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What Are You Reading, Part 2


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Started on a couple of series, Attolia (read The Thief) and Temeraire (read the first two books) and whereas Attolia was merely a 'good' start, Temeraire was a great first book but the second and the prospect of the third just kinda killed any enjoyment of it... I also kinda ended up major spoiling myself by reading the blurb to the fifth trying to figure out which of them was next >< On to Wool now, which I only picked up because the thing looked impressive when I saw it in the library. The PoV just died and I'm only 8 chapters in XD 

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I just finished Tigana by Guy G Kay which I found quiet intriguing.

I tried G.R.R. Martin but had to stop at book 2 due to extreme dissatisfation, I mean can anyone plan anyworse than this guy??? It's more like a soap-opera where you have to periodically kill off charackters, so you don't loose control...(But thats just me- had to bit.. about it since I wasted so much time on it).

And of course severaly amusing Pratchetts in between.


Anyone know which other GG Kay books are worth reading?

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If I read just one book at a time, I get bored very easily. Not in the sense that the story is boring, but more that I don't like to do just one thing or live in one "world" for long periods. So I have a shelf of books that I've started reading. Depending on what I feel like reading, I'll pick up a certain book.


This week, I've finished Schlock volume 5, Infinity Blade: Awakening (for the second time), and Infinity Blade: Redemption.


At the moment, I'm reading:

-Schlock volume 6

-Elantris (for a second time)

-The Princess Bride

-The Maze Runner

-the second Hitchhiker book

-Clash of Kings (book 2 of Song of Ice and Fire)

-And Then There Were None

-Mr. Monster


Books I want to read next:

-Steelheart (can't wait for it to come out!)

-Way of Kings and the rest of Brandon's works (for a second time)

-Schlock volume 7-9

-the rest of the Song of Ice and Fire book

-the rest of the Hitchhiker book

-Glamour in Glass

-I Don't Want to Kill You

-The Hollow City

-the Percy Jackson books

-Fahrenheit 451

-and so many others!

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Just finished Book 6 of The Wheel of Time. Been on a re-read kick. But the library has Stephen King's newish book "Joyland" waiting for me, so I'm gonna jump to that soon.

recently also read the Dexter book series, was kind of like the show in regards that they both started strong and had great potential on their own because they're seperate. But the further along they got, it just got worse and worse.

Tried reading the Malazan series, just couldn't do it. That's one of less than half a dozen books I've never finished. I just didn't like the writing style too much, and it was just too much too fast. No character attachment was able to happen, and stuff was just too hard to follow to enjoy.

Also, semi-recently read the Blade Itself series, and all the other Joe Abercrombie books. Yes, it was a "light" touch of magic, but it was the perfect amount, I thought. The real great part was the characters though. An amazing cast, and each person having a different narrative voice/style was very impressive. Abercrombie just writes great, detailed battles with the gory touch of realism.
I'm sorry, characters shouldn't survive innumerable amounts of battles and come out unscathed. You have to be realistic about these kinds of things, afterall.

Edited by Gamma Fiend
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I have just finished reading Ace Of Skulls, the last Ketty Jay from Chris Wooding. It was a bit sad, but good :) He writes quite differently from Brandon - the plucking of emotions is more pronounced, the world somewhat less :)

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  • 3 months later...

I recently read The Emperor's Soul and The Rithmatist and am in the first hundred pages of Steelheart on my Brandon catch up.  Loving EVERYTHING.  Steelheart is sticking out to me as very distinct in tone to his other books, darker and pitches more toward a flawed humanity instead of the usually hopeful tone he has in the majority of his books.


I have the Dan Wells catch up next with Partials, Fragments, and The Hollow City.  Looking forward to everything!

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Just started The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch, Promise of Blood by Brian McClellan, and may take a peak at the Alcatraz series by BS.

And I just finished Well of Acension, so I may need to pick up Hero of Ages sometime soon and finish the trilogy off again...

Oh and my friend is heavily recommending The Name of The Wind (Kingkiller Chronicles, I believe). So may start that in a week or so.

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I have recently worked my way up to the fifth Malazan book. I am quite enjoying the story, though I can understand why many people don't like it. It is VERY different from Brandon's stuff, but I've found it a worthy use of my time.

Currently reading The Particle at the End of the Universe by Sean Carroll, a book about the Higgs boson particle and the Large Hadron Collider, intended for a public audience with no background in particle physics. Gotta read about the real world sometimes!

Basically, I am just biding my time now waiting for Words of Radiance! :D

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Currently reading The Particle at the End of the Universe by Seam Carroll, a book about the Higgs boson particle and the Large Hadron Collider, intended for a public audience with no background in particle physics. Gotta read about the real world sometimes!


you mean... like.... non-fiction...?


But... that's blasphemy!!!

(seriously sounds like a cool book. I love particle physics and stuff like that)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just finished the Second Sons trilogy by Jennifer Fallon.


The books were low quality, pulpish fantasy. The constant sex, clumsy plotting, predictable plot, characters acting out-of-character to fit the plot, poorly handled religion vs atheism theme, and unlikeable characters should have turned me off to the series, but for some reason I really enjoyed them. I am forced to conclude that I just like low-quality books, and it's medium-quality books that I dislike. A sort of 'so bad it's good' effect, but the books don't have to be extremely bad?


In any case, I would recommend the series only if you have literally nothing else you want to read. Also, anyone who is religious and/or a deontologist will likely find them enraging and not very satisfying.

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Started The Emperor's Blades a couple of days ago. It looks promising, but I spent the last few months rereading all of Brandon's books, and then all of Butcher's (The Dresden Files only, actually, no Codex Alera), so getting into a new author and new series is a little difficult. Mostly because I compare everything to Brandon, and it just doesn't compare well :(

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Currently reading Mistborn: The Final Empire, you might have heard of it.  About half way through and its great!  I sure hope they go into more depth with some of the noble families.  Periticularly Elend Venture and his fiancee, which I think is a given. Just read the scene where you see Hoit, knew it was coming and thought it was great.  Ive read The Way of Kings but missed Hoit in it.  Definitely will be looking for him in my reread before Words of Radiance


Next is either the second book in the series, WOK reread, or finish the second half of Theft of Swords.  Started Theft of Swords about a month ago and read the first half.  It was good, but didnt tottally grab me to continue the second half.  Ill probably revisit later.  There's just too much good fantasy out there to not read something that you're not crazy about.


Btw..  First post.  Nice forum.  Excited about conversing about Brandon, among other things!!

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Well, The Emperor's Blades is done - solid book, though the pacing felt weird in a few ways (viewpoint changes were often sudden, cliffhangers were sometimes random, action was kind of lacking in the beginning), but everything started pulling itself together after the middle, and it was a page-turner by the end.


Reading Anthony Ryan's Blood Song now. Somebody here recommended it to me a while back. So far it looks enjoyable, but it very very similar to The Name of the Wind. Not that this is a bad thing, but so far it's preventing me from full immersion into the story. 

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I'm reading Game of Thrones while I wait for my sister to finish Alcatraz and the Scrivener's Bones. My aunt sent me all five for my birthday in an email. (I'm a very fast reader, and my sister is a very slow reader. We'll see how many of the Song of Ice and Fire books I get through before she gives Alcatraz to me).

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I'm currently bouncing between The Eye of the World, The Final Empire, and Assassin's Apprentice, but I just got my february audible credit so all other books stop for the time being for Grave Peril, the third Dresden file book. I enjoy the audiobook of the first one so much, I decided I would do the whole series as audiobook, and its quickly shaping up to possibly be my favorite series.

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