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What shattered Adonalsium?


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This is something that I think all have wondered about.  We know that Hoid was there at the time of the breaking, but we also know that while the first 16 shardholders were from the same planet as him, Hoid did not take a shard.  There has to be a reason because (as Sazed proved) it's possible to hold more than one shard, so why didn't one person take them all up?  Why split it?  This makes me wonder how some people ended up with shards at all.  We know that Ati was generally a nice guy, and he ended up with Ruin, but Rayse was a horrible person, and ended up with Odium.  This makes me question if the shards themselves chose someone, since I could see Odium choosing a hateful person, but why would Ruin choose someone "nice" for destruction?  However, reverse the same logic and it doesn't make sense if someone was "handing them out" since why would that person give Odium to Rayse? 


I seem to remember a quote from Mr. Sanderson saying that there was a "force" that was opposed to Adonalsium, and that said force is still "out there".  Could it be influencing people?  Maybe just trying to sew chaos?


Too many questions...

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There was a plot to destroy Adonalsium, which failed. (source)


There was a weapon built by the opposition of Adonalsium. (source)


My guess is there was another plot which did succeed with this 'weapon', but I'm not sure. I get the feeling it might be involved in destroying Odium. It'd be hard to justify plot-wise that in-world that you just found this ancient artifact which kills gods. Brandon is typically a step above conveniences like that.

Edited by Moogle
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I have considered odium, but he is part of Adonalsium, I have considered hoid as it is confirmed that he was there at the shattering, but i don't think he was that powerful at the time.  


I recently asked my brain this very question, and got the following answer:



kaellok: What was responsible for Shattering Adonalsium?


Brandon: You were.  And now that I know this to be true, the consequences will be dire.  Dire, I tell you!

kaellok:  :(

source: my brain

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I've always felt like this description by Ym, from WoR Interlude 2, could fit.


"You and I are One."

"One What?"

"One being," Ym said. He set aside that shoe and got out another. "Long ago, there was only One. One knew everything, but had experienced nothing. And so, One became many - us, people. The One, who is both male and female, did so to experience all things."

Maybe Adonalsium is One and became many (split or shattered) on purpose or maybe One split into Adonalsium and it's opposing force (The Void?) and perhaps more forces are out there.

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This "weapon" is mentioned.  This is interesting.  I wonder if those who opposed Adonalsium realized that since he/it was the power of creation and had created everything, that they could not kill him, or at least could not kill him without destroying the universe...Thus they found a way to create a weapon that would split him apart to make him easier to "manage" or get around. 


Getting philosophical here, it seems likely that "killing" Adonalsium would be something that was done in hatred/jealousy. If something is done out of hate near the "shard" of hate (Odium), do you think he might be able to have an idea about it?  Is it possible that Odium was able to follow the hatred and find the weapon?  Maybe he has this "weapon" that was used to shatter Adonalsium and is using it to shatter other shards? 


In an attempt to counter my own argument, if Odium, as part of Adonalsium, would be able to sense that hatred and its actions, logically Adonalsium would have been able to sense it as well and avoid it...  hmm...

Edited by Lazarus52980
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There was a plot to destroy Adonalsium, which failed. (source)


There was a weapon built by the opposition of Adonalsium. (source)


My guess is there was another plot which did succeed with this 'weapon', but I'm not sure. I get the feeling it might be involved in destroying Odium. It'd be hard to justify plot-wise that in-world that you just found this ancient artifact which kills gods. Brandon is typically a step above conveniences like that.

I thank you, i did not know about those bits of information, I will continue to think on this, and revise my ideas in the cosmere.  

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Probably HOID shattered Adonalsium.


In Mistborn there is a strong emphasis on Actions and Consequences, so maybe HOID was very powerful at that time and he decided to shatter Adonalsium and succeeded but that drained his powers and made him weak.


I believe that that the cosmere is nothing more then HOID v Adonalsium. 

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Unlikely, Hoid's friend from The Letter in Words of Radiance seems to respect, or even worship Adonalsium, and previously in Way of Kings Hoid was asking him for help against Odium. I don't think they would be so open to talk if Hoid had shattered Adonalsium

Edited by CognitivePulsePattern
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Unlikely, Hoid's friend from The Letter in Words of Radiance seems to respect, or even worship Adonalsium, and previously in Way of Kings Hoid was asking him for help against Odium. I don't think they would be so open to talk if Hoid had shattered Adonalsium

This seems like a tenuous argument to me. The existence of a larger threat can make even the worst of enemies unite against it, and Hoid is running from the members of the 17th Shard. Why would a group like that be chasing him, unless he'd done something of which they disapprove strongly?

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Maybe Hoid shattered Adonalsium to get Odium alone. He could then try to kill only Odium, letting the other Shards live. Of course, that could mean that Hoid is the opposite of Adonalsium...

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Don't rule out Odium so quickly!


Remember according to Ym, One divides itself on purpose.


Odium could have had an important role in the shattering of Adonalsium. This makes sense because Odium is now continuing to shatter what is left of Adonalsium.

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This is something that I think all have wondered about.  We know that Hoid was there at the time of the breaking, but we also know that while the first 16 shardholders were from the same planet as him, Hoid did not take a shard.  There has to be a reason because (as Sazed proved) it's possible to hold more than one shard, so why didn't one person take them all up?  Why split it?  This makes me wonder how some people ended up with shards at all.  We know that Ati was generally a nice guy, and he ended up with Ruin, but Rayse was a horrible person, and ended up with Odium.  This makes me question if the shards themselves chose someone, since I could see Odium choosing a hateful person, but why would Ruin choose someone "nice" for destruction?  However, reverse the same logic and it doesn't make sense if someone was "handing them out" since why would that person give Odium to Rayse? 


I seem to remember a quote from Mr. Sanderson saying that there was a "force" that was opposed to Adonalsium, and that said force is still "out there".  Could it be influencing people?  Maybe just trying to sew chaos?


Too many questions...

I like the idea of the shards choosing their host. As for Ruin choosing Ati, its quite simple. Ruin chose Ati in order to Ruin him. Ruin built Ati up, but set him up for failure, because it wanted to Ruin him. Theres a quote in one of the Mistborn books about Ruin understanding that he could build one thing up to knock two things down. Built Ati up, nearly ruined Scadrial, while ruining Ati. Odium, being the shard of hate, chose someone who is hated by all and hates all. 

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This seems like a tenuous argument to me. The existence of a larger threat can make even the worst of enemies unite against it, and Hoid is running from the members of the 17th Shard. Why would a group like that be chasing him, unless he'd done something of which they disapprove strongly?

Hoids friend is a non-intervencionist, who seeks not to disturb what he sees as a greater design, while Hoid is always intervining. Hoid's friend didn't seem to have any desire for vengeance, only annoyance at what he sees as foolishness and pride.

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We know that Andonalsium seeded the universe in with bits of himself, IE the original source of Spren and the like. It could be someone collected enough of these bits from various soruces and turned them against it. A mini shard if you will.


My personal theory until we get more information... Hoid told a really bad joke in hopes of gaining Its attention and it shattered from the horribleness of the joke. In its final moments it cursed Hoid to spend the rest of his life improving his humor or face the wrath of Odium. Thus Wit was born.

Edited by Darkarma
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For purely scientific purposes, may you tell me what are you smoking sir?

Just joking, but Brandon said many times Hoid isn't a shard, and his power seens to be just regular magic, and using interactions between different sistems for great effect. Also, what is an AntiShard?

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I believe that the current holder of Odium's shard was the one who did it, in order to become the most powerful person in the universe. Then, he started killing others who had gotten shards, so he could not be challenged.

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  • 6 months later...

I doubt Adonalsium could have been shattered by any outside force.  Each shardbearer can predict the future and presumably they can do so in an unlimited respect not accounting for the intervention of other shardbearers.  Adonalsium, then, should have been able to predict the universe and its behavior into the distant future unless there was a corresponding anti-Adonalsium that opposed it, but I doubt it.  The only solution I can come up with is that Adonalsium deliberately shattered itself with the point of destroying some component of itself that it found undesirable.  If that's the case though, then we would have to accept that all splintered shards were aspects it wanted to leave behind, otherwise it would have tweaked the starting circumstance so Odium didn't break so much.


Maybe it's just an artificial super intelligence and the whole series is just it updating its goal structure?

Edited by VoltCruelerz
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What if Adonalsium wanted to be Shattered? Or his future-sight was impaired by something like aluminum, which we already know will not generate an atium shadow.

Until now I always though that the Shattering was part of some kind of Adonalsium's plan. Maybe after creating the Cosmere his purpose was over and decide to spread investiture and Sentience Live everywhere.


But this theory of mine have a "Huge If", we suppose (without any real proof) that Adonalsium was an Sentience force and he/she/it may "want" something.

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I personally believe that Hoid held Adonalsium at the time of the shattering.


I do not believe that he held adonalsium for the power or even chose to hold it, but it was forced upon him and was trying to do the best with it as he could.


when the shattering happened he did was jasnah did and escaped to a different realm eventually coming back to the physical realm, a while after the shattering. I don't think that he wants the power, responsibility or influence of Adonalsium thrust upon him or anyone else.


my thoughts run that his short term goal is to do everything he can to stop odium from destroying every shard and shardworld, and that his long term goal is to stop the force that opposed Adonalsium.


I truly believe more than anything he does not want Adonalsium reformed, he want to create peace between the shardholders and shardworlds before they face the force that opposed Adonalsium. I also believe that he loves the shardworlds and the people that the shards create, and doesn't want to ruin that. I believe that he feels responsible for everything that is happening and will happen because he was the person holding Adonalsium when it shattered.(just my theory)


that is what I believe happened to Adonalsium and where Hoid fits into everything.

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