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Feruchemy Daily Deep Dive


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Daily Feruchemy Analysis Day 14:


Sorry for the late post y’all! Busier days than expected.

F-Bendalloy seems pretty not bad. Storing calories means that you can eat however much you want, and then go without eating later. It seems quite convenient for most walks of life, but admittedly caters to the more civilian lifestyle. It won’t make you a superhero, but it sure is nice.

Rating: I’d say this is like a 6.5 or so. It’s pretty solid, but nothing too special. Definitely above cadmium though.

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On 11/6/2023 at 4:17 AM, Koloss17 said:

Daily Feruchemy Analysis Day 13:


I mean, this is just poor man’s F-Gold. There are a few cases where this is better, but I’m most cases, it’s just worse gold. Also, storing is absolutely abysmal. Can you imagine having to hyperventilate constantly? 

Rating: 5/10. I’d be happy if I had it, but would rather have so many other things.


F-Cadmium seems handy in many situations - high altitude climbing or diving, also it gives you a small edge when performing all kinds of physical activities (your normal blood oxygenation is over 97% so there isn't much room for improvement anyway). Handy but situational. You can become almost the Aquaman - drag people into water and drown them while you can breathe fine. Terrorists hijacked a plane - depressurize the hull and only you are left standing.  

Because the description of F-cadmium is "stores breath," you can most likely store CO2 in Cadmiumminds, which is even better. I bet you could store Helium or Sulfur Hexafluoride to make your voice hilariously high or deep whenever you want :P It's great when you're on another side of law and want to conceal your identity and voice from police. 

Overall I agree, it's useful but only in some specific situations, it might not fit your lifestyle. Average overall. However unsealed Cadmiumminds would be definitely desirable for many rescue situations. 

19 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

Daily Feruchemy Analysis Day 14:


Sorry for the late post y’all! Busier days than expected.

F-Bendalloy seems pretty not bad. Storing calories means that you can eat however much you want, and then go without eating later. It seems quite convenient for most walks of life, but admittedly caters to the more civilian lifestyle. It won’t make you a superhero, but it sure is nice.

Rating: I’d say this is like a 6.5 or so. It’s pretty solid, but nothing too special. Definitely above cadmium though.

Now F-bendalloy stores nutrients, calories and fluids. Sounds handy, but again only in certain situations. For those who love eating this is an ideal power, they can eat all they want without gaining weight. But can it do more? Can you store ATP directly? That would be handy, it could provide you with instant energy when performing any physical activity, you wouldn't get tired easily. I bet you could store alcohol in Bendalloyminds - get drunk, extract some information and then store all alcohol to get immediately sober (no F-gold healing needed for that). Can you store urine and other toxins? That would be handy, you can easily avoid any poisoning (and going to the toilet - unkey that metalmind and give it to your fellow bendalloy Ferring as a prank).

I agree, it's nice for a day to day use, but you aren't a superhero. You can be however - team up with some other Ferrings, create Bendalloy medallions, store lots of food and water there and you can become a humanitarian aid whenever there is a crisis. It's much easier to transport a small piece of metal that can feed a person for weeks than tons of food that can spoil anytime and attract rodents (can a mouse tap a Bendalloymind - that would be a new type of pest).

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5 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

I’m sorry but it’s true. Cadmium is cool, but it’s just too limited :(.

Eh, with some practice, some matches, and a whole lot of hyper oxygenated breath you could learn to breath fire on your enemies. Probably not the most dangerous move, but it'd look cool and could be used to create chaos on demand :lol:

Edit: You know, based on what @alder24 said about collecting non-oxygen related gases via F-cadmium, I imagine that you could use this to collect smoke or another kind of opaque gas to later exhale as a smokescreen.

This would probably be possible via Harmonium/medallion tech as well and could prove to be better as you don't need to clog your own lungs to achieve the end result you want.

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10 hours ago, Trusk'our said:

Eh, with some practice, some matches, and a whole lot of hyper oxygenated breath you could learn to breath fire on your enemies. Probably not the most dangerous move, but it'd look cool and could be used to create chaos on demand :lol:

Edit: You know, based on what @alder24 said about collecting non-oxygen related gases via F-cadmium, I imagine that you could use this to collect smoke or another kind of opaque gas to later exhale as a smokescreen.

This would probably be possible via Harmonium/medallion tech as well and could prove to be better as you don't need to clog your own lungs to achieve the end result you want.

Just a thought that popped into my head randomly; if you combined storing breath with some form of healing, could you breathe in poisonous gas or something similar, and later become a gas bomb? I think if that worked, it would be really interesting to see.

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35 minutes ago, Insert Name Here said:

Just a thought that popped into my head randomly; if you combined storing breath with some form of healing, could you breathe in poisonous gas or something similar, and later become a gas bomb? I think if that worked, it would be really interesting to see.

I see no reason why not. A Kandra making use of F-cadmium might be able to do it even better, as they could find an airborne toxin they could simply make themselves immune to and store a ton of in a Cadmiummind.

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Daily Feruchemy Analysis Day 15:


We’re almost done, and we’re nearing the end with a banger! F-gold is imo a justified top tier metal, as tapping it to give temporary immortality is really nice. This too has a cult dedicated to it! Tapping can suck a little bit, as being sick is never fun, but I think the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. It is also fantastic for soldier life, science life, and everyday life. I don’t really see it being a great political or business metal, but it is still really nice.

Rating: 8.5/10. Fantastic metal, and great for all walks of life. I still think it id one of the more annoying to store, but the benefits far outweigh the costs, and it is far from the worst to store.

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3 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

Daily Feruchemy Analysis Day 15:


We’re almost done, and we’re nearing the end with a banger! F-gold is imo a justified top tier metal, as tapping it to give temporary immortality is really nice. This too has a cult dedicated to it! Tapping can suck a little bit, as being sick is never fun, but I think the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. It is also fantastic for soldier life, science life, and everyday life. I don’t really see it being a great political or business metal, but it is still really nice.

Rating: 8.5/10. Fantastic metal, and great for all walks of life. I still think it id one of the more annoying to store, but the benefits far outweigh the costs, and it is far from the worst to store.

I think it'll get easier to store as Scadrial makes more advances, though it'd probably be much more effective to get an Augur to use an Unsealed Goldmind and compound instead.

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10 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

Daily Feruchemy Analysis Day 15:


I have to retype this entire thing, so I'm mostly just going to do a summary since the site was weird for a moment. Feruchemical Gold also offers the ability to heal beyond the Physical self, IIRC. It is the best Scadrian healing art, only Pewter being able to truly heal in an Invested fashion, at a significantly slower rate.

The ability to manipulate diseases is important for Feruchemical Gold. When you get sick, you don't necessarily have to heal it away instantly. If you allow that disease to exist inside you, you could be very valuable for scientific reasons- curing diseases and whatnot. Need to test a disease's effect on a person with a weak immune system? Start storing, and see how it goes. Is a disease affecting you a little too much? Heal up a tad, and get rid of the damage. Testing over, no need to be sick? Heal up completely, accept your payment, and get out of there. You'd help science a lot when you can be a test subject for diseases that easily- and assumably the pay is good, allowing you to get more Goldminds.

You can also become a pseudo-Kandra if you want. Hide a blade in your arm, and tear it out in a pinch. Maybe a gun in your thigh to rip free and fire. Or, if you don't fancy a deadly weapon under your skin, maybe a key embedded in your flesh? No need to worry about losing it then. Another option is to store the ammo itself under your skin, so that way you can refill your bullets at any sime. If necessary, you can break your bones and body to get out of bindings, like breaking your wrists and thumbs to slip out of handcuffs- and then heal it back easily. Maybe you can even kind of get a True Body of your own, by swapping out a few of your bones for stronger things- and hopefully, with a little bit of perception and Intent, you won't kick them out by accident.

And if storing your health is an issue, don't forget that a lack of health does not instantly give you a disease. If you were to exist in a perfectly sanitized room for your period of storage, you could speed it up easily. Maybe there are perfectly sanitized hotels for Gold ferrings? That'd be fun. Just don't stub your toe! All in all, health has a lot of painful purposes that help a lot, but I think that's all I can mention for my overanalyzation.

Also, does anybody know what that weird glitch was? I hit Shift and Enter twice to skip two lines, so I can space out my paragraphs- but for some reason, it completely deleted my text. It might've been my finger slipping and hitting the wrong key, but I'm still curious. That's why I had to rewrite this.

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12 hours ago, Insert Name Here said:

Just a thought that popped into my head randomly; if you combined storing breath with some form of healing, could you breathe in poisonous gas or something similar, and later become a gas bomb? I think if that worked, it would be really interesting to see.

Yes, but F-gold burns off toxins in your body, so you would have to first breathe out the gas, then heal yourself, otherwise you will just destroy the gas with healing. With the concentration you can get from F-cadmium, toxic gas can poison you a lot before you breathe it all out, cause pain, bleeding, internal damage or even it can make you lose consciousness - it can get very nasty for you really fast. The longer you wait, the more you have to heal, the more healing you have to use. It's possible, but not advisable even when you have F-gold. SoS ch 5:


“Madam Penfor says you’re drunk,” Allriandre said, remaining in the doorway.
Wayne tapped his metalmind, drawing forth healing. In a moment, his body burned away its impurities and healed its wounds. It thought alcohol was a poison, which showed that a fellow couldn’t always trust his own body, but today he didn’t complain. It also washed away his sniffles for the moment, though those would return. It was hard to heal from diseases with a metalmind for some reason.
Either way, sobriety hit him like a brick to the chin



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14 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

Rating: 8.5/10. Fantastic metal, and great for all walks of life. I still think it id one of the more annoying to store, but the benefits far outweigh the costs, and it is far from the worst to store.

I'd honestly give this a solid 9/10 (but not 10, as it isn't good for augmenting/allowing for a whole lot of things, such as A-pewter or A-steel), personally; while storing it does rather suck, you can use it to save your life in almost any situation- even after you've messed up and received a mortal injury (which will happen you at some point if you live long enough, especially with forms of Cosmere longevity being a real option). That's a big deal.

Additionally, you can use it to regenerate from some terrible, terrible injuries that would otherwise leave you permanently crippled. Wayne, for instance, has regrown fingers, restored a severed spinal cord, shrugged off gut wounds (without needing to worry about the effects of sepsis), drunk and survived poison, made it out of being torn in half by a cannonball at some point, and has walked out of a serious explosion with no lingering ill effects while being able to rescue his friends.

4 hours ago, Voidwatcher said:

You can also become a pseudo-Kandra if you want. Hide a blade in your arm, and tear it out in a pinch. Maybe a gun in your thigh to rip free and fire. Or, if you don't fancy a deadly weapon under your skin, maybe a key embedded in your flesh? No need to worry about losing it then. Another option is to store the ammo itself under your skin, so that way you can refill your bullets at any sime. If necessary, you can break your bones and body to get out of bindings, like breaking your wrists and thumbs to slip out of handcuffs- and then heal it back easily. Maybe you can even kind of get a True Body of your own, by swapping out a few of your bones for stronger things- and hopefully, with a little bit of perception and Intent, you won't kick them out by accident.

I'd say replacing bones and healthy body parts with the aid of F-gold is probably not wise; it doesn't keep the metals from corroding and eventually poisoning you (though a Feruchemical or Hemalurgic charge does seem to do this, otherwise Wax's Ironmind implants would have eventually ended up killing him), and you can't continually tap F-gold to prevent that if you want to maintain your stores for emergencies.

Keeping weapons or tools embedded in the skin seems more viable though- body piercings don't seem to have any trouble resisting A-steel/iron, even when the body has healed around the metal (and it can be removed and replaced without this problem either). I could see this being a useful ability.

It's also possible to use F-gold in the creation of Hemalurgic spikes, and though it would certainly be more costly (it takes a lot of health to restore a lost power), being able to have people donate powers and attributes without permanent damage would make the option much more available and justifiable morally speaking.

Wayne always feels a sense of extra energy from tapping F-gold, so I think it's possible that you could use it in small, controlled amounts to give yourself extra stamina when performing feats of endurance.

We also see Wayne use F-gold to help him imitate Ironeyes by cutting a hole in his arm to better intimidate his suspect. It's rather hard to get that quality of realism for your disguise any other way, which makes me think F-gold could be used for intimidation and certain disguises (similar to how F-pewter could help one avoid a fight altogether or inspire others with their powerful physique).

F-gold can also be used to better align one's Physical Aspect with their Cognitive Aspect. For example, it can allow a transgender person to fully transition, so I think that if someone had a way to alter their Cognitive Aspect (intense mental conditioning or F-copper) they could alter their body in other ways, such as changing who they appear to be (becoming a doppelganger of someone else- could make a perfect body double when a Kandra isn't available), it could allow someone to potentially cure certain chronic conditions (such as poor eyesight, allergies, or maybe even some autoimmune diseases), and it might be able to permanently augment the body with enough knowledge and effort (increasing bone and muscle density, heightening the body's red blood cell count for better oxygenation, or improving other organs across the body). Some of these would be hard to do, but with advancements in Scadrien technology I think that F-gold could allow these sorts of things to be done.

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5 minutes ago, Trusk'our said:

I'd honestly give this a solid 9/10 (but not 10, as it isn't good for augmenting/allowing for a whole lot of things, such as A-pewter or A-steel), personally; while storing it does rather suck, you can use it to save your life in almost any situation- even after you've messed up and received a mortal injury (which will happen you at some point if you live long enough, especially with forms of Cosmere longevity being a real option). That's a big deal.

Additionally, you can use it to regenerate from some terrible, terrible injuries that would otherwise leave you permanently crippled. Wayne, for instance, has regrown fingers, restored a severed spinal cord, shrugged off gut wounds (without needing to worry about the effects of sepsis), drunk and survived poison, made it out of being torn in half by a cannonball at some point, and has walked out of a serious explosion with no lingering ill effects while being able to rescue his friends.

I'd say replacing bones and healthy body parts with the aid of F-gold is probably not wise; it doesn't keep the metals from corroding and eventually poisoning you (though a Feruchemical or Hemalurgic charge does seem to do this, otherwise Wax's Ironmind implants would have eventually ended up killing him), and you can't continually tap F-gold to prevent that if you want to maintain your stores for emergencies.

Keeping weapons or tools embedded in the skin seems more viable though- body piercings don't seem to have any trouble resisting A-steel/iron, even when the body has healed around the metal (and it can be removed and replaced without this problem either). I could see this being a useful ability.

It's also possible to use F-gold in the creation of Hemalurgic spikes, and though it would certainly be more costly (it takes a lot of health to restore a lost power), being able to have people donate powers and attributes without permanent damage would make the option much more available and justifiable morally speaking.

Wayne always feels a sense of extra energy from tapping F-gold, so I think it's possible that you could use it in small, controlled amounts to give yourself extra stamina when performing feats of endurance.

We also see Wayne use F-gold to help him imitate Ironeyes by cutting a hole in his arm to better intimidate his suspect. It's rather hard to get that quality of realism for your disguise any other way, which makes me think F-gold could be used for intimidation and certain disguises (similar to how F-pewter could help one avoid a fight altogether or inspire others with their powerful physique).

F-gold can also be used to better align one's Physical Aspect with their Cognitive Aspect. For example, it can allow a transgender person to fully transition, so I think that if someone had a way to alter their Cognitive Aspect (intense mental conditioning or F-copper) they could alter their body in other ways, such as changing who they appear to be (becoming a doppelganger of someone else- could make a perfect body double when a Kandra isn't available), it could allow someone to potentially cure certain chronic conditions (such as poor eyesight, allergies, or maybe even some autoimmune diseases), and it might be able to permanently augment the body with enough knowledge and effort (increasing bone and muscle density, heightening the body's red blood cell count for better oxygenation, or improving other organs across the body). Some of these would be hard to do, but with advancements in Scadrien technology I think that F-gold could allow these sorts of things to be done.

Yeah, I was considering giving it a 9/10, just because of how powerful it can be. I’ll consider that in my ranking after it’s all done.

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Daily Feruchemy Analysis Day 16:


Now, when I was doing my daily Twinborn thread, I had thought this was the worst Feruchemantic metal. Is that true? I don’t know. I mean, determination is helpful. It is great for pretty much any situation, which is better than many a feruchemantic ability. Storing can be annoying, as again, determination effects everything. My biggest concern is this: would storing determination ever make you feel so undetermined that you don’t want to store determination anymore? Methinks the answer is that that is very possible. So I’ll give it this: it is a very interesting metal.

Rating: 6.5/10. Improves your focus and willpower, improving your performance of pretty much anything, but storing also decreases your performance of pretty much everything. I think that, for any given task, there is a better metal for that task. However, it is versatile, and I do like versatility.

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3 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

Daily Feruchemy Analysis Day 16:


Now, when I was doing my daily Twinborn thread, I had thought this was the worst Feruchemantic metal. Is that true? I don’t know. I mean, determination is helpful. It is great for pretty much any situation, which is better than many a feruchemantic ability. Storing can be annoying, as again, determination effects everything. My biggest concern is this: would storing determination ever make you feel so undetermined that you don’t want to store determination anymore? Methinks the answer is that that is very possible. So I’ll give it this: it is a very interesting metal.

Rating: 6.5/10. Improves your focus and willpower, improving your performance of pretty much anything, but storing also decreases your performance of pretty much everything. I think that, for any given task, there is a better metal for that task. However, it is versatile, and I do like versatility.

Yeah, this one is a really weird power, that's for sure.

I can imagine what storing is like (I mean, I've felt times where I was depressed and didn't feel like doing anything, even the things I normally love before), but I don't really know how it would work when tapped in large amounts would work- after all, that's one of the biggest bonuses of most Feruchemical powers; being able to tap them at an accelerated rate to get superhuman attributes temporarily.

I'd actually really like to see how F-electrum tapped at 500% (or more) one's normal capacity would look like. Would you become a workaholic, being able to power through fatigue, discomfort, and pain to quickly accomplish a necessary task? Could you resist the Flaw of bearing too many Hemalurgic spikes if another entity attempts to control you? Could it also be related to focus, allowing you to zero in on a task, allowing you to access "the flow" on demand so that you could really appreciate and do your best at pretty much any task you were given?

Honestly, this might end up being a very powerful metal, depending on how it works; we always love to talk about what could be done, how we could achieve certain end results through our work, but in my experience it's rare to really have that happen (often in myself when I, for some reason, don't try as hard as I feel I could have). 

F-electrum may make this happen, not necessarily giving you more potential (though that point could be argued), but allowing you to use the potential you always had to achieve your end goals.

Anyway, thank you @Koloss17 for making this thread. It was a blast being able to systematically go through each Feruchemical power and really dig into what could be done for each one! :D With all the ideas that came up for the various metals I honestly don't think that there is a "weak" Feruchemical power anymore, just different options for the creative.

By the way, do you think you'll do a thread about all the Allomantic powers at some point?

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7 hours ago, Trusk'our said:

By the way, do you think you'll do a thread about all the Allomantic powers at some point?

Honestly, we could just change this thread to a run-through of all Metallic Arts. We start with Feruchemy, then Allomancy, and maybe Hemalurgy. Up to Koloss in the end, though.

10 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

Daily Feruchemy Analysis Day 16:


Certainly, a metal that doesn't seem too useful, but maybe it can be. Trusk'our brings up many of the points I could make, but I also think it's quite useful for anything. 'The toughest choices require the strongest wills' kinda thing, maybe? The determination given by Electrum might make it so you can push past literally everything in the direction of what your goal is, including pain, strain, or even your own emotions.

Plus, maybe there are some cognitive bonuses to this relating to perception and taking control of Hemalurgic creatures, as Trusk'our slightly mentions. However, beyond that, there may be more. What if determination isn't actually 'determination' in the emotional sense, but a strengthening of your cognitive aspect? That would most likely manifest as determination so it would be named determination, but since we haven't really seen any single-emotion magics (as far as I can tell, feel free to correct me) I doubt that Electrum only affects determination.

If my crack theory of cognitive aspect strengthening is correct, I don't really know what that end result would be. Stronger Intent and Commands for magics relating to those, maybe? Perception certainly will be affected, whether or not it strengthens your cognitive aspect or just strictly gives you determination, which isn't that useful but for things like SP3 and Stormlight, it can be.

My added analysis wasn't really an analyzation and more of just a cool little 'what if', but I figured I'd try my best with theories.

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7 hours ago, JustQuestin2004 said:

This thread has been very educational and I learned quite a bit about metals that I'd normally wouldn't think twice about, like Cadmium and Electrum.

It really shows that there aren't any truly useless Feruchemical powers.

I think this means I’ve succeeded. In allomancy, you have gnats, which are just straight up useless unless you’re a Mistborn. With Feruchemy, there’s a use to everything. 


3 minutes ago, Voidwatcher said:

Honestly, we could just change this thread to a run-through of all Metallic Arts. We start with Feruchemy, then Allomancy, and maybe Hemalurgy. Up to Koloss in the end, though.


Well, given the popularity of this thread, after a suitable break, I could totally do a Daily Allomancy or Feruchemy Deep Dive if folks want! First, I must make my ultimate Feruchemy ranking post.

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1 minute ago, Koloss17 said:

I think this means I’ve succeeded. In allomancy, you have gnats, which are just straight up useless unless you’re a Mistborn. With Feruchemy, there’s a use to everything. 

I feel like Gnats are going to play a big part later down the line. Within their own, solitary magic, they can be useless, but medallion tech and eventually off-world magics/magitech/tech will make them a lot stronger.

3 minutes ago, Koloss17 said:

Well, given the popularity of this thread, after a suitable break, I could totally do a Daily Allomancy or Feruchemy Deep Dive if folks want! First, I must make my ultimate Feruchemy ranking post.

You probably shouldn't do this for 'if the folks want'. We don't want to force you into anything, even by peer pressure- if you want to take a break and continue this thread, then that's up to you, but if you want to take a break and not come back to this thread, that also works. We'd be happy either way.

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1 hour ago, Voidwatcher said:


You probably shouldn't do this for 'if the folks want'. We don't want to force you into anything, even by peer pressure- if you want to take a break and continue this thread, then that's up to you, but if you want to take a break and not come back to this thread, that also works. We'd be happy either way.

I appreciate that. I think this is a site that I get easily addicted to, so reminding myself that I don’t have to push it is always nice. I think I will end up doing another of these, probably for allomancy, maaaaybe for Hemalurgy, but I think that’s best after the other two. But assume it’ll be a bit. I think I’ll try to post less and comment more, as I often end up making a bunch of posts and not looking at others’ cool stuff. But there will be a ranking of all of the feruchemantic metals first!!

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2 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

I appreciate that. I think this is a site that I get easily addicted to, so reminding myself that I don’t have to push it is always nice. I think I will end up doing another of these, probably for allomancy, maaaaybe for Hemalurgy, but I think that’s best after the other two. But assume it’ll be a bit. I think I’ll try to post less and comment more, as I often end up making a bunch of posts and not looking at others’ cool stuff. But there will be a ranking of all of the feruchemantic metals first!!

I would totally be down for an Allomancy thread and definitely down for a Hemalurgy thread (though many of the applications may be viable for multiple metals, I've found), but yeah, if you want to take a break, by all means go ahead @Koloss17 :)

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