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The Ultimate List of Questions for Brandon


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Could one spike themselves with connection to a location on Sel in order to gain the ability to use the corresponding Selish power? If so, could one spike themselves with enough connection to said location that that power would function for them on another world?

Do Cremlings have gemhearts?

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On ‎6‎/‎1‎/‎2018 at 3:00 AM, tarix29 said:

Does aluminum have a soul? If not, that would explain a GREAT DEAL about its properties. can something made from aluminum have spren? Probably, but definitely worth asking.

Asked at JordanCon, actually!



It is said by [Kaladin's] friend Syl, that everything has a spren. Does Aluminum have a spren? 

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

Does Aluminum have a spren? This is a good question for philosphers in world. I would say the majority of them would say yes, its just a very isolated and unresponsive spren. There are some who would say no, it is the dead material, that has no spren, but others would argue that a dead material with no spren would just disintegrate to death, so Aluminum is kind of a strange duck. 


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What planet is Vasher from?

Brandon Sanderson

He did originate on Nalthis, which is the Warbreaker world, but he worldhopped very early in his life.


Did Vasher worldhop prior to becoming a Returned? Or was it just very early after his Return that he worldhopped for the first time?

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I'm resigned to the fact that I probably won't be able to ask Brandon any of my questions unless he makes a return trip to Oz (I started reading the Cosmere earlier this year) so I'll list some questions I'd like answered.

  • Are the gnarled bones in Mraize's hand the result of a partial Dakhor monk transformation?
  • Outside of using Lerasium to become a Mistborn, how would you rank the relative effectiveness of using Lerasium as a metal mind, using Lerasium as a hemallurgic spike, allomantically burning Lerasium and allomantically burning a Lerasium alloy?
  • Is Sja Anat's ability to corrupt spren analogous to altering an individual's spiritweb? If so, could Sja Anat for, cracks in someone's soul without that person having gone through trauma, allowing them to form a nahel bond without being broken?
  • Were the Ghostbloods as we know them always known as the Ghostbloods or did they ever go by another name?
  • Was the white sand in Mraize's basement reacting to the Investiture of someone other than Shallan or Pattern?
  • Is Hesina known by the Kholin family?
  • Would a Radiant wearing shardplate be more efficient in holding Stormlight?
  • Could a competely full unsealed Aluminum metalmind be used to restore Identity to a listener in Slaveform?
  • Could Harmonium be separated into pure Atium and Lerasium?
  • Is Harmony pruning someone to take up his shard (as of Mistborn era 2)?

Edit: Almost forgot

  • Has Kelsier changed for the better following his experiences in Secrer History?
  • Were the feruchemical Atium spikes made by Ruin part of a long term plan to use his Inquisitors to destroy life across the Cosmere?
  • Are the scars on The Sovereign's arms caused by Perception?
  • Is Kelsier post-Secret History capable of leaving the Scadrial system?
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Only Elantrians/Teoans can be taken by the Dor. Vis-a-vis Dakhor monks, who must have the regional connection: the sacrifices, the sacrificer, the recipient of the sacrificial gift (if different), or must the ritual be simply close to the fjordell empire?

Can A-bronze be used to detect the creation of a hemalurgic spike? 

Edited by John203
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9 hours ago, John203 said:

Can A-bronze be used to detect the creation of a hemalurgic spike?

A-bronze works similarly to white sand in that it detects kinetic investiture. I'd imagine the creation of a hemallurgic spike would fall under the bracket of kinetic investiture and if this were the case then A-bronze could detect the creation of a hemallurgic spike.

Note: We see Wit use A-bronze in WoR which detects Shallan's lightweaving so we know that A-bronze picks up on kinetic investiture from any Cosmere magic system. The nature of hemallurgy in stapling someone's soul onto yours while the investiture 'leaks' out of the spike would appear to be kinetic.

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13 minutes ago, Kidpen said:

I like this question.

As do I, and I just thought of a semi-canonical way Brandon could write something involving them... Alcatraz uses his Talent to break the boundaries of the multiverses. Or the boundaries of the fourth wall, perhaps! :D

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  • Who is Ash's mother, aka Jezrien's wife? Is she a Herald? Is she important?
  • Why do we only see Hoid using Yolish lightweaving while telling stories? Does this have to do with the Investiture itself, or Hoid's personal preference?
  • What do Scadrians like on their waffles?
  • In the postscript of Elantris, was Hoid trying to become a Dakhor monk?
  • Has Hoid ever tried to become an Elantrian?
  • Besides location, is the Shaod random? 
  • Why did Hoid steal the Moon Scepter? Was it simply as a translation device, or is there a deeper meaning.
  • In Sixth of the Dusk, who are the Ones Above? Are they Era 4 Scadrians?
  • Was Ishar the first God King?
  • How many aliases has Hoid had?
  • Was Topaz Hoid's original name?
  • In an earlier signing, you mentioned that Hoid was born naturally. Naturally by our standards, or is it different on Yolen?
  • Hoid said that he was born from "words on a page." Is there a deeper meaning to this, or is it just him trying to be confusing?
  • In an earlier signing, you mentioned that Vasher and Nightblood were separated after getting to Roshar. Was Vivenna with them?
  • During Warbreaker, did you imply a romantic relationship between Vasher and Vivenna, or is that just misinterpretation of their relationship?
  • How much Stormlight does Vasher need in order to survive on Roshar?
  • Is Raoden and Sarene's child a boy or girl? Will we see any of them in the Elantris sequel?
  • We know that Hoid doesn't like Kelsier, but does he agree with Kelsier's mission?
  • When Hoid needs to leave multiple times in the Stormlight Archive books, is he Worldhopping?
  • When all the Heralds turned insane, did they start to become the opposite of the ideals they embodied?...
    • Ash – art, beauty – started destroying all artwork of herself
    • Jezrien – responsible, kingly – getting drunk, irresponsible
    • Kalak – adventurous, takes risks – nervous all the time
  • Were Aona and Skai siblings? My reasoning... 
    • We know that there were at least six Shards that broke their promises and went to systems in pairs.
      • Tanavast and Cultivation's vessel, the lovers.
      • Ati and Leras, the BFFs.
      • Aona and Skai... what's left?)
  • Has Hoid recently had a love interest?
  • Do all Radiants within an order need to be similarly "broken," or is it based off of their personality qualities?
  • Does Hoid like Sazed?
  • Are there any Radiants that bond to spren that are partially of Odium?
  • Did the feud between Honorspren and Cryptics occur before or after the Recreance?
  • In an earlier signing, you mentioned that someone could form a Nahel Bond with Kelsier’s cognitive Shadow. Would the person become a Mistborn, and would Kelsier be able to talk to them in the same way that a spren is able to talk to their Radiant?
  • In the Traveler, you hint at the fact that Hoid has lost someone important to him. Was this person blood related to him? A love interest?
  • Will Kaladin lose his slave brands? Will this have to do with him swearing an ideal?
  • Does the size of an Aon determine its strength?
  • We know AonDor is of Devotion. Is Dakhor Investiture Also of Devotion, or Dominion?
  • Is Forgery of Devotion or Dominion? Or is Forgery of a third Shard?
  • In an earlier signing, you said that Ingenuity is possibly a Shard. It’s also been confirmed that Hoid has turned down a Shard. Additionally, Frost mentions his letter embedded in the Words of Radiance epigraphs that Hoid appreciates and prides himself upon his wit. Did Hoid turn down the Shard of Ingenuity?
  • Because Hoid was offered a Shard, did he help in the Shattering?
  •  Did the Vessels know which Shard they were taking, or did they choose one that gravitated towards them, then find it what it was?
  • Is each Shard associated with a number? Like Honor is ten, etc... if so, does this have to do with the order in which they took a Shard?
  • If you were to spike a twinborn to take away their Investiture, could you make it specific enough to take just their Allomancy away?
  • In Era 4, has Scadrial been destroyed? Will it be destroyed? Is it in the process of destruction?
Edited by Ashspren
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If Brandon had to take up a Shard, which would he choose and why?

Has Vasher ever been to Threnody?

If Vasher HAS been to Threnody, has he experimented on the Shades, perhaps as an alternative source of Breath/Awakening?

How would Jasnah go about studying Shades?

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15 hours ago, DarthWoodrack said:

Would it be possible to make a Hemalurgic spike out of two metal fused down the spine? And if so would they steal two attributes?

I think you are going to run into problems here. For it to even theoretically work you'd have to find two attributes that both take the exact same hemalurgic bindpoint.

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22 minutes ago, Fatikis said:

I think you are going to run into problems here. For it to even theoretically work you'd have to find two attributes that both take the exact same hemalurgic bindpoint.

there are several clustered together in the heart, so you might be able to do it there.

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7 hours ago, Fatikis said:

I think you are going to run into problems here. For it to even theoretically work you'd have to find two attributes that both take the exact same hemalurgic bindpoint.

I would believe that the main problem would be to take both attributes without killing the donor immediately. 

6 hours ago, Dunkum said:

There are several clustered together in the heart, so you might be able to do it there.

That probably is where you would want to put it. Also, if you were a steelrunner twinborn you might be fast enought to drive two spikes into two different bind points at the same time.

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In OB, Hoid tells Shallan he thinks there's at least one god worshipping him by accident. Did he influence an avatar of autonomy to the point the avatar had to be replaced with one who would dislike him? (Letter events described as on Obrodai)

OB spoilers. Can they go in questions?

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20 minutes ago, Zellyia said:
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In OB, Hoid tells Shallan he thinks there's at least one god worshipping him by accident. Did he influence an avatar of autonomy to the point the avatar had to be replaced with one who would dislike him? (Letter events described as on Obrodai)

OB spoilers. Can they go in questions?

I think he said something more along the lines of


There being at least one group worshipping him as a god. I'll have to double check the exact wording. We know that anyone who passes through Cultivation's perpendicularity in the Horneater Peaks is seen as a god and given a feast and Hoid is seen as the god of mischief by the horneaters so this is the likely subject group that worships him.


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Yes, I'm OB chapter 68 page 678-679:




"Heavens no," Wit said. "I'm not stupid enough to get mixed up with religion again. The last seven times I tried it were all disasters. I believe there's at least one God still worshipping me by accident."


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