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Without Looking It Up (game)


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You are too kind! I did find a loop hole though. I have to copy the red "X", and paste into Word. Somehow the computer is fine with that :mellow:



Are all those 5 from recent series?

Is legendary a category?

Dragon! And ....


The five you missed were all in gen 2 (gold, silver, etc) and on .


Edit: to further give you a hint, of the five you missed, Dragon was one of them. So you are missing 4 now. 1 of them was not in the original games, and the other 3 were.


Gah! We're editting our posts at the same time. With your addition of steel and sand you've officially gotten one wrong. Sand is not a type. Steel was though. That means you're missing 3, all from the original games and on.

Edited by Blaze1616
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Yes. Given Sand should be Ground, which you had originally, you are correct. For those not able to follow the mess of posts that is all that, the answer is:




















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So what context do you use this in?


When you're trying to explain something, usually. It is essentially the answer to the question "Why?" regardless of context.




Why is the sky blue?



Why do sirens sound louder when approaching than when leaving?



Why are fake sugars no more healthy for you than actual sugar?


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When you're trying to explain something, usually. It is essentially the answer to the question "Why?" regardless of context.




Why is the sky blue?



Why do sirens sound louder when approaching than when leaving?



Why are fake sugars no more healthy for you than actual sugar?


This meme gets used ALL THE TIME in our house.  Why?


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Ok, so to get back on topic, 

  • Herodotus (father of history)
  • Ptolemy (Alexander the Great)
  • Gaius Acillius (Roman)
  • Liu Jiang (Han dynasty)
  • Plutarch (romans)
  • Herodian (Roman) 
  • Al-Tabari (arabian)
  • Thomas Hutchinson (Massachusetts colony) 
  • Voltaire (European)
  • Georges Lefebvre (French revolution)
  • Ezra (biblical) 



WLIU name 12 characters from League of Legends

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Alistar, Annie, anivia, akali, azir, brand, blitzcrank, teemo, vi, caitlyn, malphite, twitch.

Ah!  You beat me to it!  I watch LOL with my husband all the time and have gotten quite good at naming champions.  Here's twelve more, though you totally get to pose the next question, Smurf!


12 Additional Champions: Thresh, Ahri, Lulu, Rumble, Nidali (sp?), Calista, Graves, Corki (sp?), Janna, Gnar (my cute, sweet, Gnar!), Jarvis, Zed.  (I'm not certain of spellings only because I haven't seen them all in print.)

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Ah!  You beat me to it!  I watch LOL with my husband all the time and have gotten quite good at naming champions.  Here's twelve more, though you totally get to pose the next question, Smurf!


12 Additional Champions: Thresh, Ahri, Lulu, Rumble, Nidali (sp?), Calista, Graves, Corki (sp?), Janna, Gnar (my cute, sweet, Gnar!), Jarvis, Zed.  (I'm not certain of spellings only because I haven't seen them all in print.)


Have you seen the Dino Gnar skin? So freakin cute.


Oh we have to name something now? Um... Ahhhh...


Name 20 A song of Ice and Fire characters.

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Jon Snow

Ned Stark

Rob Stark

Sansa Stark

Arya Stark

Bran Stark

Rickon Stark


The Hound

The Mountain

Jaime Lannister

Tyrion Lannister

Cersei Lannister

Viserys Targaryen

Daenerys Targaryen (spelling is hard)

Robert Baratheon

Theon Grayjoy

Mance Rayder

Khal Drogo




Name the Twelve gods/godesses of the classic Greek parthenon and their Roman counterparts.

Edited by Lord Pifferdoo
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Name the Twelve gods/godesses of the classic Greek parthenon and their Roman counterparts.


  1. Zeus / Jupiter
  2. Hades / Pluto
  3. Poseidon / Neptune
  4. Hera / Juno
  5. Aphrodite / Venus
  6. Hermes / Mercury
  7. Hephaestus / Vulcan
  8. Demeter / Ceres
  9. Apollo / Apollo?
  10. Artemis / Diana
  11. Hestia / Vesta

Name the nine realms of Norse mythology.

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(Hades/Pluto isn't considered one of the Twelve because his realm is the Underworld. Plus, that's only eleven)



Middle Earth/ Midgard



Vana-something-heim (the one that farmers and craftsmen go to)


Niflheim (something like that, world of ice)

World of Fire (total mind blank)

Hel (is there a heim with that?)

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(Hades/Pluto isn't considered one of the Twelve because his realm is the Underworld. Plus, that's only eleven)


Huh. Well I'm embarrassed twice over now. :mellow:


Ares / Mars was one of the Twelve, right? As was... as was....


OK, I give up. And I know after I look it up I'm going to be embarrassed for forgetting. With that in mind, I'm looking it up... aaaand it's Dionysus / Bacchus. I don't know how I forgot him. <_<


What's the penalty I need to pay?

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Is that enough?


In the original post, I wrote that if somebody was wrong, their punishment was that they had to post a funny picture in the thread.  I think you accidentally paid your dues and did your sentence.  You are a champion.


Edit: Pifferdoo, the one you're missing is called something like Nedaveldier.  I don't know how it's spelled because the only place I know it from is Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes.  

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In the original post, I wrote that if somebody was wrong, their punishment was that they had to post a funny picture in the thread.  I think you accidentally paid your dues and did your sentence.  You are a champion.


Edit: Pifferdoo, the one you're missing is called something like Nedaveldier.  I don't know how it's spelled because the only place I know it from is Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes.  


I know I'm missing the world of fire that complements the world of ice, which might be Nedavheim or something (I spell them the Norwegian way because I live in Minnesota and that's how I was taught it)


EDIT: Is it my turn to give a list?

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