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Era 7: The Revival


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1 hour ago, Ookla of Ravens said:

Sonyr punches someone in the face. he thinks it was perses.


Perses felt the displacement of air, and managed to dodge in the nick of time. At this point, he just wanted out.

12 hours ago, Ookla thePresentParticiple said:

Somebody, a middle-aged Obligator who looked like they had just run quite a distance, opened the door. “Hello. I’m investigating the commotion.” He looked around at the corpses. “What happened here?!” Corbeau asked. A serious crime center. This cannot go unpunished. The constables in this city really have no power. This would never have happened on Scadrial…then again, all the murder there is government-sanctioned. “Who should I arrest?”

Itsuki raises a shaking finger at Perses and Asylum. “Them,” he says. “But don’t take the girl! She did nothing wrong.”

“I’ll take whoever the Lord Ruler wills, thank you very much,” Corbeau replied. “But if these two were the ones responsible….” I should trust him. I do, but that’s probably just because of my bias against Inquisitors…they got all the Lord Ruler’s attention, he always ignored people like me. I can’t jump to conclusions, though. “I’m taking all four of you with me for questioning. If you did nothing wrong, then you have nothing to fear. If you did….” Corbeau left the threat unsaid.


“I don’t think you quite understand how things work here. We don’t bow down to a higher authority. We only bend a knee to those that can force us to do so.” And that sure as hell won’t be you. “If you think you can do that, I invite you to try. Otherwise, I’ll be going.”

With that, Perses picked up his glasses, pocketed them, and began to walk towards the exit.

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18 hours ago, Ookla thePresentParticiple said:

“Not so fast.” Corbeau grabs Eza’s arm with an iron grip and doesn’t let go. “The only people that run from the law are people that have something to hide…what do you have to hide? Why do you run from the law?” A lurcher. Powerful. It’s a good thing I keep no metal on my person, learned my lesson after dealing with one too many angry Inquisitors. “And where did you get such a pretty necklace? Are your parents rich enough to afford it?

“Are your parents powerful enough for you to walk around wearing something like that and expect not to get mugged?” Her parents must be nobles, or whatever the version of nobility is in this place, for her to be able to be Allomatic. And if they are…maybe I can let their daughter escape the law in return for a large sum of money. Lord Ruler knows I need the clips, after Silverlight.

“She’s just a kid!” Itsuki yells. “You don’t need to do this to her!”

“Nobody can escape the arm of the law, not even children.” Unless you’re rich. Or powerful. Or me. Or all three. Or the truth: if you’re smart enough to stay out, and there are capable people trying to get you in, you are enough to stay out. Boxings help, though.

@Ookla the Windwhisperer @Ookla of Ravens @Ookla of whimsy

“Ok, I think that’s enough for today,” Asylum said, their careless demeanor replaced by an unnerving and deliberate tone. “We’ve had our fun, but I think me and Eza will be going.” 

Asylum took three perfect, soundless steps toward the Obligator. “You know I have heard many stories about people who are extremely unlucky and miserable because of one mistake they made, like pissing off a witch or whatever, I just want what’s best for you.”  They then whispered into the man’s ear. “It would be awfully hard to get into office.” Then stepping back. “What do you say officer?”

@Lunamor @Ookla of Ravens @Ookla the Windwhisperer

Edited by Ookla of whimsy
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9 hours ago, Ookla the Windwhisperer said:

Perses felt the displacement of air, and managed to dodge in the nick of time. At this point, he just wanted out.

“I don’t think you quite understand how things work here. We don’t bow down to a higher authority. We only bend a knee to those that can force us to do so.” And that sure as hell won’t be you. “If you think you can do that, I invite you to try. Otherwise, I’ll be going.”

With that, Perses picked up his glasses, pocketed them, and began to walk towards the exit.

There’s nothing I can do…Lord Ruler, why didn’t I buy a gun or something before tracking down a criminal? A Hemalurgist, too. Wait. Did I seriously forget the gun? There was a gun right there. I was too eager…to eager to track him down. “I invite you to leave. Please do so. Though it will make your sentence longer when I finally catch you. I’ll make you bow down to higher powers before too long, I assure you.”


10 hours ago, Ookla the Prehistoric said:

Lei sighed. Man, they were working quick. Already found the culprits? It was this a setup? Lei pulled bout an essence mark, one made to make him a detective of sorts. It was his first, so it wasn’t perfect. But it would work for enough time. He stamped himself, on the wrist. Then he began rethinking through the evidence.


Did Lei accompany Corbeau to the inn, or stay at the warehouse?


3 hours ago, Ookla of whimsy said:

“Ok, I think that’s enough for today,” Asylum said, their careless demeanor replaced by an unnerving and deliberate tone. “We’ve had our fun, but I think me and Eza will be going.” 

Asylum took three perfect, soundless steps toward the Obligator. “You know I have heard many stories about people who are extremely unlucky and miserable because of one mistake they made, like pissing off a witch or whatever, I just want what’s best for you.”  They then whispered into the man’s ear. “It would be awfully hard to get into office.” Then stepping back. “What do you say officer?”

@Lunamor @Ookla of Ravens @Ookla the Windwhisperer

“I do not believe in superstition. I saw things that many would consider magic, and I emerged triumphant. Yes, Inquisitor there, I have killed your kind before. I hardly think you have that much power over me.” Corbeau leans over to whisper to Asylum. “But if you have an offer to stay out, if you are powerful enough to make me letting you go worth my time…come to my apartment for questioning and we’ll see.”

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39 minutes ago, Ookla thePresentParticiple said:

There’s nothing I can do…Lord Ruler, why didn’t I buy a gun or something before tracking down a criminal? A Hemalurgist, too. Wait. Did I seriously forget the gun? There was a gun right there. I was too eager…to eager to track him down. “I invite you to leave. Please do so. Though it will make your sentence longer when I finally catch you. I’ll make you bow down to higher powers before too long, I assure you.”

“I do not believe in superstition. I saw things that many would consider magic, and I emerged triumphant. Yes, Inquisitor there, I have killed your kind before. I hardly think you have that much power over me.” Corbeau leans over to whisper to Asylum. “But if you have an offer to stay out, if you are powerful enough to make me letting you go worth my time…come to my apartment for questioning and we’ll see.”

Unfortunately, it didn’t seem like Lum’s luck was enough to get Eza out of this. But there was no way she would risk losing all of her treasures. She had to think of something.

She almost tried to yank her arm out and flee again, but paused. The officer had mentioned the Lord Ruler when he arrived. Her brow furrowed in confusion.

”You know the Lord Ruler’s dead, right? He was killed centuries ago. Everyone remembers him as an evil tyrant, basically a myth. He doesn’t have power any more.”

She tilted her head towards Perses.

”And that guy’s definitely not an Inquisitor. I think.”

Eza squinted at the officer. He had black tattoos around his eyes. An Obligator?

”How old are you?”

Either the Alleycity was even stranger than she thought or this guy was insane.

@Ookla of whimsy @Ookla of Ravens @Ookla the Windwhisperer

Edited by Lunamor
Stupid freaking tags
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19 minutes ago, Lunamor said:

Unfortunately, it didn’t seem like Lum’s luck was enough to get Eza out of this. But there was no way she would risk losing all of her treasures. She had to think of something.

She almost tried to yank her arm out and flee again, but paused. The officer had mentioned the Lord Ruler when he arrived. Her brow furrowed in confusion.

”You know the Lord Ruler’s dead, right? He was killed centuries ago. Everyone remembers him as an evil tyrant, basically a myth. He doesn’t have power any more.”

She tilted her head towards Perses.

”And that guy’s definitely not an Inquisitor. I think.”

Eza squinted at the officer. He had black tattoos around his eyes. An Obligator?

”How old are you?”

Either the Alleycity was even stranger than she thought or this guy was insane.

“He’s dead?” She must be lying. He can’t be dead, he’s the damn Sliver of Immortality. And centuries ago…does this mean I travelled through time? That’s weird. Very weird. “I’m 53, I think? Somewhere around there. And he’s obviously a Hemalurgic being. And what could he be if not an Inquisitor, what could he be? He’s obviously not a koloss…kandra don’t have spikes through the eyes…did the secrets get out? How?

“He’s dead?”

After a moment of thought, Corbeau adds, “this changes nothing. Come with me if you want any chance of being free. All four of you, though on my Spiky friend I doubt I have a chance at the moment. But he will be brought to justice, I’ll make sure of that.” I’ll mourn another time. Not here. Not now. Although…I do not wish to mourn, I do not feel sad.

Shouldn’t I?

My god is dead.

@Ookla of whimsy @Ookla of Ravens @Ookla the Windwhisperer

Edited by Ookla thePresentParticiple
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13 hours ago, Ookla thePresentParticiple said:

There’s nothing I can do…Lord Ruler, why didn’t I buy a gun or something before tracking down a criminal? A Hemalurgist, too. Wait. Did I seriously forget the gun? There was a gun right there. I was too eager…to eager to track him down. “I invite you to leave. Please do so. Though it will make your sentence longer when I finally catch you. I’ll make you bow down to higher powers before too long, I assure you.”



“I do not believe in superstition. I saw things that many would consider magic, and I emerged triumphant. Yes, Inquisitor there, I have killed your kind before. I hardly think you have that much power over me.” Corbeau leans over to whisper to Asylum. “But if you have an offer to stay out, if you are powerful enough to make me letting you go worth my time…come to my apartment for questioning and we’ll see.”


No idea.

Which one?


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Perses, feeling that his point has been made, proceeded to exit. He hoped that Asylum would clean up any unexpected messes. But in the end, Perses didn’t really care. He had what he needed, and the notoriety was an added benefit. With his Atium safely tucked away, Perses pushed on the doorframe, soaring into the night.

Today had been a good day.

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5 hours ago, Ookla the Prehistoric said:


“Run to the warehouse,” Corbeau whispers to this person. He looks to be either MaiPon or JinDo. Or perhaps from Komashi? “In the cabinet that I opened there is a gun and a knife. Take one, or both, and try to stop the criminal. If possible I will try to assist, but I will need to question these four.” Corbeau gestures towards Asylum, Eza (whose arm he still holds hard), Itsuki, and Sonyr. 
@Ookla the Windwhisperer @Ookla of Ravens @Ookla of whimsy @Lunamor

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On 12/15/2023 at 9:57 PM, Ookla thePresentParticiple said:

“Run to the warehouse,” Corbeau whispers to this person. He looks to be either MaiPon or JinDo. Or perhaps from Komashi? “In the cabinet that I opened there is a gun and a knife. Take one, or both, and try to stop the criminal. If possible I will try to assist, but I will need to question these four.” Corbeau gestures towards Asylum, Eza (whose arm he still holds hard), Itsuki, and Sonyr. 
@Ookla the Windwhisperer @Ookla of Ravens @Ookla of whimsy @Lunamor

Asylum laughs. “I don’t know what to think. You’re either very brave or extremely stupid, so I’ll make you a wager. You think you understand this city but I have lived here for 7 years. I challenge you to a simple game. Catch me and I’ll answer all your questions. If you can’t with in the next 10 minutes, you let the girl go and we never see you again.” Asylum grabed a pocket watch out of their pocket and tossed it to the obligator. “Here’s a gift. It should help you keep track of time.” Then Asylum ran to the stairs. This will be fun!


Being gifted a clock is seen as bad luck.

@Lunamor @Ookla the Prehistoric @Ookla of Ravens

Edited by Ookla of whimsy
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1 minute ago, Ookla of whimsy said:

Asylum laughs. “I don’t know what to think. You’re either very brave or extremely stupid, so I’ll make you a wager. You think you understand this city but I have lived here for 7 years. I challenge you to a simple game. Catch me and I’ll answer all your questions. If you can’t with in the next 10 minutes you let the girl go and we never see you again.” Asylum grabed a pocket watch out of their pocket and tossed it to the obligator. “Here’s a gift. It should help you keep track of time.” Then Asylum ran to the stairs. This will be fun!

@Lunamor @Ookla the Prehistoric @Ookla of Ravens

“Lord Ruler,” Chefson says under their breath. They always failed these sorts of tests. So he runs out the door, not even bothering to follow Asylum. He runs down the block, turns left, runs some more, and enters now familiar ruins of a warehouse. They once again follow the footprints to the room still with the corpse in it, and grabs the gun. From there they take a moment to catch their breath, and runs further away from the inn.

Eventually they arrive at a little-staffed constabulary office in this neighborhood, after about three minutes have passed since the initial challenge. “Officer. I have a lead on the criminal. Several leads, in fact. At the Coppercloud Inn. They’ve probably gone, but we must go on the off chance that they waited.”

“Sir? Are you certain.”

“Almost absolutely.” Corbeau is still panting, it’s been years since he really run. Not even when he escaped from prison had he sprinted, instead casually strolling away from the Silverlight Jail in the middle of the night.

“I’m really not sure we should-“

“Do you care about your city?”

“Y-yes, but-“

“Do you want it to be destroyed?”

“Of course not!”

“Then come with me. Bring justice to the Land of Alleys for the first time in far too long.”

The receptionist stares at Corbeau for some time, chewing something. “Fine,” she eventually says. “I’ll send a small group. Officers! You’re coming with this man. To the Copper Cloud Inn, apparently.” From her blonde hair and metallic bronze skin, Corbeau guessed that she was Iriali.

Eventually a small group of officers comes out, five minutes after Asylum’s words. “Hurry up!” he says.

- - - - - -

Meanwhile, Itsuki sits huddled against a wall. He doesn’t really want to stay here, especially if Creepy Guy comes back, but wants to get in trouble with the law even less.

Even if often there seemed to be no law here.

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52 minutes ago, Ookla thePresentParticiple said:

“Lord Ruler,” Chefson says under their breath. They always failed these sorts of tests. So he runs out the door, not even bothering to follow Asylum. He runs down the block, turns left, runs some more, and enters now familiar ruins of a warehouse. They once again follow the footprints to the room still with the corpse in it, and grabs the gun. From there they take a moment to catch their breath, and runs further away from the inn.

Eventually they arrive at a little-staffed constabulary office in this neighborhood, after about three minutes have passed since the initial challenge. “Officer. I have a lead on the criminal. Several leads, in fact. At the Coppercloud Inn. They’ve probably gone, but we must go on the off chance that they waited.”

“Sir? Are you certain.”

“Almost absolutely.” Corbeau is still panting, it’s been years since he really run. Not even when he escaped from prison had he sprinted, instead casually strolling away from the Silverlight Jail in the middle of the night.

“I’m really not sure we should-“

“Do you care about your city?”

“Y-yes, but-“

“Do you want it to be destroyed?”

“Of course not!”

“Then come with me. Bring justice to the Land of Alleys for the first time in far too long.”

The receptionist stares at Corbeau for some time, chewing something. “Fine,” she eventually says. “I’ll send a small group. Officers! You’re coming with this man. To the Copper Cloud Inn, apparently.” From her blonde hair and metallic bronze skin, Corbeau guessed that she was Iriali.

Eventually a small group of officers comes out, five minutes after Asylum’s words. “Hurry up!” he says.

The officer had finally released Eza's arm. She shook it, glaring at him as he exited. Lum seemed to have run upstairs. That probably meant they were trapped if they couldn't escape out of a window. So Eza hid behind the counter and waited for the officer to come back.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _

He returned shortly after, several other lackeys in tow. He was really taking this challenge seriously; it felt a bit like he was cheating, bringing in help. But she grew worried when she saw him holding a gun. That meant he was willing to kill Lum if he wanted to.

So Eza decided to cheat too. She popped up from behind the counter, flared iron, and pulled on the officer's gun. It was ripped from his grasp, and Eza caught it. Thankfully, it didn't go off. She stuck out her tongue at the officer and made a rude gesture.

Eza then sprinted up the stairs, pulling on the railing to increase her speed. Picking a direction at random, she hoped that she was going the opposite way as Lum was. Eza pulled on the door frames of each room she passed to give her boosts of speed, her light weight causing only minimal property damage.


I can remove/rewrite the second half of this if it causes timeline issues, I realized it might a while after posting it.

@Ookla of whimsy @Ookla of Ravens

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23 minutes ago, Lunamor said:

The officer had finally released Eza's arm. She shook it, glaring at him as he exited. Lum seemed to have run upstairs. That probably meant they were trapped if they couldn't escape out of a window. So Eza hid behind the counter and waited for the officer to come back.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _

He returned shortly after, several other lackeys in tow. He was really taking this challenge seriously; it felt a bit like he was cheating, bringing in help. But she grew worried when she saw him holding a gun. That meant he was willing to kill Lum if he wanted to.

So Eza decided to cheat too. She popped up from behind the counter, flared iron, and pulled on the officer's gun. It was ripped from his grasp, and Eza caught it. Thankfully, it didn't go off. She stuck out her tongue at the officer and made a rude gesture.

Eza then sprinted up the stairs, pulling on the railing to increase her speed. Picking a direction at random, she hoped that she was going the opposite way as Lum was. Eza pulled on the door frames of each room she passed to give her boosts of speed, her light weight causing only minimal property damage.

@Ookla of whimsy @Ookla of Ravens

sonyr moved quickly. he tackled Lum on the stairs.

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35 minutes ago, Lunamor said:

The officer had finally released Eza's arm. She shook it, glaring at him as he exited. Lum seemed to have run upstairs. That probably meant they were trapped if they couldn't escape out of a window. So Eza hid behind the counter and waited for the officer to come back.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _

He returned shortly after, several other lackeys in tow. He was really taking this challenge seriously; it felt a bit like he was cheating, bringing in help. But she grew worried when she saw him holding a gun. That meant he was willing to kill Lum if he wanted to.

So Eza decided to cheat too. She popped up from behind the counter, flared iron, and pulled on the officer's gun. It was ripped from his grasp, and Eza caught it. Thankfully, it didn't go off. She stuck out her tongue at the officer and made a rude gesture.

Eza then sprinted up the stairs, pulling on the railing to increase her speed. Picking a direction at random, she hoped that she was going the opposite way as Lum was. Eza pulled on the door frames of each room she passed to give her boosts of speed, her light weight causing only minimal property damage.

@Ookla of whimsy @Ookla of Ravens


I think it’s pretty good, I don’t foresee any issues.

“The one who looks tired seems good, I think he’s a security guard. The rest need questioning.” How to bring this gun up…I worked so hard to have no metal on my body, keep myself safe from Coinshots and Lurchers, yet if I want this gun…. Corbeau placed it at his feet. “Officer,” he says to one of the officers holding a gun already, “could you lead the way to find some people I want to interrogate?”

The gun-holding officer walked up the staircase, closely followed by Corbeau.

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10 hours ago, Ookla of Ravens said:

sonyr moved quickly. he tackled Lum on the stairs.

Asylum narrowly dodged the nightgaurd’s grappling attempt but was caught by the ankle in the process. “you know, I don’t know why you’re helping that obligator. You were hired by this inn, but by the goons that I’ve seen here I don’t think they were the most lawful. I never thought I’d see you the day when a Terris man sides with an obligator.” Asylum renched their foot away and attempted to kick the guard down the stairs. They couldn’t tell if they had succeeded because they were already making their way up to the second floor. 

The game is on, they thought as they grabbed a ladder from a storage closet and entered their room. First, they locked the door. Then they positioned the ladder directly inside the door so that anyone who walked in would go through it. Third, they positioned the complementary mirror of the room so that it would be pointed toward a reclining chair near the window. Finally, they sat down and waited.


Just a practical reminder about how Asylum’s talent works: if a character does something, or is forced into doing something, that is considered unlucky to asylum, in asylums presence, that character will be temporarily unlucky. (this unluck can manifest however the person role-playing that character wishes)


If you have any questions about what asylum considers unlucky, just ask me.


just for context: the mirror is positioned so that if someone was looking at it from the door, it would show the reflection of a asylum sitting in in the chair.

@Lunamor @Ookla thePresentParticiple 

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12 hours ago, Ookla of whimsy said:

Asylum laughs. “I don’t know what to think. You’re either very brave or extremely stupid, so I’ll make you a wager. You think you understand this city but I have lived here for 7 years. I challenge you to a simple game. Catch me and I’ll answer all your questions. If you can’t with in the next hour you let the girl go and we never see you again.” Asylum grabed a pocket watch out of their pocket and tossed it to the obligator. “Here’s a gift. It should help you keep track of time.” Then Asylum ran to the stairs. This will be fun!

@Lunamor @Ookla the Prehistoric @Ookla of Ravens


Tis. In China too. Funnnnn. It means we’ll die!

Lei followed Asylum. He had no idea what he was doing, but he did it anyway. “Where is this guy going?!” He muttered under his breath. 

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11 hours ago, Ookla of whimsy said:

Asylum narrowly dodged the nightgaurd’s grappling attempt but was caught by the ankle in the process. “you know, I don’t know why you’re helping that obligator. You were hired by this inn, but by the goons that I’ve seen here I don’t think they were the most lawful. I never thought I’d see you the day when a Terris man sides with an obligator.” Asylum renched their foot away and attempted to kick the guard down the stairs. They couldn’t tell if they had succeeded because they were already making their way up to the second floor. 

The game is on, they thought as they grabbed a ladder from a storage closet and entered their room. First, they locked the door. Then they positioned the ladder directly inside the door so that anyone who walked in would go through it. Third, they positioned the complementary mirror of the room so that it would be pointed toward a reclining chair near the window. Finally, they sat down and waited.

@Lunamor @Ookla thePresentParticiple 

The police officer knocked on the door. “Open up,” he said, sounding…nervous. Corbeau stood directly behind him, followed by three more law enforcement officials. The one in front (Veden, perhaps?) looked to be in charge, with a nervous air around him that seemed like he didn’t trust himself with power, and that he would rather be anywhere than here. To Corbeau’s left there was another officer (Terris?) who looked the most in-control out of all the officers, like she wasn’t scared of the criminals. Or if she was, then she didn’t show it like some of the others did. To Corbeau’s left was a young man whose nationality Corbeau couldn’t place, but he looked akin to a JinDo or Komashan person combined with a nobleperson from Scadrial. He held chalk in his shaking hand, and constantly quivered. He looked the most scared of all the people here. In the back there was a person (a Daysider?) who looked calmer than all of the others, but also like they had no idea what they were doing.

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20 minutes ago, Ookla thePresentParticiple said:

The police officer knocked on the door. “Open up,” he said, sounding…nervous. Corbeau stood directly behind him, followed by three more law enforcement officials. The one in front (Veden, perhaps?) looked to be in charge, with a nervous air around him that seemed like he didn’t trust himself with power, and that he would rather be anywhere than here. To Corbeau’s left there was another officer (Terris?) who looked the most in-control out of all the officers, like she wasn’t scared of the criminals. Or if she was, then she didn’t show it like some of the others did. To Corbeau’s left was a young man whose nationality Corbeau couldn’t place, but he looked akin to a JinDo or Komashan person combined with a nobleperson from Scadrial. He held chalk in his shaking hand, and constantly quivered. He looked the most scared of all the people here. In the back there was a person (a Daysider?) who looked calmer than all of the others, but also like they had no idea what they were doing.

Eza looked behind her, and no one seemed to be following. She sighed, then began heading in the opposite direction. When she started to hear voices and see the shadows of the officers, she slowed, becoming completely silent.

Hiding just out of sight, she peeked around the corner. Burning iron to help her spot metal, it looked like one of the officers still had a gun. Great. If she tried to steal it now, she wouldn’t be able to help anymore.

Eza thought for a moment. All she needed to do was stall them. There was nothing she could do to physically block the door…

But she could still make it very annoying to open. Eza prepared to burn iron and pull the door handle towards her as soon as someone grabbed it, attempting to counteract attempts to swing it inwards.

@Ookla of whimsy @Ookla of Ravens @Ookla the Prehistoric

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1 minute ago, Lunamor said:

Eza looked behind her, and no one seemed to be following. She sighed, then began heading in the opposite direction. When she started to hear voices and see the shadows of the officers, she crouched down.

Hiding just out of sight, she peeked around the corner. Burning iron to help her spot metal, it looked like one of the officers still had a gun. Great. If she tried to steal it now, she wouldn’t be able to help anymore.

Eza thought for a moment. All she needed to do was stall them. There was nothing she could do to physically block the door…

But she could still make it very annoying to open. Eza prepared to burn iron and pull the door handle towards her as soon as someone grabbed it, attempting to counteract attempts to swing it inwards.

@Ookla of whimsy @Ookla of Ravens @Ookla the Prehistoric

“Vev’s Keys,” the Veden one mutters as he repeatedly tries to open it up. EVventually he gives up and turns around. “I’m afraid there’s nothing we can do. If this door won’t open, then…”

”It’s locked anyway. But there’s a pesky Metalborn around here, probably trying to make it even harder for us.”

”Leave that to me,” said the one that Corbeau thought was Terris. She drank something and walked back, towards Eza. “Stop burning your metal immediately,” she says. “I repeat, stop—“ She turned the corner.

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28 minutes ago, Ookla thePresentParticiple said:

“Vev’s Keys,” the Veden one mutters as he repeatedly tries to open it up. EVventually he gives up and turns around. “I’m afraid there’s nothing we can do. If this door won’t open, then…”

”It’s locked anyway. But there’s a pesky Metalborn around here, probably trying to make it even harder for us.”

”Leave that to me,” said the one that Corbeau thought was Terris. She drank something and walked back, towards Eza. “Stop burning your metal immediately,” she says. “I repeat, stop—“ She turned the corner.

Well, that hadn’t been very effective. Eza had bought a few seconds, at most. As her confidence began to waver and the woman walked towards her, she realized that she was in trouble.

She was clashing with law enforcement. Eza never did something like this. She shouldn’t have done this. She should have stayed quiet. Running had always worked. Running meant safety. Now it was too late.

Beginning to panic, she flared iron and tried to rip the remaining gun out of its holder’s hands. She then turned around and attempted to sprint away once again, starting to become exhausted. Eza held her hand behind her, preparing to catch the gun if she could but not looking backwards to check if she had succeeded.

@Ookla of whimsy @Ookla of Ravens @Ookla the Prehistoric

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13 minutes ago, Lunamor said:

Well, that hadn’t been very effective. Eza had bought a few seconds, at most. As her confidence began to waver and the woman walked towards her, she realized that she was in trouble.

She was clashing with law enforcement. Eza never did something like this. She shouldn’t have done this. She should have stayed quiet. Running had always worked. Running meant safety. Now it was too late.

Beginning to panic, she flared iron and tried to rip the remaining gun out of its holder’s hands. She then turned around and attempted to sprint away once again, starting to become exhausted. Eza held her hand behind her, preparing to catch the gun if she could but not looking backwards to check if she had succeeded.

@Ookla of whimsy @Ookla of Ravens @Ookla the Prehistoric

“Wait!” the Terris officer called. “My gun! That was my favorite gun! Please give it back!”

Oh, for the Lord Ruler’s sake. It’s just a gun, Corbeau thinks. People get too attached to their belongings these days. “You should be able to force the door now,” Corbeau said. The Veden officer does so, attempting to push through and break the wood. He eventually does so, after several attempts, and points his handgun in the room, hand shaking slightly.

@Ookla of whimsy @Ookla of Ravens @Ookla the Prehistoric

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1 hour ago, Ookla thePresentParticiple said:

“Wait!” the Terris officer called. “My gun! That was my favorite gun! Please give it back!”

Oh, for the Lord Ruler’s sake. It’s just a gun, Corbeau thinks. People get too attached to their belongings these days. “You should be able to force the door now,” Corbeau said. The Veden officer does so, attempting to push through and break the wood. He eventually does so, after several attempts, and points his handgun in the room, hand shaking slightly.

@Ookla of whimsy @Ookla of Ravens @Ookla the Prehistoric

Asylum looked through the mirror at the shaking police officer. “Took you long enough. Come in, come in, there’s no need to worry.” They rolled their eyes at the officer who stayed completely still. If they stay like this for too long, they’ll notice the ladder, and the mirror. I’ll need to improvise.

Asylum grabed a playing card out of their pocket. It was an ace of clubs, but instead of having a black three leaf clover, it had a green four leaf clover. “Maybe you need some encouragement.” They threw the card with an unnatural curve so that it hit the light switch in the room, turning it from on to off. They smiled so that a silver tooth glinted through the mirror. “This better?”

@Lunamor @Ookla of Ravens

Edited by Ookla of whimsy
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21 hours ago, Ookla of whimsy said:

Asylum looked through the mirror at the shaking police officer. “Took you long enough. Come in, come in, there’s no need to worry.” They rolled their eyes at the officer who stayed completely still. If they stay like this for too long, they’ll notice the ladder, and the mirror. I’ll need to improvise.

Asylum grabed a playing card out of their pocket. It was an ace of clubs, but instead of having a black three leaf clover, it had a green four leaf clover. “Maybe you need some encouragement.” They threw the card with an unnatural curve so that it hit the light switch in the room, turning it from on to off. They smiled so that a silver tooth glinted through the mirror. “This better?”

@Lunamor @Ookla of Ravens

“For The Lord Ruler’s sake, please either go inside or step aside and let me in,” Corbeau snapped at the lead Veden officer. After several moments, he shakily lets Corbeau enter, about nine minutes after the beginning of the challenge. Corbeau enters the dark room, stepping underneath the ladder, and immediately falls on his face. He makes no noise or visible sign of pain, instead just laying there for a few seconds.

@Lunamor @Ookla of Ravens @Ookla the Prehistoric 

Edited by Ookla thePresentParticiple
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