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New Collaborate/Neverthere post up.

Thought it might be about time for her to let her personality show a bit more.


Yep. Timeport'll love her.  :mellow:


Okay. So then, coming up with an epic then. Would probably tend towards being sympathetic to Corvallis. No prime invincibility.


Considered something like 'Homing Bee(con)' - involuntarily moves directly towards what they look at, speed being determined by how clearly they can see the object. Can hover/levitate by looking upwards at an object (sky doesn't count). So in effect, they're weightless, and experience a pushing force towards the object they're looking at. When it comes to other objects interacting with it, the same ammount of inertia is needed to overcome as if they were standing on the ground (so they won't go flying if you give them a push. They might 'fall over' if you push hard enough). Thoughts?


That's awesome. :D I do have one question, though: How does she sleep? Does she stay hovering if she closes her eyes?


There's an Epic I've been thinking about making a part of the Corvallis government. (Sort of. He'd be better described as an 'interested third party.' As such he might float around a little between the cities. And he's more than likely to play both sides of the conflict, as well.) 


Accord/Witness: (Haven't quite decided yet.)

Primary Power: Witnessing: Can make any contract between two parties binding. Binding as in they are physically compelled to carry it out; neither can break it, even if they want to. They are also compelled to comply to any additional terms (IE, penalties for not completing their part of the contract) if necessary. Contracts are rendered void if the participants do not sign of their own free will. (Under duress is fine, but it Hypno or another mind-control Epic were to force someone to sign, it wouldn't work.)


Secondary/Passive: Teleportation: Can instantly teleport to anywhere he has previously been. 


Both of these abilities may be gifted, to up to twelve people while retaining power himself. (So thirteen total.)


MO: Having no offensive powers to speak of, he will give his services to any who ask, but he always exacts a price for his services. (Often hidden in large amounts of legal jargon within the contracts.) His end goal is to slowly gain power and resources until he controls Corvallis, and eventually Oregon. At the moment though, he only has a few dozen vanillas and a small handful of minor Epics in his service, and the current chaos seems like a perfect opportunity to increase his power. 


Do you think he could work/add an interesting element to the overall storyline, Comatose? 


I had an idea for this guy, and it was that his contract-keeping power is unknown outside of places he's closely interacted with. People could just know him as a simple teleporter. 


Thanks Kobold, glad to be back. 


Question: Can Reader "read" people through a screen(like skype) or if he just hears their voice over a radio?


Yes, and no. He has to be looking at the person, so through a screen would work (but only live, not movies, since those actions were recorded and in the past, and the actual person is no longer there) but not a voice over the radio. 

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And do you guys know what that means for the RP? :ph34r:

Flashrunner can have children! Little baby flying and sliding electric Epics. :D


  • Edgerunner and Scribbler: depends entirely on whether he managed to bug Autumn's office.

Well, he'd only know the basics of the circumstances for Emma's. She wouldn't have been talking about the blindfolds specifically. But, like in Steelheart, he could probably pick a few of the most likely things and try them all. 


Welcome back, Fatebreaker!

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Flashrunner can have children! Little baby flying and sliding electric Epics. :D

Well, he'd only know the basics of the circumstances for Emma's. She wouldn't have been talking about the blindfolds specifically. But, like in Steelheart, he could probably pick a few of the most likely things and try them all.

Welcome back, Fatebreaker!

I think he meant something far more dire. Something that starts with "Nighthound" and ends with "Junior." :o

Right. I doubt Autumn would actually know anyone's weakness, save for those Vondra knows and shared with her. (Not sure how many he knows, honestly :ph34r:) She'd only know events Scribbler and Edgerunner shared with her, and in Scribbler's case at least, that probably wouldn't be nearly everything.

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I think he meant something far more dire. Something that starts with "Nighthound" and ends with "Junior." :o

Right. I doubt Autumn would actually know anyone's weakness, save for those Vondra knows and shared with her. (Not sure how many he knows, honestly :ph34r:) She'd only know events Scribbler and Edgerunner shared with her, and in Scribbler's case at least, that probably wouldn't be nearly everything.

Nope. I refuse to believe that. Nighthound is no more capable of producing a child than Sazed, I'm declaring that right now. 


She'd know everything, or most of it, of Emma's past, but not the details of her weakness. Unless Vondra told her of course.

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Nope. I refuse to believe that. Nighthound is no more capable of producing a child than Sazed, I'm declaring that right now.

She'd know everything, or most of it, of Emma's past, but not the details of her weakness. Unless Vondra told her of course.

Headcanon accepted. :o

That's what I thought. She knows about Ty, so she probably knows other things, but I'm under the impression that even a nicer Epic like Edgerunner would be afraid to share her weakness with anyone.

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The issue with this Epic is that Blossom would advise Rainmaker to not deal with him. She'd be very adamant about it, and would explain all the potential failings of such a partnership (and there are a lot of them). The only way Blossom would ever be okay with this Epic would be if Rainmaker had a deal in which the powers could be abused in the way Blackhoof described. Your response of the price being too high would mean Blossom would be totally against it. Obviously it is up to Comatose to decide whether Rainmaker would heed Blossom's warnings or not.


As for my other Queens, Buttercup would like this Epic, until he proved himself to be working all sides of any conflict, and Bubbles would avoid him like the plague.


The way I'm thinking of him, he'd be more of a last-resort option. Someone to be dealt with only grudgingly, when there are few alternatives. Which seems to be the way Corvallis is heading, at the moment. (And of course, if Witness became a part of the story, he would do his part to push things to that point as well.) Not necessarily because he's hard to work with, (the Affably Evil trope would no doubt fit him to a tee) but rather because you know you'll always end up on the worse end of the deal.


That would be a simple contract. "You don't help or start any kind of rebellion or coup against the Queens, and I will make sure you always have a place to stay here in Corvallis." That seems beneficial to all parties, and keeps him from actively working against the Queens. It would obviously take the form of a document, with many possible loopholes of the above summary being specified and ironed out. The penalty for breaking would likely be death, or loss of powers, or some other very serious consequence.


That, however, is a discussion to have later, once we know if the Epic is joining Corvallis. One issue, though, is that the idea of having Corvallis's timeline be set in the "past" in reference to the other threads. It sounds like one of Aonar's ideas was to have the Epic jump from city to city. That would not be possible if Corvallis is set during a different time.


As a Gifter, he would love that contract, as stated. ;) (He's going to weasel out of it somehow, regardless, but that particular statement, no matter how well refined, would be easy for him to get around.) The way his powers work, he couldn't instantly kill someone if they had a PI, or actually remove their abilities, but he could force them into a coma, or bind them to not use their powers. (His contracts let him control the parties involved, not warp reality.)


Maybe not visit other cities, per se, but he'll be certain to keep abreast of important events going on elsewhere in Oregon. (He has agents and emissaries in several locations of import, although they won't have made themselves known.)


I had an idea for this guy, and it was that his contract-keeping power is unknown outside of places he's closely interacted with. People could just know him as a simple teleporter. 


That could work, although I like the idea of a sort of service-broker character. ...Of course, it could be interesting as well if he's just an observer, waiting, watching and subtly manipulating events until the time is right to strike a deal. (In which case I'd probably RP primarily as one of his bound servants, as they'd be capable of getting involved more.)

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Red took out her dagger and cut her wrists open. She fed the blood into her marbles and tried to fade away into the background. Of course, this will probably make me more noticeable, but whatever. They'll get used to me.

Or they die. Perhaps they'll die before they get used to me. 



Dear Red,


I get the reasoning behind why you do what you do, but you have to understand that the reason people are uncomfortable around you is because you slit your wrist arteries and bleed all over the place in front of them. If you did this sort of thing in private, people would be less likely to assume you're some kind of maniac.


Also, laundry. If you actually cleaned those clothes of yours you'd look less like a walking and talking scab, and maybe people wouldn't react to your presence with out-and-out disgust.


Sincerely, Kobold King.




Right. I doubt Autumn would actually know anyone's weakness, save for those Vondra knows and shared with her. (Not sure how many he knows, honestly  :ph34r:) She'd only know events Scribbler and Edgerunner shared with her, and in Scribbler's case at least, that probably wouldn't be nearly everything.


Vondra knows the weaknesses of Glamour, Redlight, Deathwish, Arsenal, and Scribbler.  (Didn't we agree in PMs that Scribbler told Autumn and Vondra her weakness? I don't think she told her whole backstory, but I'm pretty sure she at least told them about alcohol removing her powers.)

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Vondra knows the weaknesses of Glamour, Redlight, Deathwish, Arsenal, and Scribbler. (Didn't we agree in PMs that Scribbler told Autumn and Vondra her weakness? I don't think she told her whole backstory, but I'm pretty sure she at least told them about alcohol removing her powers.)

How many of those would Autumn know? And with Scribbler-was that a present thing or a future thing?

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How many of those would Autumn know? And with Scribbler-was that a present thing or a future thing?


I was under the impression that we were talking about what characters knew in the present.


Autumn would know Glamour and Deathwish's for sure; Deathwish's isn't public knowledge, but Vondra would have told her just in case. I'm not sure whether Scribbler told her or if she only told Vondra, and Redlight's is kept as secret as Vondra can manage because she's basically his bodyguard.

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That's awesome.  :D I do have one question, though: How does she sleep? Does she stay hovering if she closes her eyes?

Yup. Closing her eyes is the easiest way to stop herself from moving.


Epic Name: Miss Isle (derived from Homing Missile)

Power: Gets pulled towards whatever she's focusing on or just in the direction she's looking (if she wasn't focusing on anything). Speed determined by how well she can see the object and how far away it is. The closer it is, and the less clearly she can see it, the slower she goes. Closing her eyes lets her hover in place, and wearing sun glasses does almost the same thing (she'll still move slightly forwards, but if she's standing on the ground, she'll not notice the pull). This lets her do a Cyclops style thing where she can 'activate' her power by lifting her glasses. The pull it self acts as if every point on the surface of the object is pulling her towards it, meaning it centers her on the face of said object.

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Having it already be set in the past has some potential issues, namely that we haven't referenced anything about Corvallis at all, with Epics moving about the state so much word would reach the Dalles, Portland and Astoria within a few days that for example, Euphoria has been kidnapped.


well when euphoria was kidnapped Rainmaker stopped letting people in or out, didnt she?

and if Corvallis falls before the other RP's start, then they have no reason to mention it. Another dead city. And it isn't like other cities are mentioned much in each thread.


I'll be honest, I haven't read the other threads to completion. Would Corvallis, a city whose ruler is actively keeping it separated from the rest of the world, be much news to the characters of the other threads? Isn't the point of Corvallis to be a place in which Epics and vanillas go, and most don't leave? So unless one of the characters came from Corvallis, would the news really reach outside the bubble? Or at least beyond the crowds wanting to enter Corvallis? I actually don't know, which is why I'm asking if it's feasible.


that's what i think, the news wouldn't escape until the force field goes down. And even then, why would they bother mentioning it? Its just another epic-ruled city to them.


For one Corvallis does need a certain amount of emigrants for simple logistic reasons. The bubble means there is a hard limit to how many people can be placed in town without it getting crowded. Furthermore, with both Euphoria disappearing and Iconoclast's attack there certainly will be a large number of people fleeing and with that also spreading word.

not if it doesn't go up until the city has basically fallen. Then they certainly would hear of it, but might not care enough to mention.

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well when euphoria was kidnapped Rainmaker stopped letting people in or out, didnt she?

and if Corvallis falls before the other RP's start, then they have no reason to mention it. Another dead city. And it isn't like other cities are mentioned much in each thread.

that's what i think, the news wouldn't escape until the force field goes down. And even then, why would they bother mentioning it? Its just another epic-ruled city to them.

not if it doesn't go up until the city has basically fallen. Then they certainly would hear of it, but might not care enough to mention.

If Corvallis falls to Iconoclast, or if Iconoclast has a sizable role in its downfall, Vondra at least will mention it. He'll want to know everything there is to know about this guy, most importantly whether or not he's still alive, because that Epic could probably bring The Dalles down all by himself.

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Dear Red,


I get the reasoning behind why you do what you do, but you have to understand that the reason people are uncomfortable around you is because you slit your wrist arteries and bleed all over the place in front of them. If you did this sort of thing in private, people would be less likely to assume you're some kind of maniac.


Also, laundry. If you actually cleaned those clothes of yours you'd look less like a walking and talking scab, and maybe people wouldn't react to your presence with out-and-out disgust.


Sincerely, Kobold King.





Vondra knows the weaknesses of Glamour, Redlight, Deathwish, Arsenal, and Scribbler.  (Didn't we agree in PMs that Scribbler told Autumn and Vondra her weakness? I don't think she told her whole backstory, but I'm pretty sure she at least told them about alcohol removing her powers.)

Red has a strange mindset.
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So once this part with Converter plays out, what would be a good way to introduce Heatsink? I was thinking to help with converter, but after, since he wasn't mentioned in those going to restrain her.

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If Corvallis falls to Iconoclast, or if Iconoclast has a sizable role in its downfall, Vondra at least will mention it. He'll want to know everything there is to know about this guy, most importantly whether or not he's still alive, because that Epic could probably bring The Dalles down all by himself.


Most definitely. An Epic like him is an even larger threat than Obliteration. Vondra tries to keep tabs on the most dangerous Epics in his area, and he'd definitely know about it if Iconoclast had singlehandedly taken down Corvallis.



In other news, Brandon just now answered Mailliw's question about unique Epic powers!


Less than 10% are both unique and useful. 


Is it just me, or does this halfway confirm that Epics like Big Al exist with unique but useless powers? :ph34r:

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Most definitely. An Epic like him is an even larger threat than Obliteration. Vondra tries to keep tabs on the most dangerous Epics in his area, and he'd definitely know about it if Iconoclast had singlehandedly taken down Corvallis.



In other news, Brandon just now answered Mailliw's question about unique Epic powers!





Is it just me, or does this halfway confirm that Epics like Big Al exist with unique but useless powers? :ph34r:

What powers does Big Al have?

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Most definitely. An Epic like him is an even larger threat than Obliteration. Vondra tries to keep tabs on the most dangerous Epics in his area, and he'd definitely know about it if Iconoclast had singlehandedly taken down Corvallis.

In other news, Brandon just now answered Mailliw's question about unique Epic powers!

Is it just me, or does this halfway confirm that Epics like Big Al exist with unique but useless powers? :ph34r:

I think it does. And I also think it makes TooMuchOxy's power to turn elbows into chicken practically canon. :P

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I think it does. And I also think it makes TooMuchOxy's power to turn elbows into chicken practically canon. :P

And Mommy is confirmed :D

And tons of our other Epics just got less likely, as well as confirming that all of our teleporters and energy epics are perfectly cannon. :P

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And tons of our other Epics just got less likely, as well as confirming that all of our teleporters and energy epics are perfectly cannon. :P


How many energy Epics do we actually have? It's resurrection Epics that I remember there being a surplus of. 

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Headcanon accepted. :o

That's what I thought. She knows about Ty, so she probably knows other things, but I'm under the impression that even a nicer Epic like Edgerunner would be afraid to share her weakness with anyone.

Good. Now to make sure Edgedancer knows. :P


Exactly. She'd have a hard time giving someone that kind of power over her again.


Vondra knows the weaknesses of Glamour, Redlight, Deathwish, Arsenal, and Scribbler.  (Didn't we agree in PMs that Scribbler told Autumn and Vondra her weakness? I don't think she told her whole backstory, but I'm pretty sure she at least told them about alcohol removing her powers.)

Would he require Edgerunner to share hers? She wouldn't want to, but she'd tell him as long as he promised to not tell anyone that wasn't necessary. 


In other news, Brandon just now answered Mailliw's question about unique Epic powers!


Is it just me, or does this halfway confirm that Epics like Big Al exist with unique but useless powers? :ph34r:

So it appears that one liners with simple answers are much more likely to be answered. :) I just asked a follow up.

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And Mommy is confirmed :D

And tons of our other Epics just got less likely, as well as confirming that all of our teleporters and energy epics are perfectly cannon. :P

I'd say Epics like Funtimes, Voidgaze, Aldo, Cornucopia, and others more bend than break canon. Maybe all the uniquely powered Epics went to Oregon because it's a state known for its quirky cities? :P And I think the fact that many of those Epics have a more common secondary, or a twist on a more common power helps.

But yes, if anything, that comment seems to make all of our teleporters and energy converters more canon, not less. :P

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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Would he require Edgerunner to share hers? She wouldn't want to, but she'd tell him as long as he promised to not tell anyone that wasn't necessary. 


He'd ask her, probably repeatedly. She wouldn't be required to share it per se, but she would be under a fair bit of pressure to do so.  He'd tell only Arsenal and maybe Autumn what it is.

Edited by Kobold King
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He'd ask her, probably repeatedly. She wouldn't be required to share it per se, but she would be under a fair bit of pressure to do so, and he'd tell only Arsenal and maybe Autumn what it is.

Does it have to be Arsenal? :P She'd hate that part. Autumn's fine, but Arse? :P (She'd likely make that face upon hearing that Arsenal would know. ;))

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