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I just got back from Brandon's Dayton signing, and it was awesome! I have copious notes, and will shortly be transcribing them from my incredibly bad handwriting (I'm serious, it's Smedry Talent bad) into something more readable. However, Brandon asked me to run them by Peter first, so I will be emailing what I have to him and awaiting a reply before I post anything here.


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I just got back from Brandon's Dayton signing, and it was awesome! I have copious notes, and will shortly be transcribing them from my incredibly bad handwriting (I'm serious, it's Smedry Talent bad) into something more readable. However, Brandon asked me to run them by Peter first, so I will be emailing what I have to him and awaiting a reply before I post anything here.


Cool, a friend of mine pointed out the Dayton signing to me on facebook, but I had to work. I was briefly considering going to the Lexington one tonight, but it's too long of a drive. I miss when we had more bookstores around Cincinnati... I got to see Brandon and Harriet when they did the Joseph-Beth signing back when ToM came out, and Jordan back when Path of Daggers came out, at the Borders that used to be across the street from Tri-County Mall.

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Cool, a friend of mine pointed out the Dayton signing to me on facebook, but I had to work. I was briefly considering going to the Lexington one tonight, but it's too long of a drive. I miss when we had more bookstores around Cincinnati... I got to see Brandon and Harriet when they did the Joseph-Beth signing back when ToM came out, and Jordan back when Path of Daggers came out, at the Borders that used to be across the street from Tri-County Mall.

I'm with you on that one. Having to drive all the way back from Dayton to Cinci after the signing sucked- though it was still totally worth it. :-) And much better than driving all the way down to Lexington, like I did for the Alloy of Law signing (which was the first time I met Brandon).


Edited by NutiketAiel
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  • 1 year later...


“If a native of Sel or another Shardworld travelled to Nalthis, would they be a drab?”


Brandon almost answered quickly, but then got a thoughtful look and paused to consider with a “hmm.”  After a moment, he replied “No, they would not be a drab.  But, no one would be able to take their breath.”


“If such a person died on Nalthis, could they Return?”


“No, they cannot Return.”


“If such a person received breath, could they use BioChroma?”




I was probably grinning like a looby at this point, but I didn’t care.  Brandon complimented me on my questions, saying that I had asked some good ones and that nobody had gotten so much information out of him in a while.  I don’t know whether he meant it, or was just trying to give me some confidence and make me feel good about myself as an amateur realmatic theorist (very, very amateur), but either way it made me feel like a million bucks.



*Grinning like a looby* :D


Congratulations on settling no less than 2 long-standing debates in one fell swoop.

Edited by Kurkistan
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I don't remember. Sorry! But the report is fine.


It's Adam Baldwin rather than Alec Baldwin.


Also, Hinderstap is foreshadowed in chapter 1 of Lord of Chaos.


Ah, thank you for the correction.  All those Baldwins, so hard to keep track of.  :-)  Also, it's funny you should mention LoC Chapter 1, as I'm in the middle of my own WoT re-read, and just read that chapter yesterday.  I wondered if that was supposed to be a foreshadowing of Hinderstrap.



*Grinning like a looby* :D


Congratulations on settling no less than 2 long-standing debates in one fell swoop.


Yes :D


The Nalthis questions essentially confirm exactly what I had thought.


Nice writeup.


Thank you both.  :-)  I had no idea there were ongoing debates about these issues; I presume they were about whether non-Nalthians could Return, and whether or not they would be Drabs?  Out of curiosity, what direction was the consensus going in?



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Thank you both.  :-)  I had no idea there were ongoing debates about these issues; I presume they were about whether non-Nalthians could Return, and whether or not they would be Drabs?  Out of curiosity, what direction was the consensus going in?




It was actually the "would aliens be drabs?" and "can non-Nalthians Awaken?" questions. The consensus was generally heading towards your answers, I think. We haven't had a big scuffle over the "are aliens drabs?" question for at least a few months, but the question of whether/how Hoid could Awaken has been big relatively recently.


The question of aliens Returning has not been contentious, to my knowledge. Personally I would have thought that they couldn't due to the fact that drabs couldn't return, which strongly implied that the Breath was how Endowment "tracked" people, but that could just be me retroactively adjusting what I "would have" thought in such a way that past-me just so happens to be right. ;)

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It was actually the "would aliens be drabs?" and "can non-Nalthians Awaken?" questions. The consensus was generally heading towards your answers, I think. We haven't had a big scuffle over the "are aliens drabs?" question for at least a few months, but the question of whether/how Hoid could Awaken has been big relatively recently.


The question of aliens Returning has not been contentious, to my knowledge. Personally I would have thought that they couldn't due to the fact that drabs couldn't return, which strongly implied that the Breath was how Endowment "tracked" people, but that could just be me retroactively adjusting what I "would have" thought in such a way that past-me just so happens to be right. ;)


Well, I'm glad past-you knows what he's talking about.  :-D

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I'm pretty sure that he knew what I meant when I asked the question. I don't think Brandon would try to trip me up like that.

He delights in telling half-truths and lying by omission, and we delight in tearing apart his words for the toffee centre. It's a happy medium.
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I'm pretty sure that he knew what I meant when I asked the question. I don't think Brandon would try to trip me up like that.

From what I understand from videos and signing reports, he actually does this pretty often, but always accompanies it with a huge troll grin or his cryptic-face, so you would've known if something was up.

But I've never met the dude.

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From what I understand from videos and signing reports, he actually does this pretty often, but always accompanies it with a huge troll grin or his cryptic-face, so you would've known if something was up.

But I've never met the dude.


I wouldn't rely on that too much.  In my experience, when he uses the troll-face, his answer (the phrasing and delivery) is very clearly an evasion. 

Edited by Shardlet
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Heh. One of my Brandon-related highlights was when during one of the Chicago Steelheart signings the staff tried to politely kick me out after the event was over, but Brandon interfered before I could even reply, saying something like "it's okay, he's one of mine." That and the fact that pretty much all of my friends - and I will note, I include my own mother here - claim I look more like Brandon than like my own dad...

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