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What Are You Reading, Part 2


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8 hours ago, rmmateus said:

I love Crossroads of Twilight for both Mat and Egwene. I really love what happens with the rebel Aes Sedai at this point. And I also like Elayne's part, too.

Edit: Started reading Elantris today and already loving it. I think my masters dissertation will suffer now.

I'd have to look back into it to see what exactly is going on with Egwene in that book.  I remember the arc of the series, but mostly don't recall what happens in which book.  As I recall, I generally like Mat throughout the series, Perrin at the beginning and end of the series, but less so in the middle, Egwene towards the end after her training with the wise ones, and Elayne for a brief bit towards the end before she drops back to being insuffereable.  It stands to reason that book 10 would be a good point for Mat and Egwene, and maybe one of the better points for Elayne before she drops back down, but i'd honestly have to check

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On 7/31/2017 at 3:28 PM, Briar King said:

No no no!

watch 1 but just fast foward to the Maul duel, put in 2..never mind take 2 back out because it doesn't actually exist(believe it), put in 3 and fast foward to the opera and go from there, watch R1 next in all its glory and repeat for 4 to 6, then put in 4.5 I mean 7 and lol/cringe/cry/scream at JJ.

Watch one skipping all Jar Jar. Watch two, skipping all whiny anakin. Thats how i deal with them. 2 is good when Obi-Wan is featured. He's awesome. 

Anyway i just finished reading Catch Me If You Can. About Frank the check criminal. It's fascinating and hilarious. 

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52 minutes ago, Leiasqz said:

@Ammanas Have never had that happening with books, but it happens with board games all the time as I grow more experienced.

On topic; finished Aether, started "The Broken Eye" (Lightbringer #3).

I really enjoyed Lightbringer and felt like each book is a growth on the one before it. Plus, Turtle Bear! 

About halfway through Dust of Dreams. I should much more time for my SA reread than I had thought. 

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29 minutes ago, AngelEy3 said:

I really enjoyed Lightbringer and felt like each book is a growth on the one before it. Plus, Turtle Bear! 

About halfway through Dust of Dreams. I should much more time for my SA reread than I had thought. 

Plenty of time to get ICE. Also the 2 others SE wrote which I'm curious to see your reaction to. I think Ammans shares my "what?! WHY?!" reaction to bk1 of that set.

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14 minutes ago, Briar King said:

I think Ammans shares my "what?! WHY?!" reaction to bk1 of that set.

Sorry I need a little clarification. Are you referring to Forge of Darkness? Also are you referring to the change of style of that book compared to the main 10 book series? 

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4 minutes ago, Ammanas said:

Sorry I need a little clarification. Are you referring to Forge of Darkness? Also are you referring to the change of style of that book compared to the main 10 book series? 

Don't read this Angel!

i m talking about the changing of the lore from what was in 1-10. However there was that bit in GOTM with Tool and Lorn I pointed out a few months ago to you

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Just now, Leiasqz said:

I like the fact that the author basically reinvented MTG without even knowing it :)

Lightbringer is a fun read. I also quite enjoyed Night Angel though a lot of people I've noticed didn't. I'm actually really looking forward for him to finish LB because he is going back to NA afterwards and has grown so much as an author I'm expecting great things out of the new books.

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100 pgs into Age of Assassins by RJ Barker. It's a strong start so far with the author doing some interesting world building. Sometimes these assassin books are the equivalent of a Michael Bay movie in that it consists of mainly action scenes; this isn't the case thus far and it has had good pacing.

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On 3.8.2017 at 7:54 AM, Briar King said:

Lightbringer is a fun read. I also quite enjoyed Night Angel though a lot of people I've noticed didn't.

Well, I've only read the first one so far. I should read the rest but I accidentally bought book 1 again instead of book 2 :D It was interesting enough, but I thought some of the ending was a bit "over the top" in the part of getting out of trouble..


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I'm reading The Fires of Heaven for the fifth time (I never read The Week of Time before 2014, but I've since been rather dedicated to making up for lost time), but I've also been squeezing in some comics. I wholeheartedly recommend Seven to Eternity and Night's Dominion. Also, Copra. And Monstress, but y'all should already know that one.

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Just finished Mistborn: The Final Empire. Here's a mini review:

Favorite Characters: Sazed, Vin, Elend, Spook

Most memorable moments: Vin saving Elemd in nothing but her underwear XD, Marsh killing the Inquisitors, the almost impalement from the nail, Elend's introduction, Sazed saving Vin's life, Spook and the handkerchief, everyone speaking eastern dialect to Breeze

Next up to read is The Well of Ascension in my Sanderson-a-thon. Currently debating if I should do a reread of Alcatraz before The Hero of Ages.

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3 hours ago, Draginon said:

Next up to read is The Well of Ascension in my Sanderson-a-thon. Currently debating if I should do a reread of Alcatraz before The Hero of Ages.

If you can, you'll be a stronger person than me. I couldn't wait to get my hands on the next book.

As for me, I've just started on The Blade Itself having giving up on Malazan for the moment because I need something far less confusing in a very stressful schedule... 

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I finished Deadhouse Gates. It was very hard to re-start the book halfway through, but I made it through and I think I understood everything.
I'm going to take a quick break and read Assassin's Price, then if I have the time I'll start on Malazan 3. There's a good chance I simply won't have the time to finish it before I leave for school, so I may just wait to start until I'm settled in school and then grab a copy there.

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4 hours ago, StormyQueen said:

If you can, you'll be a stronger person than me. I couldn't wait to get my hands on the next book.

Well Alcatraz is such a short read that I want to refresh myself for the second book, especially since I'm going in publishing order and Alcatraz just happens to be stuck in between two Mistborn books. Do love the characters but reading three 'dark' books in a row would be tiring and publishing order keeps things from going stale.

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I am 3/4 into the Broken Eye and I have one commentary to make:


Karris rescuing Gavin was such a satisfying moment I never want to ever read the damsel in distress being rescued by the valiant knight ever again. How can anyone think Adolin rescuing Shallan is anywhere near interesting when the opposite has so much more potential? I loved the scene and the twist on Gavin. Great arc. The chapter featuring his execution was very well executed.


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Finished Unhewn Throne a while back and decided to do a reread of The Name of the Wind.  may follow that up with Wise Man's Fear, but not sure yet.  debating doing a reread of Stormlight prior to November as well

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