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Were the aliens in Sixth of the Dusk from the Mistborn planet? 

 RAFO. :)

(Adding this here because Goodreads won't let me submit such a short answer to a question.)

All I've said is that they're from a planet you've seen/heard of before
 Horneaters are human/Parshendi hybrids. (There are several Roshar races that have Parshendi blood in them.)

Edited by Mailliw73
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The Horneaters having Parshendi blood in them just...


I don't know. It raises lots of odd biological questions I'm not sure I want an answer on. It should be impossible. I guess magic was used somewhere?


At least it solidifes/near-confirms my theory that Horneaters have some Investiture in them that regular humans don't, which explains why they can swim safely in the emerald pools.

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Brandon Sanderson I have finished Alcatraz 5, but I don't know what the publication schedule for it will be. I think Tor wants to re-release the first four before doing five.

I knew that there are a lot of publishing constraints with the Alcatraz series, but was it known that he had already finished the fifth book? It is sure news to me.


I'm loving all these answers. 


EDIT: Apparently we have known for a few weeks, I just hadn't checked the Alcatraz forums in a while.

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I didn't get either of mine answered so hopefully mine 'll be in that group, I got mine in early ish. My non-sharder friend who is very cosmere astute got several of hers answered though so that's cool :)

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Were the aliens in Sixth of the Dusk from the Mistborn planet? 

 RAFO. :)

(Adding this here because Goodreads won't let me submit such a short answer to a question.)

All I've said is that they're from a planet you've seen/heard of before

 Horneaters are human/Parshendi hybrids. (There are several Roshar races that have Parshendi blood in them.)


Oh!  Thanks for sharing that.  It didn't even show up in the main link I was following for some reason.  Or my eyes skipped over it.

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Did the Lord Ruler know how to worldhop?

Brandon Sanderson: He was familiar with the idea that people lived on other planets, but had no interest--or experience--in visiting other places. During his Ascension, he could have left Scadrial, if he'd wished.

Could Miles heal back his Allomancy if it was spiked out of him?

Brandon Sanderson: No, he could not. He would no longer be an Allomancer. Also, he'd probably be dead. :)

There is certain type of chicken that makes two appearances in Words of Radiance, is that chicken an Aviar?

Brandon Sanderson: No, but good question.

This question contains spoilers… [if a Kandra eats a bead of Larasium, can he burn it? Alternatively can he gain allomancy via hemalurgy? (hide spoiler)]

Brandon Sanderson: Yes on both counts.

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Can I still ask any questions? Or am I too late?


Also, I love these answers.


Another random thing, can someone help me figure out how fast someone has to be moving for air resistance to kill them? It's important. Vitally so.



So Horneaters are Part-Parshendi (Partshendi? :P). Interesting. I recall seeing something about Herdazians having some similarities to Horneaters somewhere, could they be Partshendi too, just less so than Horneaters?

Edited by Kal Dell
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Could Miles heal back his Allomancy if it was spiked out of him?

Brandon Sanderson: No, he could not. He would no longer be an Allomancer. Also, he'd probably be dead. :)


I'm confused - how would Miles die if he kept tapping his goldminds? Shouldn't they heal his soul as it happens?

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Either Brandon misunderstood the question or, as I've been postulating for awhile now, the nature of how Hemalurgy harms the soul makes it harder/impossible to heal back than Shardblade wounds; that and soul-damage can apparently kill you outright, since presumably Miles would at least be able to heal the physical damage.


I "Commented" a follow-up.

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I'm confused - how would Miles die if he kept tapping his goldminds? Shouldn't they heal his soul as it happens?


I think his ability to use Feruchemical gold healing is ripped out completely before it has a chance to be healed back. That, or the Hemalurgic Spike just takes everything at once, and he would never have a chance to heal his spiritweb.

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I asked Brandon about that "Full Feruchemist" question and he said he misread the question.


Ah, he thought that the questioner was referring to the Alloy supplement for the Mistborn Adventure Game? (they used "Full Feruchemist" in it).


EDIT: Well that was fast. Someone give one of Brandon's old posts an upvote for me. ;)




Could Miles heal back his Allomancy if it was spiked out of him?


Brandon Sanderson:
No, he could not. He would no longer be an Allomancer. Also, he'd probably be dead. :)
I'd thought maybe he could just do some super-tapping from his existing Health in his goldminds (since he'd still have his Feruchemy)... 
Brandon Sanderson:
Oh, I see what you're asking. Using Feruchemy to heal the removed portion of soul. That's actually plausible, not so different from healing other kinds of soul-wounds. If he survived, then yes, this actually might work. (That's why I get for reading the questions so quickly.)
Thank you! :D
*Now to create a society of infinite Compounding Feruchemists/Allomancers/Hemalurgists in the Mistborn Adventure Game...* 
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