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Random Stuff II

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The giraffes are having a party tonight, in the hypercube ballroom. They all dance so fine. Your hair is on fire...


No, wait, thats not fire, thats a space parasite.



Try to make THAT more nonsensical!

Edited by Morzathoth
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Challenge accepted. 

Well played sir, well played. As a prize have some nonsense I wrote a very sleep deprived evening.


You will be a tiny horse made of popcorn, also the sky is out of order

To be continued next week, same time, same channel. Next up the internal sound of silent suffering as you waste your time on the internet. Also a puppy.


A UFO landed on your brain, the aliens are searching your mind for a power source to fuel their ship. Did you know that the galaxies biggest burger joint is located inside your brain? It is right behind your frontal lobe. Anyway the aliens walk across the insides of your imagination and end up in Oregon, they find a small candy store and buy everything they can carry, then they walk all the way back and use the candy to fuel their spaceship


Cacti prostitutes: Because your worth it


The purple macaroni is a rare and special predetor. Watch it attack the majestic zebra, how it glimmers in the night as it devours the zebras soul.


Scene ■ Kieran sliding across the rings of Saturn. He meets a tiny talking cube of undisclosed materials.

Kieran: Your haircut is horrible.

Cube: Ah, you must be THE GREAT INSULTOR I keep hearing about.

Kieran: That is me, and I shall insult you and your entire family until you you crash under the weight of my insults!

Cube: You forgot your pants.

Narrator: With this, Kieran was enlightened.


Maybe she's born with it, maybe she was in an industrial accident and had all her faulty body parts replaced with awesome robotic parts.


Thats enough TV for tonight.

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Depends on the family, but yes.

It's at least 95 F outside. We all wore long sleeves and jeans because Mom thinks they photograph better than summer clothes. We of course had the pictures taken outside because there's a pretty desert park nearby, so we spent two hours marching from location to location in the heat, striking unnatural poses so Mom and Dad could have nice pictures.

And I get that they want good pictures when my brother and I move out, but could we pretty please have them taken somewhere with AC? Please?

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It's at least 95 F outside. We all wore long sleeves and jeans because Mom thinks they photograph better than summer clothes. We of course had the pictures taken outside because there's a pretty desert park nearby, so we spent two hours marching from location to location in the heat, striking unnatural poses so Mom and Dad could have nice pictures.

And I get that they want good pictures when my brother and I move out, but could we pretty please have them taken somewhere with AC? Please?


:wacko: Have your parents never heard of a studio? Or green screen?

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It's at least 95 F outside. We all wore long sleeves and jeans because Mom thinks they photograph better than summer clothes. We of course had the pictures taken outside because there's a pretty desert park nearby, so we spent two hours marching from location to location in the heat, striking unnatural poses so Mom and Dad could have nice pictures.

And I get that they want good pictures when my brother and I move out, but could we pretty please have them taken somewhere with AC? Please?

Solution: Always bring a fan with you during family photos. You can even pretend you are in a fancy shampoo commercial.

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:wacko: Have your parents never heard of a studio? Or green screen?

I remember days gone by when we'd have family photos taken in studios, but somewhere along the line the parents decided indoor pictures were for wimps, so now only outdoor locations will do. The last series of photos we had taken was in a riverside park in Spokane, in fall, so we were all freezing cold in our sweaters. <_<

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I remember days gone by when we'd have family photos taken in studios, but somewhere along the line the parents decided indoor pictures were for wimps, so now only outdoor locations will do. The last series of photos we had taken was in a riverside park in Spokane, in fall, so we were all freezing cold in our sweaters. <_<


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That sounds interesting, are they added to taste? Are these rosemary leaves or ground rosemary?

I'm not entirely sure what "added to taste" actually means...

And it was dried rosemary that was crushed.

Also, it was delicious. :D

Edited by Slowswift
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So, our downstairs bathroom is right next to the laundry room.  Problem is, they're crammed into a smallish space, and the bifold doors of the laundry nook interfere with the bathroom door such that you cannot close or open the bathroom door if the left laundry door is open.


We're doing laundry.  I needed to go to the bathroom, so I went in.  My husband came to switch laundry while I was in there.


...you see where this is going.


About two minutes and a lot of hollering and thumping the doors later, I am freed.  That man is lucky that I love him.  :rolleyes:


I remember days gone by when we'd have family photos taken in studios, but somewhere along the line the parents decided indoor pictures were for wimps, so now only outdoor locations will do. The last series of photos we had taken was in a riverside park in Spokane, in fall, so we were all freezing cold in our sweaters. <_<


See, you just need to work on their aesthetic.  Say, get the family photo taken in front of an antique locomotive garbed in steampunk gear.  Now THAT is a family photo.

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