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Plot to Destroy Adonalsium - CONFIRMED BY BRANDON


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At the time of the Shattering, Adonalsium was consciously opposed by something, and that thing is still around.[3 

this is directly from the coppermind page on adonalsium that refferenced a QandA with Brandon.


So...it doesn't tell us much about the nature of this mysterious force...only that it is still around.

Edited by hoidhunter
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Well... if you're talking currently, not at-the-time, four Shards we know of have been killed by Odium, so it's more like 11 large-ish pieces.

Three Shards have been killed by Odium. Devotion, Dominion, and Honor. Cultivation is still alive.

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We actually have confirmation that Odium got at least one more Shard in addition to those three.

Oh neat, when and where was that? Shows me how out of the loop I am.

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Oh neat, when and where was that? Shows me how out of the loop I am.

I was surprised you didn't know since you're essentially Adonalsium of the Forum. Even I knew and I have trouble keeping up with everything.


I'm glad you guys are around. This is gonna be a grand thirty years of theory-crafting with you goobers.

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I think the plot to 'destroy' Adonalsium failed and instead it shattered.

By which i mean the plan/weapon to destroy Adonalsium completely failed because it didn't destroy it, it merely shattered. If Adonalsium was once a single being/god then the Shards are differing parts of it IE:

Odium, Honor, Preservation, Dominion, Devotion ect they all sound to me like the make up of somebody. Like these are all traits, when the sender of the second letter said Rayse bears the weight of "Gods own divine hatred." Wouldn't that mean that Tanavast held gods Honor and Aona held Gods Devotion.


I cant find the WOB but Brandon said Splintered Shards can be repaired, in theory couldn't Adonalsium also be similarly repaired.

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I was surprised you didn't know since you're essentially Adonalsium of the Forum. Even I knew and I have trouble keeping up with everything.


I'm glad you guys are around. This is gonna be a grand thirty years of theory-crafting with you goobers.

Oh, that's why I'm more the Lord Ruler of the forum. :P Little lower scale haha. I've been traveling a lot, so I'm out of the loop.

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Oh, that's why I'm more the Lord Ruler of the forum. :P Little lower scale haha. I've been traveling a lot, so I'm out of the loop.


Well I was Adonalsium for all of five minutes before someone *pointedly doesn't look at Chaos* went and "upgraded" the Rep system...  <_<

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I cant find the WOB but Brandon said Splintered Shards can be repaired, in theory couldn't Adonalsium also be similarly repaired.


Well, there is this WoB about Harmony's Shard(s):



Thanatos17901 ()

Thanks so much for all your writing, Way of Kings is the best book I've read in the last decade.

If Sazed were to die, would he drop the shards Ruin and Preservation, or would he drop the shard Harmony?

Brandon Sanderson

Excellent question. The shards are now intermingled, and would take effort to split apart. He would drop Harmony. (This is what Odium feared would happen, by the way.)



That would imply that an individual who holds more than one Shard at once is enough to combine the Shards. Whether getting someone to hold all of them (or what's left of them, as noted by Outis Outeis) would turn them into Adonalsium or not is debatable. I don't think he is a Cosmere Humpty Dumpty, simply because the Shards are qualities of an individual. Rather, someone holding all sixteen would simply be themselves, with their own personality, holding a ton of power, rather than an individual with a warped (for better or worse) personality holding a ton of power.

Edited by Blaze1616
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the shards might need a person because they aren't a complete being so they use others to fill the gaps if that was the case Adonalsium wouldn't need someone to hold him. i do however believe he would become something different then what he was before

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I think what the Shard needs is a consciousness otherwise it would just run wild.

I find it interesting however that overtime the Shard holder slowly becomes more like said shard, like Ati was once a decent man but after holding Ruin for so long......

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By the way...I find this elaboration of Odium's reasoning to be fascinating.  I've been wondering why someone who was more or less the god of hate would be intimidated by someone who was a hopeless non- activist. (even one wielding incredible cosmic might)...but this makes sense.  Follow me now...if Sazed were to to drop harmony...and someone who was not yet influenced by the intent of harmony were to pick it up...they would be able to take on Odium.  Much like how preservation wouldn't do much about Ruin...because he just preserves things.  However, immediately after Vin picks it up...she comes at him swinging...

Edited by hoidhunter
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By the way...I find this elaboration of Odium's reasoning to be fascinating.  I've been wondering why someone who was more or less the god of hate would be intimidated by someone who was a hopeless non- activist. (even one wielding incredible cosmic might)...but this makes sense.  Follow me now...if Sazed were to to drop harmony...and someone who was not yet influenced by the intent of harmony were to pick it up...they would be able to take on Odium.  Much like how preservation wouldn't do much about Ruin...because he just preserves things.  However, immediately after Vin picks it up...she comes at him swinging...


I think this is a fantastic notion!  If true, it certainly bears huge ramifications for the Cosmere, in terms of future planning by Rayse/Odium, Hoid, and any other "high level" players.

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I am thinking that the plot to destroy adonalsium was what brought "His" opposing force to his attention. Now that he knows of His Rivals existance, he realizes that, if left unchecked, these plots wil continue, and one will eventualy succeed. thus he sacrifices his conciousness, simmilerly as Preservation will do, to contain "His" Rival's power, and stop him from raveging "His" creations. Now that Adonalsium has become but a shadow of "His" previous self, "His" power shatters, and seeks out thoes individuals that imboddied their opposite atributes, looking to change the worst into their Perfection.

What do you all think of my version of the Shattering? I like it because it also explanes where that force is now. I'm not the only one wondering where that force is, am I?

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I am thinking that the plot to destroy adonalsium was what brought "His" opposing force to his attention. Now that he knows of His Rivals existance, he realizes that, if left unchecked, these plots wil continue, and one will eventualy succeed. thus he sacrifices his conciousness, simmilerly as Preservation will do, to contain "His" Rival's power, and stop him from raveging "His" creations. Now that Adonalsium has become but a shadow of "His" previous self, "His" power shatters, and seeks out thoes individuals that imboddied their opposite atributes, looking to change the worst into their Perfection.

What do you all think of my version of the Shattering? I like it because it also explanes where that force is now. I'm not the only one wondering where that force is, am I?


Really like the idea - but Adonalsium didn't seek out individuals - individuals chose their own Shards. Hence the comments about Ati being a good man before he took Ruin, and Rayse taking Divine Hatred without any of the balancing attributes.

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Actually I don't believe we have any idea how the distribution of the Shards happened.  We know that Ati was a good man before he took Ruin, yes, but that doesn't mean necessarily that he CHOSE Ruin.  We also know that Hoid turned down a Shard, but again, all we can conclude from these things is that the original Shardholders had a degree of choice in whether or not they took up a Shard, much the same as Sazed did.  That doesn't mean however that they got to take their pick of the sixteen options.  Perhaps it was a location thing, like the Shard they were closest too, or perhaps someone like Frost approached them with a specific Shard.  We just don't have enough information to know there.

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Sorry, who is frost? I think that basing it off of their location makes some sence, but where would they be? As I understand it, the Shardworlds came after the Shattering, so in what world were they dwelling? There are so many questions with out answers! And when we do get one, it just spawns more!( I feel like we are fighting the Sandersist Hydra.)

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Sorry, who is frost? I think that basing it off of their location makes some sence, but where would they be? As I understand it, the Shardworlds came after the Shattering, so in what world were they dwelling? There are so many questions with out answers! And when we do get one, it just spawns more!( I feel like we are fighting the Sandersist Hydra.)


Frost is a character in Dragonsteel (which is /very/ hard to get a hold of).  He's very likely a dragon, and the person Hoid is writing to in the Letter.


They would have been on Yolen, the "original" shardworld, at least it is where humanity first emerged in the cosmere.  Not all of the Shardworlds came into existence after the Shattering, some of them had people before hand.  Adonalsium once visited Roshar.

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