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Question from a newby...

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For those of you who are heavily-immersed in Sanderson's interviews and talks about the Cosmere, do you get the feeling that the entire mythos WILL be revealed throughout subsequent novels? Or, will most of the mythology rely on catching subtle hints and easter eggs throughout the different series'?


For instance, do you think further books will discuss the Realms and world-jumpers (like Hoid) in detail, or will those conclusions be left up to the readers? Thanks! I'm relatively new to the whole Cosmere thing, although I've read most of the books (except Warbreaker).

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Good news is, that's confirmed as something that'll happen eventually.  Brandon's considered doing an 'ender's shadow' type novel dealing with what hoid was up to during Mistborn, and Mistborn Space Trilogy is supposed to deal with allomantic FTL and crossovers.

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Sanderson has explicitly stated that Stormlight won't go into great detail about the Cosmere.


Dragonsteel and Mistborn 3, due in over a decade, probably will. Dragonsteel will involve the original characters that became shards as humans, Mistborn 3 will involve worldhopping allomancers.

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It'll take such a long time, it may as well be like that for all intents and purposes. By the time the Conflux (A hypotheitcal Cosmere bring-together finale) and Dragonsteel roll around, we'll probably already have most of the story anyways, if our progress here is anything to go off of.

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It'll take such a long time, it may as well be like that for all intents and purposes. By the time the Conflux (A hypotheitcal Cosmere bring-together finale) and Dragonsteel roll around, we'll probably already have most of the story anyways, if our progress here is anything to go off of.


*Knocks on all the wood in the tri-county area*

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Yeah, we have some recent evidence. :P :P


With the technology advancing and going faster than light...?

Yes, the FTL is built into the magic systems and so there will be something where they figure out how to do that with the magic and spaceships will be propelled using that.


Maybe there's some kind of "hyperspace" going on, but this quote heavily indicates that it's not a case of using Shadesmar. You really don't need "spaceships" or "sci fi" to get away with using Shadesmar: in fact, you can't even access it in interplanetary space. If they were really just worldhopping, Scadrians would be better off with a Children of the Mind-style box with a fridge.

Edited by Kurkistan
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Yeah, we have some recent evidence. :P :P



Maybe there's some kind of "hyperspace" going on, but this quote heavily indicates that it's not a case of using Shadesmar. You really don't need "spaceships" or "sci fi" to get away with using Shadesmar: in fact, you can't even access it in interplanetary space. If they were really just worldhopping, Scadrians would be better off with a Children of the Mind-style box with a fridge.

Propelled isn't a clincher, man.  Even Star Wars calls them "Hyperdrive propulsion systems".


And yeah you can't access it in interplanetary space... but Shadesmar is the LOCAL name for the area.  So if you try to go to shadesmar and you're interplantary, where do you end up?  Hyperspace, obviously

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Propelled isn't a clincher, man.  Even Star Wars calls them "Hyperdrive propulsion systems".


Still, we know it's spaceships and whatnot in the third Mistborn trilogy. You really don't need that stuff if you're using Shadesmar. Also, it's highly suggestive of movement through space.


And yeah you can't access it in interplanetary space... but Shadesmar is the LOCAL name for the area.  So if you try to go to shadesmar and you're interplantary, where do you end up?  Hyperspace, obviously


We have it verbatim from Brandon that Shadesmar is (usually) identical to the Cognitive Realm, and connecting all the Shardworlds.


I [brandon Sanderson] do have a cohesive metaphysical reasoning for how my worlds and magic works. And there is a single plane of existence—called Shadesmar, the Cognative Realm—which connects them all.


The quote I provided earlier identifies the Shadesmar as a "special case" which does not exist in interplanetary space. Shadesmar, is the thing that connects all the Shardworlds, though, so no Shadesmar, no travel between worlds.

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It seems (to me, at least) that inter-realm travel would have to be a bit more complicated than space-travel, even if allomantical powers were being used as an aid. Unless guys like Hoid and the 17th Shard members are more akin to godlike beings, simple space-travel wouldn't explain their ability to travel to different planets at different time periods, unless I'm missing something major here... But, if Shadesmar were something like Plato's Realm of Forms, which is a reality which transcends the material universe (being Cognitive), it would also transcend the bounds of Time and thus account for inter-temporal travel...

Edited by Jedidiah
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Actually, if anything is like the realm of "real existences," it's the Spiritual (what with it's concern with ideal states and whatnot), not the Cognitive. That doesn't rule out inter-world travel through Shadesmar having temporal consequences, though.

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Bear in mind there's also WoB that whilst Hoid has existed for many (many) years he's not actually experienced all of that time, so it would seem that either he's in stasis, or Shadesmar does indeed have some timey-wimey wibbly-wobbly going on. Or he has some other method of shuttling himself into the future. He also has never gone backwards, although Brandon hasn't said it's impossible. 


Eric Lake ()

Can Hoid jump through time? If so, can Shards jump through time?
Brandon Sanderson
Hoid, so far, has only moved forward in time. He has not 'lived' all of those years, but has used some time dilation techniques. That said, he is far older (both in relative and real time) than a normal person can live.
Edit: just reread this, and he specifically mentions time-dilation. Would love to know how he does this; the only known method id Cadmium, but I'm sure other magic systems will be able to do this too.
Edited by Senor Feesh
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Not world-hopping, world traveling. FTL will be a matter of propulsion, not Shadesmarian trickery.


As far as I am aware, Sanderson hasn't given us clear terminology on what travel via Shadesmar is called, and hasn't called it world hopping or world traveling. I was referring to them hoping from world to world, having adventures and killing shards or whatever they actually do.




In Magic: The Gathering, a Planeswalker is a powerful mage who is able to travel across the planes of existence.


I'd more naturally use the term traveling for what Hoid does than world hopping, since he presumably has to walk all the way to the other world through shadesmar and one of the possible obvious inspirations for it travels rather than hops.

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You'll have to forgive me, then. "World hopping" has pretty firmly locked down meaning here on the boards, though, so I would warn you against using terms like "worldhopping allomancers" so freely.

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You'll have to forgive me, then. "World hopping" has pretty firmly locked down meaning here on the boards, though, so I would warn you against using terms like "worldhopping allomancers" so freely.




I've seen others use the word world hopping for what is presumably allomancy based ftl travel. It's not that locked down. People just use it to refer to anyone that can travel from world to world.




I can imagine it already: "The World-Hopping Adventures of TenSoon and MeLaan: A Cosmere Novel" :P


With the idea that TenSoon and MeLaan are worldhopping together with ftl and doing stuff.


I've also seen it used to refer to how shards transported humans from world to world back in the olden days.



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"Pretty firmly locked down" means that the vast majority of knolwedgable discussion understands world hopping a specific way. It doesn't mean "no one has or will ever use it misleadingly or incorrectly as regards to that general understanding." You yourself are evidence of that possibility, if I may say so.


Also, not to disparage anyone but both of those instances are sourced at relatively new members, so aren't exactly the strongest evidence for a general acceptance of world hopping as including movement through space.


Either way, feel free to keep using the term your way. I find it unnecessary and misleading, but to each his own.

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