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Daniel M

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Everything posted by Daniel M

  1. I really hope we get more Wax/Wayne books, but I agree that it does not have a trilogy feel. Nor does it sound like the plan Brandon has put forth for his 3 trilogies plan. I do read (or have read, not so much anymore) mystery books (Kellerman, Patterson, Cornwell) and what you see in those books is a continuation of the same 2 or 3 or 4 characters but the stories are all stand alone. With at most small references to older books and how their relationship has grown. "Mistborn Adventures" can definetely have that kind of feel to it, and how prolific Brandon writes, if he gets an idea for another one in his head and has a long flight he can knock out a first draft no problem lol.
  2. Brandon Sanderson is a writing machine. It's hard to believe that he is so good when he writes SO much, but luckily I have read most of his stuff and totally believe it
  3. thanks, i actually re-read the series not too long ago and THEN decided to check out his annotations (forgot about them while I was re-reading) but then I saw the things about Mare right after reading the 3rd book so the question kinda stood out a lot. I actually tweeted Brandon Sanderson this question, but with 30K+ followers, a random Mistborn question probably doesn't stand out
  4. oh okay, thanks. I'm new here, and thought it would be better to favor caution. thanks for all the answers guys, its not a big deal and I guess I have a better idea about why she was sent there
  5. oh ok thanks guys, I still wonder though. didn't TLR say something...
  6. Hi, thanks! Yes, i know she wasn't used for hemalurgy, but I think should should have been right? It seems like an inconsistancy on Mr Sanderson's part. If they had captured a misting (and Mare was a misting) they wouldn't have sent her to the pits of hathsin right? they would have saved her for making another Inquisitor.
  7. She was a Tineye right? And didn't the Steel Inquisitors capture Skaa Mistings for hemalurgic sacrifice? Oh yeah, Hi everyone 1st post and happy to be here.
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