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The Arcanum (the Kingkiller Chronicles)

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so i was just looking and i was surprised to find that there was no Kingkiller page. so here we are. calling all kingkiller fans. Whether you are an Edema Ruh, an Adem, an Amyr or a Chandrian all are wanted. 

by the way. I just finished the narrow roads between desires. loved it.

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13 long long years. to think that i only discovered them for the first time june 2023. *sigh* i have been hearing of the wait for the past 5 years. because of certain parts of the wise mans fear i wansnt allowed to read it till 7 month ago.

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I've reread the series before the Narrow Roads came out and now I find myself obsessively googling news about Doors of Stone every week 😭 

Fortunately, I recently finished The Will of the Many by James Islington, and it has a very similar vibe to the Kingkiller. I highly recommend it. It deserves more acclaim :)

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I hope this gets released sometime-

Pat just needs to reshape his expectations on himself. he can't do something amazing on the first try every time. Man has unhealthy expectations. He made two good books and then just lost motivation. I hope he's doing alright.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm now just over halfway through The Wise Man's Fear and it's awesome. I found the start a bit slow, falling into the same pattern as the last book where 


Kvothe is trying to stay at the university and he needs money

but honestly I didn't mind it because it was still interesting. Now things are heating up a bit and it's great. I'm at the part where


Kvothe is doing his test in Atem where he has to get through the sword tree 

and it's very awesome. I also noticed that Tak is a real board game. I kind of want to buy it because it seems cool. Has anyone here played it?

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15 hours ago, The Sibling said:

I also noticed that Tak is a real board game. I kind of want to buy it because it seems cool. Has anyone here played it?

I have not, but I did get a set as a Christmas Gift for a coworker from Worldbuilder's Market (about page) a non-profit that sells Speculative Fiction merchandise for charity.

Tak and related Product

Also - BGG's Tak page includes rules summaries (and a pdf rules download available). Excerpt:




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