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Speculation: Hemalurgy


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So I've been rereading Hero of Ages and I got thinking... What would happen if we took an Inquisitor and drove a spike through his/her heart and stole what investiture it had to give?

Could we steal the stolen? If so, could we compress an 12 or 11 spike Inquisitor's worth of powers into one spike? Maybe this is the property of the Cadmium, Bendalloy, Electrum, Chromium, or Nicrosil within Hemalurgy?


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A hemalurgical spike can only carry so much charge. While you could bang it through multiple people you could only charge it up so much. It would be a quite wasteful process.

Edit. I can't find the source for this. Sazed was saying in hero ages that repeated use of the spikes could make Koloss more human.

Found it.

I think that the koloss were more intelligent than we wanted to give them credit for being. For instance, originally, they used only spikes the Lord Ruler gave them to

make new members. He would provide the metal and the unfortunate skaa captives, and the koloss would create new "recruits."

At the Lord Ruler's death, then, the koloss should quickly have died out. This was how he had designed them. If they got free from his control, he expected them to kill

themselves off and end their own rampage. However, they somehow made the deduction that spikes in the bodies of fallen koloss could be harvested, then reused.

They then no longer required a fresh supply of spikes. I often wonder what effect the constant reuse of spikes had on their population. A spike can only hold so much

of a Hemalurgic charge, so they could not create spikes that granted infinite strength, no matter how many people those spikes killed and drew power from. However,

did the repeated reuse of spikes perhaps bring more humanity to the koloss they made?

To steal the stolen you can just take the spike. I know that. Inquisitors did reuse spikes.

Edited by Nepene
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I doubt that you'd be able to steal a hemalurgically endowed power with another spike, the spiritweb that grants the ability is attached to the spike.

Maybe if you banged a spike through a spike?

Edit. I know this wouldn't work, no blood.

Edited by Nepene
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