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I wanted to be part of this one. But I have 2 weeks left in my last semester of Uni, then exams. No way I can afford to play SE till that is all over.

Well, have fun! :D

You know, two weeks is only about 4 days of game time- you could coast through the game until then. The game will surely last a lot longer than 4 cycles. ;)

Or, if I can't persuade you to join, you could sign on as a pinch hitter and take over someone's role if they go inactive.


In answer to a few people's questions:

Does the Shu-Korath Priest get told if they scan Gyorn or Odiv that their target is a convert? Basically does Gyorn or Odiv count as a convert for the game's purposes?

The Odiv will show up as a Convert. The Gyorn will not. Not that it will really make a difference in the game, since their status as Gyorn/Odiv is far more important than their being a convert.

Does Gyorn/Odiv get told that their convert failed if he/she targets the Shu-Korath Priest?

The Gyorn and Odiv will know who all the converts are, so they'll be able to see if a conversion fails. They will not be told why it failed (it could be because they targeted a Korathi priest, it could be because their target had a Korathi pendant).

Does Gyorn also have a chance of getting a role?

No, Gyorn is his only role. However, he is eligible to receive special items. (Note that Cultists DO have a chance at getting non-faction roles. Likewise, the Odiv retains any roles he had before his conversion)

If I have a poison someone using the poison vial and they have a Seon. Does that player lose their Seon ability while sick?


If a Cult Member gets turned into a Elantrain or even Hoid can they still communicate freely in their spy doc? If so is the Hoid still restricted to those 5 words in the spy doc.

Hmm, that's one I hadn't considered. I'm going to say yes. Hoed can still communicate in the Cultist doc and in PMs that they are eligible for, but they are still limited to their 5 words. Good question. I'll add that clarification to the rules.

When does the game start?

I was going to give it 1 week, so it will start next Friday or maybe Saturday. The thing is that I haven't heard from Tulir in a few weeks, so I haven't been able to coordinate with him to nail down a firm start time and cycle rollover times. Once he gets back to me and we sort that out I'll let everyone know for sure.

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You know, two weeks is only about 4 days of game time- you could coast through the game until then. The game will surely last a lot longer than 4 cycles. ;)

Or, if I can't persuade you to join, you could sign on as a pinch hitter and take over someone's role if they go inactive.


When does the game start?

I was going to give it 1 week, so it will start next Friday or maybe Saturday. The thing is that I haven't heard from Tulir in a few weeks, so I haven't been able to coordinate with him to nail down a firm start time and cycle rollover times. Once he gets back to me and we sort that out I'll let everyone know for sure.







To make things clear though: up till Friday the 29th I might be able to keep up with the thread. I could at least skim it and post actions, but I definitely won't be able to discuss till past then. Past that I should generally be able to keep up ok though I won't be super active, aka no super in-depth cons for a change :)


Clancy returns! Well, he may or may not be the same Clancy. We shall see ;)

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Five Truths About Kaian:

1. Kaian is not his real name. He heard it one day in a marketplace in Kondeon, tried it, liked the sound of it, and hung on to it. He hasn't used his own name in months.

2. Half of the time, he looks over his shoulder, wondering when they'll catch up with him. The rest of the time, he reminds himself that he's just one runaway, and the monastery has better things to do with their time. He's never quite sure which one it'll be.

3. He's not quite a runaway: he just walked out of the gate and never looked back.

4. They tell you at the monastery that it doesn't matter who your parents are. And that's true, from a certain point of view. But it's different when everyone knows your father was from Arelon.


5. It takes time and a certain maturity of perspective to understand that any fervour with which he embraced Shu-Dereth stems from the child's need to prove that he belongs. But he realises this only months after he's left. 




Hreo: First, congratulations, Torturer of Heralds ;) I have a question concerning what happens when a member of the Jeskeri Mysteries cult gets converted and becomes the Odiv. I know their win condition changes but they're supposed to keep their role and abilities, just not faction. I'd like to know if it is correct to read this as saying that the Odiv has access to the Eliminator group kill if they're selected to perform it by the cult?

Edited by Kasimir
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Wilson leaned against the wall of the City of Kae, focused on her breathing. In and out. In and out. She tried not to think about the journey she’d just made to get here. She’d felt like like she was going to be ripped apart at one point, and—No. She wasn’t thinking about that. She was here. That was all that mattered. What she was doing here would make the journey worth it. It had to.


She straightened and turned around, looking at the towering, dirty walls of Elantris. She’d heard about the city in her travels and readings, but she’d never seen it. It was beautiful. Or it would be if she used that kind of language. But she wasn’t here to stare at grime-covered buildings. Her purpose was far greater. The ghost had finally resurfaced.


She’d chased him for months, reaching out to all her contacts on every known world, trying to track him, but no one had found anything on the storyteller. It was like he’d just vanished after having her favorite niece murdered in cold blood. But she’d waited patiently, and now her patience would be rewarded. She was finally onto him. Clancy wouldn’t escape Sel alive. Not if she had anything to do with it.


But to blend in. She had to blend in if she was going to succeed with her mission. She was in Arelon, and they liked their names based on their Aons. She closed her eyes, recalling the Aons and their meanings from the book she’d read ages ago, while doing their work on Nalthis, before things went horribly awry. She shook her head, not wanting to remember that time either. A name. What would be a good name? She smiled as the perfect name hit her. Kiireon.


She started toward the King’s Court, vowing that she would finally find him and put an end to this chase. He was hers.


Yes, that’s right. Original Wilson is back. I was going to sit this one out, since I really don’t have time for a game this complicated right now, but then Claincy had to sign up and that was an opportunity I couldn’t pass up. I considered just putting a contract out on his blood, but Original Wilson cried out in anger against that idea. Apparently she wants to make the kill herself? Bloodthirsty little demon. :rolleyes: Regardless, while she is Wilson, for RP purposes, her name is Kiireon. While we may know who she is, the characters do not.


Also, I really don’t have time for a game this complicated, so I’ve sworn to not do notes. I’m playing purely by instinct and ear. I expect this will fail tremendously, but we shall see. :) 

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To make things clear though: up till Friday the 29th I might be able to keep up with the thread. I could at least skim it and post actions, but I definitely won't be able to discuss till past then. Past that I should generally be able to keep up ok though I won't be super active, aka no super in-depth cons for a change :)

Clancy returns! Well, he may or may not be the same Clancy. We shall see ;)

Yes! :D Welcome aboard Clancy!


Just a question, I know that there are specific PM rules for specific roles, but can players form their own with anybody else, as in Twinborn Village, or is it more structured?

The only way you can ever start a PM with another player is if you have a Seon, or if you and that other player are the Gyorn and Odiv (and really, the Gyorn/Odiv PM is just their own personal evil doc). So yeah, PMs will be very restricted this game. This is intentional.


Hreo: First, congratulations, Torturer of Heralds ;)

Mua ha ha ha ha!!!! :lol:  I find it ironic that it was beginning this game that let me reach Torturer of Heralds. Now I have the image in my mind of the Heralds being force to play ridiculously complicated games of Sanderson Elimination over and over again for all eternity. ;)


I have a question concerning what happens when a member of the Jeskeri Mysteries cult gets converted and becomes the Odiv. I know their win condition changes but they're supposed to keep their role and abilities, just not faction. I'd like to know if it is correct to read this as saying that the Odiv has access to the Eliminator group kill if they're selected to perform it by the cult?

Yeah, basically the Odiv would become a traitor among their midst. He keeps his role as cultist, complete with access to the cultist doc and the ability to perform the cultist kill action if selected to do it, however, his faction is now Shu-Dereth, and his goal is to see Shu-Dereth succeed.

Edited by Herowannabe
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As Seixa... wait, no... Axies... wait this was Sel, wasn't it? As Sienene walked down the street, he noticed a mob of people trying to get into the palace. He recalled seeing some poster... wasn't today the the day the Patriarch was supposed to be here. Axies, no, Sienene had never been a religious man, but nevertheless, his step quickened as he *jumped* over the onlookers and through a window. He entered the main room of the court, only to fall back in shock. He'd recently had a bad experience in some caves, and he recognized some of the people from there. Then he saw something that made him instinctively duck behind a pillar. Was that an Inquisitor!? Sienene cautiously peeked out. "What... he is supposed to be dead. Long ago."

Edit: hero, can an elantrian become a veteran and how?

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I am going to kill you and drink your blood.


Ah good, it is the original Clancy then :)


Also, I really don’t have time for a game this complicated, so I’ve sworn to not do notes. I’m playing purely by instinct and ear. I expect this will fail tremendously, but we shall see.  :) 

Yeah, I'll probably be doing the same. Could be interesting to see how this works out. (Oh and if I get gyorn I'm gonna be so tempted to make you my odiv ;) You could even betray me to make it more like the book!)


Yes! :D Welcome aboard Clancy!

You are a bad influence on me ;)

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Ah good, it is the original Clancy then :)

Have no fear: OW won't drink your blood. Unfortunately, that blood has been promised to another, and OW, despite being a bloodthirsty little devil, is a woman of her word.

(Oh and if I get gyorn I'm gonna be so tempted to make you my odiv ;) You could even betray me to make it more like the book!)

That could be very amusing. :D

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You are a good influence on me ;)

Fixed that for you.

Speaking of which, what would it take to persuade you to run your Nalthis game again? I really loved the Breath mechanic you came up with. ;)

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That would be terrifying.

What, Wilson and I actually working together?.... B)


Fixed that for you.

Speaking of which, what would it take to persuade you to run your Nalthis game again? I really loved the Breath mechanic you came up with. ;)

Hrm, not sure. It'd be fun to run again, with a bunch of modifications and improvements of course. I've actually just asked Meta to add me to the long game GM list again, but I've got a rather different game in mind this time....I think you'll like it  :)

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CLARIFICATION: If you're a Hoed, can you underline/bold/italicize/color your comments?

Oh sure I guess. I fully expect and am okay with Hoeds using codes to communicate with the rest of the group, so I don't see much point in trying to place extra restrictions on it.

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At first, Fernarnia was confused as to why he was in charge of stuff instead of being in trouble.  Then he realized, he had a lot of money.  Who knew the black market would do so well this year?  He did, obviously.  That's why he invested so much into it.  He was like the shard of black market, or something.  Whatever.  He didn't really care what happened so long as he and his gold were not separated.  Gold was the best invention of life.  

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Araris, seeing Feligon reminded me of this:

In the Game of Shards LG, you gave me that code to follow to figure out something near the game end. I ended up going on hiatus before I followed up completely, but the few PMs I did do to try to figure it out weren't promising. I didn't expect that you were actually telling the truth, but since I didn't ever finish following up, were you telling the truth? Or was it just a troll?

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Oh sure I guess. I fully expect and am okay with Hoeds using codes to communicate with the rest of the group, so I don't see much point in trying to place extra restrictions on it.

Remember the QF game where I may have made a really complicated code?

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It was a troll(ish) You were supposed to kill a good guy as a result. It would have ended up leading to Luckat I think, but none of the people that I got involved understood as well as I had hoped, and you didn't follow through.

I see. I did try to follow up, but two of the three people said they had no clue what I was talking about, and one gave me a string of numbers, as best as I can recall. Then I left. :(

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