two years.

I mentioned all of that, too.

Then half an hour later I discover that my comment was deleted, I was banned from commenting on the page, and that a reply was put up implying that I and others were banned 'for attacking this page or the administrators'... which is complete nonsense.

This is a clear example of censorship in order to spread propaganda. This is real Fake News. 
Please, please friends - don't fall for this. There are many people trying to create a stark divide, a war even, between the left and the right in the West. They do this by silencing the moderates and emphasizing the extremists. This is very, very wrong, and very, very bad for our democracy. We need to, as a bipartisan effort, fight back against this political extremism and this vile attempt to divide us as a people.

That will be all, folks.

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4 minutes ago, Ammanas said:

Thanks! Now its been so long since I have posted on this what did you agree with me about?

Doh, I pinged the wrong person, I apologize. 

Not sure why I thought Erunion's post was yours.

Edited by Calderis
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Also, just to clarify my post there - they didn't just delete me, the deleted every moderate comment. 
They removed all the moderates, left or right, leaving only extremist opinions. 

Doesn't that strike you as profoundly sinister?

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10 minutes ago, Erunion said:

Also, just to clarify my post there - they didn't just delete me, the deleted every moderate comment. 
They removed all the moderates, left or right, leaving only extremist opinions. 

Doesn't that strike you as profoundly sinister?

Was the page being operated by a politician? 

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8 minutes ago, Erunion said:

Also, just to clarify my post there - they didn't just delete me, the deleted every moderate comment. 
They removed all the moderates, left or right, leaving only extremist opinions. 

Doesn't that strike you as profoundly sinister?

Yeah. I was just discussing this with my wife Friday night. The political parties here in the US campaign hard in the "purple" states, but it seems like they only really try to get enough of their side engaged to win by turn-out rather than find a position that would appeal to the majority of voters. 

Once elections are done, it's back to ignoring the middle and pushing their agenda. 

The divide keeps growing, at least visibly, with the extremes getting more and more involved, and the middle being further and further excluded. 

It's setting up for a philosophical civil war for the identity of the nation, while the vast majority of the nation is either intentionally excluded for their unwillingness to embrace every aspect of either sides agenda, or disenfranchised to the point of complete uninvolvement. 

It's ludicrous and destructive. 

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