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Question about Mare (possible TLE spoiler?)

Daniel M

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Mare's fate was described by Kelsier. She wasn't a victim of hemalurgic sacrifice, unless they actually let some of the victims live, and even if they knew they could, there's no reason for them to want to.

Hi, thanks!

Yes, i know she wasn't used for hemalurgy, but I think should should have been right? It seems like an inconsistancy on Mr Sanderson's part.

If they had captured a misting (and Mare was a misting) they wouldn't have sent her to the pits of hathsin right? they would have saved her for making another Inquisitor.

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Not necessarily. Remember what they did to Camon because they suspected he misused Allomancy. They have a wide range of punishments, and they don't always need to save skaa Allomancers for later.

All they'd have to do is wait to make sure the metals weren't in her system so she couldn't break the geodes. And Kelsier did say she arrived later than he did.

Edited by Eric
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When Kelsier goes back to the Pits in the third book, he burns tin to see into the crack and hears a shattering noise below him. He uses iron to break the geodes, however, because it's faster.

PS: How do you do that spoiler thing? I thought I had it right.

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It should as all burning metals give off a pulsing. I would think this would be one way to cause shattering.

Actually I think Iron and Steel were the ones to worry about, but only if they push or pull. Kelsier traced the geodes with steel, then pulled on the metal traces in thed delicate crystals causing them to shatter. It wasn't proximity to someone using allomancy.

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When Kelsier goes back to the Pits in the third book, he burns tin to see into the crack and hears a shattering noise below him. He uses iron to break the geodes, however, because it's faster.


PS: How do you do that spoiler thing? I thought I had it right.

The first bracket doesn't need a slash, and In the second bracket the slash goes in front of the word

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oh ok thanks guys, I still wonder though. didn't TLR say something...

about how expensive or costly (or something along those lines) making Inquisitors is after Marsh killed a bunch of them? Also I thought Sazed and the crew, once they realized what hemulrgy was had the big "aha" moment about THAT is why they were so worried about capturing skaa mistings, so they can be used for hemulergy, not because TLR had some fear of them.

Edited by Daniel M
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A bit tangent, but you don't have to use spoiler tags for Mistborn / WoA / HoA spoilers on Mistborn subforum. Or spoilers for Elantris on Elantris subforum, etc... Or spoilers for any published book on General Theories subforum. (And you should expect unmarked spoilers there. :D )

You should mark spoilers if either the book is very new (do we still mark AoL spoilers, btw?) or the you're posting on some other subforum, ie Mistborn spoilers in some discussion on Warbreaker.

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There are only a certain number of Inquisitors in the Final Empire at one time, according to Brandon (can anyone remember where that quote is?) - I think the number is around 30 or so. Since they aren't constantly making new Inquisitors, it's likely that a Tineye sacrifice just wasn't needed at that time.

Plus, Kelsier and Mare had the audacity to break into Kredik Shaw itself. TLR might have wanted them to pay for that more dearly than just death-by-spiking.

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There are only a certain number of Inquisitors in the Final Empire at one time, according to Brandon (can anyone remember where that quote is?) - I think the number is around 30 or so. Since they aren't constantly making new Inquisitors, it's likely that a Tineye sacrifice just wasn't needed at that time.

Why, yes I do!

It's from the 17th Shard Interview.


Very careful roleplayers have counted the numbers of Inquisitors appearing in the novels and they claim there must have been 25 if Vin and Elend killed two Inquisitors between Mistborn 2 and Mistborn 3. Could you clarify the numbers of Inquisitors there were?




They've literally counted.


They literally, yeah…No, I mean, I've got it written down somewhere. I'm now so separated from this book.




I had always imagined there being around three dozen Inquisitors at any given time.

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A bit tangent, but you don't have to use spoiler tags for Mistborn / WoA / HoA spoilers on Mistborn subforum. Or spoilers for Elantris on Elantris subforum, etc... Or spoilers for any published book on General Theories subforum. (And you should expect unmarked spoilers there. :D )

You should mark spoilers if either the book is very new (do we still mark AoL spoilers, btw?) or the you're posting on some other subforum, ie Mistborn spoilers in some discussion on Warbreaker.

oh okay, thanks. I'm new here, and thought it would be better to favor caution.

thanks for all the answers guys, its not a big deal and I guess I have a better idea about why she was sent there

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I expect that they have a much more plentiful supply of Tineyes than other Misting types. Tineyes burn their metals more frequently and for longer durations than anyone other than Smokers, who are more difficult to detect. What they're probably really short on are Gold Ferrings/Keepers, Electrum Mistings, and possibly Coinshots if they double up on steel charges.

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No, it's a great question, and one that I think a lot of us haven't thought about. I haven't heard about it before.

thanks, i actually re-read the series not too long ago and THEN decided to check out his annotations (forgot about them while I was re-reading) but then I saw the things about Mare right after reading the 3rd book so the question kinda stood out a lot.

I actually tweeted Brandon Sanderson this question, but with 30K+ followers, a random Mistborn question probably doesn't stand out :)

Edited by Daniel M
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I expect that they have a much more plentiful supply of Tineyes than other Misting types. Tineyes burn their metals more frequently and for longer durations than anyone other than Smokers, who are more difficult to detect. What they're probably really short on are Gold Ferrings/Keepers, Electrum Mistings, and possibly Coinshots if they double up on steel charges.

Do we even know for certain that Inquistors have tin? Their "steelsight" would be boosted by better steel, not by tin.

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Do we even know for certain that Inquistors have tin? Their "steelsight" would be boosted by better steel, not by tin.

Enhanced hearing and touch would still be quite useful.

And I still disagree with the Electrum not Atium argument...

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