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Any thoughts on....?


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Any thoughts on how Stormlight 3 will push the story forward? And why I'm asking is that we've had two big books involving massive battles with the Parshendi/Voidbringers and after the finale of the second book, I'm thinking we're going off in a new direction. Any thoughts?

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Kaladin facing his past, Dalinar learning to control his new powers, answers about the radiants from the Stormfather and urithiru, Shallan and ghost blood shenanigans, Kaladin saving kholinar and being disgusted with the decadence of the queen, Kaladin having to lead the people of kholinar, squires and their new powers, general distraction from the ever storm, Szeth and Nightblood shenanigans, Szeth goes to a destroyed shinovar mabey he has a spren, Dalinar and the Nightwatcher, Dalinar and Gavilar unifying Alethkhar, Eshonai and the escaped listeners possible radiancy, Adolin exiled mabey.

And that's how I expect it to go basicly, but knowing Brandon half of it is wrong due to awesome chull twits.

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TWoK: Characters separate


WoR: characters all on shattered plains


Book 3: separate again, but cooler. With urithuru as home base


Kaladin facing his past, Dalinar learning to control his new powers, answers about the radiants from the Stormfather and urithiru, Shallan and ghost blood shenanigans, Kaladin saving kholinar and being disgusted with the decadence of the queen, Kaladin having to lead the people of kholinar, squires and their new powers, general distraction from the ever storm, Szeth and Nightblood shenanigans, Szeth goes to a destroyed shinovar mabey he has a spren, Dalinar and the Nightwatcher, Dalinar and Gavilar unifying Alethkhar, Eshonai and the escaped listeners possible radiancy, Adolin exiled mabey.

And that's how I expect it to go basicly, but knowing Brandon half of it is wrong due to awesome chull twits.


Basically, this. Plus all of the secret societies, and 


Jasnah: "hey! I'm Alive!"


Shallan/Navani: WHAAAAAA?


Can/t wait for that... Plus, ELSECALLERS! (my fave order)

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Well...I think maybe the following;


Dalinar's past explored (definitely), with; Adolin will have some more development, given WoR's ending; Shallan's escalating Ghostblood involvement; Jasnah's appearance at Urithiru, or perhaps seeing Kaladin at Hearthstone; Kaladin acceptance/embracing his past at Hearthstone; Viewpoint or 2 from Mr T, Eshonai, Szeth and Rysn

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Dalinar will face his past as the Blackthorn via the ordeal of his son. He will be force to reconsider his strict adhesion to the Way of Kings and he will weight the murders he has commit to Sadeas demise. He may or may not learn much about his powers as Brandon told us we wouldn't get much of Tension until the second half.


Renarin will be promote to a more prominent character: we will find out about his visions. Brandon told us more Renarin would be featured in book 3. Renarin and Dalinar will bond in book 3. Adolin will be outcast from his own family.


Kaladin will get closure on Heartstone, Laral and his parents. He may or may not go to Kohlinar with or without Jasnah. I expect Kaladin to get less POV in book 3, probably as much as Shallan in book 1.


Jasnah will join up either Kaladin or Urithiru. She may or may not get chapters, probably interludes.


Shallan will entangle herself into her lies. She may or may not have a part to play in Adolin's rescue. I expect she will have less POV in book 3, probably as much as in book 1.


Adolin will watch his world collapse around him and will be powerless to stop the downward spiral he has step foot into. Ending of WoR indicates he should get some more character development, but Brandon announced planning tell us it may not be the case. I do not know how many POV he'll get, as much as in WoR, I hope.


As for Interludes: Szeth, Lift, Rysn, Eshonai and Mr T. 




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I think the story will start taking a different path.  I expect more information to be introduced (though not explained  B) ) about the voidspren/voidbringers.  In particular I expect the end plate of WoR indicates the Odium side of the heralds/surges/etc and some of that to be introduced.

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I don't really have anything to base this on aside from supposition...but I wouldn't be surprised if we saw a new parshendi form.  There are several outlined in their song of secrets that have been so far unobtained.  I'm thinking that the group that left, and refused to become stormform, may figure out artform etc, while some of the baddies get mixed up in decayform or smoke form...or something...

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Is it possible that Eshonai will be alive? She did fall off a cliff. But oh! I want her back, the way she was before storm form. I really liked her then. She felt real and new and interesting but not quite human. She seemed so different, yet at the same time I empathized with her. :( Brandon is such a good writer. :)

. . . Sorry, I guess that kind of turned into a rant there.

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I'm personally hoping to see a lot of Kaladin's old worries and unsolved problems get solved. Kaladin is far and away my favorite character (except maybe Axies) and I would love to see as much POV time with him as possible. I realize this probably isn't going to happen the way it did in WoK, this being Dalinar's book, but here's what I really hope to see:

  • Kaladin meets up with Laral, she sees that he's a KR and a Lighteyes now, and (hating her life with Roshone) tries to restart their romantic relationship. Kaladin, remembering how she treated him, basically says she's not worth his time anymore (especially since he's got his sights set on Shallan now) and leaves her to deal with the consequences of her actions.
  • Kaladin meets with Roshone, still terrorizing his family, unless one or both of his parents are dead or broken. Kaladin then tells Roshone to f**k off or face a KR.
  • Eventually returning to Urithiru, Kaladin/Shallan start to build a relationship, and Adolin -- realizing that though he likes Shallan, they aren't really a good match -- steps aside and even encourages it.

Knowing Sanderson though, things are going to get worse and worse, only getting better at the very end. Even then, "getting better" might include almost every main character dying (see: Hero of Ages). This is what I would love to see though, in an ideal Roshar.

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