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7 hours ago, The Honor Spren said:

When the school year was still going on my mom woke me up for seminary, but instead of getting up, I had a two minute dream about getting up and getting ready. Then when my mom came back into my room to tell me to get in the car I woke up and was really confused how I got back in bed.

That's just like a Calvin and Hobbes comic I read once. XD

A few nights ago I dreamed that I was back in my parents' house in Ohio and I kept finding all these HUGE freaky bugs. Some of them looked like normal spiders, but really big (by American standards of spider size, anyway--I'm sure all the Australian Sharders will laugh at my calling spiders 2 inches across "huge"), but others looked like the devilspawn of a mating between a chasmfiend and a Venus flytrap. I was super weirded out because I was wearing open-toed sandals and kept expecting them to crawl on my feet and bite me if I didn't watch where I was stepping like the carpet was a weeping angel.

And I know exactly where that dream came from--last week I found two separate large, freaky-looking spiders in my bedroom and bathroom, respectively, and was unable to catch them and flush them down the toilet, which is what I usually do with large freaky spiders.

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This was a few nights ago, but it was so weird/detailed, it's stuck with me:


In the manner of dreams, it opened in the middle of the story. I was infiltrating a town, and went into a building. In the basement of that building (more like a cellar complex, it was a series of brick-walled rooms with a hallway) was a German WWII Tiger tank, and suddenly I 'remembered' that my mission was to destroy it. I was in a vent above the tank (which, I think, was modeled after the vents from the game Medal of Honour Allied Assault; which I haven't played since 2005ish) and knew I had to destroy it. But there were nazi patrols, so I had to be careful. 
I hopped on down, only to realize (to my horror!) that the tank wasn't empty! There was someone manning the forward mounted machine gun! 
Near panic, I dropped a pack of remote-detonating C4 (which is anachronistic if I'm fighting Nazi'sm but that's neither here nor there) behind me and rolled through the doorway, dashed down the hall (dodging machinegun fire) and dove into another of the cellars rooms. I turn towards the door, desperate (as I, apparently, am unarmed apart from explosives) as a Nazi guard takes aim at me.

But in my hand I hold the detonator! I set off the explosives, and the explosion rages through the cellar, disabling the guard and giving me a key distraction!
I escape the cellar, and go into the backyard. Of my families house - specifically the patio/pool area. Once out the back, I see a patrol of Nazi guards, and, to my utter shock, among them my father and brother in full SS regalia! 
Somehow, I manage to talk to them without alerting the other guards (I suspect a distraction and isolation worthy of Jason Bourne, but the dream didn't go into details). They are on my side! Whether I converted them from the dark side, or if they had been spies and infiltrators all along, I'll never know. My father remains in uniform and armed, and rejoins the edge of the Nazi patrol, while my brother leads me around the back of the house into a small, fenced off area (where the pool shed is with the chemicals/pumping mechanisms). On the ground are two rifles, one I don't recognize, and the other his hunting rifle. Together we arm ourselves, and prepare to open fire on the Nazi's and take out the patrol. 

And then I woke up. 

I get where the rifle came from - that day my brother had shown me a picture of his hunting rifle. But the rest? 
Maybe too many videogames....

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  • 3 weeks later...

So many detailed dreams, most of mine are not that detailed, or follow that much of a train of thought.

Once, a few years ago, I had a dream, and I was in front of lines and lines of tall bushes, in rows. There was a big librarian's desk at the front of all of them, and an evil-looking lady sitting behind it. I had to pick the fruit on the bushes, or I would die. (no one told me this, I just somehow knew it in the dream). It was really scary, and there were other kids, and I remember wishing my mom would come and save me, (I know I know, I was little, ok?), and then one of those weird round UFO alien spaceships broke through the forcefield surrounding the compound, (I didn't even know the forcefiend was there until it was broken through), and came and carried me off into space. And then I woke up. I don't know how I still remember that, it was a while ago.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Last night I had a super weird dream.

I imagined that my grandpa (whom I live with) had brought home this ginormous land crustacean like you would bring home a stray kitten. The thing was like the size of a lion, but lower to the ground like a crocodile. It had sort of a lobster-esque tail, but I don't recall much else about its appearance. It acted really friendly and eager for our attention, though, like a dog, even using a lot of the same body language as a happy dog. I kept trying to think of what kind of creature to call it, and it reminded me a lot of a chull, but even my dream self knew its appearance didn't match the chull drawings in the Stormlight books.

Later my grandpa and I went over to a friend's apartment for a visit, only to find a grizzly bear in their living room. I think this is a result of me reading this article about cassowaries breaking into people's houses in Australia.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, yesterday I woke up early for fasting and stayed up reading Quran at the mosque. So I take a nap, when I come home.

And I have my first remembered lucid dream.

I'm walking with my dad from my university. The area does not exist in real life. Also, the bus stops on campus, so this makes no sense. And my twin brother is not there. We pass by a St. Patrick's Day sign. My dad asks me if I have seen many St. Patrick's Day signs on campus. I reply no. He says that he was with me just yesterday and there were some. I'm like, Yeah you're right. I must have not payed attention but surely there were no new signs.

Then I realize that there's something wrong with this. I realize that I'm in a dream. I try to open my eye and with some difficulty, I open one eye(like opening a cap that is submerged in honey). I see brightness and quickly shut my eye to continue my dream. So I'm about to open a portal and get to Roshar but I feel guilty about leaving my dad. But this woman behind me grabs my hand. My point of view is now showing my character, and as my character turns around, I see that it is a not-so-pretty woman. So I make it look forward and turn back again. This time, it's another variation of the first woman. I try again and now it's a pale black-haired boy. I'm fine with this but decide to make hem more tan by using the turnaround trick.

Now, for some reason, I figure that my dad will show up everywhere I turn. I try to run around a large wall and (fall or stop or something). I know that I'll see my dad in the distance if I look up. But I don't look up and I sense an evil presence. I worry that this may be the demons of sleep paralysis. And I hear voices from the real world.

So my dad comes into the bedroom to wake me up. I get out of bed. It's a dream. An aggressor comes between me and my dad. The dream turns to a low-qual frame of a basic game. Bad stick figure depiction of the scene. Two options: Duck low, Strike high. I notice another 2 options: Hit high, Hit low. I intuitively realize that Strike high means that I will leap in the air and hit the aggressor with a weapon (from thin air, apparently). I choose this option (no clicking or mouse, just mind control). My view becomes normal. I leap in the air and attack with a weapon from nowhere. Side view of me hitting him and still flying in the air and reaching my dad, accidentally hitting him too. (Oops. >.<) I realize he's dying and feel guilty for not being sad for him even though he's a dream.

I drag him out of the bedroom. The place I am in is not my house in real life, but is my house in my dream. I tell my mom that I'm taking my dad to the hospital and try not to let her know much. She calls me a "Zaahir." (I think my brain was trying to think of "jaahil" (ignorant/fool) idk). As I go near the door, I look to the side through a large glass door. I see a wooden structure attached to the house with goats in it. And right by the window, there are also kittens. I'm like, "I gotta summon a kitten later on." So when I open the front door, a black cat appears. My mom says that it is a sign that I am a Zaahir." The cat talks to me.

And I forget about my dad and go on on an adventure with a talking cat. I realize that the black kitten I saw earlier must be his child. And now I'm with a talking cat and a kitten. He says he was muskering up the litter (I guess messing up the breeding lines because no one wants a black cat idk). So I make a pun about making some muskarapana (clownery/jesting). The joke apparently goes above their heads and they ignore it.

They then cross the street right before a car crosses. I try to cross and the car swerves to avoid me, almost crashing into another car. I smile and wave and the driver stupidly smiles and waves back. I cross the street and have to explain to the cats that I was just messing around with the driver and definitely not trying to get myself killed.

And then I wake up.

I've air assassinated an enemy and befriended a talking cat.

So I'll be on the look out for black cats, now. :ph34r:


Sorry for the long post. Here's a potato. (Oh god, it's spiked!)

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On 28 August 2016 at 8:18 PM, Darkness Ascendant said:

Mate, you got some kangaroos loose in your backyard :lol:

I haven't heard this one before but it's great. 

I keep finding myself lucid dreaming. And then I try fly and it doesn't always work. It does make potential nightmares less scary though. 

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6 hours ago, Delightful said:

I haven't heard this one before but it's great. 

I keep finding myself lucid dreaming. And then I try fly and it doesn't always work. It does make potential nightmares less scary though. 

Just go around the corner, where you will find a shardpool. Use it to go to the cognitive realm. Travel to another shardpool (Just walk into the sky until you another planet) and then go back to the physical realm. (Make yourself believe that it will work. Because, around every corner... there's always another secret.)

5 hours ago, Mestiv said:

You lookin' for me?

Is that you? I now realize that you were wearing too muck makeup in your profile picture.

The kitten was really tiny. I think it came from Google Images and my mind photoshopped the color.

Also, I remembered that my neighbors have a black cat that we've caught visiting our house a few times. (It probably dreams of eating our animals. :o)

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5 minutes ago, Eccentric Hero said:

Just go around the corner, where you will find a shardpool. Use it to go to the cognitive realm. Travel to another shardpool (Just walk into the sky until you another planet) and then go back to the physical realm. (Make yourself believe that it will work. Because, around every corner... there's always another secret.)

Is that you? I now realize that you were wearing too muck makeup in your profile picture.

The kitten was really tiny. I think it came from Google Images and my mind photoshopped the color.

Also, I remembered that my neighbors have a black cat that we've caught visiting our house a few times. (It probably dreams of eating our animals. :o)

Y'know, I might actually try that. I've managed to try fly, and reason myself out of "This can't kill me, I'm dreaming, I can just focus on something else in the scene and I'll be fine."

Also part of my dream involved a gorgeous waterfall so that was a plus.

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4 minutes ago, bleeder said:

I feel like we'd get along famously, Misty.

Glad to know I'm not alone in my immense dislike of overly cheerful people. ;)

(This exchange reminded me of a Pearls Before Swine strip, but I couldn't find it, so have this one that is similarly cynical.)


Image result for pearls before swine happy people


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14 hours ago, Mistrunner said:

I dreamed I was chasing obnoxiously happy people down a romantic beach with a snow shovel.


I suppose that says something about my subconscious.

Note to self:  James and I should avoid rampaging Mistrunners on beaches.

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23 hours ago, Mistrunner said:

I dreamed I was chasing obnoxiously happy people down a romantic beach with a snow shovel.


I suppose that says something about my subconscious.

Maybe my subconscious is different from yours.

Well, I recently had a dream within a dream. (It was like a vision that showed exactly what would happen in the dream.) When I get up, the vision isn't that well in my memory, but I remember the important part. Then I got up in a hotel bed, and then went downstairs with some people including my brother (He's the only person that I remember from the dream; the rest were side characters.) We go up to a group of disgruntled workers who have many donut boxes and ask for a box. They refuse and we dishearteningly go away to sit at a table, donutless. As I'm turning, I stop and tell them to have a good day. They're like, "k, whatever." I feel like they are really in a bad mood and need to have a good day (idk why). So then I grab one of them and say, "No, really. Have a good day." They all get really excited and happy and give me a donut box. I humbly refuse, saying that I understand that they don't want to give it. They insist, so I take it and thank them. I go around the corner to the table and everyone is happy that we actually do get donuts. Once I bring the donuts to the table, I wake up.

And when the things are happening, I'm doing it out of my goodwill, and realizing that it coincides with my vision. The donuts were a plus. Also, I think two of the employees were Key and Peele.

So guys, try to make the world a better place and you just might get a whole box of donuts you shall be rewarded justly.

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11 minutes ago, Eccentric Hero said:

Maybe my subconscious is different from yours.

Well, I recently had a dream within a dream. (It was like a vision that showed exactly what would happen in the dream.) When I get up, the vision isn't that well in my memory, but I remember the important part. Then I got up in a hotel bed, and then went downstairs with some people including my brother (He's the only person that I remember from the dream; the rest were side characters.) We go up to a group of disgruntled workers who have many donut boxes and ask for a box. They refuse and we dishearteningly go away to sit at a table, donutless. As I'm turning, I stop and tell them to have a good day. They're like, "k, whatever." I feel like they are really in a bad mood and need to have a good day (idk why). So then I grab one of them and say, "No, really. Have a good day." They all get really excited and happy and give me a donut box. I humbly refuse, saying that I understand that they don't want to give it. They insist, so I take it and thank them. I go around the corner to the table and everyone is happy that we actually do get donuts. Once I bring the donuts to the table, I wake up.

And when the things are happening, I'm doing it out of my goodwill, and realizing that it coincides with my vision. The donuts were a plus. Also, I think two of the employees were Key and Peele.

So guys, try to make the world a better place and you just might get a whole box of donuts you shall be rewarded justly.


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2 minutes ago, ThirdGen said:

A film I worked on got sold to a TV network, and I got a $200,000 check for it.  I helped my friends out, saved some of the money, used other chunks of it for social good... then I woke up and was sad about that not happening.

Those dreams are the worst. 

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14 hours ago, AnanasSpren said:

Has anyone ever dreamed from another person's perspective, as if they were that person? I've had two dreams of late where this has happened

This happens to me all the time; I also sometimes have dreams where I am someone else and I offend myself (as in my real self)... ;)

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