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GM question: Can I ask for a day extension? It seems unfair to me that the eliminators can get more discussion time if they need it, but that we can't.


Yeah, you can have the Day Extended. Any turn can be extended, if somebody asks. It's just that nobody's been asking. :P The Day will now last for 24 more hours, and end on Sunday.


On that note, I'm back. Many thanks to Meta, Hero, and Macen, and everyone who helped look after things while I was away. (Seriously people, go find a couple of their posts and upvote them, if you can. :P) It'll still be a little bit before I'm properly caught up and back in the swing of things, so I'll still going to be relying on them a little, but I am back.

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I just noticed something interesting (from Aonar's Sig):


Titles: (Briefly the) Official Opposition of the Bloodthirsty Pseudo-Deity, Wilson; Denier of False Divinities; Apprentice Listborn; Lord of Chaos; Schrodinger's Sharder; Lord and Shardholder of Troll; Patron Saint of Diagrams; Weaver of Dissonance; the Devil (According to Wilson).


Aonar, are you biased?

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He is always biased. All GMs are. Just read the Spec Docs.

Anyhoo, finally updated the quicklinks. Also, Emerald made me think of it, so I added links to all living players' profiles. This way, we can check activity levels without having to do tiresome searching. :P Yay, a new feature...

Edited by Kipper
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Assuming that we are correct in assuming option 3, true inactivity, as the reason for the season the lack of a kill, I have decided to go through this list of inactive people (that I did not just steal from Emerald by the way) and see if I can find anything that stuck out before they went inactive:



-Last post was a vote on Renegade after he had already been revealed as a Diagamist. Says he is going to catch up before voting in this same post.(Contradictory statement)

-Says he is unexpectedly busy but will be back soon

-Comes up with a plan about using scanning/squiring system to create only refugee squires.(never got past the planning stage however)

-Votes for meta, says RNG chose meta as target.


-Voted for kipper in an RP

-Joined game


- Comes back on immediately after the night of no kills

-Agrees that he is lurking but says not to waste a kill on him since eliminators are usually more active

-Was posting almost everyday before going inactive

-I was suspicious of him back on D4 (put a pseudo vote on him) for a few reasons that weren't that good.


- Only posted twice

-First post was an "I am here post"

-Second post was apologizing for being inactive, agrees with a bunch of previously held ideas and says the only thing he suspects is that Orlok is a refugee


- says she will be not very active for a week because she is going to college(this was almost three weeks ago)

-Has two posts basically saying I am here

-pokes phatt



After analyzing these posts I would say that Feligon/Dow and Idolevy are our diagramists(if there are 5, if 6 all three could be diagramists). Reasons:

-I highlighted the very suspicious things that Dow and Feligon said. Dows was suspicious for the obvious reason of the only thing he said being that he thought a now proven diagramist is innocent. Feligons seemed like an offhand comment to drive suspicion off of inactives because he knew that the diagramists had a very inactive team.

-Idolevy seems like a potential diagramist because of all the suspicious things he said he is the most likely player to have actually forgot completely about the game and not just lost interest because they are a roleless refugee.

-I eventually decided on Fel because he is now active so could use the kill in the future and when he was active he reminded me of when we were eliminators together in QF67. Also it would be nice if my earlier suspicion was right and I actually found an eliminator on my own for once. 


EDIT: It was actually QF7

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I mostly stopped caring about going on with this game (I deliberately said I was totally vanilla, but no one squired me. sigh), but these votes on me make it interesting.  I said I was busy with real life stuff, I had started a new construction job and my arms got really sore from raking gravel for hours, so I didn't feel like posting.  Plus, most of the people that know what they're doing have enough time to analyze previous games and glean all sorts of information about play-styles.


As for suspicions, if I am going to be lynched (that is very possible), I'll just put my vote on Adimir.  He's been inactive only on this game, not on any other threads.  Maybe he forgot that he was in this game?


Also, what's with all these extensions?  Are you guys plotting without me?  Wouldn't be the first time.



Edit: removed vote

Edited by Feligon
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That is correct, I purely checked whether or not they'd been active on any part of the forums. The concept was that if they'd been active on any part of the forum, they would've had time to get on and put in orders to kill someone.

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That is correct, I purely checked whether or not they'd been active on any part of the forums. The concept was that if they'd been active on any part of the forum, they would've had time to get on and put in orders to kill someone.


I said I had been lurking, so I deffinitely could've killed someone if I was evil (you know how much I like top kill people *cough* QF7)


EDIT: I'm changing my vote to mailiw.  He changed votes really quick when Emerald started to vote for me.


Edid2: removed vote

Edited by Feligon
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You're still missing people.

Bridge Boy, inactive since August 2.

And nobody else, though unfortunately we can't check and see if they were inactive before getting on today, say.


Huh. I thought he'd been more active that that. I guess I could've been more thorough with my checking. 

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Might as well I guess. Someone let me know if I've missed something.


Vote tally:

  • Kas Notation:
    • Adamir(2): Kipper<1>, Peng<1>, Mailliw<1>, Feligon<1>
    • Mailliw(2): Araris<1>, Feligon <2>
    • Feligon(4): Emerald<1>, Mailliw<2>, Clanky<1>, Joe<1>
  • Normal Notation:
    • Adamir(2): Kipper, Peng
    • Mailliw(2): Araris, Feligon
    • Feligon(4): Emerald, Mailliw, Clanky, Joe
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In case anyone saw my post about GMs and bias, and happened to be offended or put off, I'd like to post a clarification.

I did not mean "bias" in the sense of bending the rules to accomodate a particular team. I meant "bias" in the sense of, I hope this particular team wins. This is not a problem, and everybody (including some villagers) does this at some point or another.

I in no way meant to imply that our GMs are not impartial and fair. I was instead referencing simple comments like, "I'm rooting for this team," comments that I routinely see from GMs and other Spectators in the Spec and Dead Docs.

As one moderator pointed out to me, "bias" was probably the incorrect word to use when referencing these comments. After all, the comments just express a desire for a particular team to do well, not an actual motivated action intended to help or hurt a particular team.

At any rate, I dashed off a post without regard for how it might sound without more explanation and I apologize for any offense.

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Maill. Not sure I agree on the inactives theory - I think it's at least as likely the eliminators are feigning inactivity than that half the team is genuinely inactive. I'll sit out of the vote this cycle.


If they are feigning inactivity then we will know as soon as they next use their attack and we will have killed one (mostly) inactive player which is hardly the end of the world.

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Storms, well, I typed out my post and then accidentally went back a page. so sorry, but basically I just got wifi yesterday and I'm traveling again starting wednesday soooo yeah basically a ditto of my other post, I'm still going to be hecka busy n such and my posting will probably be very sporadic. At least I'll be posting now, though.


yet another "I am here" post from Eo sorry

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There's a little over an hour left in the day, in case you guys feel like changing anything. 


This is what I have as the vote count, if anyone wants to double check me:

Plurn Burn (4): Sani, Madon, Em C., Cla

Adamir (3): Justin, Seixa, Kip

Madon (2): Wol, Plurn Burn

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Night Seven: Big "Strong" Man


After the highstorm had passed, the remaining survivors gathered in their makeshift camp.  Despite the fact that nobody had died during the night, the ferocity of the recent highstorm seemed to trickle into their moods this morning.


“Adamir’s been pretty quiet recently,” Kip noted.  “I wonder what he could be up to…”


As the others glanced around in a futile attempt to locate Adamir, Wol spoke up.  “Personally, I’d like to know what’s up with Madon.  I think his ‘crem collecting’ business is just a cover for something else.”


Madon blinked, setting a piece of yellowish-tan (with a hint of red) crem on the ground.  “Great, here we go again…” he muttered to himself.  “The crem I collect is one hundred percent certified crem,” he challenged.  “If you think it’s a cover for something, why don’t you go check for yourself?”


Several of the others chuckled, prompting Wol to direct a harsh glare towards Madon.  However, the old ardent then looked away, apparently too stunned to form a response.


“Personally, though,” Madon continued, “I’d like to know what Adamir’s up to as well.  I know I’ve seen him around recently.”


“Ah, but that’s the thing,” Em C. Palah spoke up, raising an eyebrow.  “Whereas Adamir has been visible in this camp the past day or so, Plurn Burn has not.  Perhaps he went off to another plateau to reconvene with his foul compatriots.”


“Strong words from a potter,” Madon said, reconsidering.  “I think that he might be onto something…”


With some additional prodding from Cla and Sani, several of the survivors agreed to go after Plurn Burn… as soon as they could find him.


“Where is that fool now?” Sani grumbled.  “It’s not like he could’ve gone far; we’re in the middle of the Shattered Plains!”


“Ha!” Cla laughed in a booming Horneater voice.  “Maybe he was carried off in the highstorm!”


“Actually, with the highstorm last night, Plurn has to be somewhere on this plateau,” Sani said.  “Either that, or he left before the highstorm, and is back at the warcamps by now.”


“Or at the bottom of a chasm, dead,” Cla smiled.  “Good chasmfiend bait, he’d be.”


Madon rolled his eyes.  “Well, wherever he…” the crem collector stopped as he heard a long moan.  The group followed the sound to a boulder covering a crevice in the rock.


“Hm,” Cla said, walking up to the boulder and easily dislodging it from its resting place with his hand. The group gasped, discovering that the boulder was hollow, and had a resident.


“Ah!” Plurn Burn sprang up from the crevice.  “Did I scare you?”


Sani sighed.  “Alright, what have you been doing in there?”


“Waiting to scare you guys!” Plurn Burn laughed.  “Were you not just listening?”


“I don’t think so,” Em C. frowned.  “You wouldn’t have waited an entire day under that rock just to scare us for a sad attempt at a joke.”


“Wow, you’re a rude one,” Plurn Burn said, poking a finger at Em C.  And, you’re right.  I… erm, got stuck under there.”


“Ha!” Cla chuckled, pointing at the hollowed-out boulder.  “Stuck under that measly rock!  What a big, strong man you are!”


“Yeah?”  Plurn Burn folded his arms.  “Well…”


“Enough of this!” Madon shouted.  “The crem will be cold by the time we kill him if we keep up with this.”


“I, ah, kill me?” Plurn chuckled nervously.  “That’s… not very amusing.”


“Maybe,” Madon responded, “but it’ll have to do.  Let’s get him!”


“Never!” Plurn shouted, immediately racing off from his assailants, following the circumference of the plateau.  “You can’t stop me!  Bwahaha!”


“Really?” Sani groaned, chasing after the crazed man.  “You’re stuck here!  You can’t just delay us forever!”


“Oh, but I can!” Plurn grinned, turning towards their camp.  He leapt over a small tent, causing it to tumble down and angering the sleepy man inside.


Before long, a sizeable mob was chasing after Plurn, though none of them seemed to be able to catch the storming man.  Even worse, the fool continuously hurled insults at them as they ran in pursuit.


“Your mother’s a Chasmfiend!” Plurn Burn shouted at Dow, who was sitting innocently to the side, as he flew past.  Dow wasn’t sure what to think, but he couldn’t let such an insult go, so he jumped up and then the mob chasing Plurn was one man stronger.


Eventually, the mob realized that they’d need to trap Plurn in order to stop him, so they gradually formed a semicircle around him to force Plurn to the edge of the plateau.  At this point, however, Plurn was at full speed and there was no stopping him.  He charged straight towards Akirsefatafesrika and, before the poor man could react, knocked him straight into the ground.


Plurn chuckled.  “Might as well call me an Edgedancer, ‘cause I’m just too slick!”


The mob groaned, both from Plurn’s joke and from the fact that he’d escaped their semicircle.


“Maybe we should just stop,” Justin puffed.  “I mean, he’s got to run out of energy eventually, right?”  Several of the other men and women, nodded between gasps for air.


However, this was not the case, as Plurn continued running until it was sunset, still hurling an endless supply of insults at the annoyed refugees.


“I honestly don’t even know how we’re going to stop this guy,” Eo pouted.  Suddenly, they all heard a shout of “freedom!” and turned to watch Plurn attempt to jump across the chasm to another plateau.

He almost made it, too.




Plurn Burn (4): Sani, Madon, Em C., Cla
Adamir (3): Justin, Seixa, Kip
Madon (2): Wol, Plurn Burn


(As it was technically after rollover, Feligon's vote was not changed.)


Plurn Burn (Feligon) has been lynched! He was a Refugee.


You have roughly 24 hours to get your actions in, unless an extension is called.

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