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Doctor McNinja looked around nervously as he boarded the train. He knew everyone could hear all the coins jingling in his pockets. He found the darkest most secluded seat on the train and sat down to wait to get the farthest away from any other lawman as possible. 




Doctor McNinja, my first character to survive a game will be returning for his second Sanderson Elimination. He promises he won't murder and rob his surviving team members this time(unless he has good reason to).

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Doctor McNinja looked around nervously as he boarded the train. He knew everyone could hear all the coins jingling in his pockets. He found the darkest most secluded seat on the train and sat down to wait to get the farthest away from any other lawman as possible. 




Doctor McNinja, my first character to survive a game will be returning for his second Sanderson Elimination. He promises he won't murder and rob his surviving team members this time(unless he has good reason to).

But the lawman don't know he killed his fellow lawmen do they? As far as they know, he's the only survivor. Unless he's gone rogue now?

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Nails cracked his eye as the train began taking on more passengers.  There were several new faces among the regulars.  Nails would have to keep an eye on them.


He could only keep one eye on them as that was all he had.  An unfortunate incident involving a coinshot and some construction equipment had left Nails without his left eye.  Everyone called Nails lucky for surviving but Nails didn't feel that way.  He didn't know how he had survived having a pair of nails shot into his eye but he did.  Even worse they throbbed at strange times.  Almost like they knew when something was going to happen, and they were throbbing now.


Welcome new victims err I mean players.  Yep, players. :ph34r: It's great to see fresh blood faces around.

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Mennet slipped two Sterions into the inside pockets of his coat. You could never be too careful at a time like this. But somehow, he doubted whether he could get them out in time if the Coinshot Clan decided to kill him.


Requesting to join as Mennet Farrsolin. Note that I'm not planning to actually use said guns in-game.

Edited by Adamir
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Okay. I decided on my name. I'm Zane Tevison, a guy from the roughs whose parents had little to no idea of history who has suffered from insults his entire life. Yes, he knows the story, and no, he's never killed anyone before. 

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New to the forum, new to the game, long time fan of Sanderson, hoping there is still room...


If so, please add "Old Wolf" to the roster.  A well dressed man in his late 50's, looking out the window, lost in somber thoughts.

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I've been meaning to get around to signing up for this one, but I keep putting it off because I'm so busy with other stuff! I'll try to be here though!


The ground shook and rumbled. It was a consistent THUD-ing noise... and it was coming closer to the tracks. 


Suddenly, the back door to the caboose flew off its hinges and off into the distance. A huge, bulking shadow filled the doorway. In fact, if the shadowed figure flexed, it would likely crush the door frame. 


Not a single whisper could be heard as the figure stepped onto the train, causing the entire car to noticeably decline towards the back. Finally, the figure bowed and entered the caboose.


"Hey everee one!" The figure shouted with a huge, vacant grin. "Met-al be bak!" 

Edited by Metacognition
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Looks like we have a lot of people in here, including some new players!  Should be fun!  There are still 20 hours left until sign-ups end, so you can still join if you haven't already done so!  The game will officially begin an hour after the sign-ups are over.

Edited by Renegade
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About 45 minutes left to sign up!  Also, due to the large number of players, I've made an adjustments to the rules.


I've removed the Spying action, because it worked awkwardly and could end up being extremely redundant, and replaced it with a new Purchase Action: Assassination.  (The rules have been edited accordingly.)


Assassination [? Coins]: Every few cycles (randomly determined), you will be informed that there is an Assassin that can be hired.  Each player may bid a certain number of coins to have the Assassin kill a target player (you cannot choose to make the Assassin target no one).  The player who bid the most coins has their kill go through, while all others who bid will have their coins returned to them.  If it is a tie, and both players choose different Assassination targets, the Assassin will become conflicted and will make no kill.  (Both players will be reimbursed if this occurs.)  The Assassin kill takes place simultaneously with the Coinshot Clan kill.

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Signups are over!  The first cycle will be posted in an hour, and I should have most people's PMs set up before or around then.  Good luck!


(Oh yeah, I'm so badchull that I just triple-posted on my own game's signups.  Take that, rules! :P)

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Station 1: Departure

Gavin Gardre, conductor of The Steelway Express, felt that there was something wrong the moment they left the station.  But it was something that he couldn’t quite put his finger on.  Was it that one gentleman that tended to shy away from conversation?  The one who only had one eye?  The hulking koloss-blooded man?  The people who had arrived at this station sure were a motley bunch, but that didn’t necessarily mean that they were suspicious, right?

Still, Gavin couldn’t afford to let his guard down.  He’d heard of many other trains that had been robbed by innocent-looking people, who wished to rob and steal in order to make a living.  Most of these robberies didn’t end up violently, but still, profits had been lost.  Gavin wasn’t in any position to let that happen to the train.  Not now, after its first unveiling.

Gavin walked from the passenger car into the cabin of the steam engine.  “Interesting bunch we have here,” Gavin commented to one of the train engineers, who was busy shoveling coal into the boiler.  The man grunted in response, wiping sweat from his brow.  “Ah well, I…”

Gavin heard a click from behind him.

“Get on your knees,” a loud voice spoke in Gavin’s ear.  “Put your hands up.”

I knew it! Gavin thought angrily, slowly complying to the man’s orders.  Rust and Ruin, they called me paranoid, but I knew it!

The man walked around Gavin until he was fully in Gavin’s view, his pistol pointed straight at Gavin’s head the whole time.  Gavin recognized the man as someone who had just gotten on at this station.  Heatherlocke, or something?  The man seemed to be in dapper attire, so Gavin had dismissed him as another rich nobleman just trying to get back to his mansion or something.  Gah, why had he thought that?  Just because he looked well-off didn’t mean that he wouldn’t try to rob a train.  Well, too late for that now.

“I’m facing a dilemma, Gavin Gardre,” Heatherlocke spoke, his pistol still pointing at Gavin’s forehead.

“Pray tell,” Gavin said, trying to keep his irritation at being robbed out of his voice.

“You see, the rest of the Coinshot Clan wishes me to just take you hostage and rob the train.  But, well, our house would benefit greatly if you were dead, being one of the major lords of one of our rivals and all.”

Ah, so there’s a number of them on board, Gavin thought, barely considering Heatherlocke’s threat.  Good to know.

“So I am assuming that you wish to kill me?” Gavin said, unfazed.

“That is correct.”

There was an awkward silence, and then a loud metallic clang as Heatherlocke crumpled to the ground.  The engineer who had been shoveling coal stood, holding his shovel proudly above the bandit.

“The idiot,” Gavin mumbled.  “Next time you try to take someone hostage and rob a train, make sure you’re alone first.”

“Listen up!” Gavin shouted to the assembled passengers in the passenger car.  “There was just an attempt on my life--”  Rather sad attempt, at that, Gavin thought, but his words had their effect.  “--and there are now members of the Coinshot Clan on this very train!”

Many of the passengers gasped.  This was not how many of them imagined their ride this evening would be like.
“It’s up to you guys to figure out how to find them, but whatever the case may be, I want them dead!  Their little clan will not make a mockery of House Gardre!  None of you are to leave this train until those bandits are found!”

“But that is preposterous!” a tophat-wearing noble exclaimed.  “You cannot keep us in here against our will, like animals!”

Gavin frowned.  “I can, and I will.  Anyone who leaves this train without my permission will be shot.”

“You’re mad!”

“No,” Gavin said shaking his head.  “If this Clan is left alive, they will only begin robbing other trains, and possibly threatening and murdering those people.  I know that none of you wish this to happen to you, but trust me that it’s for the best.”  With that, Gavin left the car, the passengers inside sitting in stunned silence.

The game is afoot!  This cycle will end in 24 hours, and there is no Assassination going on today.  I will have the train car PMs set up momentarily.  Good luck!

Player List


Zane Tevison (zas678)
Jain (Lightsworn Panda)
Symmer Ghetti (Burnt Spaghetti)
Miss Evyn (Lady Eowyn)
Grind (Gamma Fiend)
Senn Conrad-Tekiel (Seonid)
The Pooh with a Name (Araris Valerian)
Locke (OrlokTsubodai)
Seixa (phattemer)
Bortholemew the Blind (Bort)
Vindication (Shallan)
Everton Slade (Bridge Boy)
Doctor McNinja (Clanky)
Nails (Alvron)
Neo (Neodymium)
Penga (jasonpenguin)
Mennet Farrsolin (Adamir)
Leif Erikeller (leiftinspace)
Silent Man (The Only Joe)
Old Wolf (Aanwolf)
Dow (dowanx)
Met-al (Metacognition)

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Rules clarification, because I just thought of this:


The Passenger Car action takes place before coin payments are given out from posting/voting in thread (but after spending money on actions), and the Buffet Car action takes place after coins payments are given out.  Hopefully, that should make more sense.


Edit: Also, this hasn't come up yet, but bidding for the Assassination ability takes place at the same time as all of the other Purchase Actions.  The actual kill, however, doesn't come until after the lynch occurs.

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Penga sat quietly in her chair weeping softly. Penga cried a lot. Some people took that to mean she was weak and cowardly. Those people were wrong. Penga would be genuinely terrified most the time, but still follow through and do as she must. "That" her father had said "is true bravery. To face your fears and, not to be fearless. To be fearless is to be a fool." And so, with wet checks and a steadfast resolve, Penga stood up.

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Since we have no roles in this game discussion is even more important than ever. That means 5hat inactivity is also more damaging then before. As I say this I will not he able to be very active for the next two days as I am out of town.

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Met-al still lik punching plan the best. Met-al lik punching things. 


Met-al wud also lik to remind everee one that this is a kwik fix, so we need to bee kwik ourselves if we want to find the Clan. That y Met-al reely want to punch Grind. Met-al punch him so hard that eeven his children feel it! 

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