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On 1/6/2019 at 6:04 PM, Rekrulmurof Eht said:


Will Lord Forium return through his champion Le Sigh to destroy the human race?

Brandon Sanderson:

Sorry to break it to you but no, unfortunately Forium was shattered by Odium right after the shattering of Adonalsium, everything else about the warrior Le Sigh is RAFO.


Exactly what evidence do you have that Brandon Sanderson said that?

I want you to contact Brandon Sanderson and tell him to come over and tell me that what you said is true, otherwise it is fake news and I won't believe it U_U


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Goes online after spending a week offline

Goes to 17th Shard webpage out of boredom

Casually glances at Forumlurker's post


Ok seriously is that actually legit

Send me a link to that i need to know if that is actually legit or if u used MS Paint to put it in

(im in denial plz halp meh)


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Evidence by LeSighTheListWizard

Fb Img 1511124173274 by LeSighTheListWizard

How dare he lie to me like that. Well, since it is not the true WOB, therefore it is uncanonical and dismissed as fanfiction.


Ok enough capricity. Time to get back to the story.

@Silva @The Forumlurker @RubiksCube @Gancho Libre @Dr. Dapper @Daydam

Le Sigh stared in shock at the screen of the laptop the Forumlurker had pulled out from behind his back. Then, his lips curled into a sneer.

"You fool," the champion said. "You spelled 'realized' with an 's' instead of a 'z'. Brandon Sanderson is a professional writer; he would never spell something as simple as 'realized' wrong. And also, Odium does not exist in this universe, for this is the Capricious Cosmere, not the Canonical Cosmere."

The warrior stood. "I have had enough of your drudgery. You have won this day, Knights Awkward. I congratulate you. However, when I return, I will bring an entire army with me to conquer you diddling fools once and for all. And I will return."

With that, the champion of Forium let out a tyrannical laugh, and then, channeling some of the Surge of Meta-tation, transported himself away from the Forum to a space where he could plan his next move.

All was silent in the keep of the Knights Awkward. Fire crackled; light shown through the broken stained glass of Sanderson fanfic; piles of books lay in piles of ashes that had formerly been books; dark shards of crystal lay about the large boulder from an alternate universe, casting a shadow upon the huge crater next to the fireplace.

Suddenly, the large oak doors at the far end of the great hall creaked open, and a young woman stepped forth. She had strawberry blonde hair, light green eyes, and her skin was bronzed from spending too much time in the sunlight.

"Oh dear," the woman said, eyes widening at the mess she saw before her. "What happened here? Is this really the great citadel of Fanithiru?"


Introducing my newest OC, Kellenna!

Also this marks the end of the Le Sigh arc. Now the fandom can go back to being a bunch of silly stuff, as @Mistrunner wished. :)


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20 hours ago, Silva said:

Wow. Impressive work there, Forumlurker.


*bows* Well thank you

“Hi there...um...sorry about the mess, this is indeed the temple of Fanithriu do you want to join us in our awkward oaths?

*mumbles under breath asking for ANYONE other than him to take care of this because it’s not really his job in the first place*

Do you know the words?

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@Gancho Libre you were pinged because you posted on this thread in recent history, establishing you as a roleplayer and someone that must be pinged every time the RP goes astray, like currently. You also get put on my Christmas card list :)

And @The Forumlurker has got a point. Everyone back to the RP!!!!

@Silva @RubiksCube @Dr. Dapper @Daydam

"Um, yes, I was indeed wondering if I could join, but I don't know the Oaths," the young woman replied nervously. "I was wondering if you could help me?"

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Dapper regarded the new arrival with confusion. 

"We are without a leader." he said sadly, "For she leaves on long journeys of the spirit " he gestured to Mistrunner "That's her."

Dapper turned to the rest of the Knights

"Therefore I nominate Forumlurker, of the Order of Forumlurkers as our new leader!"

Well done, Dapper, his spren, Jailbreak, whispered, now you can speak the Words

"I-I" Dapper stumbled "I will know the pains of my characters, and in doing so make them stronger!"

Booklight exploded around him and his characters seemed more solid, somehow, as if they we're closer to being real.


I know, I know. But each Knight swears their own Oaths, IMO.


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Ugh... Finnnnneeeeee! @Dr. Dapper I’ll do it... we need someone better than @Mistrunner (no offence) to take care of the oaths....

“Dapper!” Forumlurker shouted, appearing in the very comfortable reading throne. I understand that the classic oaths do not apply to you so, these words are accepted!!!!!!

Ahem, person I do not know the name of! I will allow you to join our prestigious guild once I know your name! You never know when it’s a DA member or STICKQUISITION raid! Am I right Silva?

Finally you! Kellinaa right? Sorry I’m still learning the surge of Meta-tation. If you wish to join the knights awkward you must speak the sacred oaths: Books before friends. 17th Shard before the real world. Release dates before birthdays. Then, you can join!


Somehow Forumlurker gets this all out in a majestic voice before collapsing on the throne and fainting from the embarrassment.

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