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NEW INFO: Renarin's Spren


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Now I have to wonder if Renarin has already started seeing his spren and is hiding it during the events of WoK... Awww. And what kind of spren is it? Gah, there's so many good questions to be asking here. DANG IT BRANDON I NEED A RENARIN POV LIKE, RIGHT NOW.

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Oh, that's interesting, Bartbug. I was thinking that it meant Renarin was bonded to a spren so no one else saw it, just like no one sees Shallan's or Elhokar's Cryptics and Syl. But your interpretation would make it even more interesting.

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I'm thinking Skybreaker for Renarin,because I like the theory that Feather shared of Emma's that a potential Radiant exemplifies one of the attributes and has to grow in the other one. He is very much just and is learning to be confident. I think, if anyone were to become a Dustbringer, along those same lines, I think it would be Adolin,because he is brave but needs to work on the Obedience aspect.

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I wouldn't call Renarin unjust but where has he shown that being just is an important part of his personality? If I had to describe him, I'd say he is a smart and thoughtful and loyal guy who wants to impress his father and adores his brother.


As for Adolin, I find him to be an annoying person and hope he doesn't become a Surgebinder. Kholin family has enough potential Radiants as it is.

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For about half of this thread I was all like "That's cool, but why is everyone freaking out? We already knew Elhokar sees a spren that..." and then "WAAAAAAIT A SEECOOOOND! This is about RENARIN, not Elhokar. FREAK OUT COMMENCING!"


I'll discuss when I have composed my wits.

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I took the autograph to mean that his spren would be one we hadn't seen before. That he would be a member of a different order of Radiants were he a Radiant than those who have been thus far seen. I didn't take it to mean that he would have a unique spren that no one else could have.


I'd say he definitely won't be a Dustbringer. Renarin has refused to join the Ardentia at least once when it was strongly suggested, he joined a battle he was ordered to avoid, and generally does what he feels is right rather than what he's told to do.


I could see Renarin being a Bondsmith. He seems to be a determined young man and he is reputed to be very intelligent.

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As for Adolin, I find him to be an annoying person and hope he doesn't become a Surgebinder. Kholin family has enough potential Radiants as it is.

I very much agree. My statement above was only if Adolin will become a KR, I think he'll be a Dustbringer. But I really hope he doesn't become one at all.

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I very much agree. My statement above was only if Adolin will become a KR, I think he'll be a Dustbringer. But I really hope he doesn't become one at all.

Well, he does seem to be a snotty twit at times, but Adolin's behavior in the courtesan incident seemed exemplary and he has proven himself educable w/respect to the codes.  In the Tower battle, he generally acquitted himself well and took direction from Kaladin.  If he doesn't die soon or change course, I would be surprised to find him not a Radiant.  Brandon has already shown an interest in the education of the arrogant princeling.

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RE: Adolin -


It's been noted by other characters that Adolin is an extremely skilled duelist - quite possibly one of the best duelists in the entire Alethi nation.  While I can understand the reluctance to have all three of the males in the family turn out to be radiants, there's a possibility that Adolin's skill as a duelist is an unconscious use of radiant powers, much as Kaladin was doing early on.


Just thought I'd point that out.



As for the OP - congrats!  And good job!

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I was capslocking with people on Skype that maybe there's something /about/ the Kholins that's making them more likely to become Surgebinders. I highly, highly doubt it'd just be coincidence. 


Of course we also decided that Brandon might not do that for fear of killing us all. Because, honestly the Kholins are already too awesome and if they get any cooler, Words of Radiance is just going to melt my face off as soon as I open it. (Oh who are we kidding, that's going to happen anyway.)

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I just don't think the Kholins need 5 out of 6 members to be Surgebinders. I think that's really stretching statistics.


As opposed to 4 of 6?




(Or 4 of 7, if you want to count the murdered king)


The problem right now is that we don't have any idea what triggers it.  We only have one clue, and that's because Syl seems to have been attracted to Kaladin's focus on Honor.  If that's the case, any personal focus might be enough to do the trick.  And Adolin has definitely shown a focus on *something* with his ability as a duelist.

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Not really. Dalinars influence makes them ideal candidates for the Nahel Bond. Just as Kaladins influence will likely result in members of Bridge Four attaining Nahel Bonds. There are so few people living by the codes, that I imagine they becomes something like loadstones to bonding spren. Another advantage is their access to resources. A dirt farmer doesn't have the time or resources to put into esoteric philosophy of the education to put those concepts into perspective or test them against the ramblings of other philosophers.

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True, 4 of 6 is also iffy. I don't know, I feel that Adolin shouldn't become one(partly because he's my least favorite Kholin) because it is already stretching plausibility. I also think it could add a new direction for his character. How would he react when he's all of a sudden the weaker brother? If Renarin gets Shardplate and Surgebinding abilities, Adolin might not react well to that.

Edit: Also, I don't know if I'm behind on news but I just saw on my Kindle that WoR will only be 864 kindle pages opposed to WoK's 1009. That is 150 pages difference!

Edited by Mailliw73
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Now I have to wonder if Renarin has already started seeing his spren and is hiding it during the events of WoK... Awww. And what kind of spren is it? Gah, there's so many good questions to be asking here. DANG IT BRANDON I NEED A RENARIN POV LIKE, RIGHT NOW.

I'll bet we get at least an interlude in book two with a Renarin POV.

Unless I'm wrong.

I'm curious about "no one else sees". Does it mean that no one else sees that kind of spren? Because I really, really want that to be true.

Renarin needs to be more special than just a regular Radiant.

Nobody else sees, not nobody else saw.

Brandon chooses his words too carefully...

Unless he meant nobody else sees, in which case other people may have seen it. And if other people have seen it, who knows?

For about half of this thread I was all like "That's cool, but why is everyone freaking out? We already knew Elhokar sees a spren that..." and then "WAAAAAAIT A SEECOOOOND! This is about RENARIN, not Elhokar. FREAK OUT COMMENCING!"


Which one is Elhokar and which one is Renarin?

I need to read that book again. Get in a good twice-over before book 2.

One is the paranoid prince/king, right? Is Elhokar the prince? If so, who is Rennarin?

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One is the paranoid prince/king, right? Is Elhokar the prince? If so, who is Rennarin?


Not sure that this needs spoiler tags, but...


Rennarin is Dalinar's second son - i.e. the one who's got some physical issues that keep him from being as strong as most people.

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