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Sanderson Memes

Guest Cognizantastic

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Well, in a perfect world, downvotes would get dolled out almost as often as upvotes, with the system being treated as an agree/disagree system. "Oh I disagree with that, downvote. Oh I agree with that, upvote" (at least to my understanding). Somewhere along the line the social stigma of a downvote being a personal attack got attached. Perhaps that was always the intended use, but why include them if it was?


I actually frequently dole out upvotes to comments that I disagree with, provided that they are well-phrased and respectful. The only downvotes I've given that I don't feel remorseful about are the ones that attack other members or include obscene words and ideas that I don't like seeing on the site.


Basically I see downvotes as tools that are only to be used as a last resort.



But, I think we're derailing this thread.













You mad, admins?    ; )

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Well, in a perfect world, downvotes would get dolled out almost as often as upvotes, with the system being treated as an agree/disagree system. "Oh I disagree with that, downvote. Oh I agree with that, upvote" (at least to my understanding). Somewhere along the line the social stigma of a downvote being a personal attack got attached. Perhaps that was always the intended use, but why include them if it was?

Anyways, perhaps you're right? It does seem the newcomers of late are more free with their downvoting. I have a feeling it's an attitude that will get corrected quickly, though. After all, how often do you pass by posts with red boxes in the corner, instead of green or gray?

That being said, I do love the atmosphere of the upvotes. Talk about a confidence booster when a post gets a few upvotes. It's always good to know the community likes you.

It would make things easier, but I've had to flee several sites where the agree/disagree system was so abused that posting something even a teensy bit outside the norm of popular opinion could net you 50 or more downvotes. And I don't just mean someone posts "Maybe the link between vaccines and autism is real" and nets a hundred downvotes, even though they would; I mean someone posts "Hey, maybe you should stop making so many insulting memes picking on this one particular religion if you're so into tolerance" and nets a hundred downvotes AND angry comments AND threats to try and get them banned. And the hundred downvotes might sound like an exaggeration, but it's not.

The stigma attached to downvotes here might be troublesome, but I like it better than some alternatives I've seen.

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The following memes are for entertainment purposes only, and do not necessarily represent the opinions of Kobold King or his affiliates. :ph34r:






Except that last one. That last one is totally my opinion. :P

I object to the visual assumption that Sanderfans are all pale, bespectacled skinny guys, or that bikini clad girls = a social life. Image does not represent reality. Those girls could all be on 17th Shard for all you know.

(And Kobold you claimed responsibility for that one so MUAHAHAHAHA :P )

Edited by Delightful
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Guest Cognizantastic

Aaaaaand I used most of my ideas before the thread really got going. Alas! May the river of Sanderson Memes that once coursed through me flow freely once again! Until such a time, I am reduced to mere lurking around my own child. *a single tear drips down Chouta's eye*

Did I just become parental about a thread on the internet?

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It's storming really hard where I am right now. :mellow:





Unlike Rosharan highstorms, this kind of storm is more likely to take down power lines than it is to relight my lamps. So if I don't come online for a few days... well, that's what happened to me.

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Whenever someone thinks they've figured out a Sanderson plot twist in advance:




(The above also applies to the jokers who went and downvoted all of my downvote discussion posts. ;) Guys, if you think I'm offensive, just shoot me a PM. I don't respond well to these hit-and-run tactics; if you want me to change, use words not arrows.)



Been happening to me lately too, I've just been attributing it to more Sharders arriving so some are just going to downvote more than others. I don't think it's particularly helpful to downvote someone seemingly at random but 17th Shard is a pretty awesome place that we can even notice it.

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Guest Cognizantastic

Greetings, to the wise and somewhat bizarre joker, Kobold King. Before proceeding, please be informed that I am not the culprit behind your mysterious downvotings, and have no idea who is. I simply wish to inform you that, quite frankly, you (or at least your internet persona, though I would assume that extends to yourself) are awesome. Although it is outside of my experience, I understand that it must be extraordinarily frustrating to have faceless digital avatars of other humans relentlessly jab you with tiny thumbtacks of dislike incarnate. Forgive me for my pretentiousness in describing my role in this message, but I would like to shine a light in the face of this Everstorm of little red arrows.

As far as my experience goes, you have never made a single post that merits a downvote. All of your opinions are politely and eloquently expressed, and give a feeling of approachability and open-mindedness. Jokes are in good taste. As such, I must conclude that the fault lies in the downvoters themselves. Perhaps their faulty action is simply spawned of ignorance of our Shardic etiquette, or maybe they are just plain trolls. But even if it is the former, their reaction to what they don't like is immature, and should at least be coupled with explanation ; the system they are currently utilizing serves only to perpetuate the things which they react negatively to.

With the previous points in mind, I guess I would advise you to not take any of this personally. I know, it's a hard thing to do, and it feels almost like resigning oneself to impotence. But you have taken every step you can to make yourself better, not out of defense of your upvote status, but in order to fix what people saw as wrong. The ball is in their court.

I hope what's happening stops ; you don't deserve any of it. But until it does, just remember that you are super duper totally radical, and they can't touch that. :)


Chouta Connoisseur (improved name forthcoming)

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