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So....who wants to play some D&D?


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Even more hilarious when thinking of that is the fact that her alignment is actually Good - I'm still deciding between Neutral and Chaotic, but it'll be one of the two. Some follower of dark deities, huh? :P

Not quite a follower, chosen does't necessarily mean willing. Also, in Eberron, ones god has little bearing on one's alignment. If I really wanted, my character could have been lawful evil and still be a worshiper of the Sovereign Host.

The exact nature of the relationship between my cleric and duskblades would be like, If you have read the Dresden files, Michael and that priest's relationship with Harry.

Edited by Emeralis00
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I haven't read that series yet, so I have no idea what you're talking about. ^^;

Well, essentially they both thought Harry was a pretty nice guy but would often encourage him to stop using magic. Nicely.

I suggest you read the series. It's really good.

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What's the question? When to deduct the money or something?

When to change the money indicated on character sheet. I deduct money when preparing for transaction, Tulir after transaction.

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When to change the money indicated on character sheet. I deduct money when preparing for transaction, Tulir after transaction.

Doesn't particularly matter when, so long as your count is accurate. Before, after, a week later, so long as you know how much you have :P

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I'd love to play, but i've never played D&D and don't know any of the terms or specific rules.

That is true for about half (maybe more) of the people playing, so its a learning experience for most. The rest of us (Eerongal and I AFAIK) will help you. Both Eerongal and I have quite a collection of rulebooks, so we can help with the rules.

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Does anyone think they'll have a trapper based character ready any time soon? If not, i'm going to send an NPC in with the current 3 who are still dinking about in town.


I'd love to play, but i've never played D&D and don't know any of the terms or specific rules.

What Emeralis said. There's a number of people who have never played before doing this as their first campaign. Once you get the base rules down, it's not too hard. From there it's just getting used to the specifics of your character

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OK, so what equipment is recommended? Emeralis recommends water breathing apparatus (1gp), and I can't find its weight in the table ;) I would also like to get fire and acid breathing apparati, if at all possible :D But seriously, I have also the weight to consider, so I can only get 1 3-meter pole before I go over light, maybe a 1000 chalks, a flask or two for acid... Recommendations?

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OK, so what equipment is recommended? Emeralis recommends water breathing apparatus (1gp), and I can't find its weight in the table ;) I would also like to get fire and acid breathing apparati, if at all possible :D But seriously, I have also the weight to consider, so I can only get 1 3-meter pole before I go over light, maybe a 1000 chalks, a flask or two for acid... Recommendations?

Depends. Whatever piece of equipment you think you could put to good use is potentially helpful. Also, as a wizard, weight is a very real concern for you, so you're lucky in this regard because the random equipment you can carry around is a lot less than someone else.

Honestly, Emeralis actually has a pretty good set of generic adventuring equipment. Other things that might be useful:




Lanterns (specifcially bullseye lanterns)

Torches (you can never have too many light sources at low level)

Candles (when you need as little light as possible)

Rope is always good

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Holy c, chains are expensive as ... silver daggers :blink: 30 gp? What does it do ?

It's basically just stronger rope, for the most part. It's only useful if you're afraid someone will break your rope somehow, by cutting it or something. Though, of course, at higher levels chains become pretty trivial in strength (and most mundane equipment is pretty much forgettable at high level too. Low level characters are the only ones who ever really use most of the random adventuring equipment. With possibly the exception of a 10-foot pole)

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Holy c, chains are expensive as ... silver daggers :blink: 30 gp? What does it do ?

Useful for when you need to tie up a half-dragon with a fire breath weapon. Or a good choice for animate rope if the DM considers a chain to be "rope-like".

Also, don't take that comic too seriously. If you actually listen to all of their advice, the DM will get very mad at you.

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Useful for when you need to tie up a half-dragon with a fire breath weapon. Or a good choice for animate rope if the DM considers a chain to be "rope-like".

Still too expensive. I think I'll just have to kill the half-dragon, or maybe remove his fire-breathing ability by applying scalpel to the breathing parts. (Does that take knowledge Nature or dungeoneering?)

Also, don't take that comic too seriously. If you actually listen to all of their advice, the DM will get very mad at you.

Whaat? Bad advice from you? My trust in humanity is ruined :( (even more than it was before).

So. What does chalk do?

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Still too expensive.

For a first level character, yes.

I think I'll just have to kill the half-dragon, or maybe remove his fire-breathing ability by applying scalpel to the breathing parts. (Does that take knowledge Nature or dungeoneering?)

Which also removes his ability to talk

Whaat? Bad advice from you? My trust in humanity is ruined :( (even more than it was before).


So. What does chalk do?

How far does your imagination go?

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I think I'll just have to kill the half-dragon, or maybe remove his fire-breathing ability by applying scalpel to the breathing parts. (Does that take knowledge Nature or dungeoneering?)

Which also removes his ability to talk

Fine, I'll just sever nerves leading to arms and feet, so it won't run away. See? I am kindness incarnate.

So. What does chalk do?

How far does your imagination go?

Not very far...

You can chalk hands, make markings, write spells on the walls, obviously. Maybe feed the prisoner, throw at the traps... Don't know what else. I think about 1000 should be enough then.

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