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Nightwatcher Boon/Bane (Game)

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*Quickly signs a copy of Firefight*


Here you go.


I for a decent pair of head phones.

I am guessing that this is a typo but because you said "I for a decent pair of head phones." (not "I wish for...") your wish is granted and you are traded in for a pair of headphones.  Because this was your wish this does not count as your curse.  You're curse is as follows:  After being traded in to the headphone factory you are reincarnated into them.

I wish to not be eliminated in Sanderson Elimination ever.

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Granted. They don't. Also, your bane is that a portal to the elemental plane of water opens in your left ear, pouring a constant stream of saltwater out of the side of your head.


I wish for the ability to send sombreros back in time, placing them on the heads of famous world leaders just when they're having their pictures taken.

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Granted. They don't. Also, your bane is that a portal to the elemental plane of water opens in your left ear, pouring a constant stream of saltwater out of the side of your head.


I wish for the ability to send sombreros back in time, placing them on the heads of famous world leaders just when they're having their pictures taken.

Granted. You, however, now always have a top hat attached directly to your omnipotent hand.


I wish for awesome orchestrating powers that let me compose awesome instrumental music. 

Edited by ChullRider
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Granted. It is played too loudly, and you go deaf.

Granted. all you other banes are removed as well.


I wish for Patience. Lots and lots of Patience.

What?! I'm not a cool iguana/dragon-centaur?! Nooooo! Well, I suppose having my other banes removed is okay...

I wish to have horns like Maleficent.

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Granted. After the first day of having them, they grow a bit. Every day. Within a year you have these giant hours that hang form your head,Clive the shame of being walked in on while listening to 1D. Your neck also hurts a lot

I wish my IPad would work

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Granted. It is played too loudly, and you go deaf.

What?! I'm not a cool iguana/dragon-centaur?! Nooooo! Well, I suppose having my other banes removed is okay...

I wish to have horns like Maleficent.

I become a great nearly deaf composer! Like Beethoven! I knew this would happen! Hahaha!

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Granted. But now you're in a constant state of motion and can never sleep.

I wish it was summer.

You now live on Roshar, where seasons barely last a few weeks and change at random.

I wish to be a steel compounder with a bane that affects something besides my powers.

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