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Question 2


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So Remington knowing a few things about wolves—having grown up near a dog that was part wolf—would give him some useful knowledge to apply to this situation. Perhaps it would leave him a bit unprepared for Wes' level of intelligence, which he would not expect, but which he would ultimately come to view as a good thing. He might even become fond of him. (Now there's a boy-and-his-dog story that probably won't be made into a movie anytime soon….) 


What would be the best way to keep the others safe from Wes during that in-between stage? And how long would it take for Wes to accept him so he can charge into battle on his attack raptor, Alice by his side, causing the entire internet to explode in an explosion of pure awesomeness? :D


It's funny that Remington's first sight of Wes led to him thinking this:


A raptor stared him down as he passed, big snake-eyes glinting in the moonlight. There was hunger in those eyes, and sharp teeth in that still-closed mouth. Remington wanted to shoot the thing while it was still unmoving...



...and now we're talking about making them best friends forever. :P


The best way to keep the others safe? Keep Wes well fed and the others away from him. If possible, keep him isolated from humans altogether--if he gets into the habit of slaughtering humans, getting him to stop would be difficult. If he must have his violent tendencies vented out, make sure he has access to deer or other large game.


As for how long this process will take... if Remington really threw himself into the project, it could probably work in just an in-game month. Maybe a bit less if we simply don't have that kind of time on our hands (though coordinated time skips with the other players might be an option.)

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It's funny that Remington's first sight of Wes led to him thinking this:





...and now we're talking about making them best friends forever. :P


The best way to keep the others safe? Keep Wes well fed and the others away from him. If possible, keep him isolated from humans altogether--if he gets into the habit of slaughtering humans, getting him to stop would be difficult. If he must have his violent tendencies vented out, make sure he has access to deer or other large game.


As for how long this process will take... if Remington really threw himself into the project, it could probably work in just an in-game month. Maybe a bit less if we simply don't have that kind of time on our hands (though coordinated time skips with the other players might be an option.)


Relationships are complicated. :P 


All right. So taking Wes out to a cottage in the middle of what used to be a national forest would be just the ticket. Room to roam, with plenty of large game. About how big is he again? 

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Relationships are complicated. :P


All right. So taking Wes out to a cottage in the middle of what used to be a national forest would be just the ticket. Room to roam, with plenty of large game. About how big is he again? 




Wes is the green one, but with a somewhat shorter tail.

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The raptor didn't understand all the words. But he understood the hostile intent.


So he fixed his eyes on the creature with the green headcrest and growled.


You understand Remington so well. Any creature that sits and growls at Lightwards is okay in his book. :D:P 
I will post tomorrow, since I believe this calls for a longer response and I work early. 
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You understand Remington so well. Any creature that sits and growls at Lightwards is okay in his book. :D:P 


I will post tomorrow, since I believe this calls for a longer response and I work early.

Wes is basically the undead reptile version of Remington. :P

I'm going to bed too now, so good night! :)

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I just realized, Doesn't Lightwards wear glasses?

  Isn't Sightline's weakness glasses?

So. How do I join? And can someone give a summary of the thread :P?


EDIT: by thread i mean the Oregon thread

 Welcome! Glad to have you join us. :)


Epic Idea:


Name: Timeport

Power: Can travel forwards through time (meaning his body jumps and he disappears until he comes back.) He can only travel forward a max time of 5 minutes. 

Secondary Power: Can also teleport. He can only teleport in any direction, but it must be less than 5 feet away. 


do i need any more description?


Ooh, interesting. I like it. And as joe said, Teleporters, Teleporters everywhere. There's what, four now?


Basically, yes. 



I'm reading through the thread right now. 


EDIT: but I'd still like the pitches :P

Thoughttown is a thriving community in Portland with only the smartest individuals. There is consistent electricity, water, food, and protection, unlike most other places in Portland. The Thoughttown Coalition has a lot of Epics. They used to have a large advantage in numbers, but recently, the Wackos have been attracting all the new Epics. Thoughttown could use a boost of power here.

I'm excited to see Wes and Remington. :)

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Am I the only one that can´t imagine Lightwards in any way attractiv, even though Epics get described that way?


I've been meaning to have Sam or Revolution bring that up, actually. :P


He has grown closer to a physical ideal since Calamity. He lost a little weight, and his muscles are tighter. He has a small bit of beard stubble now, and as we all know, even the trace of a beard makes an Epic far more attractive than no beard at all. :P

Edited by Kobold King
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I've been meaning to have Sam or Revolution bring that up, actually. :P

He has grown closer to a physical ideal since Calamity. He lost a little weight, and his muscles are tighter. He has a small bit of beard stubble now, and as we all know, even the trace of a beard makes an Epic far more attractive than no beard at all. :P

I picture him looking like a shorter, rounder-faced, wimpier Indiana Jones with Harry Potter glasses. :P So kind of like Indiana Jones except not at all. :P

Beards make everything better. Funtimes would add beards to the raptors if she thought she could get away with it. ;)

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I picture him looking like a shorter, rounder-faced, wimpier Indiana Jones with Harry Potter glasses. :P So kind of like Indiana Jones except not at all. :P

Beards make everything better. Funtimes would add beards to the raptors if she thought she could get away with it. ;)


That's... actually how I picture him, too. :P


The raptors do have a covering of proto-feathers everywhere except the head. If you took some from the tail and glued it to one's face, he might not notice right away. :P


Has anyone else started thinking of Backtrack as a reverse Fortuity? Fortuity sees into the future, Backtrack sees into the past. Fortuity has a few beautiful women with him at all times, Backtrack is astoundingly bad around any females at all.

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I picture him looking like a shorter, rounder-faced, wimpier Indiana Jones with Harry Potter glasses. :P So kind of like Indiana Jones except not at all. :P

Beards make everything better. Funtimes would add beards to the raptors if she thought she could get away with it. ;)

I imagine him looking very horse faced... actually I don´t. :P


That's... actually how I picture him, too. :P


The raptors do have a covering of proto-feathers everywhere except the head. If you took some from the tail and glued it to one's face, he might not notice right away. :P


Has anyone else started thinking of Backtrack as a reverse Fortuity? Fortuity sees into the future, Backtrack sees into the past. Fortuity has a few beautiful women with him at all times, Backtrack is astoundingly bad around any females at all.

Feather bearded dinosaurs, why hasn´t this happened already?

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That's... actually how I picture him, too. :P

The raptors do have a covering of proto-feathers everywhere except the head. If you took some from the tail and glued it to one's face, he might not notice right away. :P

Has anyone else started thinking of Backtrack as a reverse Fortuity? Fortuity sees into the future, Backtrack sees into the past. Fortuity has a few beautiful women with him at all times, Backtrack is astoundingly bad around any females at all.

Fortuity wore red, backtrack wears pink.

I solemnly swear that I will not ship this perfect, slightly disturbing, non canon-compliant pairing. :P

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Fortuity wore red, backtrack wears pink.

I solemnly swear that I will not ship this perfect, slightly disturbing, non canon-compliant pairing. :P


Backtrack held the dying Epic in his arms, weeping under the harsh red glow of Calamity.


"You can't die," he whispered. "We were made for each other. Who did this to you?"


He looked into the past, seeing a skinny human and a girl in a thin dress shooting him from either side. He saw their names... Megan and Knees.


Megan and Knees would pay for what they did. Backtrack swore to hunt them down and make them suffer for taking away his one true love.


Suddenly, a man with smooth slicked-back hair and glasses walked into the alley, looking slightly confused.


"Hello. I'm Brandon Sanderson," the man introduced himself. "Just wondering, who are you and what are you doing in my novel?"


Backtrack blinked, tilting his pink sunglasses forward and staring at him. He hadn't bothered to take them off, even in the eternal darkness of Newcago. "My name's Backtrack," he replied slowly. "I'm from Oregon. Just moved here with--"


He started to say the name 'Fortuity.' But the name was too painful.


"Ah," Brandon Sanderson nodded in understanding. "You're a fanfic OC. Nothing personal Backtrack, but I'm going to need you out of my novel."


"But I--"


Brandon Sanderson raised his hand and Backtrack shimmered away, Fortuity's body hitting the steel ground with a thud.

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Backtrack held the dying Epic in his arms, weeping under the harsh red glow of Calamity.

"You can't die," he whispered. "We were made for each other. Who did this to you?"

He looked into the past, seeing a skinny human and a girl in a thin dress shooting him from either side. He saw their names... Megan and Knees.

Megan and Knees would pay for what they did. Backtrack swore to hunt them down and make them suffer for taking away his one true love.

Suddenly, a man with smooth slicked-back hair and glasses walked into the alley, looking slightly confused.

"Hello. I'm Brandon Sanderson," the man introduced himself. "Just wondering, who are you and what are you doing in my novel?"

Backtrack blinked, tilting his pink sunglasses forward and staring at him. He hadn't bothered to take them off, even in the eternal darkness of Newcago. "My name's Backtrack," he replied slowly. "I'm from Oregon. Just moved here with--"

He started to say the name 'Fortuity.' But the name was too painful.

"Ah," Brandon Sanderson nodded in understanding. "You're a fanfic OC. Nothing personal Backtrack, but I'm going to need you out of my novel."

"But I--"

Brandon Sanderson raised his hand and Backtrack shimmered away, Fortuity's body hitting the steel ground with a thud.

I don't know whether to curse Brandon Sanderson for keeping them apart, or thank him for not making this canon. :P

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I don't know whether to curse Brandon Sanderson for keeping them apart, or thank him for not making this canon. :P


Alternate ending: Lightwards gets angry about the destruction of his minion, comes to Newcago, and shoots Brandon Sanderson. Reality explodes posthaste.

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Alternate ending: Lightwards gets angry about the destruction of his minion, comes to Newcago, and shoots Brandon Sanderson. Reality explodes posthaste.

I´m sorry but nothing can defy the Sanderson, not Lightwards, not Funtimes, not Corpsemaker, not Calamity, not us, nothing can.

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Alternate ending: Lightwards gets angry about the destruction of his minion, comes to Newcago, and shoots Brandon Sanderson. Reality explodes posthaste.

Alternately, Brandon Sanderson comes to Oregon, points out all the flaws in our OCs' powers, and leaves Funtimes asking, "So what do we do now?" :P

Also, the more I think about it, the more I realize that Lightwards and Calamity are perfect for each other. They're both wicked, both obsessed with power and control, and best of all, Calamity is a million miles away and couldn't ask for a kiss if it wanted to. :P

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I´m sorry but nothing can defy the Sanderson, not Lightwards, not Funtimes, not Corpsemaker, not Calamity, not us, nothing can.


"Any last words, 'author'?" Lightwards growled with a smile, his gun pointed at the man's chest.


"Yes," he replied simply. "Spare me, or I'll make it canon that the Reckoners killed you the moment you gained powers."


Lightwards frowned. "You can do that?"


"Just kidding," Brandon Sanderson said with a smile of his own. "I already did."


Lightwards exploded in a burst of retcon.

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Alternately, Brandon Sanderson comes to Oregon, points out all the flaws in our OCs' powers, and leaves Funtimes asking, "So what do we do now?" :P

Also, the more I think about it, the more I realize that Lightwards and Calamity are perfect for each other. They're both wicked, both obsessed with power and control, and best of all, Calamity is a million miles away and couldn't ask for a kiss if it wanted to. :P

I fear he could point towards a lot of flaws.


I smell a love triangle. :P

"Any last words, 'author'?" Lightwards growled with a smile, his gun pointed at the man's chest.


"Yes," he replied simply. "Spare me, or I'll make it canon that the Reckoners killed you the moment you gained powers."


Lightwards frowned. "You can do that?"


"Just kidding," Brandon Sanderson said with a smile of his own. "I already did."


Lightwards exploded in a burst of retcon.

Fear me fictional being for I am you reality! Punny Epic!

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Also, the more I think about it, the more I realize that Lightwards and Calamity are perfect for each other. They're both wicked, both obsessed with power and control, and best of all, Calamity is a million miles away and couldn't ask for a kiss if it wanted to.  :P


Taken from "What Happened in Oregon," Page 31:


Lightwards references a voice in his head during an internal monologue, prompting all the players to begin a spirited round of Lightwards x Calamity shipping.



...It sounds like a joke we would have come up with a few weeks ago, doesn't it? :P

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Taken from "What Happened in Oregon," Page 31:


Lightwards references a voice in his head during an internal monologue, prompting all the players to begin a spirited round of Lightwards x Calamity shipping.



...It sounds like a joke we would have come up with a few weeks ago, doesn't it? :P

Maybe but most of all it makes me wonder when we start playing Calamity and talk to our characters.

Yes, Nighthound, go to the Light.

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I fear he could point towards a lot of flaws.

I smell a love triangle. :P

Fear me fictional being for I am you reality! Punny Epic!

The strange man walked down the line, studying each Epic in turn.

"You," he told CorpseMaker, "are fine."

CorpseMaker tried unsuccessfully to kill him with a glance.

"You," he told Nighthound, "are technically allowed in this universe, but you're too creepy for me. Your sister killed you the second she got her powers."

Nighthound had no chance to protest before he vanished. Lucentia's smug smile disappeared when Sanderson addressed her next.

"But then you were killed in a duel three days later."

Sanderson passed Quota, Sightline, Altermind, and Möbius, giving them each a verbal stamp of approval before stopping at Funtimes.

"You," he said.


"You should not even exist. You are against every rule of this universe."

Funtimes left Nathan to stare at Sanderson in disbelief.

"So what? That means I'm dead now?"

"I'm afraid so."

TwiLyght leveled a glare as Nathan vanished. "You're a dirty meanieface full of lame, Mr. Sanderson."

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