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Wait, is Alloy of Law not in mass-market yet?


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Sorry if that was confusing.

I'm sending books to my girlfriend's brother now that I have Amazon prime and I can basically ship anywhere for free.

He's read Mistborn so I was going to send him Alloy. But I couldn't. It's not out yet, officially.

This confused me since I bought it second hand at Housing Works during the first week of September. So not only did it break shelf date, but someone else bought it, read it, and flipped it. Naturally, I'd assumed from its presence in a used book store that it had been out for some time.

So I thought it was amusing. Especially what with my recent history of acquiring new books early, I find out that I got this one very early quite by accident and didn't realize until a month later.

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I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Alloy of Law was avaliable on Nook and on a school library shelf at least a year ago. Now, street date on Emperor's Soul was broken pretty badly, but that's in a different series.

Mass-market paperback. I suppose that post doesn't make any sense without that specification.

Not really a big deal... which was why I didn't think anything of it at the time.

Isn't a year about standard? I mean, I know there's some stretch, but a year always seemed like a good round figure for the hardback-to-paperback conversion.

Yeah, it was a thoroughly unremarkable event.

I was mostly just surprised that the mass-market wasn't out yet. Seeing it a month ago, used and resold, seemed pretty normal.

Edited by firstRainbowRose
Double post. Please be careful.
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Is it possible that you actually picked up an ARC? They're usually paperback, but the size is usually the same as a hardback novel.

It crossed my mind, but it's definitely mass-market sized and there's no indication anywhere that it's an ARC in the front-matter.

What did strike me as odd was that the copyright date is 2011. Shouldn't it be 2012? Or does the massmarket copyright go off of when the Hardcover was first published?

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Are there ARCs for paperbacks? 'Cause now I want to see a picture of this.

Just took some.



Doing so forced me to read the whole publisher's page.

Looks like it's the "First International Mass Market Edition: July 2012" ... but published in the US.

What's that? The price is in US and Canadian like always.

I checked Amazon.ca to see if this was the Canadian version, but it comes out there on October 30th as well.

Now I'm even more confused.

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I'm pretty sure I picked up a paperback Alloy last year a month after it was published. Waterstones say they've published it November of last year (paperback, I made sure) so I'm not sure what you mean?

But I just checked and they also have another version (paperback again) that's released the 1st of November. I've put some links up below to the two.



I'm confused o.O

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