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Insanity Clinic: Season Two


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3 hours ago, Cash67 said:

The staves around her legs grow tighter, and then dissipate. Lundyn begins fading away as she sings, but feels a pull towards Pic grow stronger the louder she sings. 

“You’ll be safe, and you only need to sing to find me again.” He hesitates. “Wait a few days before singing. I want to be safe too.”

Lundyn's eyes darted around and settled on Pic. "Wait, Pic! Why are you-" her voice was cut off as she dissappeared.

2 hours ago, Cash67 said:

Pic runs through the fight and chaos after Lundyn disappears. He frantically runs to the area where Aventine was before, and notices an otherworldly glow from the rift. Aventine’s message is glaring in Pics eyes, but he ignores it. It isn’t Aventine herself, after all. 

Pic starts whistling the waltz he and Aventine had danced to for the first time. It was the main thing that reminded him of her. His staves reappeared and wrapped around his feet.

As debris crashed and rained around Pic, he quite literally danced out of the way. Out of the way of pain, out of the way of loneliness, towards hope. His feet were moved by something, or someone, else. When the song came to its final measure, Pic came out of a trance he didn’t quite know he was in, found himself standing over Aventine.  

He panicked. 

“No no no no,” he said, kneeling down over the unconscious body of Aventine. Pic quickly leaned over her and listened for breathing, and his worries were dampened, but not extinguished. 


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1 hour ago, Cash67 said:

Pic looked at the falling debris, and decided he needed to go. Still humming Aventine’s Waltz, he picked her up and began running to the beat. He carried her past debris, past danger, all without him thinking. After all, the song came from where he felt most safe.

Soon, he was back with Lyla.

@Thaidakar the Ghostblood


The dagger shimmered on the inside of her jacket. Her perceived that he would be able to grab it and take them all back to the Clinic.

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1 hour ago, Spark of Hope said:

She hugged him tightly, shaking from crying.

Elan leaned his head on hers, holding her tight. He sensed that silence was the best thing right now, so he just quietly wiped her tears. "Shh. Shh. I'm here. I'm here." he says quietly, soothingly, almost imperceptibly. 

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10 minutes ago, Exotic Almond said:



Buckle up, buttercup.

When you left off with Exol (who we'll say is canonically just vibing in the Clinic), they were on the world where Elan split into the different Elans. Aventine and Jar Man found a way to get back to the Clinic, where they learned that Rue had been captured by a Lord in Luthadel who knew too much about interdimensional existence. Ave, JM, Pic, Mel, and TAAron went to save her, and from there Exol was godmodded back to the Clinic. Ave burned lerasium while they were there.

They got back with a lot of injuries, and while they were recuperating, Ave and Pic started unofficially dating. New people (such as Roy) showed up, causing Tal to have a relapse (is that the best word?) and being exposed to a parasite that caused magic on his world for the first time in years. He burnt down two floors of the Clinic, and I introduced my internal cinematic universe with all my OCs from different fandoms.

Pic, Lundyn, Ave, and JM went to Tal's world hoping to find a way to get rid of the parasite and help Tal, and they "accidentally" angered an entire village of people with their magic. One of the people they angered is also now in the clinic because reasons.

Thaidakar from S1 came back, as a villain this time. He destroyed his old room and I'll get to what else he did in a second (also Bookwyrm is somewhat active here now because of it).

Another villain, Quintessence "Quinn" also showed up as a balance keeper, that balance was disrupted and now Quinn is darkness, Roy and light formed to make Helios.

Anyway Thaidakar made a portal that took Bookwyrm, Elan, Pic, Lundyn, Ave, Quinn, and Helios to the Void, which was destroyed by an evil Elan (I don't fully get this part), Thaidakar, and other Soulless.

If you come into the clinic now, you won't get Tal but Sunny, a librarian who's helping to fill his shoes while he's in a magic-proof cell in the basement.

Just now, Ancient Elantrian said:

Elan leaned his head on hers, holding her tight. He sensed that silence was the best thing right now, so he just quietly wiped her tears. "Shh. Shh. I'm here. I'm here." he says quietly, soothingly, almost imperceptibly. 

"Will you... be able to be physical again?"

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4 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:

"Will you... be able to be physical again?"

"Yes," Elan says, knowing this wasn't the time to show any shred of doubt. "I will. I promise." He has a pang of guilt at lying, but... well, he shouldn't worry her. It'd just hurt her more. "I will."

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9 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:

All the stuff. Like too much of it geez.


Thank you that helps quite a bit.

Almond was falling.

This was not the first time he fell, but that didn't make it more unpleasant. In the distance, 100 feet or so below and to the right of him, he sees a strange building but he's falling to quick to tell what it is. He tries to do something with his staff and... nothing. He starts to become very worried and begins to screech (nope not scream, he's screeching)


Ta-da my glorious return to the clinic and he's already dying (bet no-one knows where his name is from)

Anyways he'll save himself in a bit, I'm doing this for some potential first introductions.

Also he's not human so... there's that

Edit* Does the library have windows? If so, how breakable are they? No reason in particular.


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3 minutes ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

"Yes," Elan says, knowing this wasn't the time to show any shred of doubt. "I will. I promise." He has a pang of guilt at lying, but... well, he shouldn't worry her. It'd just hurt her more. "I will."

She hugged him tighter, trying to slow down her breathing. "How are you sure this wasn't my fault?"

2 minutes ago, Exotic Almond said:

Almond was falling.

This was not the first time he fell, but that didn't make it more unpleasant. In the distance, 100 feet or so below and to the right of him, he sees a strange building but he's falling to quick to tell what it is. He tries to do something with his staff and... nothing. He starts to become very worried and begins to screech (nope not scream, he's screeching)


Sunny heard his screeching from the lobby. "Huh. First time this week." She checked her watch. "A little late, actually."

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2 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:

She hugged him tighter, trying to slow down her breathing. "How are you sure this wasn't my fault?"

Sunny heard his screeching from the lobby. "Huh. First time this week." She checked her watch. "A little late, actually."

Almond finally gets a grasp on his staff and draw a circle in the air with it with it. Still screeching he warps through the portal and flies straight through a window and splats on the floor barely conscious. His already tattered clothing basically shreds at this point.


Guess I should say that Almond is a sapient otter and there are reasons for that that are for later.


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1 minute ago, Exotic Almond said:

Almond finally gets a grasp on his staff and draw a circle in the air with it with it. Still screeching he warps through the portal and flies straight through a window and splats on the floor barely conscious. His already tattered clothing basically shreds at this point.


She blinked at the otter. "Huh. Usually people crash in the courtyards or the lobby. Oh, well. Go back to your reading, everyone." She squatted down by the otter. "Hello there, little guy. Welcome to the Insanity Clinic.


In the basement, Trevor started sniffing the air.

@Edema Rue

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1 minute ago, Spark of Hope said:

She blinked at the otter. "Huh. Usually people crash in the courtyards or the lobby. Oh, well. Go back to your reading, everyone." She squatted down by the otter. "Hello there, little guy. Welcome to the Insanity Clinic.


In the basement, Trevor started sniffing the air.

@Edema Rue

In a quiet, barely perceptible voice he says "no... I'm caught again" before falling unconscious. 

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12 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:

She hugged him tighter, trying to slow down her breathing. "How are you sure this wasn't my fault?"

Elan held her tightly. Because... it's mine. He thinks to himself. "Because I... was there. And it wasn't you. I felt... who it was. It wasn't you. I promise. By all my remaining physicality, I promise this was not your fault."

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Just now, Spark of Hope said:

"Hm," she hummed. Gently picking him up, she started walking towards the medical wing.



I should mention that he's like half the size of a typical human adult, very smol. Also loving this casual attitude to stuff like this lol.

Almond starts squirming and seems to be waking up while still whispering "no, no, no, no" over and over again. Behind Sunny the staff (presumably) left on the ground begins to silently float behind.

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44 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:

The dagger shimmered on the inside of her jacket. Her perceived that he would be able to grab it and take them all back to the Clinic.

Pic grabbed it and slashed at the air. A gash appeared, and it led to Pic’s small, cramped room in the Clinic. He turned to the others near him. “This way, quickly,” he hummed. He stepped through with Aventine’s body. 

@Thaidakar the Ghostblood (yes I read the SU this is so you can find this later)

@The Bookwyrm

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Just now, Ancient Elantrian said:

Elan held her tightly. Because... it's mine. He thinks to himself. "Because I... was there. And it wasn't you. I felt... who it was. It wasn't you. I promise. By all my remaining physicality, I promise this was not your fault."

"Do you want to know why I think it's my fault?"

Just now, Exotic Almond said:

Almond starts squirming and seems to be waking up while still whispering "no, no, no, no" over and over again. Behind Sunny the staff (presumably) left on the ground begins to silently float behind.

"Huh. That's interesting."


I mean it's called the Insanity Clinic for a reason lol

Just now, Cash67 said:

Pic grabbed it and slashed at the air. A gash appeared, and it led to Pic’s small, cramped room in the Clinic. He turned to the others near him. “This way, quickly,” he hummed. He stepped through with Aventine’s body. 

@Thaidakar the Ghostblood (yes I read the SU this is so you can find this later)

@The Bookwyrm


Just your friendly reminder that the room is glittery


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2 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:

"Huh. That's interesting."

Suddenly, the staff vanishes. and reappears 10 feet in front of Sunny. Clearly too far away to have turned invisible and floated that way and then a rock falls straight above Sunny.


Which room is glittery?


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1 minute ago, Exotic Almond said:

Suddenly, the staff vanishes. and reappears 10 feet in front of Sunny. Clearly too far away to have turned invisible and floated that way and then a rock falls straight above Sunny.



Pic's room. Where they're coming back to the clinic through

She jumped to the side, trying not to drop the otter. Good thing we're in a hallway and not the library. Readers probably would have rioted.

Just now, Ancient Elantrian said:

"I... yeah. Tell me, please?"

"Before the Clinic, I really only cared about two people. They both died. They were both killed. I feel like just by caring about someone dooms them. That's what all the evidence points to, anyway."

Feeling another well of tears, she took another deep breath. "And then that happened. When I told Pic about this before, he said that I couldn't kill someone by caring about them, and I started to think he was right. Then..."

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3 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:

"Before the Clinic, I really only cared about two people. They both died. They were both killed. I feel like just by caring about someone dooms them. That's what all the evidence points to, anyway."

Feeling another well of tears, she took another deep breath. "And then that happened. When I told Pic about this before, he said that I couldn't kill someone by caring about them, and I started to think he was right. Then..."

"Then I died." Elan says softly. "I'm... I'm sorry. I'm so, so, so sorry." He takes a deep breath. "I promise, it's not your caring that kills them. Yes, people die, yes, it hurts. But it's worth it. If I were to die right now, I would be happy I was able to spend the time I have with you. I would much rather have you care about me and die early than live a long long time without ever feeling any of that. If... if that makes any sense."

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Just now, Ancient Elantrian said:

"Then I died." Elan says softly. "I'm... I'm sorry. I'm so, so, so sorry." He takes a deep breath. "I promise, it's not your caring that kills them. Yes, people die, yes, it hurts. But it's worth it. If I were to die right now, I would be happy I was able to spend the time I have with you. I would much rather have you care about me and die early than live a long long time without ever feeling any of that. If... if that makes any sense."

“It does. Thank you.”

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1 minute ago, Spark of Hope said:

“It does. Thank you.”

Elan smiles softly, looking down at Aventine. He glances down, just for a split second, at her lips, then back up at her eyes. His arms are still around her, gently holding her.

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19 minutes ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

Elan smiles softly, looking down at Aventine. He glances down, just for a split second, at her lips, then back up at her eyes. His arms are still around her, gently holding her.

She smiled back at him for a moment, then pulled slightly back.

”So,” she said passive-aggressively, “since you all dragged me here against my will, can I wake up now?”

25 poked her head in the doorframe. “Yep. You’re good!”

”So you were all standing there eavesdropping this whole time?”

”No, not all of us. Just me. I have reasons, though! I just can’t say - the fourth wall needs time to recover. If I tell you, there won’t be a fourth wall to break!”

”Oh my-“

”Fine! I’m going, I’m going.” She walked off singing the intro to Come And Get Your Love.

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