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Rosharian Worldhoppers


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That's interesting, because if I recall correctly (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong), the SA is the furthest along in the timeline of Cosmere novels(as well as Alloy). So any times we see Rosharan Worldhoppers in other novels, they'll be from before the events of SA.

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In The Way of Kings, we see a lot of worldhoppers on Roshar. Have you already seeded worldhoppers FROM Roshar in your other works?
Yes. You've met several.


This one? Aye, i was also thinking about this. He says above we've met several

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Well, we know Hoid is also known as Slowswift in the Mistborn trilogy, and we know that Zahel is Vasher/Warbreaker, and I read somewhere that Galladon from Sel is also a world hopper, but I'm not positive on that one.


Sorry I didn't notice the FROM Roshar part.

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Well, we know Hoid is also known as Slowswift in the Mistborn trilogy, and we know that Zahel is Vasher/Warbreaker, and I read somewhere that Galladon from Sel is also a world hopper, but I'm not positive on that one.

Sorry I didn't notice the FROM Roshar part.

Slowswift is Tolkien, not Hoid. In Mistnorn Hoid is just Hoid.

Galladon is "Grump" and Demoux is "Thinker" from the WoK Purelake interlude.

Unpublished work Worldhopper.

Blunt is Beon from White Sand

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There is Isaik or whatever his name is, but we haven't really met him in another world, just seen his work. Assuming he actually is FROM Roshar.


Who exactly are you talking about here, I don't recognize that name.

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There is Isaik or whatever his name is, but we haven't really met him in another world, just seen his work. Assuming he actually is FROM Roshar.


Who exactly are you talking about here, I don't recognize that name.

I think he meant Nazh? And confused him with Issac, Brandon's artist?

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There is Isaik or whatever his name is, but we haven't really met him in another world, just seen his work. Assuming he actually is FROM Roshar.

Isasik Shulin is the cartographer of the maps of Roshar. But he's just based off of Isaac Stewart, Brandon's actual artist for the SA. 

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Nazh is from Threnody, not Roshar.

I think Shardbearer is thinking that Isasik Shulin and Nazh are the same person. As far as I know, in the Cosmere Isasik is just an Alethi Cartographer. I think the confusion is coming because Isaac Stewart, Brandon's artist who Isasik is based off of drew both Scadrial's and Roshar's maps.The character in Cosmere however only drew Roshar's map.

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I could see Jasnah worldhopping. She has the surge if transportation.

Not exactly o topic but. . .

I have a favorite headcannon, in which Kaladin somehow gets to Sel. He's looking around, noticing how strange it is here, when he hears a shriek from Syl. He turns sharply towards her, only to see that she has become a seon. Aon Mai, symbol for honor.

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One could be the women Demoux ran off with, Aslydin, which has a Roshar suffix and we know is a world hopper.

Wasn't she described as Terris though?

(Been a while since I read Mistborn- is 'Terrismen' a gender neutral term? Would she be a Terriswoman?)

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Wasn't she described as Terris though?

(Been a while since I read Mistborn- is 'Terrismen' a gender neutral term? Would she be a Terriswoman?)

I believe Terrismen, is gender neutral, Terrisman would be gender specific. I could be wrong with that though. Also, who is to say that one of the races of Roshar can't look like the Terris do?

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One could be the women Demoux ran off with, Aslydin, which has a Roshar suffix and we know is a world hopper.


Good catch. I was thinking the only way we might be able to spot them is by their names. Do we have any other Rosharian sounding names in the other books? Symmetrical or near symmetrical. Suffixes. Consonants mashed together...(although I think the eyebrows would be a dead giveaway with those. Unless they keep them trimmed....)

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Wasn't she described as Terris though?

(Been a while since I read Mistborn- is 'Terrismen' a gender neutral term? Would she be a Terriswoman?)

"Aslydin is in the seventeenth shard, and had her own work to be about. I've given subtle clues about her before but the ethnicity of the name should strike you" - The Big B

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"Aslydin is in the seventeenth shard, and had her own work to be about. I've given subtle clues about her before but the ethnicity of the name should strike you" - The Big B

Hmm, that name does seem closer to Kaladin and other Rosharan names than it does to Sazed and Tindwyl...

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I like the idea that her name is Thaylen.  It's not airtight, but it might be a good place to start.


The biggest issue, in my mind, of the Rosharan worldhoppers is how they get off the planet.  Granted, the ardentia seems to have some fairly good grasp on Shadesmar, but without some sort of transportation surge any potential worldhoppers would have to find an alternate way across the boundary.  Assuming that the ardentia's records are not from pre-Recreance Elsecallers, there must be some other way.


Using a Shardpool would risk Horneater wrath, and the timeline lining up appears to rule out pre-Recreance Knights.  I suppose one could ask a boon from the Nightwatcher.  Perhaps there were other "new" Knights before the current time?

Another question, related, is if any of the Heralds engaged in worldhopping.  They aren't may not be technically Rosharan, so I suppose they are may be ruled out.

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Another question, related, is if any of the Heralds engaged in worldhopping.  They aren't technically Rosharan, so I suppose they are ruled out.


It is a tricky one, as we don't know what the other 9 got up to post-aharietiam but it can be assumed they might of and any WoB regarding Herald ?nationality/ethnicity? has always been RAFO'd (at least the ones i've seen anyway) or Brandon always gives an Aes Sedai answer. My idea is the Heralds have done so but their involvement isn't obvious

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