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(Spoilers) Your biggest "WHAT THE---?!"

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I am curious what people's biggest "HOLY COW!  I did NOT see that comment" moment was.  For me, I think it was Vash being Warbreaker.  I remember freaking out a ton when I read it.  I'll see if I can find a link to my comments to show how much I freaked.


How about you guys?  What was your biggest moment?

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Hmm. I'm not sure I can peg this to one. For me, there's multiple. I'll sort them by book


Mistborn--TLR being Rashek. I guessed this right before Vin realizes it, so it wasn't quite as shocking as it would've been, but it still got me. The other big one was the atium and the Kandra. That totally blind-sided me.


Warbreaker-- I'll agree with you about Vasher being Warbreaker. Didn't predict Bluefinger either, but the Vasher reveal surpassed that one in "What the--" -ness.


Way of Kings-- Dalinar speaking the Dawnchant. If I was forced to pick one "What the--" moment, this would be it. I thought this one was equal shades shocking, unpredictable, and absolute genius to its core.


Scribbler/Rithmatist spoilers below

Harding. And then that it ended up being Nalizar all along. For some reason, I got a Snape vibe from him, and I knew all along Snape wasn't evil, even though Harry and Co. accused him at the beginning/middle/end of every book.. I figured Nalizar was like that....but clearly he was not. In the slightest.

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Taravangian, no question. I liked him, Jasnah respected him, he cared for his people. And then it turns out he's a mass murderer... It was like being hit by a train.


Agreed. That was one thing I totally did not see coming, and with some thought, I'd have to agree that that one is my biggest "What the?!" Everything else, I've managed to figure out beforehand to some degree or another. Not Taravangian.

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Agreed. That was one thing I totally did not see coming, and with some thought, I'd have to agree that that one is my biggest "What the?!" Everything else, I've managed to figure out beforehand to some degree or another. Not Taravangian.

I had completely forgotten his name, so I frantically flipped back because it sounded like the name from the highstorm. 'Wait Kaladin's dad is... what?'
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Without a doubt, the Lord Ruler being Rashek. I got there at the same time as Vin - missing that was pretty embarrassing. It did however teach me that BS likes to fiddle with his readers, so I've gotten better anticipating such twists in his work.

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All three of the endings in the Mistborn trilogy got me. Of those, the Lord Ruler being Rashek is probably the one that hit the hardest, which I still think is one of the best plot twists period. I never saw it coming.


In The Way of Kings, I totally did not see Dalinar giving up his Shardblade. It was just... so so perfect.

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Aon Rao beinig Elantris for me was one of the biggest, I think I actually called Taravangian just slightly before it happened but when I read it I was still pretty 'what the', I almost didn't expect to be right I guess.

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c'mon the biggest was the realisation of Sazed being the hero of ages.


Yes and no... although it was still a huge shock, I just about twigged before the explicit reveal. Taravingian I never saw coming, and although I knew there was a 3rd mistborn book, I had no idea what was going to do down at the well (although I did catch the 'Holy First Witness' bit).

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I don't really remember a "What the..."-moment now. The nearest to this was surely the "healing of Elantris" with Raoden putting the missing line to this "big Aon". 


But though I really didn't give Taravangian credit for such a behaviour until that specific chapter, I haven't been surprised by this revelation. IIRC I thought something like "Ah yes, that kind old man ..." (give this a sarcastic undertone!) and "What would Jasnah say if she knew ..." (she compared Taravangian with Dalinar and felt similarities ...). 


(PS/edit: what means "c'mon"?) 

Edited by Meg
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Mine is Kelsier getting killed by TLR.  Yeah, it was foreshadowed heavily, but I simply wasn't expecting it.  The others mentioned in this thread are indeed bigger surprises, but none had the same impact on me as Kelsier's death.

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To me it was the betrayal of Denth and Tonk Fah. Especially the thing about Tonk Fah torturing his pets. I always assumed he was a fluff-ball who had to become hard in order to survive, but then this. It was like dropping from totally likeable to complete jackass in a matter of pages, it completely rewrote any conversation and character building, shifting everything from a fuzzy pink to a dark and damp black. I was completely knocked out and it was the first time I actually said "WHAT A B***H!" out loud instead of thinking it.

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To me-besides Taravangian-the biggest surprise was when Dalinar walks up to Elhokar and beats him up (sort of), although the Lord Ruler turning out to have saved Scadrial and prepared for disaster to save the people was a little surprising

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