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Why are we assume the spiked have a soother AND a rioter? My guess would be that they just got one or.the other.


We don't know, I suppose, but we've repeatedly seen joint soothing/rioting actions.

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The easiest way to do color on mobile is red stuff[/color*] without the stars. If you want to do italics, it's [i*]italicized stuff[/i*].


I have a question for Mailliw?  Why do you have so much trust for Clan and Wyrm?  Is it just a gut feeling?

Sorry, I didn't see this before.


Also, Newan, fairly sure that Mailliw does not trust me still :P.


Eh. You're partly correct. :P I trust you more than half, but not as much as some. :P Claincy I trust because he, like me, had many chances to screw over the village forever ago, but it didn't happen. I won't say I'm not wary of the possibility, I just don't think it's likely.

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I'm going to put my vote on Dowanx, because if its not me- then the next most likely person is him :/


Also, if I don't vote for someone- that's going to make me look more suspicious then I am already :B


Either way, my vote won't make a huge difference- I just hope my vote will protect the lynch from emotimancy.


Looks like if I'm wrong, though- I'll get lynched anyway... x.x I hope I'm right...

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Oh hey, I'm here. 


Responded to what, exactly? Not posting? I didn't feel the need to, but I will say that I missed your post about me being suspicious because school and tiny french poodles and Almost, Maine.

If you want me to talk more I can do that. I'm suspicious of lots of people, and one of them is Dowanx, but another one is Unodus, and there's also the little part of me that thinks that all of you actives are spiked and this is a cruel joke to all of you.


And as for the comment about the spiked laughing to themselves, did you really think I was being serious?

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Thank you for responding Pifferdoo.


You didn't respond to my post about you. And yes, please do talk more. The more everyone talks, the easier it is to ferret out lies.


The Laughter comment is something that several players (Myself included) have said as spiked. Being bitter at the spike's victory makes it seem that you're not spiked on the subconscious level.

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Hey all, sorry for being absent a lot lately. Between vastly insufficient sleep and working all day I kinda burnt out.



I'm going to vote for dowanx today. No amazing or especially clever reasoning here. Just what people have already said, and a desire not to give the spiked an opportunity to change it. I'll try to be more useful again starting tomorrow.


Quick vote tally:
dowanx (7) - Maill, Melend, Wyra, Senn, Odustren, Pifferdoo, Claincy

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Well I am not sure what to say or how to defend myself.  People are voting for me, but not really giving me a reason why.




The spiked almost certainly have a rioter, and that rioter is probably you or Unodus. Right now, we still have enough voting power that we can handle 1 or 2 mislynches. If it turns out you're not spiked, Unodus is next. That's about it.

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The Laughter comment is something that several players (Myself included) have said as spiked. Being bitter at the spike's victory makes it seem that you're not spiked on the subconscious level.


Oh, ok. I'll try to act more innocent.

Ugh, dammit, all my friends are dead, I'm like a Brontosaurus. Or Kaladin at the beginning of WoK (ouch bet you didn't see that angst coming)

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One part of me is saying, "Why aren't the spiked trying to defend dowanx?  Wouldn't they want to protect their rioter?" and the other part of me is saying "But if you voice that fear, wouldn't you be protecting him?  Maybe they anticipated this kind of reaction."  


I do think that it's weird that Unodus is saying things like "I've clearly been set up" when it isn't really that clear.  


I still think it's more likely that dowanx is the rioter.  I just get anxious.  Like, what if they're both rioters, and only one is spiked?  I guess it's still ok, as long as one of them is the spiked one.  


My coppercloud is on, so if any soother/rioter wants to verify that I am indeed a smoker, go right ahead.  I'll vote for dowanx

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Night 8: Loose Threads


Ament spent quite a lot of time in his shop. It wasn’t out of fear or an unwillingness to help, but because he knew who he was; just a simple tailor. He wasn’t the kind to lead charges or to sway the hearts of the people. So he’d help in ways that he knew, through his trade.


He was just finishing up with the latest of his helpful projects as the villagers argued outside. Ament wasn’t really listening though. He let their words roll over him like water over a stone; without really comprehending the words. He just kept pushing the needle through the fabric. It was soothing and peaceful to him; though he figured most people would likely find it intensely boring. Ament enjoyed his work. Well, most of it. Baron von Piffertiff’s constant requests and then complaints at the finished product would be enough to get under anyone’s skin over time, but for the most part, Ament found something incredibly satisfying about a job well done. The best part was that he could see how his efforts had helped all of the villagers every time he left his shop. Almost everyone in Tyrian Falls wore something that he had made. It’s easy to tell that you’ve made a difference in the lives of those around you when you can see them using the cloak you made them to protect them from the cold in winter or when you can see the multiple repairs someone has made because it’s their favorite pair of pants.


He pulled the last stitch through and tied it off with practiced hands. He held up his finished product with a smile, checking to make sure everything was perfect. He was about to set them down with the rest when his front door burst open and the villagers charged in. Some were carrying pitchforks and torches, like any good mob would. They seized him with little less than a few words. Some of the people in the back were grumbling something about the Spiked as they dragged him out of his shop.


Ament didn’t try to fight them. Whether that was because he was afraid or confused or a bit of both, not even he could entirely make out. They couldn’t possibly think that he was Spiked…. could they?


Before he could recover enough to try to defend himself, something slammed against the back of his knees and he found himself crouched in the ash, surrounded by people wearing his handiwork. It seemed like they had forgotten who had clothed them over the years, but before he could even open his mouth to protest, someone behind him swung the same axe that they had used to kill the Lady Ashette through his neck….


Half of the villagers went to search his shop for signs of his Spikedness. The rest started checking his body. When no visible spikes jumped out to them, the villagers started to grow desperate. Surely they hadn’t been wrong again! He just had to be Spiked!


Then Wyra came out of the shop, looking downcast.


“Umm, guys?” She said so as to get their attention. They looked over at her with hope in their eyes. Perhaps they weren’t wrong after all! But what she was carrying put an end to their hopes quickly. “I think we messed up.”


Wyra was carrying about 15 pairs of freshly made work gloves; Ament’s last project. He had obviously meant for them to help those that were working on rebuilding the wall.




Day 7 is over and Night 8 begins! You have 24 hours to get in your orders!


Ament was a Regular Villager!




(7) Ament- Maill, Melend, Senn, Clancy, Odustren, Wyra, Newan

(8) No Vote- Baron von Piffertiff, Joe, Dom, Peng, Jain, Ament, Damon, Larry



Updated Player List

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You could have just been soothed.


Also, what if we were wrong in our estimates of Emotimancers? What if there's a bunch who have been switching off the cycles they sooth/riot?


Today, Peng, Pifferdoo or I would have had to be the one to Target Pifferdoo. (Hey Meta, Can soother/Rioters target themselves?) I know I didn't target Pifferdoo, so either Peng did or Pifferdoo did to cast suspicion on Peng and I.

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From an RP stand point, Soothers and Rioters shouldn't be able to target themselves, but from a game stand point, they should be able to. 


Most of the time, as long as it won't affect game balance, I defer to the RP. Unfortunately, I think that this would affect game balance in this case. Soothers and Rioters can target themselves. 

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You could have just been soothed.


Also, what if we were wrong in our estimates of Emotimancers? What if there's a bunch who have been switching off the cycles they sooth/riot?


Today, Peng, Pifferdoo or I would have had to be the one to Target Pifferdoo. (Hey Meta, Can soother/Rioters target themselves?) I know I didn't target Pifferdoo, so either Peng did or Pifferdoo did to cast suspicion on Peng and I.


Oh, yea, right. Soothing. Ha.


What's your reasoning behind it being either you, Peng, or myself?

If you're right, then it was Peng, because (not confirming or denying any kind of roles whatsoever) I did not Soothe myself.

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Melend sighed inwardly as he looked upon Ament's stash of gloves. It seemed the man had never been spiked. Tonight was a tragedy. After all, where would Melend get his tailored gentleman's suits now?


These skaa just didn't know how to execute someone properly. When one of them had grabbed an axe, Melend had been a little excited to see a "Luthadel-Style" execution go down again. It would have been sort of nostalgic to see the man's blood running through the town's drinking water. Instead, they'd just beheaded him on the spot. Melend glanced behind him, to where Ament's blood was still spurting out onto the ground. Such a waste...


Several plumes of smoke still rose among the town's buildings, one of which was the tavern where Melend had been staying until recently. Melend had lost several fine suits to that fire, but at least that annoying pastry vendor had been killed. Reeco had tried to push Melend into trying his "pizza" concoction several times, despite Melend's insistence that he would never deign to consume commoner food, no matter how delicious it smelled (it was bad for his image!)


The street was now running with Ament's blood. Villagers were edging away from the pool and heading over to the burnt ruin of the tavern, trying to find some sort of familiarity in a village that was being torn apart from the inside out. Melend walked over and checked the man's body for metal shavings. Pockets? Nothing. Pouch? Nothing. Shoes? Nothing. Pifferdoo, who had been jointly ransacking the shop for vials, peeked out the doorframe and shook his head. Ament was not a rioter, as Melend had suspected.


Tomorrow, Melend would try to ferret out the source of that vote manipulation. Someone was influencing these poor, foolish, skaa into carrying out these executions so ineffectively. He was certain. He just had to figure out who.

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Wilson wandered down the main road of Tyrian Falls, wondering why everyone had grown so silent. Didn’t her old friends care about finding the people who had killed her? Her hands were still wet with blood, but for some reason she didn’t think it was hers. However, she couldn’t for the life (death?) of her think of where else it could’ve come from. She tried to rub the blood off on her pants, and then she remembered she was a ghost. Her lip quivered as she glanced back around the unnaturally quiet town. They’d never solve the mystery if they refused to talk. If they remained silent as the grave, into the grave they would go.

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Metacognition, on 23 Jan 2015 - 08:09 AM, said:snapback.png

From an RP stand point, Soothers and Rioters shouldn't be able to target themselves, but from a game stand point, they should be able to. 
Most of the time, as long as it won't affect game balance, I defer to the RP. Unfortunately, I think that this would affect game balance in this case. Soothers and Rioters can target themselves. 

From an RP standpoint, Lurching yourself would likely on,y kill you faster too.  :P

Why do you guys assume that the Rioter Rioted themselves? It's just as likely that the Rioter didn't get on in time or forgot or just didn't do it and Piff was Soothed.   

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Why do you guys assume that the Rioter Rioted themselves? It's just as likely that the Rioter didn't get on in time or forgot or just didn't do it and Piff was Soothed.


Well, we can't really say for sure, but we've seen a lot of riotings and soothings and stuff over the course of the game. Spiked probably did them for some reason. Or maybe just a noob who didn't know how suspicious that would be.

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