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The Knights Radiant Quiz


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First Truthwatcher, with 88-84%.

Second Elsecaller, with 74-58%.

Third Lightweaver, with 47-34%.

Not surprising, I always liked logic and being alone behind the scenes. I am artistical, but also have a highly analitical mind. And I am closer to Renarin than to Jasnah when it comes to personality. Not that any of them is much like me.

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I am somehow a Bondsmith. 44% Despite being very much not a people person. I don't even like talking to people about serious things that much really.

Elsecaller is just underneath at 39% though. So I'll go with that. And below that at 38%, truthwatcher.

I am also 28% skybreaker despite being prone to jaywalking. And then 5% windrunner.

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I got:

59% Truthwatcher

53% Lightweaver

31% Willshaper

26% Dustbringer

21% Elsecaller

16% Edgedancer

I'm obviously a very complicated person ;) . . . And it all adds up to a grand total of 206%. I do not think this site knows its math.

Maybe they're counted individually?

Like, you seem 59% of a straight-up Truthwatcher as opposed to being 100% truthwatcher for sure, and so on. With there being less than 10 options per question there must be overlap in traits.

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56% Truthwatcher. Yay!  :lol:  Right on, actually...

Truthwatchers are among the most tactful and considerate of orders, taking care to think before they speak. They are private individuals, but insightful. Although not generally inclined toward combat, they are invaluable allies off the battlefield. They possess the surges of Progression and Illumination, and their second Ideal is unknown.


34% Elsecaller


34% Lightweaver


22% Bondsmith


19% Edgedancer

Edited by Slowswift
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I'm obviously a very complicated person ;) . . . And it all adds up to a grand total of 206%. I do not think this site knows its math.

Based on the numbers, I'd assume this is a probabilistic approach similar to creating a propensity score to determine the probability that one would be given a certain "treatment" due to observable characteristics. (I'm an economist: statistics is my thing!) In this case, the treatment is what Knights Radiant order you'd be.


The numbers basically say that given your characteristics the probability you'd be in a given order, without looking at the other orders (i.e. and independent draw), is what you see as a percentage. Thus you're a 59% match for the Truthwatchers based upon your answers and what is known about Truthwatchers characteristics. 


My quiz results are as follows:


Willshaper - 53%

Stoneward - 47%

Skybreaker - 41%


All the others are less than 30% so I won't list them. I always saw myself as a Willshaper since I love to go on adventures and travel. I am also known to be quite scatter-brained and optimistic...so yes, Willshaper I am!

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53% Truthwatcher

47% Lightweaver

28% Edgedancer

25% Willshaper

16% Elsecaller

11% Dustbringer


None of the Orders match me very well(That's what I think anyways.), but I like the results.

And hello everyone! I'm new around here.

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I was surprised at my spontaneous results...


41% Skybreaker

41% Truthwatcher 

39% Elsecaller

31% Bondsmith

8% Windrunner

3% Stoneward


I did it again and I changed the answers I was not sure about and it yielded.


47% Bondsmith

47% Skybreaker

26% Windrunner

25% Stonewards

21% Elsecaller

19% Truthwatcher


Seems like Skybreaker is the common one. I had not foreseen that one.

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I got:

66% Bondsmith

41% Stoneward

34% Windrunner

31% Skybreaker

25% Edgedancer

3% Elsecaller

Which is kinda funny because I thought I would be more of an Edgedancer, Willshaper, Lightweaver and Truthwatcher (which I didn't get at all) variety.

Still, I'm happy with that:)

Edit: tried again and changed the answer I wasn't sure about and got-

47% Bondsmith

22% Stoneward

19% Edgedancer

19% Truthwatcher

19% Skybreaker

13% Elsecaller

13% Windrunner

Apparently I really am a Bondsmith first and foremost LOL and Stoneward is still closest second.

Also, I got exactly the same Orders plus Truthwatcher haha

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Wow... I'd make a terrible Radiant :(


44% Truthwatcher

24% Elsecaller

24% Lightweaver

22% Willshaper

21% Dustbringer

19% Skybreaker


Windrunner, Stoneward, Bondmsith, and Edgedancer ae all at 0%.


Screw you Roshar. I'm going to go become Mistborn :P

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Like a lot of people here, I came out most Truthwatcher... I guess it's because a lot of us are bookish?


69% Truthwatcher

55% Elsecaller

34% Lightweaver

9% Bondsmith

6% Skybreaker

Edited by Ashir
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Wow It looks like I wouldn't be made a radiant:

25% - Stoneward

25% - Edgedancer

25% - Willshaper

19% - Truthwatcher

16% - Skybreaker

16% - Bondsmith

8% - Dustbringer

5% - Lightweaver

0% - Windrunner

0% - Elsecaller

Funny how the power I would want are for Windrunner, which I got a 0 for. Oh well

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Wow It looks like I wouldn't be made a radiant:

25% - Stoneward

25% - Edgedancer

25% - Willshaper

19% - Truthwatcher

16% - Skybreaker

16% - Bondsmith

8% - Dustbringer

5% - Lightweaver

0% - Windrunner

0% - Elsecaller

Funny how the power I would want are for Windrunner, which I got a 0 for. Oh well


I'm there with you in the "wouldn't be a Radiant" club :(


25% - Truthwatcher

25% - Edgedancer

22% - Willshaper

16% - Bondsmith

16% - Stoneward

13% - Lightweaver

6%   - Skybreaker

3%   - Elsecaller

0%   - Windrunner

0%   - Dustbringer


And it's completely off, because I'd totally be a Lightweaver.  Not because that's what I want, necessarily (Elsecaller is what I'd choose if I had a choice), but because Shallan and I are so damned similar and she's a Lightweaver, so it only makes sense!


Edit: I've now taken this quiz a dozen times, making small changes that are still at least somewhat true.  And Truthwatcher just keeps going up, up, and well, not really flying, but at 66%.  I'm at a complete loss as to how the answers give 'points' to the Orders, evidenced in being unable to game the system even when I'm sort of trying to do so.

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56% Bondsmith

44% Stoneward

34% Edgedancer

32% Windrunner

31% Skybreaker

13% Willshaper

100% Voidbringer 

And zero for everything else, everyone typing these statistics reminds of the song remember the name.

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