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Could Syl become...


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8 minutes ago, Stitof said:

Could Syl become a gun?

Short answer - probably not. WoBs:



Is there a limit to what the spren can become, like we've seen them become a blade or a spear or a shield, can they become, like-- I've heard hints of a bow and arrow. Can they become a sword and a shield or just one main thing?

Brandon Sanderson

Um, it is more expansive than people guess it is, but it is limited.

Oathbringer release party (Nov. 13, 2017)


*inaudible* with the spren, like, with the *inaudible* would it have infinite ink?

Brandon Sanderson

The way it works in my head canon right now, which I haven't written it so if it changes, no. The other thing is getting complex systems is going to be harder for a lot of Spren. There are legends that reference that they were able to do bows in the past, which includes a string. Everyone is like "but they're not metal, how does that work." Complex structures, even the mechanics of a pen is not something that we have proof that they could even do. If they did do it, they wouldn't have infinite ink, you would fill them up with ink.

Footnote: The question was likely about if Shardpens could exist
Barnes & Noble B-Fest 2016 (June 11, 2016)


From what we have seen so far, they can become things that are contiguous and considered a single "item" (like the WoB above about Bows - but not the "arrows" too, that's two things) - So there is a limit in moth quantity and complexity. Secret Projects spoilers


If you have read (or will read) Secret Project 4 (The Sunlit Man), there is more info in that story on this topic.


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Generally speaking, Spren can only become a single solid object, so they cannot become a mechanical device with any moving parts like a modern earth Gun.    But they can become Fabrials, and so in the distant future (and with enough realmic understanding, we assume) they can become gun-shaped magic weapons but they'd require a separate magic ammunition/power source just like any fabrial.  

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1 hour ago, Ookla the Interstellar said:

the projectile would still have the properties of a Shardblade.

Maybe. WoB:






So, the Shardfork. A very versatile, Shard-whatever. Would it be possible to do, like, a Shardrock, or something, that would go in a catapult?

Brandon Sanderson

Yeah, it has more variety than people would think, but it isn't limitless, what they can become. But that would totally be possible.


And what would a Shardrock do if it hits you?

Brandon Sanderson

Uh, bean them on the head and be really strong. If you can get into the spirit, if you can start getting past the skin and stuff, you can do some serious damage.

Oathbringer release party (Nov. 13, 2017)




At one point Syl turns into a hammer when Kaladin fights Szeth. Are there any actual advantages to a Shardhammer over a Shardblade or knife?

Brandon Sanderson

Very minimal. It has mostly to do with a-- How much thrust or swing or things you can get to it. The impact of blade or weapon against armor is not going to be-- The hammer could in some ways get more leverage. But it's not that the impact is going to do--

Firefight Chicago signing (Feb. 20, 2015)

Don't forget that Shards don't cut living flesh, so impact damage won't necessarily get to a point where they damage the soul. We do not yet know how/if this kind of thing would work with limbs (severing a limb is cutting off the soul of the from the main body) since a bullet strike to, for example, the thigh may not cut enough of the limb's connection to the rest of the body to actually sever that limb's soul off. Also, so don't know how small a spren can get, so it may not be possible to get to the size of a rifle or pistol round. Now, a sufficiently good marksman making textbook head/heart shot - that should still kill (again, size dependant).

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I wonder how effective it would be for a spren to change form mid-flight. If you start with the momentum of a bullet (however achieved) and then turn into a thin blade mid-air you could have an on-demand horizontal guillotine. With the light weight of Shardmetal they could even glide for a good distance with the right shape.

I'd also find the prospect of facing Shard bolas on the battlefield pretty terrifying, especially since you can just summon one back to your hand in an instant. Though the spren's timing on dulling the cord seems pretty high stakes for the thrower.

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2 minutes ago, bmcclure7 said:

Drominad Preview spoilers


Actually yes look up sixth of the dust sequel chapter. 


Please spoiler tag preview material - I am purposely avoiding all non-published preview spoilers and I did not want to know this.

Doubly spoiler because this is SA forum, not Cosmere Discussion

Edited by Treamayne
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