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The Raw Power of Allomantic Pewter (and its subsequent interactions with Feruchemy)


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So, A-Pewter is a wondrous thing. It provides enhanced speed, strength, balance, dexterity, durability, healing, and hardiness. It seems to Push every positive physical attribute that exists. It is, in a word, overpowered.

Thank Harmony A-Pewter is limited by the power ceilings of Allomancy, especially in its post-Era 1 diluted form. After all, imagine if a person could increase the enhancements provided by burning pewter. They would be nearly unstoppable. They would heal faster, hit hard, break harder, move swiftly, and more. They would have impeccable balance. They might theoretically be immune to all poisons, drugs, and foreign substances. Yep, so glad there's no way to hack this.

Oh wait...


Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

Allomantic pewter strength can be stored in a metalmind, but it's probably easier to just Compound.

Alloy of Law 17th Shard Q&A (Nov. 5, 2011)

Alrighty then. Feruchemical attributes can be tapped at abnormally high rates, at the cost of net loss of stored power. Thus, Windwhisperers can hear further than Tineyes, Brutes can lift more than Thugs, and so on. Feruchemy can manifest impressive amounts of Investiture in a single glorious burst, as opposed to Allomancy's more steady burns.

A-Pewter strength can be stored in a metalmind, which can then be tapped later, potentially at higher rates. This is great. I have several questions now, inspired by this post.

  1. Could the appropriate Twinborn Compound a pewtermind containing A-Pewter strength?
    1. Benefits: A-Pewter strength does not increase physical mass.
  2. Does this have any effect, or does such a metal produce the same amount of Investiture as burning normal pewter?
  3. Is this actually limiting, since such a metalmind would only provide A-Pewter's strength, with nothing else?
  4. Could a Full Feruchemist store each of the attributes enhanced by A-Pewter? They could fill steelminds, goldminds, bronzeminds, pewterminds, and tinminds with the powers of Allomantic Pewter (for my reference, that stores the enhanced speed, healing, wakefulness(?), strength, balance, dexterity, and probably more).

And...yeah, that's about it. Thoughts?

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1 hour ago, Longshot97 said:

So, A-Pewter is a wondrous thing. It provides enhanced speed, strength, balance, dexterity, durability, healing, and hardiness. It seems to Push every positive physical attribute that exists. It is, in a word, overpowered.

Thank Harmony A-Pewter is limited by the power ceilings of Allomancy, especially in its post-Era 1 diluted form. After all, imagine if a person could increase the enhancements provided by burning pewter. They would be nearly unstoppable. They would heal faster, hit hard, break harder, move swiftly, and more. They would have impeccable balance. They might theoretically be immune to all poisons, drugs, and foreign substances. Yep, so glad there's no way to hack this.

Oh wait...

Alrighty then. Feruchemical attributes can be tapped at abnormally high rates, at the cost of net loss of stored power. Thus, Windwhisperers can hear further than Tineyes, Brutes can lift more than Thugs, and so on. Feruchemy can manifest impressive amounts of Investiture in a single glorious burst, as opposed to Allomancy's more steady burns.

A-Pewter strength can be stored in a metalmind, which can then be tapped later, potentially at higher rates. This is great. I have several questions now, inspired by this post.

  1. Could the appropriate Twinborn Compound a pewtermind containing A-Pewter strength?
    1. Benefits: A-Pewter strength does not increase physical mass.
  2. Does this have any effect, or does such a metal produce the same amount of Investiture as burning normal pewter?
  3. Is this actually limiting, since such a metalmind would only provide A-Pewter's strength, with nothing else?
  4. Could a Full Feruchemist store each of the attributes enhanced by A-Pewter? They could fill steelminds, goldminds, bronzeminds, pewterminds, and tinminds with the powers of Allomantic Pewter (for my reference, that stores the enhanced speed, healing, wakefulness(?), strength, balance, dexterity, and probably more).

And...yeah, that's about it. Thoughts?

If you could have any single Allomantic power to go with a full set of feruchemical powers I would say A-pewter is top of the list for this very reason. You can use pewter to offset the downsides of storing most attributes allowing you to store more than without burning it.  

I personally believe that pewter compounding would require a separate metalmind for Allomantic pewter type strength and then normal strength.  Maybe not but the lack of gaining muscle mass hints that it is totally different.  Perhaps it would not be able to be tapped in massive amounts?  

Definately Feruchemical pewter storing Allomantic pewter would only gain benefit of the strength. Everything else would need to be stored into something else.  

I think Allomantic pewter would be great for powering through more brutal Gold storage and likewise a bit of Feruchemical gold tapping would be able to save you from pewterdrag.  

I would point out that the healing from pewter may not be magical healing at all and instead just allowing your bodies healing mechanisms to be boosted up the same way everything else is.  There is definately a difference between Allomantic pewter healing and Feruchemical gold and all other cosmere healing. 

That sense of balance, and I would argue a higher level of proprioception is definately an Allomantic pewter thing. It can be stored in Feruchemical tin as well. Well well worth the time too.  Spidey sense from pewter? Don't mind if I do.  

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2 hours ago, Longshot97 said:

A-Pewter strength can be stored in a metalmind, which can then be tapped later, potentially at higher rates. This is great. I have several questions now, inspired by this post.

  1. Could the appropriate Twinborn Compound a pewtermind containing A-Pewter strength?
    1. Benefits: A-Pewter strength does not increase physical mass.
  2. Does this have any effect, or does such a metal produce the same amount of Investiture as burning normal pewter?
  3. Is this actually limiting, since such a metalmind would only provide A-Pewter's strength, with nothing else?
  4. Could a Full Feruchemist store each of the attributes enhanced by A-Pewter? They could fill steelminds, goldminds, bronzeminds, pewterminds, and tinminds with the powers of Allomantic Pewter (for my reference, that stores the enhanced speed, healing, wakefulness(?), strength, balance, dexterity, and probably more).

And...yeah, that's about it. Thoughts?

Ah, so you thought of the Allomantic Pewtermind hack too? This has to be one of my favorite theoretical hacks.

Anyway, in answer to your questions;

1. Probably. This assumes that you can in fact store the Allomantic effects of A-pewter rather than it simply being converted to the proper Feruchemical version. However, I highly doubt that would happen, and you'd end up storing A-pewter's magical boost to strength instead of a muscle boost.


YouTube Spoiler Stream 2 - Arcanum (coppermind.net)


If you have caffeine, can you store that as wakefulness in a bronzemind?

Brandon Sanderson

I think that you can, but I think when you tap it out, you will have kind of the same effects, right. Like, you will feel like you are not quite as awake. Like that feeling you get, I think you guys know what I'm talking about. I think that you can, I think that you can hack the system with some things like that. That's my guess... That's my answer right now, but that's one pretty mutable, as we go forward.

Adam Horne

I'd be curious to see what you could do with that in Era 3, because pharmaceuticals will exist.

Brandon Sanderson

Yes well, you're already getting into the fact that you could replicate a lot of things, with... once they figure how to change types of Investiture and whatnot, then suddenly you've got some wacky things going on. Which is why a Mistborn cyberpunk would be so much fun, because metallurgic wetware would be fun. But no promises on that—I already have too many things to write. It's just that if I do write it, and I make it a trilogy, then we have sixteen books in the Mistborn series.

This WoB strongly suggests that Feruchemy will never convert a stored attribute to something else, so storing A-pewter's boost in strength in a Pewtermind will yield A-pewter's strength/durability boost when tapped.

2. I assume you mean that Compounding A-pewter's effects stored in a Pewtermind? If so, I think you'd get more power strength out of it more quickly than just burning A-pewter and storing the excess strength, as the Allomancy's Investiture is no longer being divided into all the extra enhancements. It's just raw magical strength with no speed, health, balance, pain tolerance, or stamina.

3. I see some limitations, as you wouldn't be increasing all physical attributes, only strength and the durability necessary to effectively wield that strength. You could still burn the pewter normally to get those effects while also tapping an Allomantic Pewtermind to up your muscle's raw power and your toughness though (if at a normal scale), so it's not that big of a limitation.

4. Yup. As @Tamriel Wolfsbaine put it, A-pewter is the prime metal for Reverse Compounding (or whatever the term is for roundabout ways of fueling Feruchemy via Allomancy).

In all honesty, I wouldn't be too upset if nicrosil Compounding doesn't allow one to easily increase their Allomantic powers as long as this hack exists. It's almost as good for A-pewter and there are some other fun tricks to pull with it, such as storing A-pewter strength in multiple Pewterminds so as to be less vulnerable to a Leecher's powers.

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The better combo would be Feruchemical Steel with Allomantic Pewter for 1 main reason, when you Tap speed, it also speeds up how fast you Burn metals.

The synergy with A-Pewter is pretty crazy, since it's essentially a more controllable version of A-Duralumin. It also offsets the difficulty in storing speed to a degree, letting you store more speed than you normally could while not bothering you in you day-to-day life. You just need a whole heap of Pewter to burn but pewter is relatively cheap so this won't be a problem with a decent source of income.

Imagine this: Pewter provides a 2x boost when Burning, 3x when Flaring. If you just Tap speed at just 2x, it increases your pewter Burning rate by 2x,making the boost provided become 4x Burn, 6x Flaring. Now imagine the boost provided by Tapping 10x. You'd basically be the Flash in comparison to everyone else. By tapping enough speed, you could actually lift a car over your head, resist wind resistance to run faster than should be possible with just F-Steel, heal from wounds at an incredible rate.

Ofcourse the only drawback being you'd need to constantly fill your stomach with pewter, because it burns really fast and upping the burn rate is gonna make it worse. Still worth it though, just fill your stomach with it during each meal you have and you'll be dandy.

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6 hours ago, JustQuestin2004 said:

The better combo would be Feruchemical Steel with Allomantic Pewter for 1 main reason, when you Tap speed, it also speeds up how fast you Burn metals.

The synergy with A-Pewter is pretty crazy, since it's essentially a more controllable version of A-Duralumin. It also offsets the difficulty in storing speed to a degree, letting you store more speed than you normally could while not bothering you in you day-to-day life. You just need a whole heap of Pewter to burn but pewter is relatively cheap so this won't be a problem with a decent source of income.

Imagine this: Pewter provides a 2x boost when Burning, 3x when Flaring. If you just Tap speed at just 2x, it increases your pewter Burning rate by 2x,making the boost provided become 4x Burn, 6x Flaring. Now imagine the boost provided by Tapping 10x. You'd basically be the Flash in comparison to everyone else. By tapping enough speed, you could actually lift a car over your head, resist wind resistance to run faster than should be possible with just F-Steel, heal from wounds at an incredible rate.

Ofcourse the only drawback being you'd need to constantly fill your stomach with pewter, because it burns really fast and upping the burn rate is gonna make it worse. Still worth it though, just fill your stomach with it during each meal you have and you'll be dandy.

I feel like I have seen this idea before but the way you explain it makes it sound way more epic than I pictured in my mind. 

Titratable duralumin. Incredible.

F steel is a tricky one always anyhow. I know it isn't technically cannon but this is a little thought bubble from Brandon in the Mistborn Adventure Game: 


Tapping speed is one of a Feruchemist’s most powerful tools, but remember that the Metallic Arts are all about ramifications and consequences. For example, dramatically increasing your speed and hitting someone with an iron bar while running past them might do a lot of damage, but the hand(s) and arm(s) holding the bar are jolted backward with the same force. At a certain point the Narrator is fully justified in applying some of the character’s damage back on him or her, and this can result in serious injury, or even a Burden.

I have heard ideas that magical speed in the cosmere might hit faster but there is a loss of kinetic energy when the attack plays out. I don't know how much I like that idea but in the case of flaring pewter while doing it there is definately going to be some big time damage being dealt. As you said. If you tap 2x speed and are flaring pewter you are now 6x as strong and more durable as well. Even if the kinetic energy generated from the steel speed alone goes away it won't change the fact that you are swinging with such force and added speed from pewter with the added benefits of all of that durability.  I don't know that you would need to worry about those consequences and ramifications at all. 

The most dangerous part of burning pewter with Fspeed would have to be pewter drag and how much quicker you could get effected by it. 

6 hours ago, Trusk'our said:

Ah, so you thought of the Allomantic Pewtermind hack too? This has to be one of my favorite theoretical hacks.

Anyway, in answer to your questions;

1. Probably. This assumes that you can in fact store the Allomantic effects of A-pewter rather than it simply being converted to the proper Feruchemical version. However, I highly doubt that would happen, and you'd end up storing A-pewter's magical boost to strength instead of a muscle boost.

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YouTube Spoiler Stream 2 - Arcanum (coppermind.net)


If you have caffeine, can you store that as wakefulness in a bronzemind?

Brandon Sanderson

I think that you can, but I think when you tap it out, you will have kind of the same effects, right. Like, you will feel like you are not quite as awake. Like that feeling you get, I think you guys know what I'm talking about. I think that you can, I think that you can hack the system with some things like that. That's my guess... That's my answer right now, but that's one pretty mutable, as we go forward.

Adam Horne

I'd be curious to see what you could do with that in Era 3, because pharmaceuticals will exist.

Brandon Sanderson

Yes well, you're already getting into the fact that you could replicate a lot of things, with... once they figure how to change types of Investiture and whatnot, then suddenly you've got some wacky things going on. Which is why a Mistborn cyberpunk would be so much fun, because metallurgic wetware would be fun. But no promises on that—I already have too many things to write. It's just that if I do write it, and I make it a trilogy, then we have sixteen books in the Mistborn series.

This WoB strongly suggests that Feruchemy will never convert a stored attribute to something else, so storing A-pewter's boost in strength in a Pewtermind will yield A-pewter's strength/durability boost when tapped.

2. I assume you mean that Compounding A-pewter's effects stored in a Pewtermind? If so, I think you'd get more power strength out of it more quickly than just burning A-pewter and storing the excess strength, as the Allomancy's Investiture is no longer being divided into all the extra enhancements. It's just raw magical strength with no speed, health, balance, pain tolerance, or stamina.

3. I see some limitations, as you wouldn't be increasing all physical attributes, only strength and the durability necessary to effectively wield that strength. You could still burn the pewter normally to get those effects while also tapping an Allomantic Pewtermind to up your muscle's raw power and your toughness though (if at a normal scale), so it's not that big of a limitation.

4. Yup. As @Tamriel Wolfsbaine put it, A-pewter is the prime metal for Reverse Compounding (or whatever the term is for roundabout ways of fueling Feruchemy via Allomancy).

In all honesty, I wouldn't be too upset if nicrosil Compounding doesn't allow one to easily increase their Allomantic powers as long as this hack exists. It's almost as good for A-pewter and there are some other fun tricks to pull with it, such as storing A-pewter strength in multiple Pewterminds so as to be less vulnerable to a Leecher's powers.

Yeah I always thought that the biggest downside to storing pewter strength into mentalminds is that with all of that strength you lose the durability. I believe that is a part of why Feruchemical pewter increases muscle mass, to protect the user from hurting themselves. In the case of 2 and 3x strength increases without that extra durability and muscle mass as support I believe the user would be placing themselves in a certain level of danger. 

If you do infact store the durability as well it would make it a lot better.  But I can't lie the Allomantic pewter Feruchemical steel train suddenly looks really really good.  


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9 hours ago, JustQuestin2004 said:

The better combo would be Feruchemical Steel with Allomantic Pewter for 1 main reason, when you Tap speed, it also speeds up how fast you Burn metals.

The synergy with A-Pewter is pretty crazy, since it's essentially a more controllable version of A-Duralumin. It also offsets the difficulty in storing speed to a degree, letting you store more speed than you normally could while not bothering you in you day-to-day life. You just need a whole heap of Pewter to burn but pewter is relatively cheap so this won't be a problem with a decent source of income.

Imagine this: Pewter provides a 2x boost when Burning, 3x when Flaring. If you just Tap speed at just 2x, it increases your pewter Burning rate by 2x,making the boost provided become 4x Burn, 6x Flaring. Now imagine the boost provided by Tapping 10x. You'd basically be the Flash in comparison to everyone else. By tapping enough speed, you could actually lift a car over your head, resist wind resistance to run faster than should be possible with just F-Steel, heal from wounds at an incredible rate.

Ofcourse the only drawback being you'd need to constantly fill your stomach with pewter, because it burns really fast and upping the burn rate is gonna make it worse. Still worth it though, just fill your stomach with it during each meal you have and you'll be dandy.

Oh yeah, an A-pewter/F-steel combo is really, really powerful. I'd argue it's perhaps the best combat combo for Twinborn.

Every time you increase your physical speed while burning pewter you also effectively increase your strength, toughness, balance, pain tolerance, health (though the effects are probably going to be minimal due to the short period of time you'll be augmenting it), resistance to elements (particularly useful for F-steel because you can better resist heat), and you get a little extra speed from the pewter itself to stack on top of the Feruchemy.

What's more, because physical speed is one of the attributes increased by A-pewter, you can store that excess speed in a Steelmind to have larger speed reserves than any normal Steelrunner. There may be complications with this particular augmentation to speed though, as Feruchemy isn't supposed to alter the abilities stored, so tapping A-pewter's speed may be different from tapping straight up F-steel speed.

And yes, they'd have to chow down on pewter a ton to sustain their Allomancy, though Pewterarms already do something like this when Pewter dragging by swallowing larger pewter beads for sustainability. So I'm not terribly concerned about this being a problem for them.

2 hours ago, Tamriel Wolfsbaine said:

Yeah I always thought that the biggest downside to storing pewter strength into mentalminds is that with all of that strength you lose the durability. I believe that is a part of why Feruchemical pewter increases muscle mass, to protect the user from hurting themselves. In the case of 2 and 3x strength increases without that extra durability and muscle mass as support I believe the user would be placing themselves in a certain level of danger. 

If you do infact store the durability as well it would make it a lot better.  But I can't lie the Allomantic pewter Feruchemical steel train suddenly looks really really good.  

I'm almost positive you'd be able to store the durability along with the strength itself. That's an integral part of Investiture; it improves the wielder to be capable of wielding it. Allomancy, for instance, always enhances the mind in some way to improve its use.



Brandon Sanderson

Allomancy's Mental Effects

An interesting side note is to watch how Allomancy—all of its forms—enhances the mind in some way. Though the original concept for the magic system focused on different powers—some physical, some mental—the final product always had a mental component. Notice how, when burning tin, Spook is more able to focus on solitary conversations in the room. Or how his mind can filter out the mist or the cloth he wears. Burning pewter or tin will also make the mind more alert and awake. Burning atium not only lets one see a little bit into the future, but also lets one process that information in a useful way.

The mind is such a big part of what makes us who we are. I wanted Allomancy to impact the characters—to have an effect you could see on the minds of those using it. As I've stated, one of the places where books can outshine television or movies is in the ability to see exactly what is happening inside a character's thoughts and emotions. By adding a mental component to each of the Allomantic powers, my hope was to play off of this strength of the written form.

And we can see in Feruchemy that some of the tapped attribute is siphoned off to adapt the Spiritweb to the influx of Investiture, protecting it from the power's direct use (F-steel doesn't shield from heat caused by friction since it isn't tied directly to the Feruchemist. Thus, it can't be influenced by the power)




I recently got the opportunity to ask you a question about Feruchemical steel and if it was a temporal effect and you told me to define that better. When tapping steel, the mind of the Feruchemist is sped up and physics affects their actions normally. When storing, their mind is not slowed and the effect seems tortuously difficult to amass. Storing generally seems to be the more dangerous/difficult option in Feruchemy, so does [Feruchemical steel] alter a person's personal relationship to the flow of time, with the disconnect between the Physical and Cognitive as a drawback of storing?

Brandon Sanderson

I see what you're asking. The mind-altering effects of [Feruchemical steel] are similar to the slight strength you gain from [Feruchemical iron]--it is your Spiritual nature adapting to the new influx of an attribute that it's not really expecting, and siphoning some of that investiture to make you capable of actually using it. So there is a slight temporal effect here, but nothing as big as I think you're looking for.

3 hours ago, Tamriel Wolfsbaine said:

The most dangerous part of burning pewter with Fspeed would have to be pewter drag and how much quicker you could get effected by it. 

I had not considered that possibility before, but that's probably a valid concern (and a cool limitation). Compounding can potentially lead to a condition similar to Pewter dragging after all, so stretching the body and soul by using lots of Investiture seems to wear out the practitioners of the magic.




We know that compounding, if you do it too much, it has permanent effects on a person.

Brandon Sanderson



Compounding for extending stretches, can it have some sort of effect similar to pewter drag, depending on the metal?

Brandon Sanderson

Yeah. I could say, I would say yes to that.


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3 hours ago, Trusk'our said:

Oh yeah, an A-pewter/F-steel combo is really, really powerful. I'd argue it's perhaps the best combat combo for Twinborn.

Every time you increase your physical speed while burning pewter you also effectively increase your strength, toughness, balance, pain tolerance, health (though the effects are probably going to be minimal due to the short period of time you'll be augmenting it), resistance to elements (particularly useful for F-steel because you can better resist heat), and you get a little extra speed from the pewter itself to stack on top of the Feruchemy.

What's more, because physical speed is one of the attributes increased by A-pewter, you can store that excess speed in a Steelmind to have larger speed reserves than any normal Steelrunner. There may be complications with this particular augmentation to speed though, as Feruchemy isn't supposed to alter the abilities stored, so tapping A-pewter's speed may be different from tapping straight up F-steel speed.

And yes, they'd have to chow down on pewter a ton to sustain their Allomancy, though Pewterarms already do something like this when Pewter dragging by swallowing larger pewter beads for sustainability. So I'm not terribly concerned about this being a problem for them.

I'm almost positive you'd be able to store the durability along with the strength itself. That's an integral part of Investiture; it improves the wielder to be capable of wielding it. Allomancy, for instance, always enhances the mind in some way to improve its use.

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Brandon Sanderson

Allomancy's Mental Effects

An interesting side note is to watch how Allomancy—all of its forms—enhances the mind in some way. Though the original concept for the magic system focused on different powers—some physical, some mental—the final product always had a mental component. Notice how, when burning tin, Spook is more able to focus on solitary conversations in the room. Or how his mind can filter out the mist or the cloth he wears. Burning pewter or tin will also make the mind more alert and awake. Burning atium not only lets one see a little bit into the future, but also lets one process that information in a useful way.

The mind is such a big part of what makes us who we are. I wanted Allomancy to impact the characters—to have an effect you could see on the minds of those using it. As I've stated, one of the places where books can outshine television or movies is in the ability to see exactly what is happening inside a character's thoughts and emotions. By adding a mental component to each of the Allomantic powers, my hope was to play off of this strength of the written form.

And we can see in Feruchemy that some of the tapped attribute is siphoned off to adapt the Spiritweb to the influx of Investiture, protecting it from the power's direct use (F-steel doesn't shield from heat caused by friction since it isn't tied directly to the Feruchemist. Thus, it can't be influenced by the power)

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I recently got the opportunity to ask you a question about Feruchemical steel and if it was a temporal effect and you told me to define that better. When tapping steel, the mind of the Feruchemist is sped up and physics affects their actions normally. When storing, their mind is not slowed and the effect seems tortuously difficult to amass. Storing generally seems to be the more dangerous/difficult option in Feruchemy, so does [Feruchemical steel] alter a person's personal relationship to the flow of time, with the disconnect between the Physical and Cognitive as a drawback of storing?

Brandon Sanderson

I see what you're asking. The mind-altering effects of [Feruchemical steel] are similar to the slight strength you gain from [Feruchemical iron]--it is your Spiritual nature adapting to the new influx of an attribute that it's not really expecting, and siphoning some of that investiture to make you capable of actually using it. So there is a slight temporal effect here, but nothing as big as I think you're looking for.

I had not considered that possibility before, but that's probably a valid concern (and a cool limitation). Compounding can potentially lead to a condition similar to Pewter dragging after all, so stretching the body and soul by using lots of Investiture seems to wear out the practitioners of the magic.

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We know that compounding, if you do it too much, it has permanent effects on a person.

Brandon Sanderson



Compounding for extending stretches, can it have some sort of effect similar to pewter drag, depending on the metal?

Brandon Sanderson

Yeah. I could say, I would say yes to that.


I agree with most of what you say here. I just wonder if storing the allomantic strength is altering it beyond what it is to a point where you lose some of that durability.  Vins duralumin fueled pewter headbutt was a success as much because of the hardness of her pewter enhanced body as it was the strength she had. It would be interesting if that durability were stored with the strength.  But then I have to ask what each of the parts of pewter really are. 

Does pewter magically enhance all of these things?  Or are they simply a side effect to the strength increases? Obviously there are parts of pewter that can't be explained by just having stronger muscles.  

If you could store the durability from Allomantic pewter into Feruchemical pewter that would certainly open you up some awesome fights. You would basically turn into Luke Cage. 

But again, I guess now we have thoughts that Feruchemical steel would allow you to become Luke Cage by burning pewter at much faster speeds as well. So there is that.

In regards to the steel. I think pewter speed might be able to be stored, but if pewter speed really magically augmented speed or is it simply a side effect of being 2 or 3 times stronger?  Like Vin vaulting 8+ feet into the air. She isn't being granted extra jumping power... just small for the strength she does have.  

I figure Feruchemical steel will be easier to store as the pewter will offset parts of it while burning but I don't know that you will actually store more speed.  

Then again, how does tapping steel work anyways?  If you are storing a % of your speed then you should be able to store higher % while using pewter to make it easier.  Likewise, if you move 30%  faster while burning pewter and then you tap 150% speed do you get to actually move 100% + 50% + 30% + 15% 

Or in other words... if I run 20mph unenhanced and 30mph with pewter burning. Then I store 50% speed I can run 10mph without pewter or 20mph with pewter? Or does it take pewter burning as a whole and store 50% of that as well? Thus you move 15mph?  This would also work with tapping I think.  If I move 20mph without and tap that 50% extra speed I get to move 30 with just feruchemy.  If I burn pewter am I still just gaining the 10 for a total of 40mph or do I gain 150% of that pewter bonus as well for a total of 45mph?  

Either way the combo is bonkers.  

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On 11/23/2023 at 8:46 PM, Tamriel Wolfsbaine said:

Does pewter magically enhance all of these things?  Or are they simply a side effect to the strength increases? Obviously there are parts of pewter that can't be explained by just having stronger muscles. 

A-pewter seems to enhance basically every physical attribute of the body, but to different extents. You are stronger (the most pronounced effects), more durable (probably the second most noticeable effect), you don't tire, you have better sense of balance (and proprioception probably). You are also a bit faster (but apparently not too much), have better reflexes and heal a bit faster (but the increase is rather small).

But you won't be able to store anything other than strength into F-Pewter. You will store a bit of speed into F-Steel mind, but frankly it won't be much different from regular person, speed is not doubled.

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14 hours ago, therunner said:

A-pewter seems to enhance basically every physical attribute of the body, but to different extents. You are stronger (the most pronounced effects), more durable (probably the second most noticeable effect), you don't tire, you have better sense of balance (and proprioception probably). You are also a bit faster (but apparently not too much), have better reflexes and heal a bit faster (but the increase is rather small).

But you won't be able to store anything other than strength into F-Pewter. You will store a bit of speed into F-Steel mind, but frankly it won't be much different from regular person, speed is not doubled.

I know speed isn't doubled. I am curious if people think that tapping 50% speed from your metalminds would also cause you to gain 50% more bonus from the pewter?  

Beyond that would your faster burning pewter also benefit from it?  

If you took an average sprinter running nearly 20mph and pewter boosted him up to 26mph.  He gains 6mph from the pewter itself.  If he taps the 50% speed he is burning his pewter 50% faster. Now he is gaining 9mph from the pewter alone. Added all together does the pewter also double dip from the actual increase of speed from tapping steel?  



20*1.5+9= 39mph

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10 hours ago, Tamriel Wolfsbaine said:

I know speed isn't doubled. I am curious if people think that tapping 50% speed from your metalminds would also cause you to gain 50% more bonus from the pewter? 

I don't think so, at least not directly.

10 hours ago, Tamriel Wolfsbaine said:

Beyond that would your faster burning pewter also benefit from it? 

However, faster burning of pewter would certainly increase the benefit (at the cost of running out faster).

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