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Dissonance: A mystery RP

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Come!! I wanna rp with you!

Setting: We are the nobles, peasants, and middle class of Entrea, a planet hidden so far from the sun that it is perpetually in shadow and cold. The capital is called Londar, where our story takes place.

I'm gonna say stick to around the Mistborn age of time. We have armies, swords, balls, keeps, and fortresses. No guns or more advanced technology. 



  1. Twilight:

    • Blade Shaping: Users can shape and enhance their weapons, making them sharper, more durable, or imbued with special properties.
    • Armor Manifestation: The ability to create protective armor that can vary in strength and material.
    • Enhanced Reflexes: Users gain heightened speed and reflexes, allowing them to react faster in combat.
  2. Mist:

    • Material Conjuring: Users can create small objects made of specific materials like wood, stone, or metal.
    • Illusion Casting: The ability to create realistic illusions, which can be used for deception or distraction.
    • Environmental Manipulation: Users can subtly manipulate the surrounding atmosphere, altering temperature or humidity.
  3. Midnight:

    • Suspended Animation: The power to put oneself or others into a state of suspended animation, slowing down the aging process.
    • Limb Regeneration: Ability to regenerate lost limbs or body parts over time.
    • Life Drain: Users can siphon life force from others to heal themselves or gain strength.
  4. Shadow:

    • Shadowwalking: The ability to travel through shadows from one location to another.
    • Shadow Manipulation: Users can shape and control shadows, creating barriers or tendrils to interact with their environment.
    • Invisibility: The power to blend into shadows, becoming nearly invisible to the naked eye.


many other effects are possible but they require combining schools of magic to properly use.

 Thanks to @RoyalBeeMage for coming up with the above magic system.

Magic is fairly common, but small forms. Anything bigger, more important...well, it's bound to get noticed. And people talk. And when people talk, the government gets involved...

Plot: Entrea is a peaceful planet, and Londar a busy city. We had good rulers, wise advisors, and just trials for a long period of time. Things started to go downhill very recently however...

Our new ruler, Jaxon Hart, is a ruthless man. His advisors are cunning. His interests lie in growing his kingdom, not hearing the people. But last week, rumors started spreading. They say Jaxon has disappeared. That he was taken--perhaps murdered. Audiences with the king have closed, the people are getting restless, and more important lords and ladies in the city are taking stands. Will they side with the people or the government in the inevitable clash? They ignore the more potent question. If Jaxon has vanished, who's leading?

Our first scene takes place in a meeting between a group of influential nobles. These are the ones who rose to the top because of their intelligence, skill, or ruthlessness. They want to know what's going on, and they want to know now. They try to work out a plan, but conflict among so many minds is inevitable....

 There are seven nobles in this particular group, so it's first come first serve. PM me if you'd like to play Jaxon. Other characters can be street urchins, working class, lesser nobles, servants in the palace...whatever makes sense. Romance is allowed, if you find someone who will play your character's love interest. 

Meanwhile, a group of street smarts have their own agenda. This is the perfect time to steal. The city in chaos, the government crashing...you could get away with anything.

If this idea doesn't fly, it's ok. There's plenty more where this came from ;)


Rezyn Marn stood uncertainly in the small, white room. Five people looked her up and down, appraising her. They were confused. Lord Marn should have been here tonight, not his seventeen year old daughter.

Rezyn cracked her neck, one of her nervous tics. Father had been busy with other matters, and so she was sent in his place. He'd been training her to deal with nobles. She could do this. She could prove herself. 

I just want to get back on the streets. Dirt in my fingernails, trousers, a coat and hat....

Her father's voice came to her, cutting through the stuffy heaviness of the room. All you have to do is act like you belong. 

Rezyn rolled her shoulders, brushing imaginary dust off her elegant dress and adjusting a strand of her long black hair. She'd left it down--it was her security blanket. Put up, it would leave her face out in the open, with nothing to protect it from unwanted eyes. She met the gazes of the stern nobility, mustering an air of conceit.

The eyes watched her for a moment more, calculating, then turned away indifferently. Rezyn almost sighed in relief, but stopped herself.

They were waiting for the final lord. He was late. "As usual," Lady Insak said with a wave of her hand. "He will be along."

Rezyn tried to keep a poker face, but inside she longed to leave. She didn't know enough. She should come back when she had more training, more experience...

Footsteps sounded outside the room.

spoiler for length :)

have fun, y'all 😄

Edited by Part Of The Narrative
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4 minutes ago, Part Of The Narrative said:

Come!! I wanna rp with you!

Setting: We are the nobles, peasants, and middle class of Entrea, a planet hidden so far from the sun that it is perpetually in shadow and cold. The capital is called Londar, where our story takes place.

I'm gonna say stick to around the Mistborn age of time. We have armies, swords, balls, keeps, and fortresses. No guns or more advanced technology. 

Magic: PM me for any crazy pitches, but other then that, your character may have small magic, like making themselves go unnoticed when they wish or being able to form small things from the unusual atmosphere surrounding Entrea. (In this case it couldn't be anything bigger then a dinner plate, and should probably be confined to one substance...ie; wood, stone, metal, etc. Magic is fairly common, but small forms. Anything bigger, more important...well, it's bound to get noticed. And people talk. And when people talk, the government gets involved...

Plot: Entrea is a peaceful planet, and Londar a busy city. We had good rulers, wise advisors, and just trials for a long period of time. Things started to go downhill very recently however...

Our new ruler, Jaxon Hart, is a ruthless man. His advisors are cunning. His interests lie in growing his kingdom, not hearing the people. But last week, rumors started spreading. They say Jaxon has disappeared. That he was taken--perhaps murdered. Audiences with the king have closed, the people are getting restless, and more important lords and ladies in the city are taking stands. Will they side with the people or the government in the inevitable clash? They ignore the more potent question. If Jaxon has vanished, who's leading?

Our first scene takes place in a meeting between a group of influential nobles. These are the ones who rose to the top because of their intelligence, skill, or ruthlessness. They want to know what's going on, and they want to know now. They try to work out a plan, but conflict among so many minds is inevitable....

 There are seven nobles in this particular group, so it's first come first serve. PM me if you'd like to play Jaxon. Other characters can be street urchins, working class, lesser nobles, servants in the palace...whatever makes sense. Romance is allowed, if you find someone who will play your character's love interest. 

Meanwhile, a group of street smarts have their own agenda. This is the perfect time to steal. The city in chaos, the government crashing...you could get away with anything.

If this idea doesn't fly, it's ok. There's plenty more where this came from ;)

  Hide contents

Rezyn Marn stood uncertainly in the small, white room. Five people looked her up and down, appraising her. They were confused. Lord Marn should have been here tonight, not his seventeen year old daughter.

Rezyn cracked her neck, one of her nervous tics. Father had been busy with other matters, and so she was sent in his place. He'd been training her to deal with nobles. She could do this. She could prove herself. 

I just want to get back on the streets. Dirt in my fingernails, trousers, a coat and hat....

Her father's voice came to her, cutting through the stuffy heaviness of the room. All you have to do is act like you belong. 

Rezyn rolled her shoulders, brushing imaginary dust off her elegant dress and adjusting a strand of her long black hair. She'd left it down--it was her security blanket. Put up, it would leave her face out in the open, with nothing to protect it from unwanted eyes. She met the gazes of the stern nobility, mustering an air of conceit.

The eyes watched her for a moment more, calculating, then turned away indifferently. Rezyn almost sighed in relief, but stopped herself.

They were waiting for the final lord. He was late. "As usual," Lady Insak said with a wave of her hand. "He will be along."

Rezyn tried to keep a poker face, but inside she longed to leave. She didn't know enough. She should come back when she had more training, more experience...

Footsteps sounded outside the room.

spoiler for length :)

have fun, y'all 😄


Single question:

Can I be an Elan.


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Just now, Part Of The Narrative said:




My lawyers require me to ensure that you know of the harm this can bring to you, your sanity, your RP reality, and your real life. Do you hold yourself liable for any actions Elan takes?

Please sign below:



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1 minute ago, Part Of The Narrative said:

*signs VEIL*

is that the only legal document you require?


That thing is interdemensionally connected to a pile of papers longer than the entire history of TLT, Insanity Clinic, and the Alleyverse combined.

Lord Elan Elan Elan strutted into the room, head held high. "I see you all arrived early." He said. "Wonderful. Let's get going so we can start on time." 


@SmilingPanda19 I USED THE NAME!

His name is Lord Elan.

First name Elan

Middle name Elan

Last name Elan


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Just now, Invisible said:

Lord Elan Elan Elan strutted into the room, head held high. "I see you all arrived early." He said. "Wonderful. Let's get going so we can start on time." 


Rezyn looked up in surprise. She was afraid her incredulous attitude showed on her face, however, so she immediately looked down. If she looked at anyone she might start laughing hysterically as she wondered what she was doing here.


I may rp with other nobles until we have sharders to play them. at some point.


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1 minute ago, Part Of The Narrative said:

Rezyn looked up in surprise. She was afraid her incredulous attitude showed on her face, however, so she immediately looked down. If she looked at anyone she might start laughing hysterically as she wondered what she was doing here.



Oki, sounds good with me!

Elan kept a completely serious attitude, laughing his head off internally. "Lady Rezyn, tell me," he said with a completely straight face, "Why do you find the floor so attractive? I have noticed you are staring at it quite ferociously." 

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Just now, Invisible said:

Elan kept a completely serious attitude, laughing his head off internally. "Lady Rezyn, tell me," he said with a completely straight face, "Why do you find the floor so attractive? I have noticed you are staring at it quite ferociously." 

Rezyn jerked her head up, willing her face not to flush. "Uh.." She stammered. Licking her lips, she tilted her head arrogantly. It wasn't too hard to find annoyance. "Lord Elan," she said courteously. "The floor is ideal company compared to some people in this room."

Ugh. That was wrong, wasn't it...

She slouched slightly. Everything's so much better out in the city. Without all the fakeness. 

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Lady Prunella von Bläart Ertyuytfrdefcvbhjiytg of the Woodchair Lightgift Yew VI sits up in her chair, despite this not doing much due to her short height. “Who’s ‘e?’ She asked, pointing at Lord Elan, before downing an entire mug of scalding hot tea.

50 minutes ago, Invisible said:

Lord Elan Elan Elan strutted into the room, head held high. "I see you all arrived early." He said. "Wonderful. Let's get going so we can start on time." 



So this one didn’t die…curious, curious.


Edited by Ravenclawjedi42
I forgot to capitalize Ertyuytfrdefcvbhjitg! How could I?!
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9 minutes ago, Ravenclawjedi42 said:

Lady Prunella von Bläart ertyuytfrdefcvbhjiytg of the Woodchair Lightgift Yew VI sits up in her chair, despite this not doing much due to her short height. “Who’s ‘e?’ She asked, pointing at Lord Elan, before downing an entire mug of scalding hot tea.


Rezyn bit her tongue to stifle an eye roll. These were the best of the elite? This was all Londar had to offer?

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2 minutes ago, Part Of The Narrative said:

Rezyn bit her tongue to stifle an eye roll. These were the best of the elite? This was all Londar had to offer?

“Your tongue’s yummy, girl, eh? Servants! Get me more tea!”

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5 minutes ago, TwinSouls said:

Silas grumbles something unintelligible, but complies. 

“Thank you, sir.” She downs this mug too and smacks her lips loudly. “I jus’ love tea. I’’s the bes’ food ou’ there! I’ tas’s so delicious…with a biscui’ on the side…the bes’ thin’ the world’s go’ to offer these days. Servant! A shortbread biscui’ for me!”

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2 minutes ago, TwinSouls said:

Silas softened toward this noblewoman- what was her name?

”Is there anything else I can get you…” he let his voice trail off

“No’ ye’, anyway. Although now tha’ you mention i’, I could use another cup of tea, dearie.”

Lady Yew looks around. “So are we jus’ gonna si’ ‘ere, or are we actually gonna do this mee’in’? Because I’m mor’n happy if we don’.”

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28 minutes ago, TwinSouls said:

Silas softened toward this noblewoman- what was her name?

”Is there anything else I can get you…” he let his voice trail off

"Not right now, thanks." She sipped the tea. It was just right. She was about to suggest starting when she remembered she wasn't high in the hierarchy. If she said anything it would be laughed off. So she sipped more tea and looked on.

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1 hour ago, TwinSouls said:

Silas softened toward this noblewoman- what was her name?

”Is there anything else I can get you…” he let his voice trail off

48 minutes ago, Part Of The Narrative said:

"Not right now, thanks." She sipped the tea. It was just right. She was about to suggest starting when she remembered she wasn't high in the hierarchy. If she said anything it would be laughed off. So she sipped more tea and looked on.

1 hour ago, Ravenclawjedi42 said:

“No’ ye’, anyway. Although now tha’ you mention i’, I could use another cup of tea, dearie.”

Lady Yew looks around. “So are we jus’ gonna si’ ‘ere, or are we actually gonna do this mee’in’? Because I’m mor’n happy if we don’.”

"Eh... can I get a frog spleen?" Lord Elan asked. He blinked then shook his head. Woah boy... not there anymore... "I mean... uh..." What is it customary to drink here? Dang you're getting rusty... "Tea? Can I get some tea?" 

Edited by Invisible
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