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Era 7 Episode 2


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On 2/12/2024 at 10:43 PM, Scars of Hathsin said:

Arranis, Mistwarrens

Arranis wondered around the Mistwarrens. It was a depressing sort of place, one that he imagined would not have been possible in an ideal world, but suited the non ideal, all the same. The dank buildings seemed to crowd everything else out, with the roads feeling like you were ants walking under a cave roof. Some of the buildings showed great repair, and maybe an attempt to make this place more civilised, but with a glance around him, Arranis can see it did not make a difference. 

His spren zipped around him, pulling into tight circles, or flying out in wide arcs, dashing through the alleyways, trying to find out where the pseudo-inquisitor was. His instincts said there was something nearby, maybe not the inquisitor, but someone or something that could help them find their goal. 

"Find anything?" he asks his spren, as it zipped towards him, from one of the smaller alleyways. He saw many people look his way, openly hostile and distrusting, as he made a sound. What a happy place he thinks to himself. "I have found a bar, back a bit, that looks newer, and I fell that is the place where we should go" she whispers into his mind. "Lead the way" he whispers back. 

Consuming some of the investiture that he carries around in multiple areas on his person, he starts glowing, mist seemingly seeping out of his skin. He carries on walking, his senses on high alert. Before opening the door to the bar. 

Chloris gazed upon the newcomer as they entered the bar. Stormlight. She felt a pang of yearning. It's in the past now, Minthe whispered. And plus, you have me, don't you?

This was true. Storms, what would she be without Minthe? Probably being a husk of a woman, living out of necessity. Or she would be dead. 

Though...she yearned for more. She yearned to rule the ground, and to fly across the earth with no regard for physics. 

Hold on, what was a radiant doing here? This place did not seem to be their first pick to visit in Alleycity. 

A thought struck her.

"Asylum," Chloris asked, "who is your employer?" 

@Lunamor, @Ravenclawjedi42, @Stormlightsong

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On 2/14/2024 at 9:57 AM, Koloss17 said:

Chloris gazed upon the newcomer as they entered the bar. Stormlight. She felt a pang of yearning. It's in the past now, Minthe whispered. And plus, you have me, don't you?

This was true. Storms, what would she be without Minthe? Probably being a husk of a woman, living out of necessity. Or she would be dead. 

Though...she yearned for more. She yearned to rule the ground, and to fly across the earth with no regard for physics. 

Hold on, what was a radiant doing here? This place did not seem to be their first pick to visit in Alleycity. 

A thought struck her.

"Asylum," Chloris asked, "who is your employer?" 

@Lunamor, @Ravenclawjedi42, @Stormlightsong

“Oh nothing much yet,” Asylum said calmly. “Just your average hemalergist.  Fight’s gangs, levels buildings, but overall he’s a pretty chill guy.” They took a sip of their wine, looked straight at the radiant who had just entered, and chugged down the rest of their drink. 

Without a word, Asylum walked up to the bar. “Could I have a water please?”

@Lunamor @Ravenclawjedi42 @Scars of Hathsin

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Arranis, Mistwarrens, Bendalloy Bar

Arranis glances around the interior of the bar. It was a nice place, somewhat new, and very private, something that a lot of inhabitants would want in this part of they city. 

He instincts screaming at him, about the all the people that were sitting around the small table in the corner. He watches them watch him, and turns away. Pretending to only give them a brief glance. Like his attention had slid off them like water on a duck's back. 

He sidles up to the bar, mentally telling his spren watch over those people through their bond. "Already ahead of you" she whispers in his ear.

He orders a orange at the bar, the bartender looking awkwardly at him, until he places his money down. He dims the glow of his stormlight, a trick he had learned over time, and went and sat in the opposite corner to the people of interest.

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26 minutes ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

Arranis, Mistwarrens, Bendalloy Bar

Arranis glances around the interior of the bar. It was a nice place, somewhat new, and very private, something that a lot of inhabitants would want in this part of they city. 

He instincts screaming at him, about the all the people that were sitting around the small table in the corner. He watches them watch him, and turns away. Pretending to only give them a brief glance. Like his attention had slid off them like water on a duck's back. 

He sidles up to the bar, mentally telling his spren watch over those people through their bond. "Already ahead of you" she whispers in his ear.

He orders a orange at the bar, the bartender looking awkwardly at him, until he places his money down. He dims the glow of his stormlight, a trick he had learned over time, and went and sat in the opposite corner to the people of interest.

When the glowing guy walked in, Eza’s attention was immediately drawn towards him. He was making a display of power she hadn’t seen in the Mistwarrens before. The man didn’t seem to stare at them directly, which made her somewhat more comfortable. She continued to watch him out of the corner of her eye, however. It was common sense to distrust anyone who stood out like that in the warrens.

He stopped glowing, and Eza had no idea if that was a good or bad thing. He moved out of her peripheral vision, and she was forced to quit watching him. She didn’t want her attention to be diverted away from the two people she was standing in front of, particularly now that Lum had gone to the bar. What was Lum doing, anyways?

She waited for Lum to return, awkwardly trying to act not-weird while remaining silent in front of Itsuki and Chloris. She kept her hands at her sides, resisting the urge to pull out one of her many trinkets and start fiddling with it.




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23 hours ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

Arranis, Mistwarrens, Bendalloy Bar

Arranis glances around the interior of the bar. It was a nice place, somewhat new, and very private, something that a lot of inhabitants would want in this part of they city. 

He instincts screaming at him, about the all the people that were sitting around the small table in the corner. He watches them watch him, and turns away. Pretending to only give them a brief glance. Like his attention had slid off them like water on a duck's back. 

He sidles up to the bar, mentally telling his spren watch over those people through their bond. "Already ahead of you" she whispers in his ear.

He orders a orange at the bar, the bartender looking awkwardly at him, until he places his money down. He dims the glow of his stormlight, a trick he had learned over time, and went and sat in the opposite corner to the people of interest.

The bartender slid a glass of water to Asylum. “Thanks Tim,” Asylum said, watching the man flinch with an amused smile.

The radiant arrived at the bar and ordered, an Orange? That’s weird, Asylum thought. I guess Mr. High And Mighty here has never been to a bar before. They smiled. I think I’m going to have some fun.

Asylum approached the radiant with the gait of a Shakespearean actor. “why hello Sir. Holy Radiant,” they said, bowing so low that they could sneakily place a small mirror behind the radiant’s foot. Quickly pulling themself upright they continued, “I do say, why do we plebians have the immense honor of having such a refined noble such as yourself come down to our house of sin.”

Asylum turned to the rest of the room and raised their glass up high. “A toast to our angel, who has left their comfy heaven to purify us.” They took a big gulp of water and placed their glass right next to the radiant’s orange. 


Note: it is seen unlucky to  be toasted to with a non-alcoholic drink.

Suddenly, Asylum’s demeanor changed. Their voice quickened. Instead of speaking to the entire bar they turned their attention to the radiant. “You know you folk always think you’re better than us,” they said pulling a salt shaker out of their pocket while maintaining eye contact. Eyes up here, They thought, pulling out a a small tread. “You think just because you don’t have to fight to live your life matters more.” They tied the tread around the salt shaker and quietly placed it on the table. “You take your moral high horse because you swear oaths like somehow limiting yourself, makes you stronger.” With one had they wrapped the thread around the orange so that if it is picked up the salt shaker would fall. “I’ll tell you a secret. No matter how many oaths you swear or how many bonds you make, you’re just as selfish as the rest of us.” Finally, Asylum leaned back and waited for the dominoes to fall.


Clarification of Asylum powers:  because of their Smedry talent, if someone near them does something unlucky (like break a mirror or spill salt) that person will be unlucky. (the player of that character gets to decide how the unluck manifests)

@Lunamor @Ravenclawjedi42 @Koloss17

Edited by Stormlightsong
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Arranis, Bendalloy Bar

Arranis glances surprised at the forthrightness of the man, his sense were going off and in the moment lost control of his jhold over the stormlight glowing. The glow envelopes him once again, and out of the corner of his eye, he sees light being reflected on the side wall where he sat. He was sure it had not been there before. He glances around looking for the mirror that he knew he would find somewhere. Aha, got you trying not to look suspicious he does not look at the mirror but the man. 

Astryn please check for anything else unusual he sends the mental note, and breathes in satisfaction as she notes the salt shaker tied to his drink. "So unlucky things huh" he says to the guy sitting before him. "That is what your talent is" he takes a sip of his drink, making sure that he had untied the salt shaker. Wouldn't want to find out what happens he thinks to himself, moving the mirror carefully and slowly with his foot, behind the guy. 

"What makes you think I am as selfish as the other radiants, have you become one of our orders, or have you met every single person. This world is always full of surprises, that you might never know." He sits back, his senses still on high alert. :Why I am here to try the new bar, as the ones in the sphere are quite stuffy, filled with angels from heaven such as myself"

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On 2/16/2024 at 1:20 PM, Stormlightsong said:

The bartender slid a glass of water to Asylum. “Thanks Tim,” Asylum said, watching the man flinch with an amused smile.

The radiant arrived at the bar and ordered, an Orange? That’s weird, Asylum thought. I guess Mr. High And Mighty here has never been to a bar before. They smiled. I think I’m going to have some fun.

Asylum approached the radiant with the gait of a Shakespearean actor. “why hello Sir. Holy Radiant,” they said, bowing so low that they could sneakily place a small mirror behind the radiant’s foot. Quickly pulling themself upright they continued, “I do say, why do we plebians have the immense honor of having such a refined noble such as yourself come down to our house of sin.”

Asylum turned to the rest of the room and raised their glass up high. “A toast to our angel, who has left their comfy heaven to purify us.” They took a big gulp of water and placed their glass right next to the radiant’s orange. 

Suddenly, Asylum’s demeanor changed. Their voice quickened. Instead of speaking to the entire bar they turned their attention to the radiant. “You know you folk always think you’re better than us,” they said pulling a salt shaker out of their pocket while maintaining eye contact. Eyes up here, They thought, pulling out a a small tread. “You think just because you don’t have to fight to live your life matters more.” They tied the tread around the salt shaker and quietly placed it on the table. “You take your moral high horse because you swear oaths like somehow limiting yourself, makes you stronger.” With one had they wrapped the thread around the orange so that if it is picked up the salt shaker would fall. “I’ll tell you a secret. No matter how many oaths you swear or how many bonds you make, you’re just as selfish as the rest of us.” Finally, Asylum leaned back and waited for the dominoes to fall.

@Lunamor @Ravenclawjedi42 @Koloss17

Eza heard Lum make a toast behind her and turned around. They were talking to the previously glowing guy and appeared to have just mocked him. She resisted the urge to let out a very foul curse. She repeated it internally instead.

What was Lum rusting doing? First talking to someone they knew was involved with the policeman hunting them down, and now antagonizing a man who clearly possessed some sort of magic powers? Were they drunk or something? Maybe they’d ordered something a little too strong at the bar.

She quit making an effort to keep her focus on Itsuki and Chloris, staring at Lum and the stranger instead. She figured that was an understandable reaction. Looking around, other folks had briefly stared at the duo as well when Lum had made that toast.

8 minutes ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

Arranis, Bendalloy Bar

Arranis glances surprised at the forthrightness of the man, his sense were going off and in the moment lost control of his jhold over the stormlight glowing. The glow envelopes him once again, and out of the corner of his eye, he sees light being reflected on the side wall where he sat. He was sure it had not been there before. He glances around looking for the mirror that he knew he would find somewhere. Aha, got you trying not to look suspicious he does not look at the mirror but the man. 

Astryn please check for anything else unusual he sends the mental note, and breathes in satisfaction as she notes the salt shaker tied to his drink. "So unlucky things huh" he says to the guy sitting before him. "That is what your talent is" he takes a sip of his drink, making sure that he had untied the salt shaker. Wouldn't want to find out what happens he thinks to himself, moving the mirror carefully and slowly with his foot, behind the guy. 

"What makes you think I am as selfish as the other radiants, have you become one of our orders, or have you met every single person. This world is always full of surprises, that you might never know." He sits back, his senses still on high alert. :Why I am here to try the new bar, as the ones in the sphere are quite stuffy, filled with angels from heaven such as myself"

The guy started glowing again. Eza was relatively certain that was bad. She prepared to either bolt or fight, depending on how the conversation went between them. She had no idea what the glowing guy could do. She hoped that today was not the day she would find that out.

She deliberated on what she would say to Lum after this debacle was over. Eza had to pick words harsh enough to get her frustration across, but not so harsh that Lum would quit associating with her. It would be quite the exercise in self restraint. 



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Chloris took in what was going on. This Asylum was working for a Hemalurgist, and was decidedly odd. The radiant, however, seemed quite calm of the insults Asylum hurls. A fight looked like it was about to break out.

For now, however, Chlo turned to Eza. “Do you also work for Asylum’s boss? Do you know who they are?”

Val, you should not be digging into this. This is none of our business. We should just leave.

However, the food had not yet arrived, and she was getting hungry. It was worth staying for that, if nothing else.

@Lunamor @Scars of Hathsin @Ravenclawjedi42 @Stormlightsong

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1 hour ago, Koloss17 said:

Chloris took in what was going on. This Asylum was working for a Hemalurgist, and was decidedly odd. The radiant, however, seemed quite calm of the insults Asylum hurls. A fight looked like it was about to break out.

For now, however, Chlo turned to Eza. “Do you also work for Asylum’s boss? Do you know who they are?”

Val, you should not be digging into this. This is none of our business. We should just leave.

However, the food had not yet arrived, and she was getting hungry. It was worth staying for that, if nothing else.

@Lunamor @Scars of Hathsin @Ravenclawjedi42 @Stormlightsong

Eza turned back to Chloris distractedly. Her attention was still largely focused on Lum’s stunt.

“I work with Lum, but not for their boss directly. I’ve only met their boss once, in passing. I know who he is, but am not familiar with him.”

A hint of disgust showed on Eza’s face as she talked about Perses. She hated that she was associated with him at all. To be perfectly honest, she was scared of him too. He killed people like her to steal what became his powers, and she had no doubt that he would be willing to do it again.

In an attempt to stop their uncomfortable line of questioning, Eza changed the subject.

“So, Chloris, what do you do for work?”



@Scars of Hathsin

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20 hours ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

Arranis, Bendalloy Bar

Arranis glances surprised at the forthrightness of the man, his sense were going off and in the moment lost control of his jhold over the stormlight glowing. The glow envelopes him once again, and out of the corner of his eye, he sees light being reflected on the side wall where he sat. He was sure it had not been there before. He glances around looking for the mirror that he knew he would find somewhere. Aha, got you trying not to look suspicious he does not look at the mirror but the man. 

Astryn please check for anything else unusual he sends the mental note, and breathes in satisfaction as she notes the salt shaker tied to his drink. "So unlucky things huh" he says to the guy sitting before him. "That is what your talent is" he takes a sip of his drink, making sure that he had untied the salt shaker. Wouldn't want to find out what happens he thinks to himself, moving the mirror carefully and slowly with his foot, behind the guy. 

"What makes you think I am as selfish as the other radiants, have you become one of our orders, or have you met every single person. This world is always full of surprises, that you might never know." He sits back, his senses still on high alert. :Why I am here to try the new bar, as the ones in the sphere are quite stuffy, filled with angels from heaven such as myself"

“I see you are familiar with my family,” Asylum said with a hint of disappointment. “I hope you then understand why I dislike, for a lack of a better word, nobility.” 

“I still don’t think you came here just for the drinks.” Asylum said while casually reaching up to scratch their nose. In a quick and subtle motion they slipped small nose plugs deep into their nostrils. “So why did you come here knight of honor?” They discretely pulled out a small spray bottle labeled ‘Sneeze Spray(TM)’.then, after silently thanking Lucy, they tapped the trigger. Dodge this radiant, they thought with satisfaction. After a few seconds the sneezing started, and Asylum gave no blessings.


‘Sneeze Spray(TM)’ is a strong perfume mixed with ground pepper designed for the sole purpose of irritating the nose of any unfortunate soul (pun intended) in close proximity.

@Koloss17 @Lunamor @Ravenclawjedi42

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Eleos, mistwarrens, bendalloy bar

eleos walk in and stepped up to the nearest group of people. “I am looking for corbeau. I was told that someone in this bar would know.”


@Scars of Hathsin



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3 hours ago, Stormlightsong said:

“I see you are familiar with my family,” Asylum said with a hint of disappointment. “I hope you then understand why I dislike, for a lack of a better word, nobility.” 

“I still don’t think you came here just for the drinks.” Asylum said while casually reaching up to scratch their nose. In a quick and subtle motion they slipped small nose plugs deep into their nostrils. “So why did you come here knight of honor?” They discretely pulled out a small spray bottle labeled ‘Sneeze Spray(TM)’.then, after silently thanking Lucy, they tapped the trigger. Dodge this radiant, they thought with satisfaction. After a few seconds the sneezing started, and Asylum gave no blessings.

@Koloss17 @Lunamor @Ravenclawjedi42

Arranis sneezed, a few times. "Yes, I know about your family, there were even a bit stuffy to my liking. Which is really something" he says, and trying to add a laugh, to make it more convincing. Keep an eye out for any more tricks he sends to his spren. 

This guy is smarter than he looks, Arranis thinks to himself. "i did actually come here just for the drinks, and the food as well." In the Sphere, this place is advertised as being one of the best Rosharan, and other ethnic restaurant, and bar." he replies "I also came to taste some authentic scadrian food, I am a bit sick of chouta at the moment." Please by the story, I am no were near as good as espionage as a lightweaver. 

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1 hour ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

Arranis sneezed, a few times. "Yes, I know about your family, there were even a bit stuffy to my liking. Which is really something" he says, and trying to add a laugh, to make it more convincing. Keep an eye out for any more tricks he sends to his spren. 

This guy is smarter than he looks, Arranis thinks to himself. "i did actually come here just for the drinks, and the food as well." In the Sphere, this place is advertised as being one of the best Rosharan, and other ethnic restaurant, and bar." he replies "I also came to taste some authentic scadrian food, I am a bit sick of chouta at the moment." Please by the story, I am no were near as good as espionage as a lightweaver. 

“Well if that’s the case. I have the perfect idea,” Asylum said with a smile. “Tim, two Horneater Whites, on my tab.”

The bartender made the drinks and passed them to Asylum. “By the way, how do you know my-“

”Thanks Tim.” Asylum said, reveling in the bartender’s confusion. “Let’s play a game. The rules are simple.” They placed one glass in front of the radiant and pulled out two golden dice with silted eyes instead of ones and clovers instead of sixes. “We each roll the dice. Whoever gets lower must drink and then answer a question. You don’t have to tell the truth, But you must answer. After the question is answered, we repeat. Here you go first.” They handed the dice over with a playful smile. May the fun begin.

@Lunamor @Ravenclawjedi42 @RoyalBeeMage @Koloss17

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Arranis, Bendalloy Bar 

Arranis glances at the dice that have been laid on the table. He has probably made me unlucky in some way. He grabs it anyway, checking to make sure that he had the weighted dice still in his pocket he rolls his dice. He admires the dice, they look like they are made of pure gold,and the engravings are beautiful. He tests the weight discreetly. "Can't have any extra chances of losing" he mutters to himself. Feeling the eyes of other people on him.  

He throws the dice on the table

A low roll

"Well that was kinda expected" his spren says. It still stings though, Arranis says back. Waiting for the other guy to roll. 

What is the bet that this guy will get a higher roll He whispers to his spren. 



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23 minutes ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

Arranis, Bendalloy Bar 

Arranis glances at the dice that have been laid on the table. He has probably made me unlucky in some way. He grabs it anyway, checking to make sure that he had the weighted dice still in his pocket he rolls his dice. He admires the dice, they look like they are made of pure gold,and the engravings are beautiful. He tests the weight discreetly. "Can't have any extra chances of losing" he mutters to himself. Feeling the eyes of other people on him.  

He throws the dice on the table

A low roll

"Well that was kinda expected" his spren says. It still stings though, Arranis says back. Waiting for the other guy to roll. 

What is the bet that this guy will get a higher roll He whispers to his spren. 



Asylum takes the dice and twirls them in one hand. Each time the dice make a full circle they judge their odds. A little luck should do, they thought as they rouse the chaos of their talent resting within them. Wakey wakey.

After seven spins the dice are set free. They dance and turn on the bar settling finally on a 4 and a clover. “Ten,” Asylum said with satisfaction, pushing the radiant’s Horneater white closer to his hand. “Now drink.” They tapped their finger lightly on the wood impatiently. Awaiting the next fleeting moment of dice rolling against wood. Never truly knowing the outcome. “First question: what is your name?”

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Arranis, Bendalloy Bar

Arranis glances at the dice that his opponent rolled. Damn, he can give himself luck, probably from doing lucky things. He brings the shot of horneater white to his lips, and pours it down his throat. He feels the familiar fiery feeling as he swallows the alcohol. 

He feels his suppressed stormlight eating at the alcohol, and feels the effects of the drink go away. Beat that punk he thinks. 

"My name is Aaron"

 He picks up the dice, and this time, swaps them for his weighted ones. Try and use bad luck on those. He sends the dice rolling. Rolling a relatively high number. 

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On 2/18/2024 at 9:01 PM, Lunamor said:

Eza turned back to Chloris distractedly. Her attention was still largely focused on Lum’s stunt.

“I work with Lum, but not for their boss directly. I’ve only met their boss once, in passing. I know who he is, but am not familiar with him.”

A hint of disgust showed on Eza’s face as she talked about Perses. She hated that she was associated with him at all. To be perfectly honest, she was scared of him too. He killed people like her to steal what became his powers, and she had no doubt that he would be willing to do it again.

In an attempt to stop their uncomfortable line of questioning, Eza changed the subject.

“So, Chloris, what do you do for work?”



@Scars of Hathsin

Chloris’ MAPID was going haywire. This was unfortunately what happened when she met new people. She mumbled a voice command to move the visual pop-ups when new data was being added to the database to the corners of her vision.

As she was paying attention to her own thoughts and her MAPID, she realized that she had once again missed someone talking to her.

Deciding to bite the bullet, Chlo replied. “Could you repeat that? I was a bit distracted.”

She realized that she could just have the MAPID play back the conversation, but that would just lead to further spacing out. And she wanted to at least appear slightly normal.


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2 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

Chloris’ MAPID was going haywire. This was unfortunately what happened when she met new people. She mumbled a voice command to move the visual pop-ups when new data was being added to the database to the corners of her vision.

As she was paying attention to her own thoughts and her MAPID, she realized that she had once again missed someone talking to her.

Deciding to bite the bullet, Chlo replied. “Could you repeat that? I was a bit distracted.”

She realized that she could just have the MAPID play back the conversation, but that would just lead to further spacing out. And she wanted to at least appear slightly normal.


Chloris was distracted, too. Was she also focused on whatever Lum was doing? Eza stole a glance backwards to see that the two were rolling dice. If Lum was trying to steal from the guy, they really should’ve just asked Eza to do it. And why were all the theatrics necessary to set up a simple dice game?

If Lum did things like this frequently, she could see why they got kicked out of gambling establishments so often. You didn’t need luck to antagonize powerful people. She forced her attention back to Chloris again.

”What’s your job?”

Eza was pretty sure that was the question she had asked earlier. The conversation felt like it was going nowhere in a painfully awkward way, but at least they weren’t pressing her about Perses anymore.

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On 2/20/2024 at 9:04 PM, Scars of Hathsin said:

Arranis, Bendalloy Bar

Arranis glances at the dice that his opponent rolled. Damn, he can give himself luck, probably from doing lucky things. He brings the shot of horneater white to his lips, and pours it down his throat. He feels the familiar fiery feeling as he swallows the alcohol. 

He feels his suppressed stormlight eating at the alcohol, and feels the effects of the drink go away. Beat that punk he thinks. 

"My name is Aaron"

 He picks up the dice, and this time, swaps them for his weighted ones. Try and use bad luck on those. He sends the dice rolling. Rolling a relatively high number. 

Asylum watch the radiant roll a different pair of dice. “Cheating, are we?” They said with amusement. “Guess I will have to go all in.” in one swift motion they picked up their dice. This time though, they did not hold their talent back. Their movements became precise and accurate. Asylum felt the surge of power leaving them as they released the dice.

Asylum looked at the radiant and smiled. Then as they looked down at the dice their smile shifted to a look of horror. Two serpentine eyes stared back from the bar. Cursing under their breath, they slammed the wooden bar to save what little luck they had left. But it was too late. They grabbed the shot glass with shaky fingers. Most of the drink spilled, but they were still tipsy from what was left. “Ask your question radiant,” Asylum said, spitting out the last word. Call me Icarus, they thought, always too close to the sun.

@Lunamor @Koloss17 @Ravenclawjedi42

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Arranis, Bendalloy Bar

Arranis started when he realised that he had been caught. "So much for being unnoticed" he mutters. He was not watching as the dice landed on an unlucky number. We got him he thinks to himself, sending the thought to his spren as well. 

"Why are you at this bar?" he asks, waiting for the answer. If I can keep this up, maybe I will get him drunk enough to actually tell me something useful. He glances at the other people that had watched him, as he entered the bar. 

Why is Eleos here? he asks his spren with a start. I dont know, I am not a mind reader she answers back. 

@Stormlightsong @RoyalBeeMage

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16 minutes ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

Arranis, Bendalloy Bar

Arranis started when he realised that he had been caught. "So much for being unnoticed" he mutters. He was not watching as the dice landed on an unlucky number. We got him he thinks to himself, sending the thought to his spren as well. 

"Why are you at this bar?" he asks, waiting for the answer. If I can keep this up, maybe I will get him drunk enough to actually tell me something useful. He glances at the other people that had watched him, as he entered the bar. 

Why is Eleos here? he asks his spren with a start. I dont know, I am not a mind reader she answers back. 

@Stormlightsong @RoyalBeeMage

Eleos, Bendalloy Bar

"do you mind if i join in your game?" of course he is here. why am i not surprised. talk to his spren. ask him what he is doing here. i send to granite. i don't see his spren. i will have a look around. i nodd at my spren's reaction and sit down. i pick up a pair of dice and look at the numbers. "are these writing in the steel alphabet."

@Scars of Hathsin @Stormlightsong


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5 hours ago, Lunamor said:

Chloris was distracted, too. Was she also focused on whatever Lum was doing? Eza stole a glance backwards to see that the two were rolling dice. If Lum was trying to steal from the guy, they really should’ve just asked Eza to do it. And why were all the theatrics necessary to set up a simple dice game?

If Lum did things like this frequently, she could see why they got kicked out of gambling establishments so often. You didn’t need luck to antagonize powerful people. She forced her attention back to Chloris again.

”What’s your job?”

Eza was pretty sure that was the question she had asked earlier. The conversation felt like it was going nowhere in a painfully awkward way, but at least they weren’t pressing her about Perses anymore.

Chloris winced slightly. “I’m in between jobs at the moment.” Is that another way of saying that you thought it was more important to look into the backstory of your previous employer than take the money he was giving you, and then ending up getting involved in the Tin Street Mafia? Minthe replied icily.

not helpful, Chloris replied mentally.

Right. Asylum was employed by someone, weren’t they? I wonder if I could get hired by them as well…

Chloris, brain finally catching up, put two and two together. Hold on. Hemalurgist? Building leveler?


Great. Asylum’s in league with the newest crime lord on the block.

Wait…Is this bar in danger?

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14 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

Chloris winced slightly. “I’m in between jobs at the moment.” Is that another way of saying that you thought it was more important to look into the backstory of your previous employer than take the money he was giving you, and then ending up getting involved in the Tin Street Mafia? Minthe replied icily.

not helpful, Chloris replied mentally.

Right. Asylum was employed by someone, weren’t they? I wonder if I could get hired by them as well…

Chloris, brain finally catching up, put two and two together. Hold on. Hemalurgist? Building leveler?


Great. Asylum’s in league with the newest crime lord on the block.

Wait…Is this bar in danger?

This Bar

Sonyr walked in, orders a drink, and sits down, listening, flaring bronze to keep awake.

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