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Nightwatcher Boon/Bane (Game)

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You missed a splendid opportunity to turn Unhinged into a woman.


Thank you for not doing that jasonpenguin have an upvote, and one for Kobold King, that was hilarious.



Granted. It is so comfy that you sink into it forever and are never seen again.

I wish that everyone I know are not in the future with the monster. Or in the past.


Granted they're in the present but they're in Antarctica and there are two monsters now.


I wish for a raise.

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Grand, but you still comprehend at normal speed. If you read a book that would take you 40 hours to read, you can read it in 24 minutes, but you enter a trance for the next thirty nine hours and thirty six m minutes as it processes.

I wish for a high five.

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Your soul is split into five equal portions, which manifest physically as balls of fusion-processing plasma that instantly annihilate your body, house, and continent as they ascend into the heavens. As a quintet of stars, you shine above the earth as a new constellation, which mortals will come to call the High Five.


I wish for the ability to enter the twilight realm of Fairyland.

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Granted. You get a D, but at least you passed. Edit: A D on the classic American grading scale. Otherwise known as a 2.0 in the 4.0 grading scale.


I wish I could fast forward through time whenever I wanted, with control over when I stop.

Edited by Blaze1616
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Granted. Loathe though I am to interfere with dreams of chicken nuggets I must also give a bane so um.... you're now blind.

I wish that I never depleted a container when I took things out of it. (Wallets give infinite money, chips packets never run out, etc.)

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Granted. You crash the Economy by making Infinite Money, forcing the Government to declare Martial Law as they try to fix everything. Eventually they decide to simply keep the world as a Tyranny, to prevent people like you from ruining it again.


I wish for the banes and Boons to be more balanced to eachother.

Edited by The Only Joe
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nope. The nightwatcher won't let you take her fun. (also, I can't make promises for other people. I'll try to keep mine balanced though) Instead, have a sandwich and a slap on the face.


Edit: (I always forget to wish)

I wish for a Jace, The Mind Sculptor.

Edited by jasonpenguin
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nope. The nightwatcher won't let you take her fun. (also, I can't make promises for other people. I'll try to keep mine balanced though) Instead, have a sandwich and a slap on the face.


Edit: (I always forget to wish)

I wish for a Jace, The Mind Sculptor.

Granted. It is the only Magic card you can have.

I wish that my iPod would play just the right song to match my mood at any given time. If a song doesn't exist to match my mood, it creates one that sounds awesome to match it. (I also would prefer to me being able to listen to said iPod and for it not to have incredibly low battery life.)

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Granted, but why? You're now the only person that gets any sunlight. All the rest of the world is in a panic and goes serial.


I wish that I can be sent to the heaven of Angel Beats if I die young and with dreams unfulfilled.

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