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I'm good with it, unless Backtrack has something to cry about say.


Oh, right. I'll let Backtrack respond to everything before Reader goes again. (I still really want to see his reaction to learning that Koschei is the opposite of Deathless. ;) )

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Anyone opposed to Reader going next in the Clinic? 


...Anyone opposed to Reader (and a bunch of other people) dying? :ph34r:


Anyways, no, not really. I would post Frostfire's exit first, but I don't have a lot of time (and won't for a while), so feel free to go ahead, under the assumption that he's already left. (Or under the assumption that Reader knows better than to run his mouth at this point. But somehow that seems unlikely. :P

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Oh, right. I'll let Backtrack respond to everything before Reader goes again. (I still really want to see his reaction to learning that Koschei is the opposite of Deathless. ;) )

"Unless he's just pretending. Which he is. He's totally pretending. He has to be. Lalalalala can't hear yooouuuuu, Koschei is just pretending..."--Frequency

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...Anyone opposed to Reader (and a bunch of other people) dying? :ph34r:


Anyways, no, not really. I would post Frostfire's exit first, but I don't have a lot of time (and won't for a while), so feel free to go ahead, under the assumption that he's already left. (Or under the assumption that Reader knows better than to run his mouth at this point. But somehow that seems unlikely. :P

Not sure that that would be much better, I'd think that if an Epic ran away from the city guard before being cleared by Autumn and Reader they'd likely be targeted by the guard.

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Not sure that that would be much better, I'd think that if an Epic ran away from the city guard before being cleared by Autumn and Reader they'd likely be targeted by the guard.


Run away isn't the exact words I'd use. You'll see. :ph34r:

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Run away isn't the exact words I'd use. You'll see. :ph34r:

Well keep in mind that there's someone in the clinic who can rob anything she sees of all momentum so if he goes too mental/murderous he might not have a lot of luck with leaving, that combined with the number of Epics in the clinic makes surviving an attack of any kind somewhat problematic.

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Well keep in mind that there's someone in the clinic who can rob anything she sees of all momentum so if he goes too mental/murderous he might not have a lot of luck with leaving, that combined with the number of Epics in the clinic makes surviving an attack of any kind somewhat problematic.


Not exactly what I meant. Things are about to get much worse for Frostfire, (temporarily, at least) but potentially much better for everyone else involved. (Or far worse, depending.)

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By open you mean physical hand to hand, or with all powers in play?  If she is more of an independent person, she could be a citizen of Corvallis, not affiliated with the Queens.  In terms of position, I picture them having regulatory positions according to expertise, unless they don't have any leadership expertise, in which case their title would be mostly a formality out of recognition of their contribubtions with their powers to the safety of the city.  All would have Rainmaker's ear in an advisory capacity, but ultimately Rainmaker makes most final decisions I think.


Another idea I had:  Do you think Cornucopia's power can recreate epic tech (Voidus)?  If so, Corvallis would just need to purchase prototypes and then they could equip the whole city!

With powers.


I may not be that one with decision power here, but in my opinion the tidbits we get point against growing Motivators like that.

He might suspect that Protector Pug was behind it, but he'd be too embarrassed to point at the cuddly black pug in Sam's arms and accuse it of murder. :P


Yeah... -_- Should I remove the question from the list?

Maybe we shouldn't drag down Lightwards too much. :unsure:


At least mark the RAFO, yes.

Aaaaaand, here we go with the Epic Profiles (because I'm an awful procrastinator who might fail his exam tomorrow)!



  • Selective Weather Distortion - Instead of manipulating the weather like other Epics with similar powers, Rainmaker distorts the weather around her.  This power has two components, one passive, one active.  The passive piece is a 'bubble' of affected weather within Rainmaker's 15 mile range.  When weather patterns, natural or epic generated, such as storms, strong winds, or cold and hot fronts, meet the edge of her range, they will break and go around her, reforming on the other side as if nothing had disrupted their path.  Because of this phenomenon, unlike other Epics with weather-based powers, Rainmaker's distortions have no effect on anything outside of her range.  If she is moving, areas on the edge of her range can change very quickly, shifting directly from whatever she has decided the weather will be to what the weather would be but for her interference.  If she does not change the weather at all, her passive ability sets it to average, creating slightly overcast skies, average temperatures, and absolutely no wind.  If an epic with the power to manipulate the weather entered her range, they likely could effect the weather as they normally do, but the changes they made would then be limited to Rainmaker's range.  The active part of her power allows her to selectively distort the weather within her range however she wishes.  The changes she makes do not impact each other--she can create a hailstorm that is contained to one square foot, and have supernaturally bright and hot sunlight shining down inches away.  The more specific the changes are, the closer she has to be to enact them.  She can make general sweeping changes, such as creating more natural storms and winds or brightening a day from afar, but must be able to see clearly in order to use her powers with more precision.  In the day time, she can intensify sunlight enough to cause severe sun burns, and can also alter temperature to be cold enough to cause frostbite almost instantly (especially when combined with wind), but she is limited to weather conditions that actually exist.  She could not increase air temperatures to the point of melting people, or instantly turn them into ice-cubes by freezing them.  Her powers are also limited when she is indoors.  When inside, she is still able to distort the air and create winds, as well as adjust air temperature and moisture, but her more dramatic powers and devastating attacks require wide open spaces.  
  • Perfect Flight - Rainmaker is able to fly, hover, float, or suspend herself in mid-air without moving.  Her top speed is about 90 mph. 
  • Shining Skin - a mostly decorative power, when in the grips of strong emotions, negative or positive, Rainmaker shines like the sun, without giving off any heat.  She can control it somewhat, using the ability to see in the dark for example, but she can only reach her brightest when truly enraged, impassioned, or sorrowful.  When calm, the ability doesn't manifest at all, and minute emotional changes are marked by only a soft glow. 
  • Cloudburst  PI - When threatened, Rainmaker turns into a cloud.  The size of the cloud is based on the size her body would be if converted into a gaseous form.  She can still use her powers while in cloud form, but will lack precision.  She can use this ability at will to pass through bars or other tight spaces, but cannot pass through solid or airtight objects.  This ability only protects her from immediate harm, and reacts before anything can touch her skin.  It can protect her from things like burning,electrocution, or drowning (if under water, she will rise up out of the water like steam.  If someone tried to poison her, she would turn into a cloud before the poison can be ingested.  If she were trapped in an airtight room, she could assume her cloud form indefinitely, but would be trapped that way until conditions became survivable again.  It should be noted that Rainmaker finds turning into a cloud to be highly undignified, bordering on ridiculous, and is annoyed when she is forced to do so. 


Rainmaker's weakness is crude oil.  If affects her similarly to how kool-aid affected Sourcefield.  Also, coating oneself in oil will protect a person from passive effects (such as burning or freezing), but not from active effects like being squished by a hailstone, or blown away by the wind.  The oil must be in its crude form, and the more processed it is, the weaker the effect becomes.  Refined gasoline will weaken Rainmaker's powers, reducing both her range and the extent to which she can distort things, but only if she is soaked in it.  Plastic products have little, if any, effect on her.


MO:  Rainmaker has a flair for the dramatic, and enjoys descending from the clouds while shining dimly and giving grand speeches about the paradise she is building.  What no one but Euphoria knows is that Corvallis is really only a test ground for Rainmaker's ideas, and that after a few years of working out the kinks, she plans to move on to a larger city more worthy of her.  Rainmaker has expensive tastes, and enjoys being pampered, living a life of luxury.  She has a cunning, strategic mind, but is ultimately a coward, preferring to bully weaker epics into serving her rather than facing epics whose powers rival her own.  In battle, she prefers to devastate opponents by immobilizing them with wind from all sides, and then exposing them to searing sunlight, freezing winds, giant hailstones, and lightning.  She generally prefers to keep her distance from the action, hovering in the sky to get a clear view of the entire field. 


Appearance:  Rainmaker has long, silky smooth black hair that comes down almost to her waist, light brown skin, and dark eyes.  She usually wears dramatic white form fitting outfits, usually decorated with prisms and reflective beads.  When just going about her day, Rainmaker keeps a constant beam of direct sunlight following her like a spotlight, and fills the air around her with a barely visible mist.  The the casual observer, it seems like she is constantly surrounded by rainbows.  This effect is intensified when she starts shining.


History:  Before calamity, Rainmaker was the daughter of a powerful Saudi-Arabian oil tycoon, and the wife of a prominent west coast politician.  The couple never had children, and Rainmaker spent most of her time on the campaign trail with her husband, giving speeches and planning events.  After calamity, Rainmaker was tricked by her husband into being imprisoned so that the government could run tests on her.  They trapped her in a heavily defended complex underground.  To escape, she had to push her powers to their limit, fully corrupting herself.  After her escape, she traveled the country for a while, until she eventually found Corvallis, where she met Euphoria and began setting up her empire. 



  1. Emotional Amplification - Euphoria can amplify the positive emotions (such as happiness, love, pleasure, and self-esteem) of the people around her, essentially giving them an unnatural state of happiness that can act as a sort of 'high' that Euphoria's targets can become addicted to.  Which positive emotions become dominant depend on the present emotional state of the individual.  Euphoria only intensifies what is already there.  The amount she can alter a person's emotional state and how long it lasts is tied to proximity, decreasing rapidly the farther away a person is.  Her maximum range is about the size of a medium-large lecture hall.   The effect also intensifies when she is able to concentrate on particular people, but is diluted if she is trying the affect multiple people at once.  If she is influencing a large crowd, Euphoria is still capable of making those closest to her genuinely happy (if they were neutral to start out), but not to the unnatural state of happiness that causes addiction.  Those at the edge of her range will only experience a slight uplift in their mood when influenced with a crowd of other people.  At maximum, she can only directly affect approximately fifty people at once.  When affecting multiple people, the effects usually fade a few minutes after leaving Euphoria's range at maximum, or immediately for those who are farther away.  If she alters individual emotional states directly, and at close range, she can give them a positive boost for the next few hours.  Euphoria can gift this power to others through physical contact, but people who are gifted the power can generally only use it on themselves or individual people close at hand, and lack Euphoria's range and her ability to use it on multiple people at once.  For clarity, proximity, number of targets, and the existing emotional states will all have an impact on Euphoria's ability (proximity and number of targets having the largest effect, existing emotional state having the least).  When these factors are minimized, she can exert incredible influence, but as they start to stack the effectiveness of her powers decreases exponentially.  This power also has no effect on other Epics, including Euphoria herself.  Euphoria can recall both the positive emotions themselves, and the gifted ability to create said emotions, at any time from any where. 
  2. Emotional Memory Revision - With physical contact, Euphoria can alter the emotional aspect of a person's memory.  She cannot alter the events themselves, but can alter how a person remembers feeling at certain periods.  She does NOT have the ability to see into people's histories, so when she is altering things, she is doing so blind.  She can choose how far back she goes, often using what information she can find out about her target to determine a suitable time frame, but she cannot do so selectively (she can make the last five years happy, sad, or boring, but she cannot make them alternate between all three).  She also has to start from the present, and cannot effect the past without affecting the time between that period and the present as well.  She can alter the degree or intensity of the emotional memory, giving a person's memories one solid emotional tone, or can layer the intended emotion over a person's existing memories, letting the person's original emotional state determine the strength of the feelings.  The farther in time she goes back, the longer the alteration takes.  To alter emotional memory of the last few weeks will take about one second per three days, to alter a month or two would take one to two seconds per day, and to alter a full year would like take an average of fifteen seconds per week.  More than a year would take one minute per week, and increase from there.  If the physical contact is interrupted, the emotions will be changed for the time period reflected by the length of time the contact lasted.  If Euphoria wanted to take things further after an interruption, she would have to start again from the present.  This power works on most epics and all vanillas.  It cannot be gifted. 


Euphoria's weakness is seeing herself as traditionally or conventionally beautiful.  This weakness is dependent on her own perceptions and biases.  Put her in business or casual attire, and her powers won't be affected in the least, no matter how pretty she looks.  These are both looks Euphoria feels comfortable in, and for her weakness to take effect she must be uncomfortable with how she looks.  Usually wearing her trademark glasses alone is enough to keep her weakness from being more than a slight hindrance.  However, if you take away her glasses, put her in an evening gown, and  do her hair and make-up, her powers would be totally neutralized.


MO:  Euphoria prefers to work from behind the scenes.  She is organized and logical to a fault, and rarely lets emotions cloud her judgement.  Even without her powers she is very good at handling people in professional settings.  In personal settings, she is often seen as stand-off-ish or awkward.  She does not like to admit she has a sense of humour, and even prior to Calamity she was somewhat cold-hearted.  While she takes some comfort in the control she can exert over people, on the whole Euphoria does not particularly enjoy using her powers.  She is also often frustrated at being unable to affect her own emotions, and struggles with ennui and minor depression.  Rainmaker has encouraged her to keep her identity a secret, so when out in public, Euphoria acts as a mere aid, just part of Rainmaker's staff.  In fact, while using her powers, she also fulfills the role she pretends to play, often coordinating security and other staff members, and keeping day-to-day operations within Corvallis running smoothly.  In the interests of keeping her identity a secret, Euphoria gifts her power to various agents to hand out positive emotions to the general populace.  The standard practice is to meet her agents at non-descript locations, and given them instructions in advance not to look in the direction she will be coming in from until one full minute has passed after the power is gifted to them.  Before Calamity, Euphoria had no combat experience or expertise.  For the monthly "appointments" she has with people to rewrite their emotional history (a task that takes up several hours of each day), Euphoria meets her "patients" behind a screen of bullet proof, one way glass.  When his or her turn comes, the "patient" sits down and sticks her or his hand through a small hole in the glass.  On the other side, Euphoria grips their hand, and starts the process of altering their memories.  For most people, she only alters the last few weeks, leaving them with months here and there with accurate emotional recollections.  For dissidents and rebels, she does a more thorough rewrite. Only her body guards, the other Queens of Corvallis, and the most trustworthy members of both Euphoria and Rainmaker's teams know her true identity.  Since Calamity, she has taken some basic self defense classes, and has trained at a shooting range, but is by no means a natural. 


Appearance:  Euphoria has a stick thin, curve-less shape, and all but the best fitting clothes seem to hang off of her.  She has pale skin that burns easily, and is covered with freckles because of the near-constant sunlight Rainmaker chooses to bathe Corvallis with.  Her hair is strawberry blonde, and would hang down just passed her shoulders if she did not always keep it tied up in a neat bun or pony-tail.  For clothing, Euphoria chooses to dress in business attire, favouring clean cut pant-suits, heels, and freshly pressed blouses, all in darker colours.  She rarely goes without her her trademark dark rimmed glasses, and never wears any sort of jewelery.  Over time, as she has become more paranoid about her position in Corvallis, Euphoria has taken to carrying a hand-gun and a knife, stored in a holster she hides underneath her jacket. 


History:  Euphoria was born and raised in Corvallis.  When Calamity came, she was an economics student, just beginning her masters degree.  After discovering her powers, Euphoria avoided using them for the most part, mostly due to her anti-social nature, and tried to do her best to go about life as usual.  Things changed when Rainmaker discovered her, and forced Euphoria to realize the potential of what she could do.  Since then, she has been Rainmaker's silent right hand as the more powerful epic stepped into the spotlight and took over Corvallis.  As her role in keeping the city under control has become more and more pivotal, Euphoria has grown increasingly paranoid, and is thus overly cautious in her day to day activities.  She is one of the few who knows that Rainmaker has her sights set on larger cities than Corvallis, and that when the High Epic is done experimenting in Oregon, she plans to destroy the whole city and relocate with her team to a location deemed more worthy.  While being an epic has changed Euphoria, and she was not the sentimental type before Calamity, part of her is still bothered by her own participation in the subjugation and eventual destruction of her home. 


So there you have em!  I tried to tone down Euphoria's powers by playing around with the limits of range and the number of people she can affect at once, by increasing the time she needs to rewrite emotional memories, and limiting the extent to which she can revise.  Like I've said before, I still want her to be powerful (there's a reason she's the center of the plot), but I don't want her to be too mind-controlling. 


For Rainmaker, she's obviously quite overpowered, like any Epic despot.  She'll be a tough cookie to take down, and should provide a good fight for any invaders or rebels who try to invade the city.  Let me know what you guys think, and if you have any suggestions! 

So many details. :wub: On Euphoria's weakness

We really have no indication that the Epics mindset even can play into a weakness like that. In fact in cases like Newton it didn't matter that the compliments or at least David's weren't genuine at all. So requiring a specific mindset from hers to trigger seems off, even if the fear itself is legit.


Well keep in mind that there's someone in the clinic who can rob anything she sees of all momentum so if he goes too mental/murderous he might not have a lot of luck with leaving, that combined with the number of Epics in the clinic makes surviving an attack of any kind somewhat problematic.

Plus a squad of soliders (whose size hasn't been specified I think) armed with firearms. Which could at least help with Frostfire.

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With powers.


I may not be that one with decision power here, but in my opinion the tidbits we get point against growing Motivators like that.

Maybe we shouldn't drag down Lightwards too much. :unsure:


At least mark the RAFO, yes.

So many details. :wub: On Euphoria's weakness

We really have no indication that the Epics mindset even can play into a weakness like that. In fact in cases like Newton it didn't matter that the compliments or at least David's weren't genuine at all. So requiring a specific mindset from hers to trigger seems off, even if the fear itself is legit.


Plus a squad of soliders (whose size hasn't been specified I think) armed with firearms. Which could at least help with Frostfire.

On Euphoria

I'm pretty sure David mentioned feeling certain emotions as one of the possibilities for Epic weaknesses.

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On Euphoria

I'm pretty sure David mentioned feeling certain emotions as one of the possibilities for Epic weaknesses.

Really? Would you mind searching for that quote, because I can't remember the mention of any weakness that wasn't inherently external. Only things like other people that meet certain conditions, not the Epics themselves,

Edited by Edgedancer
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Really? Would you mind searching for that quote, because I can't remember the mention of any weakness that wasn't inherently external. Only things like other people that meet certain conditions, not the Epics themselves,


Others were weakened by thinking certain thoughts, not eating certain foods, or eating the wrong foods.

Found it. It wasn't emotions specifically, but he definitely implies it's potentially internal.

EDIT: On review it's possible that he meant that other people thinking certain thoughts around them could weaken an Epic, although I don't think that's what it meant.

Edited by Voidus
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Found it. It wasn't emotions specifically, but he definitely implies it's potentially internal.

EDIT: On review it's possible that he meant that other people thinking certain thoughts around them could weaken an Epic, although I don't think that's what it meant.

That's the (reverse) case with Steelheart and I'm half convinced that what weakened Fortuity wasn't his attraction to women but that they didn't want to date him, so who knows maybe it was just forshadowing.

Still, it leaves us with something ambiguous.

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That's the (reverse) case with Steelheart and I'm half convinced that what weakened Fortuity wasn't his attraction to women but that they didn't want to date him, so who knows maybe it was just forshadowing.

Still, it leaves us with something ambiguous.

Could be but it'd have to at least be both his attraction and them not wanting to date him (Either that, or the Reckoners are terrible at their jobs) which is possible since probably no one wants to date him but I'm more inclined to believe it was just his attraction.

I think it's at least enough of a basis to go along with the weakness for now being at least not explicitly impossible.

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Could be but it'd have to at least be both his attraction and them not wanting to date him (Either that, or the Reckoners are terrible at their jobs) which is possible since probably no one wants to date him but I'm more inclined to believe it was just his attraction.

I think it's at least enough of a basis to go along with the weakness for now being at least not explicitly impossible.

Tecnically they were wrong about his weakness. According to this guy

I asked Brandon this the other day at a signing, and he said that he was a little surprised by how many people were curious about Fortuity's weakness. He had thought it was one of the more obvious ones. It basically has to do with his fear of rejection by women and his desire but inability to completely conquer/dominate them.

At least, that's how I understood it. I was a little starstruck at the time.  :ph34r:

So his attraction to woman probably only matters to the degree that withtout that attraction there wouldn't really be a situation were they could reject him. Then after he forces them into dating they partially weaken him because they want to reject him but not fully, because they don't want to say no to a Epic serial killer. Naturally, that's only conjecture, but it does seem that otherwise his weakness would trigger way to often randomly.


On the Reckoners, they are good at the whole assassination deal but otherwise they kind of do need some improvements in the informaation department.

1)Didn't figure out that their boss is an Epic.

2)Let another Epic and spy join the cell of their boss (which is essentially their inner circle.)

3)Were predictable to the point that David could predict their next hit.

4)Essentially, required David for every other weakness after Fortuity.

5)The team in Babilar still didn't know the exact classification and extend of Regalia's powers, even the part their bosses had acess to.

6)Depends on how much Reckoners and Lorist work together but completely dismissed the possibility of weaknesses following a pattern for an entire decade, even if they could do a history check for Epics.


Somewhat unrelated point that just came to mind (Firefight spoiler)

Did Prof never try gifting to any of the members of his old Epic team? We know that at that point he even practiced with his powers, so that seems like something he would at least try, yet he didn't know before Edmund told him. :huh:


True enough I guess. Although,

The trigger still seems a bit weird. I admit I'm working on a guess here but assuming that her weakness comes from some kind of soical annexiety or lack of self-esteem, wouldn't realizing that she is beatiful be the point at which she overcomes her corruption and not the one that activates her weakness? Something like loosing her glasses seems more in line. 

Now, my assumptions could have been completely wrong but it's something you might want to think about.

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Tecnically they were wrong about his weakness. According to this guy

So his attraction to woman probably only matters to the degree that withtout that attraction there wouldn't really be a situation were they could reject him. Then after he forces them into dating they partially weaken him because they want to reject him but not fully, because they don't want to say no to a Epic serial killer. Naturally, that's only conjecture, but it does seem that otherwise his weakness would trigger way to often randomly.


On the Reckoners, they are good at the whole assassination deal but otherwise they kind of do need some improvements in the informaation department.

1)Didn't figure out that their boss is an Epic.

2)Let another Epic and spy join the cell of their boss (which is essentially their inner circle.)

3)Were predictable to the point that David could predict their next hit.

4)Essentially, required David for every other weakness after Fortuity.

5)The team in Babilar still didn't know the exact classification and extend of Regalia's powers, even the part their bosses had acess to.

6)Depends on how much Reckoners and Lorist work together but completely dismissed the possibility of weaknesses following a pattern for an entire decade, even if they could do a history check for Epics.


Somewhat unrelated point that just came to mind (Firefight spoiler)

Did Prof never try gifting to any of the members of his old Epic team? We know that at that point he even practiced with his powers, so that seems like something he would at least try, yet he didn't know before Edmund told him. :huh:


True enough I guess. Although,

The trigger still seems a bit weird. I admit I'm working on a guess here but assuming that her weakness comes from some kind of soical annexiety or lack of self-esteem, wouldn't realizing that she is beatiful be the point at which she overcomes her corruption and not the one that activates her weakness? Something like loosing her glasses seems more in line. 

Now, my assumptions could have been completely wrong but it's something you might want to think about.

Doesn't really work with Megan though, she was straight up trying to murder him, I don't know how much harder she could be rejecting him and yet that's when he seemed to be able to predict even better than when she handcuffed him.

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Doesn't really work with Megan though, she was straight up trying to murder him, I don't know how much harder she could be rejecting him and yet that's when he seemed to be able to predict even better than when she handcuffed him.

Honestly, I asked myself the same question. :mellow: For a proper answer you'll have to ask Brandon. Twi, thought that it may be connected to it not happening in public. There could also be other factors, like David's involvment alerting Fortuity, so he could "break up" first or that only something specific like for example a slap would trigger his weakness.

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Honestly, I asked myself the same question. :mellow: For a proper answer you'll have to ask Brandon. Twi, thought that it may be connected to it not happening in public. There could also be other factors, like David's involvment alerting Fortuity, so he could "break up" first or that only something specific like for example a slap would trigger his weakness.

I blame Brandon for making me love his lack of plotholes so much that when we find one it dissapoints me way more. :(

Ah well, Mizzy's still awesome.

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I think it sounds like Voidus was intending Cornucopia to be something different, so you can have all three girls, and they are all more than welcome in Corvallis :)


As for numbers, I kind of envision the Queens as a group of lesser to mid- level epics with fairly unique powers that help Rainmaker rule the city.   Bubbles for defense, Cornucopia keeps the city well stocked, and Euphoria keeps it under control.  On that note, as I originally conceived Bubbles, she did have a minor PI.  Originally, if threatened, a force-bubble would automatically spring up around her to protect her.  This was a potential way invaders could enter the city, by having an agent on the inside threaten Bubble, then force her to drop the bubble around the city (because that is her max size) by attacking her and letting her PI put up a smaller bubble around her for protection. 


If you want to change this though, go right ahead!  Just let me know.  All of the other powers are sounding good so far!  Keep me posted. 



As you can see, I think Blaze is correct in saying we have enough QoCs, at least for now, since we are pretty unbalanced with them compared to enemies and neutral parties, even if I put my two WIPs into the mix.  I think the place we mostly need more characters for is the epic citizen category.  Initially, we can do a lot of internal stuff among the Queens as they react to Euphoria's disappearance, but as things move forward, we will need more epic citizens to play them off against.  More invaders and newcomers to the city also wouldn't hurt, though I'm certain Iconoclast's arrival will give the Queens more than enough trouble.  Right now, I'm picture Iconoclast laying siege to the city, outside of Bubbles's field, while internal unrest steadily grows within.


Also, Blaze, on the note of Bubbles, I was thinking of making it a bigger deal when her maximum city-sized bubble drops.  What if she can only reset it from the center of the city, since she must always be at the center of her force-bubbles when setting them.  Once they are set, she can move around within or outside of them, but to set it up she must be in the center of where she wants to place it.  This would mean that if Bubbles is forced to drop the force-bubble around the city, she would have to make her way back to the center to reset it, which would give Iconoclast lost of time to get his minions (and possibly himself) into the city and start wreaking some havoc.  The reset bubble, however, could cut him off from some of whatever army he brought with him, giving him incentive to find new recruits from among the Corvallis vanilla population.  Blackhoof, would that sound good to you?  In some of the panic, we could also have Bubbles reset the field off center, abandoning parts of the city to Iconoclast. 


Thoughts?  I'm glad this is coming along.  I'll keep adding to my list of epics if people have more suggestions or want to get involved :).


Actually, it would be more Iconoclast's MO to infiltrate the city, posing just as an Epic with the ability to alter his body and regenerate (I'm thinking that I will expand the body alteration to cover making him look like a completely different person. Not precise enough to really mimic someone, but enough to be unrecognisable from his previous self). Then once he is inside, start plotting how he can best take down the city. His plans usually involve copious amounts of Ghouls. He wouldn't besiege a city from the outside, as he doesn't bring many Ghouls with him when he travels (often none). 


I am starting to picture him as Heath Ledger's Joker, but with cannibal servants and really hard to kill. Appearing, disappearing, causing wanton havoc and destruction. Taunting victims, ranting madly. That sort of thing.




Maybe he positions himself near Bubbles and turns some people into Ghouls, causing them to threaten her and thus bring down the shield?


and perhaps he made a deal with the Epic who attacks Euphoria? Iconoclast goes for Bubbles, the other goes for Euphoria?




Doesn't really work with Megan though, she was straight up trying to murder him, I don't know how much harder she could be rejecting him and yet that's when he seemed to be able to predict even better than when she handcuffed him.


from my understanding, his weakness is being humiliated in public by an attractive woman. So, if Megan had of humiliated him in public, in front of his gang, he would have lost his powers.

Probably there was an incident that set up this weakness, on top of his fear of rejection and desire to control women.

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Tecnically they were wrong about his weakness. According to this guy

So his attraction to woman probably only matters to the degree that withtout that attraction there wouldn't really be a situation were they could reject him. Then after he forces them into dating they partially weaken him because they want to reject him but not fully, because they don't want to say no to a Epic serial killer. Naturally, that's only conjecture, but it does seem that otherwise his weakness would trigger way to often randomly.

On the Reckoners, they are good at the whole assassination deal but otherwise they kind of do need some improvements in the informaation department.

1)Didn't figure out that their boss is an Epic.

2)Let another Epic and spy join the cell of their boss (which is essentially their inner circle.)

3)Were predictable to the point that David could predict their next hit.

4)Essentially, required David for every other weakness after Fortuity.

5)The team in Babilar still didn't know the exact classification and extend of Regalia's powers, even the part their bosses had acess to.

6)Depends on how much Reckoners and Lorist work together but completely dismissed the possibility of weaknesses following a pattern for an entire decade, even if they could do a history check for Epics.

Somewhat unrelated point that just came to mind (Firefight spoiler)

Did Prof never try gifting to any of the members of his old Epic team? We know that at that point he even practiced with his powers, so that seems like something he would at least try, yet he didn't know before Edmund told him. :huh:

True enough I guess. Although,

The trigger still seems a bit weird. I admit I'm working on a guess here but assuming that her weakness comes from some kind of soical annexiety or lack of self-esteem, wouldn't realizing that she is beatiful be the point at which she overcomes her corruption and not the one that activates her weakness? Something like loosing her glasses seems more in line.

Now, my assumptions could have been completely wrong but it's something you might want to think about.

What if the trigger is being called conventionally beautiful, maybe by way of being compared to a film star from the 1940s (by name or generically) or another classic film star who was conventionally attractive? Because I think Edge is right--if I want to avoid seeing myself a certain way, I can go through all kinds of mental gymnastics to do that; but have someone else point it out and the jig is up.

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I would like to point out that it's been a little over a week and we've already half-filled this thread with our patented blend of ponies, planning and insanity. I would like to say...

You guys are awesome.

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Unrelated statement is unrelated.


It just occurred to me that with Vondra's level of paranoia regarding Epics, if he were to become one himself his weakness might actually be other Epics. :mellow::P

Would that include himself? :P

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