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First post here, and in general so that’s exciting. 

But regarding the tones of Honor, Cultivation and Odium- and how they all interact with eachother, how do you think that would look on Scadrial? Or anywhere else.

like if a mistborn were able to hum the pure tone of Preservation what would that look like? Or a hemalurgist with Ruin’s etc.

personally, I think it’d be a stretch to say it does something to the injested metals but maybe it would be a method of absorbing the mists? Similar to how the different lights reacted to it?

Further, (sorry for the length, im almost done)

anti-tone/ resonance? I wonder how the repulsiveness would look like. Like would a Anti-Ruin tone really mess with a steel-inquisitor? 

the deeper i think about this I wonder if a Singer could hear the tones on Scadrial, or if it’s because of their connection with Roshar. Likely no answers yet

thanks for reading this far

Edited by Meekers
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39 minutes ago, Meekers said:

anti-tone/ resonance? I wonder how the repulsiveness would look like. Like would a Anti-Ruin tone really mess with a steel-inquisitor? 

Anti-Ruin is probably going to mess with Hemalurgic spikes big time, especially since Hemalurgists have Spiritwebs more vulnerable to intrusive Investiture and such.

41 minutes ago, Meekers said:

personally, I think it’d be a stretch to say it does something to the injested metals but maybe it would be a method of absorbing the mists? Similar to how the different lights reacted to it?

Possibly, though actually using the Mists that way seems like a stretch. 

Perhaps using the Tones you could eventually develop technology that can harness the Mists though, especially if used in conjunction with Connection and Identity Feruchemy.

43 minutes ago, Meekers said:

First post here, and in general so that’s exciting. 

Nice! It's a fun couple of ideas and I was happy to have read it :D

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11 minutes ago, Trusk'our said:

Anti-Ruin is probably going to mess with Hemalurgic spikes big time, especially since Hemalurgists have Spiritwebs more vulnerable to intrusive Investiture and such.

Possibly, though actually using the Mists that way seems like a stretch. 

Perhaps using the Tones you could eventually develop technology that can harness the Mists though, especially if used in conjunction with Connection and Identity Feruchemy.

Nice! It's a fun couple of ideas and I was happy to have read it :D

YES! That makes total sense, I think I’m still so attached to the fantasy elements I didnt even consider mist-powered machinery. I completely agree. I guess that could be one way to find a kandra; weaponized sound.

Though, I wonder what prerequisites Vin met in being able to absorb the mists in the first place, other than just being looked at with interest by both Shards. 

I definitely have to do more rereading so I can sound confident in these crossworld connection theories! Thank you for responding!

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5 minutes ago, Meekers said:

I guess that could be one way to find a kandra; weaponized sound.

Ah, clever; you simply hum the sound (or have a recorder replicate it via Intent) and any Kandra nearby would be caught off guard and may let their posing lapse. 

7 minutes ago, Meekers said:

Though, I wonder what prerequisites Vin met in being able to absorb the mists in the first place, other than just being looked at with interest by both Shards. 

A big part of it was Preservation's desire for her to be his heir.

If I remember correctly, what allowed her to pick up the entirety of Preservation's Investiture at the end of HoA was her initial interaction with the Well of Ascension; it acted as a sort of attunement force for the rest of the power (I'll have to find the Word of Brandon later).

19 minutes ago, Meekers said:

Thank you for responding!

Yeah, absolutely! It was nice!

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4 hours ago, Meekers said:

like if a mistborn were able to hum the pure tone of Preservation what would that look like? Or a hemalurgist with Ruin’s etc.

Now that you mention it, it occurs to me that it should be possible for Seekers to learn to hear the rythms of Scadrial and other planets when burning bronze. Also, since all Scadrians were made with powers of Preservation and Ruin only, they probably could all hum both tones effectively.


4 hours ago, Meekers said:

it would be a method of absorbing the mists? Similar to how the different lights reacted to it?

Maybe you could put the mists in a container that way, similar to moving the lights between spheres on Roshar? And purify them like the Dor in jars in TLM?


4 hours ago, Meekers said:

anti-tone/ resonance? I wonder how the repulsiveness would look like. Like would a Anti-Ruin tone really mess with a steel-inquisitor? 

An excellent idea! It should definitely make hemalurgists and hemalurgic creatures uncomfortable. But it might also affect normal Scadrians somewhat, since unlike most cosmere humanity they were created by 2 Shards only and almost half of their makeup was contributed by Ruin. Still, it should be a great hemalurgy detection tool and possibly help with defense against it's users.

About the Singers, I suspect that hearing the rhythms is an ability that, while evolved on Roshar,  might work elsewhere with some training and adaptation. Though they don't hear the rythms of active Surge-binding and need special spren to detect them, so it isn't like they are Seeker equivalents either.


4 hours ago, Meekers said:



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7 hours ago, Meekers said:

But regarding the tones of Honor, Cultivation and Odium- and how they all interact with eachother, how do you think that would look on Scadrial? Or anywhere else.

The pure tone of Preservation was most likely what Vin felt with A-bronze as the pulses the Well of Ascension was sending. Allomantic pulses are also related to the pure tone of Preservation. Feruchemy would most likely send out tones related to merged tones of Preservation and Ruin (as Feruchemy is a balanced system between Ruin and Preservation), while Hemalurgy might be related to the pure tone of Ruin.



Is that tone and rhythm stuff universal to the Shards and Investiture elsewhere?

Brandon Sanderson

The tones can be expanded to other Shards and Invested Arts around the cosmere.


Are the Allomantic pulses a Seeker hears (like drum beats) related to the tones of Preservation, then?

Brandon Sanderson

Yes, they are.

General Reddit 2020 (Nov. 22, 2020)




Is the Well's pulsing a 'pure tone of Scadrial'?

Brandon Sanderson


Miscellaneous 2020 (Nov. 30, 2020)


7 hours ago, Meekers said:

like if a mistborn were able to hum the pure tone of Preservation what would that look like? Or a hemalurgist with Ruin’s etc.

personally, I think it’d be a stretch to say it does something to the injested metals but maybe it would be a method of absorbing the mists? Similar to how the different lights reacted to it?

What happened when Navani sang a pure tone of Honor? Not much. What happened when Raboniel sang a pure tone of Odium? Not much. Those tones allowed them to manipulate and move lights associated with them, but it didn't give them any boost of investiture. So a Mistborn would not get invested just by singing. However it's possible it would allow them to manipulate Mists to some extent, but it's unlikely they would be able to draw power from Mists directly. One needs to be strongly Connected to Preservation and Mists to do that - like Vin.

7 hours ago, Meekers said:

anti-tone/ resonance? I wonder how the repulsiveness would look like. Like would a Anti-Ruin tone really mess with a steel-inquisitor? 

Yes. 100% it would hurt them just like it hurt Raboniel when she heard the anti-tone of Odium. But it should not break them or destroy their spikes, just hurt them really badly.

7 hours ago, Meekers said:

the deeper i think about this I wonder if a Singer could hear the tones on Scadrial, or if it’s because of their connection with Roshar. Likely no answers yet

They can, but they might have to be more invested to hear pure tones of Scadrial. But they would still be able to hear regular Rhythms even off-Roshar. 



I have a question about the singers. If one of them were to reach the Third Heightening, would they then be able to sing the pure Tones of Scadrial?

Brandon Sanderson

Yes. They definitely could. They might be able to before they reached that Heightening, as well.

Dragonsteel 2022 (Nov. 14, 2022)




If you took a Parshendi... And they were born outside Roshar and never visited Roshar in their lives, would they hear the Rhythms beyond Roshar?

Brandon Sanderson

Would they hear the Rhythms beyond Roshar... If you took one that was not born on Roshar, would they feel the Rhythms off-Roshar or just Rhythms in general?


Rhythms in general.

Brandon Sanderson

Yes, they would sense them.


Even beyond Roshar?

Brandon Sanderson

What they are sensing... it's something that pervades the Cosmere but on Roshar has specific way of manifesting.


Is it the same thing that Soothers and Rioters are using?

Brandon Sanderson

Now you're straying into RAFO territory with your question/good question...

Warsaw signing (March 18, 2017)


6 hours ago, Meekers said:

Though, I wonder what prerequisites Vin met in being able to absorb the mists in the first place, other than just being looked at with interest by both Shards. 

Vin was chosen by Preservation to be its next Vessel. She was prepared for this role and that gave her Connection strong enough to draw power from Mists. HoA epilogue epigraphs:


Vin was special.

Preservation chose her from a very young age, as I have mentioned. I believe that he was grooming her to take his power. Yet, the mind of Preservation was very weak at that point, reduced only to the fragment that we knew as the mist spirit.


Nobody else could draw upon the mists. I have determined this. Why were they open to Vin and not others? I suspect that she couldn't have taken them all in until after she'd touched the power at the Well of Ascension. It was always meant, I believe, to be something of an attuning force. Something that, once touched, would adjust a person's body to be able to accept the mists.



Brandon Sanderson

Chapter Seventy-Nine

The Mists Chose Someone

There's a lot more going on behind the scenes than even the author of these epigraphs knows. Reasons why Vin was chosen, and why the power of Preservation needed a new mind to control it.

The author is right in that Preservation did need someone to control its power, and it did seek for a host in which to invest itself. It began this search with what mind it had left about sixteen years before the return of the power to the Well of Ascension, just as it began a search for a new host before the return of the power the previous time.

Unfortunately, just as Ruin took control and manipulated Alendi, he took control and manipulated Vin.

The Hero of Ages Annotations (May 13, 2010)

Vin wasn't the only one who ingested Mists, Wax did that too, but he was chosen by Harmony to be his Sword. It's more likely that Harmony directly made it happen, giving him strength necessary to work on his behalf, than he was naturally so strongly Connected to Mists like Vin was. He didn't breathe in Mists like Vin did, he didn't fuel his Allomancy with it, but they gave him strength and calmness, they were always there in the most important moments of his life. The Mists he took in were but a tiny drop compared to what Vin took. If I were to point out a moment from Era 2 where Wax breathes in some Mists, I would pick this from AoL ch 18. There are probably more moments like this but they aren't obvious and it's not confirmed if Wax ingested Mists in those moments, or it's more like Harmony's emotional Allomancy acting on him through Mists. 


Waxillium breathed out, blowing the mists in front of him. What Miles had said bothered him: Is there any doubt we’ve been given this for a reason?
Waxillium gritted his teeth, then forced himself to stand. He felt better in the mists. The wounds didn’t seem so bad. The pain didn’t seem so sharp. But he was still unarmed. Still cornered. Still …




Has Wax drawn on the mists at some point?

Brandon Sanderson


Calamity Seattle signing (Feb. 17, 2016)


3 hours ago, Isilel said:

Now that you mention it, it occurs to me that it should be possible for Seekers to learn to hear the rythms of Scadrial and other planets when burning bronze. 

They can hear Rhythms:



Can an Allomantic bronze burner hear the Rhythms on Roshar?

Brandon Sanderson

Yes, this is possible.

General Signed Books 2016 (May 2, 2016)

But Roshar is unique, Rhythms are uniquely strongly manifested on Roshar (4th WoB I've posted), so it should be much harder to pick them up on Scadrial. 

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Welcome to the Shard

7 hours ago, Meekers said:

First post here, and in general so that’s exciting. 

But regarding the tones of Honor, Cultivation and Odium- and how they all interact with eachother, how do you think that would look on Scadrial? Or anywhere else.

like if a mistborn were able to hum the pure tone of Preservation what would that look like?

Keep in mind that the Well's pulses were Preservation's Tone and Rhythm - WoB:



Is the Well's pulsing a 'pure tone of Scadrial'?

Brandon Sanderson


Miscellaneous 2020 (Nov. 30, 2020)

So, we have seen Preservation's Tone, and even heard Ruin's (Since Vin hears it every time Ruin appears in the storage cavern). Humming the tones, on Roshar, seems to have an effect on Gaseous Investiture (push and pull) or on beings infused with Investiture (push elicits a pain response) - so I would guess it might draw mists to you (like using allomancy does anyway) or push them away (like hemalurgy does). 

7 hours ago, Meekers said:

Further, (sorry for the length, im almost done)

You haven't lurked long if you think this is a long post. . . 

7 hours ago, Meekers said:

I wonder how the repulsiveness would look like. Like would a Anti-Ruin tone really mess with a steel-inquisitor? 

Ruin's Anti-tone would likely cause a pain response similar to Raboniel touching the sphere with Anti-Voidlight.

7 hours ago, Meekers said:

the deeper i think about this I wonder if a Singer could hear the tones on Scadrial, or if it’s because of their connection with Roshar. Likely no answers yet

It is likely, since Seekers can hear the Rhythms of other investiture; but technically RAFOed. WoBs:



If a Listener were on Scadrial, would they be able to hear Allomantic pulses, like a Seeker?

Brandon Sanderson


Orem signing (March 10, 2018)


Would a Seeker burning bronze be able to tell what order of Knight Radiant someone is? Or what Surges they have access to?

Brandon Sanderson

Yes, but they'd have to be actively using it, right? So you could hear somebody -- for instance -- Lashing, but if you just saw somebody who'd drawn in Stormlight, you probably wouldn't be able to tell until they use that Stormlight, which it was. You'd be able to probably hear that they have the Stormlight.


So the pulses are not unique to Scadrial's Investiture?

Brandon Sanderson

No they're not. You'd be able to do that. In fact there are other things in the cosmere that are kind of the same sort of "radar detection" here and there, that you can read in the same way. Bronze is just the one of the best... way to do it -- being a Seeker is really handy for these reasons.

Being able to go off-planet with your Allomancy also is a pretty big advantage. It's really hard, for instance, to get a Surgebinder off of Roshar, because of the Connection stuff that's happening. In fact you may have heard in a prologue just recently someone complaining about that.

Footnote: The prologue Brandon talks about can be found here.
DragonCon 2019 (Aug. 29, 2019)



6 hours ago, Trusk'our said:

If I remember correctly, what allowed her to pick up the entirety of Preservation's Investiture at the end of HoA was her initial interaction with the Well of Ascension; it acted as a sort of attunement force for the rest of the power (I'll have to find the Word of Brandon later).

Partially, yes - but also partially because the power of Preservation had chosen her at birth shortly before Ruin Corrupted the vessel it chose (same with Alendi):


Brandon Sanderson

Chapter Seventy-Nine

The Mists Chose Someone

There's a lot more going on behind the scenes than even the author of these epigraphs knows. Reasons why Vin was chosen, and why the power of Preservation needed a new mind to control it.

The author is right in that Preservation did need someone to control its power, and it did seek for a host in which to invest itself. It began this search with what mind it had left about sixteen years before the return of the power to the Well of Ascension, just as it began a search for a new host before the return of the power the previous time.

Unfortunately, just as Ruin took control and manipulated Alendi, he took control and manipulated Vin.

The Hero of Ages Annotations (May 13, 2010)

Chaos (paraphrased)

In the most recent Hero of Ages annotation, you said that Preservation chose Vin to be the recipient of the power, just as Preservation had chosen Alendi previously (thus, this was why Ruin had manipulated the Prophecies). Was Alendi also chosen precisely sixteen years before the Well of Ascension's power returned?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

Yes. He was chosen exactly sixteen years before, but he was a bit older then Vin when he was chosen.

Ancient 17S Q&A (May 1, 2010)

Hero of Ages Epilogue:


Nobody else could draw upon the mists. I have determined this. Why were they open to Vin and not others? I suspect that she couldn't have taken them all in until after she'd touched the power at the Well of Ascension. It was always meant, I believe, to be something of an attuning force. Something that, once touched, would adjust a person's body to be able to accept the mists.

Yet, she did make use of a small crumb of Preservation's power when she defeated the Lord Ruler, a year before she even began hearing the thumping of the power's return to the Well.

There is much more to this mystery.



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Seems like Scadrial has some decent theorizing, what about other planets? I feel like singing the tone of a shard doesn't do anything crazy but the anti-tone has interesting implications 

Anti-endowment ~ maybe it can mess with the extra colors people see or mess with Lifeless

Tone of Virtuosity ~ I think it would be interesting if this helped sculpt Hion lines or attract some of the spirits 

Anti-Devotion/Dominion ~ I feel like it would mostly mess with Seons/Skaze but maybe with Elantrians too

Tone of Ambition ~ Would be really interesting if this tone could somehow calm down shades. The Anti-Ambition tone could be a shade detterent

Anti-preservation ~Maybe this would mess with seekers 

Anti-Cultivation ~ scare away nearby spren maybe? 


And I feel like the answer is yes but would Adonalsium have a tone? How would that affect each magic system/shard if they heard it? 

Edited by Elite01
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On 4/8/2024 at 11:16 PM, Meekers said:

personally, I think it’d be a stretch to say it does something to the injested metals but maybe it would be a method of absorbing the mists? Similar to how the different lights reacted to it?

This topic is interesting. I remember reading a theory that said that perhaps the reason the polestones absorb Stormlight during Highstorm is that they may have a mechanism that makes things resonate with the tone of Honor (as if it were a tuning fork). Which may also be the reason why polestones do not absorb Voidlight during an Everstorm, since they would not have such a mechanism.

If this becomes the case, it is likely that if someone got a tuning fork tuned to the Preservation tone, they could absorb the mist.

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