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My Turn... (an RP)

Edema Rue

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Hiya people, I'm in one of those author-y moods, y'know the ones, where you just want to watch the world burn but arson is illegal and your characters are giving you the silent treatment? Yeah, those ones...so fun...

So. This could die. This could be the only post it ever has, which is fine, of course. But I hope that isn't what happens, because I want to roleplay :D Basically, create a character, throw them in, maybe give them a backstory that could help us have plot, and we'll see if anything happens!

Almost anything goes, though of course if you're too overpowered things are boring. Also, if you kill the plot I'll poke you with my writing stick in the most loving way possible.

Let's write a story, my friends :) 

Dilsha felt a tear drip down her cheek. She hated that tear, hated it so much. It fell anyway, rolling down to her cheek before falling too the wooden floor beneath her. She took a long, shuddering breath. Fine. Fine. She was done. Let them mock her. Let them say she was too weak. Let them have their rumors. They were nothing to her.

She stood up, raising her chin and drying her eyes. They could do nothing to her, and so she was free. Free...Dilsha grinned. She flicked her wrist, and a dagger appeared in a flash of purple light. She drew it carefully along the palm of her hand, watching the blood drip...the red droplets splattered on the floor around her single tear. She pressed her hand against the wall of the small hut, smearing her blood there and muttering a few words in some long forgotten language under her breath. A faint breeze blew through her hair, and she nodded, knowing she'd done it write. "Decay," she said, then stepped out into the sunlight. Let them die. Let them all die. 


Several weeks later, Dilsha was standing behind the bar at an inn. Her inn, bought and paid for. A few customers were scattered about, but for now it was mostly quiet. Too early in the day, she supposed. Of course, without the regular bustle she could hear nearly every conversation. 

"Did you hear?" A man hissed to his companion. "Half the king's palace, completely rotted away. Gone. And there's already signs of decay in the rest of it, too. No one knows how it happened."

Dilsha was faintly surprised. Half the palace, already? That was quick...the spirit must have been more powerful than she'd thought. She turned and stepped into the kitchen, grinning. There was no turning back now, and she was glad. It's my turn to be on top now.

Edited by Ookla the Believer
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It was only one word.

One word could have so much power. 

Sono remembered a lesson in architecture once, that revolved around the idea that if you could only choose one word to describe what you wanted, it was open to interpretation.

The architect didn't want to really learn anymore. She did her job, and she did it well. What more could she ask for?

How will it end?

That was what she asked herself.

And she couldn't answer.

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Polton tapped his cane against the wood of the palace's wall. It gave easily, splintering at a touch. How funny. It looks solid, but it has a rotten core.

Control. That was how Polton lived. It was essential. To allow others to dictate themselves, to relinquish external control would be to plunge the world into disorder. Many disagreed about this, and it told a lot about them that their way of protesting was such destruction.

He focused his mind briefly, and lines of fiery light burst fourth in lines on his cane, making an intricate pattern as they criss-crossed and weaved along the metal. He gritted his teeth. This fire, like any, could be controlled. It just required the right fuel, and right focus.

He ignored the screams of agony that filled his mind.

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1 hour ago, Ookla the Believer said:

Dilsha felt a tear drip down her cheek. She hated that tear, hated it so much. It fell anyway, rolling down to her cheek before falling too the wooden floor beneath her. She took a long, shuddering breath. Fine. Fine. She was done. Let them mock her. Let them say she was too weak. Let them have their rumors. They were nothing to her.

She stood up, raising her chin and drying her eyes. They could do nothing to her, and so she was free. Free...Dilsha grinned. She flicked her wrist, and a dagger appeared in a flash of purple light. She drew it carefully along the palm of her hand, watching the blood drip...the red droplets splattered on the floor around her single tear. She pressed her hand against the wall of the small hut, smearing her blood there and muttering a few words in some long forgotten language under her breath. A faint breeze blew through her hair, and she nodded, knowing she'd done it write. "Decay," she said, then stepped out into the sunlight. Let them die. Let them all die. 


Several weeks later, Dilsha was standing behind the bar at an inn. Her inn, bought and paid for. A few customers were scattered about, but for now it was mostly quiet. Too early in the day, she supposed. Of course, without the regular bustle she could hear nearly every conversation. 

"Did you hear?" A man hissed to his companion. "Half the king's palace, completely rotted away. Gone. And there's already signs of decay in the rest of it, too. No one knows how it happened."

Dilsha was faintly surprised. Half the palace, already? That was quick...the spirit must have been more powerful than she'd thought. She turned and stepped into the kitchen, grinning. There was no turning back now, and she was glad. It's my turn to be on top now.

“You’re smiling, is tonight a good night for business?” Alex asked.

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  • Edema Rue changed the title to My Turn... (an RP)
43 minutes ago, Ookla the foolish said:

“You’re smiling, is tonight a good night for business?” Alex asked.

Dilsha turned back to the room and shrugged. "Ah, not yet. I just remembered that I have a shipment of some lovely strawberry wine that should be here in time for the festival next week." That...was messy. What a horrible save. She shoved down the voices in her mind. There were too many of those, lately. "Can I get you anything?"

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6 minutes ago, Ookla the Believer said:

Dilsha turned back to the room and shrugged. "Ah, not yet. I just remembered that I have a shipment of some lovely strawberry wine that should be here in time for the festival next week." That...was messy. What a horrible save. She shoved down the voices in her mind. There were too many of those, lately. "Can I get you anything?"

“Well the first thing I’d like you to get me is the truth, but I know you went tell me. I’ve known you long enough to know you have your secrets.” 


I hope this is ok


Edited by Ookla the foolish
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3 minutes ago, Ookla the foolish said:

“Well the first thing I’d like you to get me is the truth, but I know you went tell me. I’ve known you long enough to know you have your secrets.” 


Do you want them to actually know each other?

Dilsha frowned. "That...was the truth?" She twisted a cleaning rag around her fingers and started polishing the already sparkling bottles on the wall behind her.

Edited by Ookla the Believer
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1 minute ago, Ookla the foolish said:



Nah that works, she did live in the palace as a sort of...ah...student, shall we say, up until a couple weeks ago when she bought the inn, so he'd probably just know her from her trips to the rest of the city, other than that we should be good! :) 


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8 minutes ago, Ookla the Believer said:


Sono entered the Inn. 

Why is everything so... Rushed?  so careless?

She had a lot of opinions about the inn, but kept it to herself. Perhaps it would be a good thing to test the word on. 

Sono shook her head as if thinking of the word was taboo, then mustered up the courage to go talk to whoever was running the Inn.

"Hello? Hi?"

She looked around and saw all sorts of problems - ones that would accumulate over time but be hastily delt with by an organized person. It was clear these Inn owners were bozos.

This would make a great place to test the word on after all. If only there weren't consequences.

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1 minute ago, Ookla the Believer said:

Nah that works, she did live in the palace as a sort of...ah...student, shall we say, up until a couple weeks ago when she bought the inn, so he'd probably just know her from her trips to the rest of the city, other than that we should be good! 


Ok, thanks!


6 minutes ago, Ookla the Believer said:

Dilsha frowned. "That...was the truth?" She twisted a cleaning rag around her fingers and started polishing the already sparkling bottles on the wall behind her.

Alex just laughed. “If you say so.”

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11 minutes ago, Ookla the Believer said:

Dilsha frowned. "That...was the truth?" She twisted a cleaning rag around her fingers and started polishing the already sparkling bottles on the wall behind her.

A man walked in, trimly dressed and carrying a metal cane.

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13 minutes ago, Ookla the Resolute said:

Sono looked at the man, then gestured for him to wait behind her.

He did so. He was nothing if not orderly.


This is a line or something?


Edited by Ookla the Abstract
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1 minute ago, Ookla the Abstract said:

He did so. He was nothing of not orderly.





Sono glanced at her watch, then realized it had been demagnetized again, and opted to look at the clock instead.

"How much longer do I need to wait for these people to stop bickering?" She muttered.

The architect controlled her impulse to do anything, instead just waiting in silence and screaming on the inside.

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12 minutes ago, Ookla the Resolute said:

Sono entered the Inn. 

Why is everything so... Rushed?  so careless?

She had a lot of opinions about the inn, but kept it to herself. Perhaps it would be a good thing to test the word on. 

Sono shook her head as if thinking of the word was taboo, then mustered up the courage to go talk to whoever was running the Inn.

"Hello? Hi?"

She looked around and saw all sorts of problems - ones that would accumulate over time but be hastily delt with by an organized person. It was clear these Inn owners were bozos.

This would make a great place to test the word on after all. If only there weren't consequences.

Actually, the inn was surprisingly neat and orderly. Almost...too orderly. "Right here," Dilsha called. "Welcome!"

10 minutes ago, Ookla the foolish said:


Alex just laughed. “If you say so.”

"Move," she muttered, stifling a snort. "There are paying customers."

7 minutes ago, Ookla the Abstract said:

A man walked in, trimly dressed and carrying a metal cane.

Dilsha nodded to him. "What can I do for you folks?"

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Just now, Ookla the Believer said:

Actually, the inn was surprisingly neat and orderly. Almost...too orderly. "Right here," Dilsha called. "Welcome!"

"Move," she muttered, stifling a snort. "There are paying customers."

Dilsha nodded to him. "What can I do for you folks?"

"Do you have any Decay-proof rooms?"

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2 minutes ago, Ookla the Believer said:

"Move," she muttered, stifling a snort. "There are paying customers."

“Well if you’d hire me then I’d have a reason to be here. You know, I got fired from the last job so I could come work here. I would never accidentally set a shop on fire. But go, get to your precious customers.”

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Just now, Ookla the Resolute said:

"Do you have any Decay-proof rooms?"

Dilsha blinked. She doesn't know she doesn't know she doesn't know...lots of people have magic related to Decay...it's fine. "All my rooms are Decay-proof, actually. The previous owner was rather prickly about his magical customers." A lie, but a plausible one. She'd shielded every inch of the inn herself. It was probably one of the safest places in the city.

Just now, Canada Lover said:

Ty appeared, unsure what had happened, or where he was. He noticed an inn, and stepped inside.

"Uh, hello?"

Dilsha held up a hand to him, indicating that she'd be just a moment.

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And I am the only one who realizes it. Nobody else knew how powerful the wind was. It was everywhere. It effected Everything, He could affect everything. HE could control Everything. That was why wind is the best. And only he had come to that realization. After years of servitude under his master, he had finally destroyed him. The hammer to the head flying at 90 mph wasn’t the most graceful way, but it worked. It worked very well. He didn’t dnt know exactly what he should do know, but he knew that the possibilities tiess where endless. He walked to the nearby inn, and only realized when he got there that he should have flown.


What Is the government? The palace and a king I assume.


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Just now, Ookla the Believer said:

Dilsha blinked. She doesn't know she doesn't know she doesn't know...lots of people have magic related to Decay...it's fine. "All my rooms are Decay-proof, actually. The previous owner was rather prickly about his magical customers." A lie, but a plausible one. She'd shielded every inch of the inn herself. It was probably one of the safest places in the city.

Dilsha held up a hand to him, indicating that she'd be just a moment.

Ty patiently waited. Patience was a good virute for one to have.

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5 minutes ago, Ookla the Believer said:

Actually, the inn was surprisingly neat and orderly. Almost...too orderly. "Right here," Dilsha called. "Welcome!"

"Move," she muttered, stifling a snort. "There are paying customers."

Dilsha nodded to him. "What can I do for you folks?"

"I'm looking for a particular person of some importance. I had a hunch I might find them here."

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