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Random Stuff III

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1. I finished Name Of the Wind, it is amazing.

2. Humorous villains? What do you guys think we do in the Dark Alley?

3. Do I read The Lies Of Locke Lamora or the third Dresden Files first?


The Lies of Locke Lamora! Do it! Just, DO IT!  :P








Sorry, was that last one sad? Take this.




I saw something the other day on pinterest about how Harry should have been in Slytherin instead of Gryffindor. It was awesome and completely changed my mind about HP. But now I can't find it.  <_<

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I'm reading East of Eden right now for my ENG 112 class. I'm only about 160 pages into it, but it's pretty good so far. I'd recommend it if you liked Steinbeck's other stuff. 



East of Eden was fantastic. I read that, The Moon is Down, Canary Row, and His Dark Materials over Winter Break my Freshman year of college. It was cold, my car was broken, everyone else had left me behind, and all I had were my books and a couple Moody Blues album.


Best Winter Break ever :P

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We are almost out of pages

... could I make the next one...(Random stuff four???)

I don't have to though...

It would be cool...

This is getting weird...

Sorry. I was kinda being selfish...

Never mind, I guess...




*throws a skwirrrl to distract everyone.

*runs, goes to another thread

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Today was fun. Again.


The choir teacher is still under the impression that I am either singing first soprano or do not exist. It was almost funny. I tried to say something once, but I couldn't even hear myself speak, so.


Then I went to a church activity. It was Young Women in Excellence, a church thing celebrating progress young women (ages 12-17) have made in their Personal Progress. Personal Progress has eight values (things like Faith, Individual Worth, and Integrity) with a certain number of value experiences and value projects you have to do to complete each. Young Women in Excellence recognizes progress in that and gives out ribbons for completed values. They handed out the cards for everyone.

Except me.

She scanned the room, looking to see if she'd missed anyone. Nope.


Later, she got up, apologized, and gave me one. I felt better until I noticed something.

I didn't have the heart to tell them they'd misspelled my name.

I feel so special.


I've actually never felt more like the Doctor in my life, so there's that. :P

Edited by Mistrunner
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We are almost out of pages

... could I make the next one...(Random stuff four???)

I don't have to though...

It would be cool...

This is getting weird...

Sorry. I was kinda being selfish...

Never mind, I guess...



...*throws a skwirrrl to distract everyone.

*runs, goes to another thread

It has actually already been made. Earlier today.

Also, this thread acquired ninety nine pages in the space of one month. Does no one realize this?

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