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The Ultimate List of Questions for Brandon


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1 .If Hoid were to overcome or bypass his aversion to causing harm (either temporarily or permanently) and proceeded to cause someone harm, would there be any consequences for him acting against the aversion, magical or otherwise? If so, what would they be?

2. The royal locks are an expression of having a fragment of a divine breath. Is or is not this fragment divided when a new heir is made? Is there a net increase of investiture separate from the normal net increase involved with a new Nalthian's single breath? Does Endowment maintain the royal locks directly, or is it a (cosmere) natural process?

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1) Is the Sibling something we're familiar with (like an object/place we've seen) or is it something we're completely unfamiliar with?

2) Of those present at the Shattering that we are aware of, who would you say experienced the most loss as the direct result of the Shattering? (I'm using "loss" in a deliberately loose way, so that it could mean a loss of power or loss of a love one.) Not including Adonalsium, of course.

3) Has Hoid had a direct run in with any of the Unmade? If so, has it been in the last few years (opposed to thousands of years ago).

4) At Galvinar's funeral in Oathbringer, Dalinar overhears Jasnah reading from the opening to Nohadon's Way of Kings.  In that passage, Nohadon is speaking to someone who claimed to see the future.  Is this person a Herald, a Shard, something else?

5) Were the windblades of Kholinar and similar unusual city structures made in the same way that Urithiru was made?

Edited by Ookla of Toriyama
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Assuming a dead shardblade can be restored, is removing the gemstone from the blade part of that process? I have a theory that the gem has trapped the spren making the blade in a manner similar to how a spren is captured for other uses.

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Would it be possible at some point in the (likely far) future to get a non-canonical meetup of old protagonists and characters, similar to the Kelsier/Moraine crossover?

I just like the idea of when we finally get to the Space Opera Mistborn, we get to see Vin looking the new protagonist up and down and saying what she thinks of them.

"Wait, you named your ship after me? Do I LOOK like I have thrusters that big?"

"Tensoon has SOFT TOYS? Do they at least look fierce?"

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-Prior to the Creation of Scadrial, was there any way to Invest Aluminum?

-Prior to the Creation of Scadrial, did Hemalurgy work in the Cosmere?

-If the Highstorm existed prior to the Shattering was the Stormfather around back then as well?



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Was Pattern always bonded/bonding to Shallan, or has he bonded to others, or at least started to form a bond with others, before?

Could Nightblood Awaken, or use the Investiture he absorbs before he consumes it fully?

Could a Kandra consume an Aviar to learn how their bodies interact with the fruit/worms, and then adjust their own organs to be able to eat the fruit and gain the powers?

Can you store Stormlight in a Hemalurgic spike? Not the ability to use it or breathe it in, but the Stormlight itself, as if the Spike was a Sphere? And if so, how long would the charge of Stormlight last, compared to a Sphere? Would it leak faster from the Spike compared to a Sphere/gemstone of similar size?

And on the topic of Spikes, how small could a Hemalurgic spike be? The one that granted Spook Pewter in HOA was only the tip of a sword, and yet he could flare the metal and had impressive strength, though not compared to Vin or Ham. I'm curious if a very small, toothpick sized piece of metal would be able to grant/steal powers, and what the minimum required size would be, since it only needs to be able to pierce the heart and have the intent behind it to steal powers.

That also makes me think of Spook's spike... when the sword snapped and left the tip embedded in him, was only the tip a Hemalurgic Spike? Would the rest of the blade of the sword have counted as one, or only the parts that went through the body of the person who was stabbed to steal the power? If you stabbed someone with a sword to make the whole blade a Spike, then snapped it in half, would you get two Spikes?

And finally (for now), could you create a Spike from a Shardblade/Sprenblade?

Edited by ScarletSabre
Some thoughts on Hemalurgy...
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  • 3 weeks later...
26 minutes ago, Ethan_Sedai said:

if you are playing a video game while burning Atium, does your character on the screen have an Atium Shadow?

now i'm imagining someone watching a horror movie with a lot of jump scares and always being startled just a couple seconds before the rest of the theater by the movie's atium shadow

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I know there is a lot of interplay between all of the different magic systems, and that is part of what makes the cosmere so fascinating. We also know that Vasher is surviving off stormlight in lieu of Breaths, so I have to wonder, if a mistborn were to ingest an infused sphere, would they be able to burn it like metal? If so would it just provide general strength like pewter, or would it have some other effect?

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On 12/25/2018 at 10:37 PM, Ookla of the Flame said:

And it would also mess up the scene you were watching as well!

I mean, the shadows overlapping would make it really hard to tell what was happening at either point in the movie.

Actually, considering that animated movies are still images moving so quickly that our brains perceive them as motion... Would burning Atium and focusing on the Shadows simply let someone watching it see the movie as if everyone else was lagging five/ten seconds behind?

Also, was Syl bonding with Tien before he died?

And this one is definitely a RAFO, (and inspired by a sudden thought on the "sixteen facets of Adonalsium") but is Hoid's ultimate plan to splinter every Shard into near infinite Splinters/fragments, since the nature/aspects of life can't be limited to only sixteen, and should be as infinite and varied as every single person and creature is?

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2 hours ago, ScarletSabre said:

Also, was Syl bonding with Tien before he died?

And this one is definitely a RAFO, (and inspired by a sudden thought on the "sixteen facets of Adonalsium") but is Hoid's ultimate plan to splinter every Shard into near infinite Splinters/fragments, since the nature/aspects of life can't be limited to only sixteen, and should be as infinite and varied as every single person and creature is?

Tien was a Lightweaver, so no.

It doesn't seem like that is his goal, since he's left a number of Shards alone, and only seems to be working against Rayse and Bavadin.

On 12/19/2018 at 4:49 PM, A Traveler said:

If having two powers creates a resonance, then what is Harmony’s resonance?

Harmony doesn't hold two powers, he holds two Shards with differing intents. Shards are basically all the possible powers, so there's no chance of there being a Resonance.


On 12/2/2018 at 4:38 PM, quizno43 said:

Assuming a dead shardblade can be restored, is removing the gemstone from the blade part of that process? I have a theory that the gem has trapped the spren making the blade in a manner similar to how a spren is captured for other uses.

I don't think so. The spren's physical form is the Blade itself, it's already trapped. Adolin's sword has a gem on it, and Maya is still wandering around. We also see Ico's father as a deadeye, who would try to make his way to wherever his physical body was.


On 11/18/2018 at 9:01 PM, Ookla of the Flame said:

Why have none of the Shards left the starcluster that is the cosmere?

I think this is more thematic. Brandon only wants to write about the cosmere planets/region, so the Shards stay in that area.

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Questions  I would like to ask, possibly during the next AMA:


Of the set of beings resident on Yolen during the shattering excepting Hoid and the vessels:

1) Have we ever seen any on screen?

2) Have any been mentioned in the books, for instance in mythology, theology, or parables (excepting dragons and affirmatives for question 1)

Also, are there any post shattering (contemporary?) Yolen worldhoppers? 

Edited by Serack
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