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What Does Your Brandon Sanderson Collection Look Like?


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Just wanted to share my collection of Brandon Sanderson books, all are signed first edition, first printings and only Elantris and one of the Way of Kings have a remainder mark on them.  A couple got cut off in the picture (Legion, Defending Elysium, and Emperor's Soul).

Anyone else have a really nice collection to share?


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The only first editions I have are a US version of Way of Kings, and a UK edition of Words of Radiance. The rest of my Sanderson collection are all paperback. Actually, this isn't entirely true. I also have first edition hardbacks of books 12 and 14 of the Wheel of Time.


I'll be seeing Brandon when he comes to Nottingham this October, so will have my Stormlight Archive books with me for signing.

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Building mine still. I have every book of his on my Kindle save for Alcatraz, The Reckoners, The Rithmatist, and Emperor's Soul, and I currently have hardcovers of Words of Radiance, Mistborn, Steelheart, and Firefight, and I have a paperback copy of Way of Kings I had to annotate for English. Many of these are currently with other people so I can't take a photo of my whole collection.

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I love that 17th Shard business card placed so casually on all of the shelves....



My collection is minuscule compared to Josh/Rubix's. I've got paperbacks of Mistborn 1-3 and Elantris, and hardbacks of Alloy of Law, Warbreaker, SA 1-2, Rithmatist, and Reckoners 1-2. I've also got Emperor's Soul, and Defending Elysium/Firstborn. All of those (except Firefight) are signed. My only first editions are WoR, Rithmatist, Steelheart, and Firefight, and all of those except Firefight are numbered.


For other swag, I've got a few of the things in Josh's last picture: the Steelheart postcard, the 7 Stormlight Archive quote magnets, and the Windrunner/Lightweaver pins. I also have some pendants from Bedali--a Windrunner necklace and a Lightweaver keychain. Two Szeth shirts (one from the WoR midnight release party) and an SA shirt, with the Radiants glyph. And I think that's it. I'll try to post a picture of it all later.

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To clarify: I have a signed copy of Mistborn and the other two as paperbacks. I'm hoping to get signed copies of WOR and WOK. The others of mine are all on kindle. I suppose it's better than no physical copies (and definately better than no signed copies), but how am I supposed to loan the people who ask me what I'm reading what I'm reading if I don't have the copies? Also, I am SO jealous of those books. Can I just... borrow all of them for a permanent period of time against your will?

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I'm jealous to you all even if you only own couple of books since I only own his books as ebooks. Downside of digital reading. One day I need to get a signed copy of at least something, to have something physical.. In 20 years when Cosmere is finished you could have bookshelf full of Sanderson, it would be amazing.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I got a special edition of the Way of Kings... It's beautiful... :wub:  :wub:  :wub:  and also weighs about 1000000000000000 tons. <_<


What special edition? I don't know of any that have been put out...

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Ah, sorry about that. I took a closer look, and it says, "Unique to this edition" and mistook it for a special edition. But it's signed, and it has full-page illustrations and color! (Some of them)

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I recently reorganized my bookshelf, so Yay! all of our Sandersons are in one spot now, along with a few other books... All first edition, I think, and most are signed.


Quality's not the best; I took this picture with my rather old phone.



EDIT: Also, how does one obtain those nifty KR pins as shown in Rubix' post?

Edited by Slowswift
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  • 2 weeks later...

So, my actual Sanderson collection is a bit puny at the moment.  Not terribly impressive to look at.


As you can see, I've got it a bit spread out to fill the shelf, and my Butcher shelf below is also in the picture to make it not quite so sad.


But you know what is impressive?  My library.  It is my favoritest room in my entire house, and I am going to show it to you now.


First, I'm going to show you what it looked like before we moved in, all cold and stark and bare:



And now you can see how some paint and a lot of stuff has transformed it!



You can't even tell that this detailing on the mantle is there in the before picture.



The book side:



And the game side:



Now all I need is a nice, cozy recliner, and my favorite room in the house will be complete!

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