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This is my first time doing any sort of online role playing so I assume that it is terrible. Hopefully I will get better as the game goes on. Sorry in advance


Clink hated travelling. He was a travelling salesman but not by choice. For some reason whenever he tried to set up a permanent shop somewhere the city guards or a mob of angry villagers would run him out of town.  He also hated world hopping. However sometimes it’s the only way to escape. He had had to do it many times recently as a group of strange men kept finding him anywhere he went even on different planets. These men seemed to want something from him and didn’t seem like they wanted to pay for it.


            He wondered what it could be that they wanted from him so much to follow him planet to planet. Perhaps it was the cache of Atium he’d acquired on Scadrial or the special dye he got on Nalthis. He figured in order to find out it would probably mean letting them catch him so he decided he was better off not knowing.


            He barely escaped this time and because of it ended up on a planet he’d never been to before. He thought that he really should learn more about this world hopping he was doing. He couldn’t rely on it without knowing how it worked or why he was able to do it.


            Enough with all the thinking and wondering he thought. I am a salesman in a new economy I have work to do. He observed the planet and saw it lacked any large plants or trees and all the animals had some sort of shell on them. Suddenly all the plants around him started to move and withdraw into shells or the ground.  Moving plants and oversized bugs, he was already starting to like this place.


            Then he saw a giant storm approaching bigger than any he’d seem before. Maybe this place isn’t so ideal he thought. He saw a city in the distance and immediately started towards it.


He now had two priorities:

Find somewhere to shelter him from the storm.

And secondly do what he did first every time he got to a new planet. What any good salesman would do. Find out what they used for money and how to part them from it.



EDIT for italics. Thanks for the advice Snoopy

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Humans muddle everything. They are bounded by emotions and impulses that lead to chaos... and, to be fair, sometimes innovation. Still, they were an erratic lot; constantly driven to foolishness. Indeed, many seemed to seek it out!


At least that was Cognition's point of view. As a Logicspren that had been around for countless generations, he had seen his share of humans come and go. 


Now was a time of coming, evidently. Cognition had not seen so many humans wandering his home of Shadesmar since the Desolations. They thought themselves unique with their ability to traverse the worlds. 


How like children they were. 


The understanding of the Realmatics behind the universe were abundantly clear to one that could process them logically and Cognition was nothing if not logical. He had traveled to worlds yet unknown to these "Worldhoppers." 


Most humans thought of logicspren as little storm clouds that appeared around great arguments. It was an example of their naivety, as that was just their expression within the human's physical world. In Shadesmar, they stood as large, rectangular constructs, similar to a large computer, though the lightning remained as conduits of energy pulsed through them. 


Even before the humans started gathering within the Cognitive Realm, Cognition knew of the danger that they gathered to face. He had run the simulations and, without help, Odium would break free. Since such a result would be disastrous (he had run those simulations too), he was forced to assist these humans in their objective. 


Perhaps their inspiration would help all of them find victory. If not, Cognition would lead them with his logic and ensure that Rayse was stopped. 

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Meta signing up makes 26 players, which means a new role!


Lifeless Operator: You have one lifeless. you can send this lifeless to protect anyone you want, at any time you want. It’s default state is protecting you. If your target is attacked, the lifeless dies instead.


The game will begin in just less than 24 hours!

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Joe, could you update the OP with all the additional roles/rules?

Personally, I'd like to have a reference point to work from and I'd bet I'm not alone in that right! 


Also, New Role! You see, everyone; me being added got us a protection role! Obviously, that means that I should be spared..... right? :P

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I am a Sphere.


"Yes; I know.  Why don't you be a Sphere of marble!"


I am a glass Sphere.


"Alright," Ostrisce conceded, "you can be a Sphere of quartz.  Quartz is similar to glass."


I am a sort-of-quartz Sphere who wants to know what's in it for him.


"Well, you could have Stormlight…"


Okay… i'll take 2 skymarks' worth…


"I'll give you a diamond chip."


1 skymark…




I will change...

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A note, written on expensive paper, is nailed to the front of Joe's front door. On the front of the paper is written:


The Marquis de Piffletiff will be joining this jolly romp through the Cosmere


In a slightly smaller font: 


May the House of Piff never fail to Piff the ever-living snot out of it's opponents!




(RP to come soon, first I have to write an essay about Beowulf)

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Frank loathed paperwork, but it had to be done.


He had stared at the same empty spot on the same paper for a few hours, trying to think of anything he had sold in the last month, his business was in trouble, everyone who had enough money already had top-of-the-line weapons straight from his shop or had an Honorblade, which he was so jealous of.


There was no one anywhere near him that would buy his weapons, so he decided he'd have to world jump to sell his stuff.


Frank packed his bags with food for at least a few days and all the swords he could carry.  He also set the book he was reading on the coffee table, so he wouldn't forget it.  It was a leather-bound book with gold lettering and he had to beg the librarian to let him buy it.


The book was full of theories on how Honorblades are created.

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At first, it seemed a gift like no other. I used my power foolishly, changing little things, of no consequence. I learned to play the violin, as I had always wanted. I made myself wise, or so I believed. I taught myself as much as I could, of science and realmatics, of religion, of the Cosmere, of other worlds, of wondrous places beyond description.


Soon, however, things changed.


The now-familiar disorientation came, the juxtaposition of memory and reality. Holding on to the feeling of cold metal under his fingertips, he plunged into the memories within…



Aonar stood in his study, playing a thoughtful melody on his violin. He wanted to do something, anything. He’d already made the changes he needed to make, but he wished he could do something more. The dark wood-paneled walls appeared to loom over him. Despite winter’s chill, the small fireplace seemed to put out an uncomfortable amount of heat.


That man, Relat, had shaken him. He had all this power, but he so very rarely used it for others. Sure, Aonar had saved a few that he didn’t have to. But people like Relat, people he’d hurt, he never gave a thought to.


A voice came from downstairs. “Do you plan on coming down, dear?”


Memory overwhelmed him. Shrieking, blood, gunshots; Relat, fleeing from the scene of a botched murder. Aonar shivered. He wanted nothing more than to rid himself of those memories. But he couldn’t, not yet.


“I’ll be down in just a minute, Liah.” As he loosened his bow and set about packing up his violin, Aonar's eyes caught on the short note he’d received earlier. He read it one more time.




Odium is stirring. All the Sharders are gathering. Hoid is nowhere to be found. Come quickly.




After a moment’s consideration, Aonar crumpled the paper and chucked it into the fire, before heading downstairs. He wouldn’t be able to stay out of the conflict forever, but for now, he had other places to be.



Aonar will be on Scadrial, for now, anyways.

Edited by Aonar Faileas
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Elantris looked down on Lu’s home with its shining walls. It was visible through her window, and Lu looked at it as she ate. It was beautiful, and its people majestic. She had never felt quite like she belonged here, but anyone could become an Elantrian. Perhaps one day she would wake to find herself an Elantrian and finally belong somewhere. But who was she kidding. She didn’t know where she came from, and only those of Arelish blood could become Elantrians. Even if she was Arelish, the chances of the Shaod taking her were tiny.

A knock at the door startled Lu out of her thoughts. She wasn't expecting anyone. She went to answer it, and found a mysterious man on the other side.

"Who are you?" she demanded.

"Lu, isn't it?" he asked, walking around her into her home. He sat and leaned back in her chair.

"Yes," she said slowly. "But—"

“Great! It’s time to go.” He must have seen her confusion because he continued. “There’s trouble about. Word is Odium’s about to make his move. The Seventeenth Shard is gathering before things go too far. We need your help.”

Lu didn’t understand most of what he said, but she laughed at the last sentence. “My help. I think you want one of the gods in that city over there.” She gestured through her window toward Elantris.

“Nope, you.” He took a swig from Lu’s cup, then coughed onto the table. She scowled and stalked over to a drawer to grab a rag. “I just hope you do better than your parents did.”

Lu froze. “You knew my parents?” She said each word deliberately.

“Yep,” he replied. Lu crossed her arms expectantly, but the man grinned and shook his head. “We’re on a tight schedule here. I’m not saying anything until we’re on our way. I’ll give you ten minutes to pack your things, and then we’re out of here."

“Fine!” She threw the rag at him, then stomped off. She didn’t have much reason to stick around here anyway.

Question: Why isn't Mek in the player list?

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*Throws hands in the air*


Ok, Thanks for pointing that out. I'll put him in. Singups will close in about an hour.


29 Players means a new Role:


Unmade: Twice per game, the Unmade may destroy the planet s/he's on, removing it from the list of possible PM Planets. The Unmade may choose to do this during the day, in which case all participants of the PM will be sent to their last PM world or whichever world has the most players, Or they may send it in at night, which forces players who were transferring to that planet to stay put.


*Gets hit by falling Hands from earlier*

Edited by The Only Joe
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Rising from his bed, Second of the Sky carefully made his way over to the window.  The sun was just beginning to rise above the horizon in the distance.  Reds and oranges spreading out like a wave crashing over the treetops.


It had been weeks since Hoid had driven the spike Second had gotten from killing Kae into his body.  Weeks spent lying in bed on the verge of death in order to store up enough health.  Health that would be needed in the fight to come.


Storm that Hoid.  Running off without telling me where we are suppose to meet up.


Gathering up the items Second thought he would need he made his way to Patji's Eye.  An emerald lake in the middle of the island.  With luck one of his fellow worldhoppers would be there.  Jumping from world to world was still an uncomfortable experience and it always felt safer if there was another hopper there.

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The Marquis de Piffletiff was lounging peacefully on his newly acquired yacht, reveling in a successful door-nailing. 


Really, you must be a special kind of genius, Tallmenster, thought the Marquis. He had figured out the trick to Rioting one's emotions a long time ago. As a result, he had very high self-esteem, and a tendency to give narrative exposition in his head. Not only are you the only one of the House of Piff that has been to this Shard-forsaken planet, you're also now the only one in recent history that has captured a ship. And you're a Twinborn, to boot! Fate smiled upon you, my friend that is also me!


Captain Reynos of Destiny's Call was extremely focused on his current task of manning the ship. He could think of nothing else. Literally. The Marquis had Rioted out all other emotions and cognition not pertaining to manning a ship. He had done the same to everyone else on the ship, including Pelos, his newest steward. He made it almost a hobby of his, collecting stewards from all the places he visited. The Marquis wasn't cruel, however. He always left them on their original planets, even if they were very good stewards. He needed good stewards to look after him in his times of slowness. The Marquis didn't particularly like the periods of time where his thinking slowed, like syrup in winter. But it was a necessity, in case the Marquis came across particularly strong-minded people, or a situation where particularly quick thinking was a necessity.

Judging from the rumors I've heard about this place, the Marquis thought, sipping on a strangely-colored drink, only the quick survive.

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Clink reached the city just ahead of the storm. There was no-one in the streets and all the doors were shut. Seems like everyone knew this was coming he thought. There was no time to think as the storm howled towards him so he began wildly knocking on the nearest door. 


Luckily for him the door opened almost immediately. In the doorway stood a young women wearing a single glove on her left hand. Strange he thought, why only one glove? The room was illuminated by an odd glow coming from a pile of gems on the table. He was so caught up observing everything from the strange gems to the peculiar dog like bug creature he didn't even notice that the women was yelling at him until she pulled him into the house and slammed the door.


The next thing he realized was that he had no idea what she was saying. New planet, new language I almost forgot. As the women continued yelling he began searching through his pack for one of his most valuable belongings. At last he found it, a little yellow fish in a container. He had acquired it from a strange man who always carried around a towel. He took the fish out of the container and slid it into his ear.


Suddenly he could understand everything the women was yelling about. The first thing he heard was:


"What did you just put in your ear?!"


Ah the Babel fish, very useful for understanding languages on planets you'd never been to before. Not so useful for convincing people that you are not crazy psychopath. Well I guess I wouldn't want to give them the wrong idea. 



EDIT so the post actually has content.

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Gerald weaved his way through the crowd and noticed one of his "skaa" looking around the room. "Jeeves, what are you looking for?" he said. "Ah, you, sir. Somebody is here looking for you." Gerald put on his best grin and followed the lead of Jeeves to mysterious stranger.

Aonar, will you come to the ball?

The suspense builds...Will I be Ruin or Hoid? Or an Unmade (who seem way too OP, by the way)?

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