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Era 7 Episode 2


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Perses, The Corridor, The back room of The Silver Dagger


“I’ve heard that you can make any weapon imaginable, for the right price.”

The bespectacled man scoffed at Perses. “You could say that.”

Venser was renowned in the Mistwarrens for providing anything a metalborn would need, from vials to bracers, even selling the rare medallion, if he managed to get his hands on one. For the Scadrian District underground, however, he was the best black market weapon smith in the area.

”What is it you’re looking to acquire?”

The Thaylan man had a peculiar accent, which was oddly soothing to Perses. He smelled much too refined for this area.

“I need an aluminum pistol. Something that can be easily concealed, but can neutralize even thugs with a precise enough shot.”

”Aluminum bullets, too?”

Perses thought for a moment. 

“I want a mix. Some made of aluminum, some made of the densest metal you can use.”

The man’s brow furrowed. “Wouldn’t that hurt the bullet velocity?”

”Not if you’re a coinshot.”

Venser’s confusion dissipated, his look of confusion being replaced with a grin. “Well why didn’t you tell me that? I have just the weapon.” 

He walked away, his leather boots making a rhythmic thumping on the hardwood floor. Returning, he unfurled a piece of paper on a nearby workbench.

“What do you think of this?”


Perses’ brow furrowed, his steelsight not being of any use. “It looks…sufficient.” He hoped that Venser’s skills were what that said they were.

”Excellent! This should only take a few days to put together. You’re lucky, you know. I just so happen to have the parts needed for this bad boy.

Since you’re here, might I interest you in something more?”

”Yes, actually.” Perses said. “You happen to have any aluminum vials available?”

The merchant, still grinning, replied. “Of course! Of course! Stocking up, are we?” He gave Perses a wink.

Perses was running low on metal flakes, and his normal dealer might have gotten skittish over the recent news. Plus, he wanted to see what the black market broker’s reputation was made of.

”Actually, one more thing,” Perses said to Venser, making the man turn. “I’d like a refill on vials.”

”Of course,” Venser said, chuckling. “Steel, you said?”

“One part steel, one part bronze, and one part iron.”

”What an odd-“ Venser cut off, spotting a hint of Perses’ spikes past his glasses. The stout man’s heart rate spiked. “Right away, sir.”

Venser walked to another bench, took some metal flakes and began stirring. “How many will you need? And what medium do you prefer your flakes in?” He hid it well, but the man was scared. It was an understandable reaction. There was a barely noticeable waver in his voice that hadn’t been there before.

“15 vials worth, heavy dose. And I prefer plain water.” Perses suspected he could splurge a bit this time around.

As he began preparing vials, Venser piped up. “I’ve heard there’s been quite the commotion in the Mistwarrens. Two big hits, on both the Ironworks and Coppercloud Inn.” He left the rest unsaid.

After a few minutes of potent silence, Everything was ready. “So…3 aluminum vials, 15 heavy dose vials, and a special order,” Venser said. “That’ll be—“

Perses gently but pointedly placed an Atium bead on the table. “I assume this will be enough?”

Venser failed to hide his surprise, with yet another spike in his heartbeat. “Y-yes. That will do.”



With new vials in his possession and a new gun in the works, Perses headed home. 7 beads left, he thought.

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Asylum walked up to the jewelry shop where they first met Eza. They had a feeling she would be there. Also they needed a new pocket watch.

Asylum couldn’t find quite the right pocket watch in the store, but was determined to get it. A little bit of luck never hurt anyone, they thought as they closed their eyes and crossed their fingers. Finally they opened one eye tentatively to see a pocket watch with four, clover shaped hands. (The extra one went around in intervals of seven and counted the day of the week.) “this one is perfect!” They said picking up the small clock. “how much for it?”

”um,” the jeweler mumbled. “ I didn’t know we had that one.” Asylum loved to see their confusion.

”so is it fre-“

”100 boxings,” the jeweler interrupted, confidently.

impressive. “Sold.” They handed over the boxings and asked, “what would you like Eza?”


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28 minutes ago, Ookla of whimsy said:

Asylum walked up to the jewelry shop where they first met Eza. They had a feeling she would be there. Also they needed a new pocket watch.

Asylum couldn’t find quite the right pocket watch in the store, but was determined to get it. A little bit of luck never hurt anyone, they thought as they closed their eyes and crossed their fingers. Finally they opened one eye tentatively to see a pocket watch with four, clover shaped hands. (The extra one went around in intervals of seven and counted the day of the week.) “this one is perfect!” They said picking up the small clock. “how much for it?”

”um,” the jeweler mumbled. “ I didn’t know we had that one.” Asylum loved to see their confusion.

”so is it fre-“

”100 boxings,” the jeweler interrupted, confidently.

impressive. “Sold.” They handed over the boxings and asked, “what would you like Eza?”


Eza peeked over the side of an adjacent building’s roof, then nimbly hopped down into the store. She eyed the merchandise, standing a bit stiffly. It felt weird to be buying something when she could just steal it for free. But Lum was the one paying, not her.

She spotted a loose gem resting on a table. Well, it was a bit of a stretch to call it a gem. It was a cheap, polished crystal poorly cut in an attempt to resemble a diamond. The stone had most likely been accidentally dislodged from a piece of jewelry.

Eza excitedly scurried over and scooped it up, then returned to Lum and the shopkeeper. She held it up, grinning.

“I want this!”

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29 minutes ago, Lunamor said:

Eza peeked over the side of an adjacent building’s roof, then nimbly hopped down. She eyed the merchandise, standing a bit stiffly. It felt weird to be buying something when she could just steal it for free. But Lum was the one paying, not her.

She spotted a loose gem resting on a table. Well, it was a bit of a stretch to call it a gem. It was a cheap, polished crystal poorly cut in an attempt to resemble a diamond. The stone had most likely been accidentally dislodged from a piece of jewelry.

Eza excitedly scurried over and scooped it up, then returned to Lum and the shopkeeper. She held it up, grinning.

“I want this!”

The jeweler picked up the jewel and eyed it. “Are you sure you don’t want something more… well made.”

Asylum looked at the jeweler and grinned, wrong move. “Well if this jewel is as you say ‘less well made’ I think it’d be worth only 40 boxings.”

the jeweler looked up with shock. “40 boxings!” He exclaimed. “It’s at least 80!” 



Asylum smiled. “Deal.” They took the jewel, handed over the boxings, and turned to Eza. “Here you go.” Then much softer, “that’s how you steal without breaking any laws. Well, that and gambling. And taxes. But that’s only for rich snobs.” Asylum started wondering again, with Eza in tow. “But trust me, being a rich snob sucks. Being a noble is so boring.” 

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20 minutes ago, Ookla of whimsy said:

The jeweler picked up the jewel and eyed it. “Are you sure you don’t want something more… well made.”

Asylum looked at the jeweler and grinned, wrong move. “Well if this jewel is as you say ‘less well made’ I think it’d be worth only 40 boxings.”

the jeweler looked up with shock. “40 boxings!” He exclaimed. “It’s at least 80!” 



Asylum smiled. “Deal.” They took the jewel, handed over the boxings, and turned to Eza. “Here you go.” Then much softer, “that’s how you steal without breaking any laws. Well, that and gambling. And taxes. But that’s only for rich snobs.” Asylum started wondering again, with Eza in tow. “But trust me, being a rich snob sucks. Being noble is so boring.” 

Tucking the stone into one of her many bags, Eza didn’t follow Lum’s logic. That whole interaction could have easily been 160 boxings cheaper. Thieving was a bit risky, sure, but with practice you didn’t need to pay attention to laws. The jeweler had definitely been trying to rip them off, too. 

Plus, if you didn’t have an actual income, you didn’t need to pay taxes. Probably.

”I guess being rich would make it hard to hide if you get in trouble. You’d get stolen from a lot, too. Difficult to keep all of your stuff secret.”

Eza paused, then looked up at Lum.

“Have you been rich before?”

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5 minutes ago, Lunamor said:

Tucking the stone into one of her many bags, Eza didn’t follow Lum’s logic. That whole interaction could have easily been 160 boxings cheaper. Thieving was a bit risky, sure, but with practice you didn’t need to pay attention to laws. The jeweler had definitely been trying to rip them off, too. 

Plus, if you didn’t have an actual income, you didn’t need to pay taxes. Probably.

”I guess being rich would make it hard to hide if you get in trouble. You’d get stolen from a lot, too. Difficult to keep all of your stuff secret.”

Eza paused, then looked up at Lum.

“Have you been rich before?”

“My paren-“ Asylum corrected themself. “The people who housed me as a child were nobles. actually, my whole family is nobles.” 

Asylum looked down at their new pocket watch. “It’s because of our talents, but I don’t know why they call them talents. They can be useful, yes, but in the end they are chaotic and unpredictable.”

Asylum cheered up a bit. “But it’s usually fine. As long as it’s not a blood moon, solar eclipse, or my birthday.”

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1 minute ago, Ookla of whimsy said:

“My paren-“ Asylum corrected themself. “The people who housed me as a child were nobles. actually, my whole family is nobles.” 

Asylum looked down at their new pocket watch. “It’s because of our talents, but I don’t know why they call them talents. They can be useful, yes, but in the end they are chaotic and unpredictable.”

Asylum cheered up a bit. “But it’s usually fine. As long as it’s not a blood moon, solar eclipse, or my birthday.”

Eza was dumbfounded. Lum was a noble? She had so many questions. Did they own a house? Multiple houses? Did they have servants? Did they ever wear those fancy, stupid looking outfits? But talking about wealth in the middle of the Mistwarrens probably wasn’t the best of ideas.

She imagined that an entire family of people like Lum would indeed be chaotic. They probably didn’t have any mirrors.

”Why’d you leave?”

Lum had a family out there. Didn’t they miss them?

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11 minutes ago, Lunamor said:

Eza was dumbfounded. Lum was a noble? She had so many questions. Did they own a house? Multiple houses? Did they have servants? Did they ever wear those fancy, stupid looking outfits? But talking about wealth in the middle of the Mistwarrens probably wasn’t the best of ideas.

She imagined that an entire family of people like Lum would indeed be chaotic. They probably didn’t have any mirrors.

”Why’d you leave?”

Lum had a family out there. Didn’t they miss them?

“let’s just say I’m a danger to those around me,” Asylum said grimly. “Even people I associate with are in danger, so I distance myself from everyone I could love. For their sakes.” Asylum forced a grin. “You should be fine. I don’t think you will be in danger, but you must remember these three things. If you do anything unlucky, knock on wood; avoid the number thirteen at all costs; and finally, if you see a corvid, run.”

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1 hour ago, Ookla of whimsy said:

“let’s just say I’m a danger to those around me,” Asylum said grimly. “Even people I associate with are in danger, so I distance myself from everyone I could love. For their sakes.” Asylum forced a grin. “You should be fine. I don’t think you will be in danger, but you must remember these three things. If you do anything unlucky, knock on wood; avoid the number thirteen at all costs; and finally, if you see a corvid, run.”

Those rules were unfamiliar, but Eza nodded and made sure to commit them to memory. She already avoided birds anyways.

Lum’s other words were uncomfortably familiar, however. And if Lum kept working for Perses, if she had to see that monster again, concealing her hatred of him would be difficult.

I need to tell Lum.

Rust, she didn’t want to. She never was safe, though. And neither was anyone else she associated with. Her expression darkened.

“I need to tell you something.”

Eza led Lum off of the street and into an alley. She looked around. They were alone. She kept her voice low anyways, speaking quickly.

”People are looking for me. They, um…”

Might as well be blunt. Eza pointed at her scar.

”They want to kill me. I don’t think they know where I am, but they have been very good at finding me before. If you see anyone who looks like Perses approach, someone with spikes, you need to leave. Don’t come back to look for me, ok?”

Her voice began to shake. Eza had been trying not to think of what the strangers had done. Acknowledging it meant acknowledging the fact that there was nothing Eza could do to stop them.

”You need to promise me you’ll stay away if anything happens. Please. And if you want to go ahead and leave before there’s a chance of anything happening, that’s ok too.”

One death is better than two.

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New Halladren, a few hours before, Kimura Itsuki
Itsuki heads to work. It seems just to be another day, uneventful, boring. He had left the person obsessed with catching the criminal who had destroyed the warehouse who called himself Chefson Corbeau late the night before, after Itsuki had repeatedly stated what had happened to him that day. A part of him wants to find Asylum and Lei again (he had seen Asylum briefly last night and Lei for even less time) but he decides that it isn’t worth chasing after friends like that. If they want to know him, then they can come find him themselves.

Mistkeep, present day, Chefson Corbeau

Corbeau was beginning to realise that getting these criminals caught was something that he’s need help for. He had hoped to just catch this Hemalugist with help from only the constabulary and perhaps also Lei. But he would need large numbers of supporters if he wanted to provide any sort of security to the city.

But for now he just hung up posters of the Inquisitor (Never trust a Spiked One, his boss had always said), the Girl, and the Trickster, Asylum. He had gotten Itsuki (innocent, almost definitely, good chance of him joining my side but probably only if I get others first) to draw them last night after the interrogation. The Emotional One seemed to be quite a good artist. 
Corbeau had given them all nicknames to help the public recognize them by personality in case they were in disguise. Hopefully that some good would come of all these wanted posters.

@Ookla of whimsy


This might be a good time to introduce your other character. Also Sonyr could join Corbeau if he so wants.


2 hours ago, Ookla of whimsy said:

if you see a corvid, run.”


I’m not sure if this was intentional or not, but Corbeau means raven in French.


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On 12/18/2023 at 6:13 PM, Lunamor said:

Those rules were unfamiliar, but Eza nodded and made sure to commit them to memory. She already avoided birds anyways.

Lum’s other words were uncomfortably familiar, however. And if Lum kept working for Perses, if she had to see that monster again, concealing her hatred of him would be difficult.

I need to tell Lum.

Rust, she didn’t want to. She never was safe, though. And neither was anyone else she associated with. Her expression darkened.

“I need to tell you something.”

Eza led Lum off of the street and into an alley. She looked around. They were alone. She kept her voice low anyways, speaking quickly.

”People are looking for me. They, um…”

Might as well be blunt. Eza pointed at her scar.

”They want to kill me. I don’t think they know where I am, but they have been very good at finding me before. If you see anyone who looks like Perses approach, someone with spikes, you need to leave. Don’t come back to look for me, ok?”

Her voice began to shake. Eza had been trying not to think of what the strangers had done. Acknowledging it meant acknowledging the fact that there was nothing Eza could do to stop them.

”You need to promise me you’ll stay away if anything happens. Please. And if you want to go ahead and leave before there’s a chance of anything happening, that’s ok too.”

One death is better than two.

Asylum stared for a a moment then sighed. “Listen,” they said in their most ‘I’m sick of this dramatic nonsense’ voice. “If I was scared of a few hemalurgists, why do you think I would work for one!”

Asylum took a step back to calm down. “Let me make this clear,” they calmly stated. “I can promise you that I am much harder to kill than a steel inquisitor. The fact that you are worried about my safety means you do not understand the power I possess. You should be more worried about that then some extra spiky boiz.”

On 12/18/2023 at 7:10 PM, Ookla thePresentParticiple said:

New Halladren, a few hours before, Kimura Itsuki
Itsuki heads to work. It seems just to be another day, uneventful, boring. He had left the person obsessed with catching the criminal who had destroyed the warehouse who called himself Chefson Corbeau late the night before, after Itsuki had repeatedly stated what had happened to him that day. A part of him wants to find Asylum and Lei again (he had seen Asylum briefly last night and Lei for even less time) but he decides that it isn’t worth chasing after friends like that. If they want to know him, then they can come find him themselves.

Mistkeep, present day, Chefson Corbeau

Corbeau was beginning to realise that getting these criminals caught was something that he’s need help for. He had hoped to just catch this Hemalugist with help from only the constabulary and perhaps also Lei. But he would need large numbers of supporters if he wanted to provide any sort of security to the city.

But for now he just hung up posters of the Inquisitor (Never trust a Spiked One, his boss had always said), the Girl, and the Trickster, Asylum. He had gotten Itsuki (innocent, almost definitely, good chance of him joining my side but probably only if I get others first) to draw them last night after the interrogation. The Emotional One seemed to be quite a good artist. 
Corbeau had given them all nicknames to help the public recognize them by personality in case they were in disguise. Hopefully that some good would come of all these wanted posters.

@Ookla of whimsy

Keshi was quite new to the city and was quite annoyed by the coinage. He only had about five of these massive coins and apparently he still needed more. Goto, go to the path over there, he protected to his noble steed and lifelong companion. 

the hyperslug trilled and teleported off of the vehicle they were on and onto the sidewalk. 

Keshi looked around at the shops to see if any stood out. Then a poster caught his eye. “Rouge murders on the loose! Help wanted.” What do you think Goto. It should be able to pay for food.

goto was perplexed by the concept of money and capitalism, but immediately trilled in excitement at the thought of food.

ok, it’s decided then. It’s time to catch some criminals.


Keshi arrived at the location specified by the poster to find a heavily tattooed man. 

“I heard you were looking for bounty hunters.” He said through a voice projector. after a little bit of confusion about where the voice was coming from, Keshi directed, “down here.” 

Keshi wasn’t a very tall kitsen, not that a tall kitsen exists, he stood at about 3-4 inches tall. At the time he wasn’t standing though; He was seated on a lightly armored, and brightly colored, hyperslug. The hyperslug also had quite a few saddle bags and a disproportionately large bag that, by the rattle alone, seemed to contain only coins.

Keshi cleared his throat. “is there, quite possibly, a surface I could sit on? This feels quite figuratively and literally condescending.”


Sorry about the double post. I didn’t want to make a really long post.


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10 minutes ago, Ookla of whimsy said:

Asylum stared for a a moment then sighed. “Listen,” they said in their most ‘I’m sick of this dramatic nonsense’ voice. “If I was scars of a few hemalurgists, why do you think I would work for one!”

Asylum took a step back to calm down. “Let me make this clear,” they calmly stated. “I can promise you that I am much harder to kill than a steel inquisitor. The fact that you are worried about my safety means you do not understand the power I possess. You should be more worried about that then some extra spiky boiz.”

Eza was caught off guard. Hemalurgists were the boogeymen of Scadrial. She had never met someone who wasn’t scared of them, let alone thought they could defeat one. She wasn’t sure how to feel about that.

“Oh, ok.”

She felt a bit embarrassed, now. She then spotted wanted posters across the street displaying her, Lum’s, and Perses’s faces. It was an oddly welcome change of subject, if also highly concerning. She quickly pulled up her hood, then pointed them out to Lum.

”The officer didn’t respect the rules of your game. Jerk.”

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33 minutes ago, Lunamor said:

Eza was caught off guard. Hemalurgists were the boogeymen of Scadrial. She had never met someone who wasn’t scared of them, let alone thought they could defeat one. She wasn’t sure how to feel about that.

“Oh, ok.”

She felt a bit embarrassed, now. She then spotted wanted posters across the street displaying her, Lum’s, and Perses’s faces. It was an oddly welcome change of subject, if also highly concerning. She quickly pulled up her hood, then pointed them out to Lum.

”The officer didn’t respect the rules of your game. Jerk.”

Asylum looked at the posters and then sighed. “Technically it doesn’t break the rules. I said if we won, we never see him again. That doesn’t mean he can’t send goons, or the people of the city, against us.”

Asylum started walking through the alley and gestured for Eza to follow “I know a place we can lie low for a while.”


Asylum, Mistwarrens, Lucky’s gaming emporium.

Asylum entered the small game shop to see a Selish woman in a bowler hat and suit sitting at the counter. “Lucky! How great to see you my friend.”

the woman, Lucky, narrowed her eyes. “Asylum Smedry. remember what I told you would happen if I saw you here again.” She stood for a moment and then burst out laughing. “I’m just kidding. Bring it in. How have you been?” 

the two hugged and then Lucky saw Eza. “I see why you came here Asylum. Must have gotten real unlucky this time.”

”no, no,” Asylum corrected. “She’s my new traveling companion.” Then to Eza, “Eza say hi to Lucky. The second best gambler in Alleycity.”

“My record says otherwise.” Lucky mumbled.

“what was that?”



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3 minutes ago, Ookla of whimsy said:

Asylum looked at the posters and then sighed. “Technically it doesn’t break the rules. I said if we won, we never see him again. That doesn’t mean he can’t send goons, or the people of the city, against us.”

Asylum started walking through the alley and gestured for Eza to follow “I know a place we can lie low for a while.”


Asylum, Mistwarrens, Lucky’s gaming emporium.

Asylum entered the small game shop to see a Selish woman in a bowler hat and suit sitting at the counter. “Lucky! How great to see you my friend.”

the woman, Lucky, narrowed her eyes. “Asylum Smedry. remember what I told you would happen if I saw you here again.” She stood for a moment and then burst out laughing. “I’m just kidding. Bring it in. How have you been?” 

the two hugged and then lucky saw Eza. “I see why you came here Asylum. Must have gotten real unlucky this time.”

”no, no,” Asylum corrected. “She’s my new traveling companion.” Then to Eza, “Eza say hi to Lucky. The second best gambler in Alleycity.”

“My record says otherwise.” Lucky mumbled.

“what was that?”



Eza waved at Lucky. She seemed really friendly. Good fashion sense.

”Hi! Nice to meet you.”

She glanced around the shop, not recognizing some of the products. There were a few things she was familiar with, however, including an awfully shiny pair of dice… She made herself look away. Lucky was being nice. She shouldn’t steal them. Not in the middle of introductions, at least. But rust, those dice were pretty. Polished and silvery. And there were so many dice around, surely a single pair wouldn’t be missed.

Eza wrenched her attention back to Lucky and pulled her hood down.

”How’d you and Lum meet?”

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15 hours ago, Ookla of whimsy said:

Keshi was quite new to the city and was quite annoyed by the coinage. He only had about five of these massive coins and apparently he still needed more. Goto, go to the path over there, he protected to his noble steed and lifelong companion. 

the hyperslug trilled and teleported off of the vehicle they were on and onto the sidewalk. 

Keshi looked around at the shops to see if any stood out. Then a poster caught his eye. “Rouge murders on the loose! Help wanted.” What do you think Goto. It should be able to pay for food.

goto was perplexed by the concept of money and capitalism, but immediately trilled in excitement at the thought of food.

ok, it’s decided then. It’s time to catch some criminals.


Keshi arrived at the location specified by the poster to find a heavily tattooed man. 

“I heard you were looking for bounty hunters.” He said through a voice projector. after a little bit of confusion about where the voice was coming from, Keshi directed, “down here.” 

Keshi wasn’t a very tall kitsen, not that a tall kitsen exists, he stood at about 3-4 inches tall. At the time he wasn’t standing though; He was seated on a lightly armored, and brightly colored, hyperslug. The hyperslug also had quite a few saddle bags and a disproportionately large bag that, by the rattle alone, seemed to contain only coins.

Keshi cleared his throat. “is there, quite possibly, a surface I could sit on? This feels quite figuratively and literally condescending.”


Corbeau’s hotel room, Mistkeep, Chefson Corbeau
“Welcome! I am indeed searching for hunters. I’m very glad that you have come. What is your name?” Corbeau looks around for something for Keshi to sit on. “Where are you from, anyway? I don’t think I’ve ever seen your species before.” He gestures to a cabinet. “Will this work?”

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3 hours ago, Ravenclawjedi42 said:

Corbeau’s hotel room, Mistkeep, Chefson Corbeau
“Welcome! I am indeed searching for hunters. I’m very glad that you have come. What is your name?” Corbeau looks around for something for Keshi to sit on. “Where are you from, anyway? I don’t think I’ve ever seen your species before.” He gestures to a cabinet. “Will this work?”

Keshi accepted the offer of the cabinet and instructed Goto to teleport onto it. He then dismounted and introduced himself. “I am Keshi, until recently I was the prince who was not prince of Evershore. This is my steed Goto, and I am here to redeem myself so that I can return home from exile.” He motioned to the large coin purse strapped to Goto. “But to continue my quest of redemption I require more of your people’s unnecessarily large currency.”   

he opened one of the saddle bags on Goto and grabbed out a one inch piece of paper that seemed to be a diploma of some sort and handed it to the tattooed man. Almost all of the words were illegibly small but one phrase stood out, “degree for reconnaissance and espionage.”

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On 12/19/2023 at 1:36 PM, Ookla of whimsy said:

Keshi accepted the offer of the cabinet and instructed Goto to teleport onto it. He then dismounted and introduced himself. “I am Keshi, until recently I was the prince who was not prince of Evershore. This is my steed Goto, and I am here to redeem myself so that I can return home from exile.” He motioned to the large coin purse strapped to Goto. “But to continue my quest of redemption I require more of your people’s unnecessarily large currency.”   

he opened one of the saddle bags on Goto and grabbed out a one inch piece of paper that seemed to be a diploma of some sort and handed it to the tattooed man. Almost all of the words were illegibly small but one phrase stood out, “degree for reconnaissance and espionage.”

“A diploma. Very nice. You will be useful to me, Keshi. Very useful.” Corbeau smiles in a kindly manner, not unlike a parent or grandparent would. “As to your exile, there are many jobs in the city. And if you are successful in finding these people…expect a sizable reward.” Corbeau smiles again. “I last saw them last night around Coppercloud inn in the Mistwarrens. The youngest one is a Lurcher, and the blind one is likely a lurcher and a coinshot, probably among other things. Lurchers can Pull metal towards them and Coishots can Push metal away. Except Aluminum. Aluminum is so rare…but worth it. I suspect that the other one, Asylum, The Trickster, has powers too, but I am unsure what those are.”

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On 12/18/2023 at 10:05 PM, Lunamor said:

Eza waved at Lucky. She seemed really friendly. Good fashion sense.

”Hi! Nice to meet you.”

She glanced around the shop, not recognizing some of the products. There were a few things she was familiar with, however, including an awfully shiny pair of dice… She made herself look away. Lucky was being nice. She shouldn’t steal them. Not in the middle of introductions, at least. But rust, those dice were pretty. Polished and silvery. And there were so many dice around, surely a single pair wouldn’t be missed.

Eza wrenched her attention back to Lucky and pulled her hood down.

”How’d you and Lum meet?”

Asylum, Mistwarrens, Lucky’s Gaming Emporium.

Lucky laughed. “Now that’s a funny story that we will definitely need to be seated for.”

Lucky brought Asylum and Eza into a dimly lit room decorated with dragons and lots of miniatures. “this is where I do my D&D sessions,” she said. “I just need to get changed real quick.” Lucky ducked into a closet.

shortly after Leucine stepped out. She looked a lot like Lucky but instead of short messy hair, her hair was waist length and luxurious. she wore a long, tight black dress. Frankly she looked like a goddess. 

“let me reintroduce myself.” Leucine said in a voice that screamed ‘I am a theatre kid’. “I am, now, Leucine. Or I always was, but I know I wasn’t 5 minutes ago- you know what I’m going to leave it to Lucy to explain this. I was going to tell the story of how I met Asylum was I not?”

Leucine sat down at the head of the large table in the center of the room. “About 6 years ago,” Leucine said dramatically. “Asylum was making their debut in the Alleycity casinos.”

”before they rudely banned me.” Asylum interjected indignantly.

”Do not interrupt my monologuing!” Then, regaining her composure, Leucine continued. “As I was saying, Asylum was having a great time. They made every bloke broke, they cheated, and were overall undefeated. Until a new arrival appeared.” She brought out a miniature that resembled how she had looked only a few minutes ago. “Lucky challenged asylum to a game of chance, but she had a trick in her pants. She rigged the the game. And true to her name, the trickster fell all the way down to hell.”

”I lost all my money,” Asylum translated.

Leucine ignored the interruption. “Since that day forward, with dice and sword, the two fought day after day. A friendship formed because, as lucky has sworn ‘there is no one with better whom to play’”

Asylum close to tears reached to hug Leucine. “Thank you Leucine.”

nimbly dodging the hug, Leucine smiled at Eza. “Does that answer your question?”


5 hours ago, Ravenclawjedi42 said:

“A diploma. Very nice. You will be useful to me, Keshi. Very useful.” Corbeau smiles in a kindly manner, not unlike a parent or grandparent would. “As to your exile, there are many jobs in the city. And if you are successful in finding these people…expect a sizable reward.” Corbeau smiles again. “I last saw them last night around Coppercloud inn in the Mistwarrens. The youngest one is a Lurcher, and the blind one is likely a lurcher and a coinshot, probably among other things. Lurchers can Pull metal towards them and Coishots can Push metal away. Except Aluminum. Aluminum is so rare…but worth it. I suspect that the other one, Asylum, The Trickster, has powers too, but I am unsure what those are.”

Keshi, Mistwarrens, Corbeau’s hotel room.
“I’ll start with the blind one. I bet it’s hard to hide with two spikes in your eyes,” Keshi said before disappearing.

he reappeared in a bar he had visited nearby. He had noted it was high in gossip, and so settling in on a table, he waited. 

soon a pair of young men walked in. One of them said in an exasperated tone, “I’m telling you my friend saw an inquisitor yesterday!”

Keshi listened to their conversation for a little bit before implanting a voice that mimicked the man’s friend, “and what is this friend’s name?” 

“his name’s Venser. Why do you ask?”

the man’s friend seemed confused. “I didn’t.” He said, but Keshi blocked that out and replaced it with, “and where is his workshop?” 

“he’s the head of the silver dagger. Why are you asking me anyway? Do you want to go inquisitor hunting or something?”

before either of the men could realize what just happened, Keshi had Goto teleport onto the sidewalk outside to head for the Silver Dagger.


Edited by Ookla of whimsy
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Veneer, The Corridor, The Silver Dagger.

Venser welcomed in a new set of customers. He wore a crimson vest with white sleeves and gold accents. His eyebrows, carefully tucked behind his ears, helped compliment the suit. He gave the arrivals a kind wave as they approached the counter.

”What can I get for you today? Looking for a refill? Some gear? A drink?” Venser had a refined Thaylen accent, and one that would be quite subtle for one back in Roshar.

”We’re looking for mistcoats, if you sell them,” one said.

The Silver Dagger was a comfortable place. A famous bar turned metalborn shop, where all could be obtained, if you had the Chrysts. Metal and accessories lined the shelves, with vials of all sorts. It was nothing like the life he had all those years ago, selling cheap goods on Alethi roads.

”Of course! We have four main styles, but I can also customize them if you wish. Come, come!”

It was a good life, and one he never would have anticipated. Selling to Scadrians, from noble to downright villainous. A strange life, but a profitable one. As his babsk used to say: ‘It doesn’t matter who you are selling to. If they have spheres to give, they are your customers’. A good life indeed.

“Which ones would you like?”

@Ookla of whimsy

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2 hours ago, Ookla of whimsy said:

Asylum, Mistwarrens, Lucky’s Gaming Emporium.

Lucky laughed. “Now that’s a funny story that we will definitely need to be seated for.”

Lucky brought Asylum and Eza into a dimly lit room decorated with dragons and lots of miniatures. “this is where I do my D&D sessions,” she said. “I just need to get changed real quick.” Lucky ducked into a closet.

shortly after Leucine stepped out. She looked a lot like Lucky but instead of short messy hair, her hair was waist length and luxurious. she wore a long, tight black dress. Frankly she looked like a goddess. 

“let me reintroduce myself.” Leucine said in a voice that screamed ‘I am a theatre kid’. “I am, now, Leucine. Or I always was, but I know I wasn’t 5 minutes ago- you know what I’m going to leave it to Lucy to explain this. I was going to tell the story of how I met Asylum was I not?”

Leucine sat down at the head of the large table in the center of the room. “About 6 years ago,” Leucine said dramatically. “Asylum was making their debut in the Alleycity casinos.”

”before they rudely banned me.” Asylum interjected indignantly.

”Do not interrupt my monologuing!” Then, regaining her composure, Leucine continued. “As I was saying, Asylum was having a great time. They made every bloke broke, they cheated, and were overall undefeated. Until a new arrival appeared.” She brought out a miniature that resembled how she had looked only a few minutes ago. “Lucky challenged asylum to a game of chance, but she had a trick in her pants. She rigged the the game. And true to her name, the trickster fell all the way down to hell.”

”I lost all my money,” Asylum translated.

Leucine ignored the interruption. “Since that day forward, with dice and sword, the two fought day after day. A friendship formed because, as lucky has sworn ‘there is no one with better whom to play’”

Asylum close to tears reached to hug Leucine. “Thank you Leucine.”

nimbly dodging the hug, Leucine smiled at Eza. “Does that answer your question?”



Eza was only more confused, now. Was Lum’s friend actually called Lucky or Leucine? Both? And why was she rhyming? It was probably rude to ask, and offending the person who was sheltering them from the law wasn’t the best of ideas. She’d have to ask Lum later.

Eza glanced around at her surroundings. She didn’t recognize many of the little sculptures, but she at least knew what the dragons were. Odd that mythical creatures like them were apparently known on different planets- Lucky/Leucine didn’t seem to be Scadrian.

She wandered over to a gold-painted dragon. Too matte for her tastes, but still pretty. Eza gently picked it up, admiring the finer details. Fierce, but also kinda cute. Like it would bite off your face but also need nose boops. 

”I like your tiny statue things. Do you use them for your Dee and Dee? And what is Dee and Dee?”

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On 12/22/2023 at 7:22 PM, TheRavenHasLanded said:

Hidden Library

Sonyr sat, quietly comtemplating what the heck just happened. He had searched every inch of the library, but couldn't find anything for some reason. he turns his head to the door, then sighs and goes back.

A middle-aged Obligator walks in through the door of the library. “Hello?” they ask. “Is anybody here?” Upon seeing Sonyr, he walks over. “You. You were at the inn last night. And now you’re here, in this library. Care to divulge your secrets, friend?” Corbeau leans on a desk, facing Sonyr, his obsidian eyes seeing to bore into the librarian’s soul, though his mouth was smiling good-naturedly.

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22 hours ago, Ravenclawjedi42 said:

A middle-aged Obligator walks in through the door of the library. “Hello?” they ask. “Is anybody here?” Upon seeing Sonyr, he walks over. “You. You were at the inn last night. And now you’re here, in this library. Care to divulge your secrets, friend?” Corbeau leans on a desk, facing Sonyr, his obsidian eyes seeing to bore into the librarian’s soul, though his mouth was smiling good-naturedly.

Sonyr gives him a stare back. "and why should i do that? i havent lived as long as i have without being careful of my secrets. how did you even find this place?"

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3 hours ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

Sonyr gives him a stare back. "and why should i do that? i havent lived as long as i have without being careful of my secrets. how did you even find this place?"

Corbeau continues to smile. “Intelligence. A good trait. But I must know, friend, if I can trust you. For you see friend, I am trying to track down the criminals at the inn that night, especially The Inquisitor. If you know anything about them…anything at all…I would like very much to listen. But ultimately, there are to sides and it will be so much simpler to pick one. Do you aid those guilty of breaking laws? Or do you help bring them to justice?” I hope he doesn’t press me about finding this place. It will help my reputation not to share that.

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